>show is set in russia
>everyone speaks perfect english
explain this shit
>show is set in russia
>everyone speaks perfect english
explain this shit
Other urls found in this thread:
it's targeted to a global audience
none of the actors knew russian
faking a russian accent would be comical
The show is set in Ukraine.
Target audience are low IQ americans. They don't want to watch subtitled tv shows.
im not up to date with reddit lingo
superior Soviet education
Am I the only one who didn't give a shit about accents because the show was kino enough to let that pass?
You have to look deep inside yourself OP, and ask if you're okay with reading subtitles.
soviet union, whatever. there was not ukraine back then.
Yes there was.
based retard
confirmed for never been to the soviet union
why cant non americans make kino about their historical events?
It's an american show and its goal is to be great which they achieve. Triggering incels must be fun too
Citizens of the Soviet Union at the time were some of the most highly educated in the entire world, it was not uncommon for people to be fluent in 6 or 7 languages. English was often spoken in times of high stress so as not to taint the beauty of the languages of Soviet nations with negativity.
imagine being retarded just like you
Vatniks on suicide watch.
>Akimov, dat reaktorr can't explode, you dumb suka.
>Nyet, tovarish, it exploded. Grafitt evrywherr.
>Idi na hui, Akimov, you old pidorashka.
That's much better. Authenticity is like 3.6 out of 3.6.
I think OP must be pulling our leg. No one is that ignorant.
I'm literally in love with Dyatlov. Any advice for me?
Russians do not have "Russian accents" as you typically think of when they are talking and listening to one another.
To use Russian accents would be less immersive.
Yes, however the major characters of the series are Russian and would exclusively speak Russian to Ukrainians featured in the series. Even scenes with the firefighter and his wife he probably would have spoken Russian to her out of habit.
>Yes, however the major characters of the series are Russian and would exclusively speak Russian to Ukrainians featured in the series. Even scenes with the firefighter and his wife he probably would have spoken Russian to her out of habit.
It's a mess. You also had that composite-scientist woman who was from Belarus. The main characters would probably be all speaking Russian to each-other, but it all becomes a mess.
Anyway, language puritanism in movies is pretty over-rated. I enjoyed stuff like Passion of the Christ and Apocalypto, but it's stupid to use that as an argument that a movie/show is less realistic because they were speaking English.
I agree, they should all have comedic chiki briki nuklear wessel accents
that would please the ruskies
It's the way they should always do it I think. The accents can be pretty embarrassing and distracting. Also performances are usually worse when actors have to constantly worry about getting the accent right.
looks like me
what's she going to do with all those shirtless men?
invade Crimea
It’s a British/American production and nobody outside of Russia wants to watch Russian actors or people putting inn Russian accents. Also this was set in Ukraine which was in the Soviet Union like Russia was.
That phrase is about as Yea Forums as it gets.
Russia is making their own version of the show.
Watch that one instead.
What's the point of faking accents if it's implied that everyone speaks russian? Would you like the show to be completely in russian?
No, don't do that.
Ireland is Great Britain, Ukraine is Russia
I feel like after death of stalin this will be the way soviet settings are handled.
Great Britain is the name of an island. If you want to be inflammatory, you say Ireland is British
>can't complain about Russian Ukraine
So if it was in russian would you be able to understand it? Я дa. I bet you don't even know how to speak Russian.
I don't know much of the geopolitical history of Ukraine and Russia. Rather not speak on it than say something dumb.
Дa я бы и нa yкpaинcкoм пoнял тaк-тo
двa чaю aнoнaм
Ukraine is part of Russia dumb Amerimutt
Двoщyю. Дoбpa, aнoны. Глyпыe пeндocы вeчнo нeдoвoльны.
What about the Ukrainian miners? Did poor blue collar workers like them speak both Russian and Ukrainian in 1986?
>Ukrainian miners
Boris doesn't speak perfect english
Those were russian miners from Tula.
Murricans just like to be contrarians, don't they?
Seething retard, your favorite show is reddit trash
they speak russian and you understand russian, are you dumb?
people who complain about language are worse than baneposting, sneed cancer, aaaaaghposting, coughposting and that one LOST tripfag combined. WHO THE FUCK wants to read subtitles?
did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?
With a british accent to boot.
im asking about the languages spoken in the Soviet union in 1986 in what is now Ukraine. Did everyone speak Russian + Ukranian and was Russian the first language taught at schools in the area that makes modern Ukraine?
kek he's even a manlet in the midget world
That is correct. Russian was the primary language in every Soviet Union Republic. In Central Ukraine most people still use Russian as their first language and it definitely was the case 30 years ago.
Ukraine in Russia actually share a land border with each other, are of the same ethnicity and both countries speak Slavic languages. Ireland does not have a land border with Britain, its people are ethnically different to the English and its native language is Celtic, not Germanic. There are much bigger differences between Ireland and Britain (England) than there are between Russia and Ukraine.
>Ireland does not have a land border with Britain
I haven't watched the show, but I do believe the choice to use English speaking actors was the wrong one. If you're going to go for a show that is at least trying to appear authentic, why would you cast English speaking actors? It's not like The Death of Stalin where such a choice is unimportant or could even be potentially damaging to the overall experience.
Northern Ireland is still on the island of Ireland so Ireland still doesn't share a land border with Britain. Anyway, I don't view NI as a legitimate state. If you're being strictly factual, Ireland shares a land border with the U.K. but not with Britain.
God, this would've been kino if it was entirely spoken in Russian
>allow to explain something I know nothing about
I'm basing my criticism off of the fact that I don't think using English speaking actors in this kind of situation would ever work. Maybe if I watched the show, I might change my mind in this particular case but I know the language detail is going to annoy the shit out of me.
The last Russian actors all died in Chernobyl unfortunately
My girlfriend loves the show too but those pet hunting scenes made her very upset she was crying all night.
No it wouldn't. russian actors are mostly terrible
the performances are so good i can't imagine that changing your overall opinion of the show desu
Nobody wants to read subtitles. I had to use subtitles for braveheart for the thick scottish accents. Perfect american or british accents works best for a global tv audience.
you fucking wish borschtnigger
You should comfort her by letting her put it in your ass
>the German boys wanted to genocide this
I love making threads like these. I don't actually hold such godawful opinions but it's fun to pretend.
>its native language is Celtic
>american accents works best for a global tv audience.
lmao the creators of chernobyl intentionally steered away from burgeristan actors because they knew it would've been cringy af
Brings it home for English speaking viewers. England has lots of accents so they portrayed how big Russia was or how far people like Legasov travelled to be there quite well i thought.
Not really, the target audience are global low IQ normies.
get a whole cast of russians and put them in front of a camera and tell them to shit talk russia see how that goes.
They have generation kill but aside from that americans, like russians, aren't prone to shit talking their own government
Yes, remember all those actors in Gladiator speaking Latin, or all those actors in Beauty and the Beast speaking French, or all those fish in Finding Nemo speaking fish.
>men dying horrible painful deaths by radiator
>some dogs get shot without making them suffer
"crying all night"
>shit talk russia
Yeah, man, showing all those ordinary people as heroes is shit talking.
Fucking Putinbots.
explain THIS
fake made up female character
>"anyone who likes something i don't like is a low iq retard"
Yeah faggot, it's only the highest rated tv show of all time. EVERYONE else is wrong. Or your just a fatass contrarian neckbeard who needs to have sex.
The real megaton estimate was 5, but honestly that figure is irrelevant.
The important point is, the steam explosion would've fucked up all four reactors. I'm sure you understand how severe the fallout from that woud've been.