reminder that daenerys is
i cant believe you retards would accept this very obvious SJW character assassination as “good writing”
progress my ass
Reminder that daenerys is
Other urls found in this thread:
stop calling blackbrows white
whites are extinct
>character assassination
This now is a Night King thread. Our grieving continues
I won't try to justify what happened. But she was justified.
>The color of a person's brows determines their whiteness
I'm LMAOing at your IQ level
wrong. the show went full boomer where it stopped being about political relations and started being about individual vice and virtue. It was completely anti-progress like "HURR DURR IF YOU TRY TO LIBERATE THE POOR YOU WILL ACCIDENTALLY BECOME HITLER WHO WAS ACKSHUALLY A SOCIALIST"
rolls into your thread
She rolled into my heart.
>taking George R. R. hacktin seriously
roll, smol waifu!
I still can't believe how retarded this writing choice is and that's how it actually ended
Wow, she is cute
I'm not convinced. I need more proof.
>character is originally portrayed as an empowered womyn who can do no wrong
>Yea Forums hates her
>character becomes an unhinged genocidal tyrant
>Yea Forums suddenly loves her
>falling for /pol/ constantly pole moving memes
Holy cringe!
She seems pretty cute.
Everything you said was true except this.
post yfw that "hi!" at 3:28
You had me at incestuous.
>don't mind me, I'm just going to mad dog you while I blow dry your limp dick.
He deserved so much better, bros
Funny thing is black twitter has unironically being calling Dany their "WOC Queen" because they claim no white woman has natural lips like Dany. But majority of them are just doing it to piss off what they call "no lips Sansa" fags.
You could of just said white and all that would of already been covered.
She's perfect
Hottest female alive on her early 20s
>seething browlet
Bit redundant, don't you think? Whites were always the most efficient at war. "Waking the dragon" was just a metaphor for Manifest Destiny.
daily reminder
i remember i thought these leaks was too retarded to be true