This film represents what the 2010's could and should have been.The frivolity and anti-intellectualism of the aughts spilled over into the 10's and reached an all time high after everything became digitized. We were all gonna be stupid sexy carefree people. People forget this decade didn't start out with self-righteous SJWs lunatics and alt-right chuckleheads. No one was getting canceled in 2012. Dubstep, trap music, naughty Disney babes in neon bikinis...this decade was gonna be fun. It was gonna be like the neo-80's. What the fuck happened? Did Gamer Gate ruin everything?
This film represents what the 2010's could and should have been...
I'm not reading all of that shit, but I want to sniff Pudgen's pusy, bros
How out of touch are you to type all that nonsense and then invoke your gamer gate? Harmony Korine is a smackhead and a thief and he mugged Meryl Streep.
you know what happened brobama
We didn't work hard enough to seize the cultural zeitgeist
can you imagine
hudgens is so fucking hot bros
it used to be okay to beautiful, rich, and white. in fact these kinds of people were admired, people wanted to be them instead wanting to demonize them
what the fuck is wrong with that faggot tits? why the fuck are they so puffy
It represents what the 2010s actually were: a bunch of stupid whores
What happened was normalniggers discovered the internet and got brainwashed like the retards that they are into fringe politics bullshit. I grew up in a rural all white town of like 10 thousand people and now girls that I went to high school with are crying about how “transphobic” American society is on the internet. None of them have even met a tranny by the way.
Normalfaggots ruin literally everything, never fucking forget that either.
>looking at some dudes nipples
i've had that pic on my pc for two years at least and i've never noticed that. maybe you're gay?
god damnit I want to have sex, being a volcel is hard
>the aughts
British people need to be gassed
this is one of the worst movies I've ever seen but you've missed the point completely. The movie is so on the nose with it's retarded fucking premise that it's laughable anyone can mistake it for something good or thought provoking
Not only did normalfags ruin the internet, they ruined society too.
Literally and unironically.
it's called gynecomastia
nah back then stupid whores knew they were stupid whores and were better off for it. now being a stupid whore is feminism, that's the difference
>some dude
that's definitely either a flat chested chick or a tranny. no dude has nips like that
Please stop reading my mind, user
Spring breakers and pic related warned us of what the 2010s should have been, but people only took it at face value
or perhaps it was transphobia that ruined everything. ever consider that, you ignorant fuck?
>looking at the guy
>thots were admired
Your disappointment with today is the result of progressives taking over.
This is the modern American woman.
Normies are cancer, they destroy everything they touch
t. moron
d-d-d-d-d-d-d drop the base!!!!!!
fuck off tranny
>he immediately looks at the only male in the picture
I’ve got news for you
Sounds to me more like normies (and arguably society) were the ones ruined by the internet.
The general populace doesn't care about SJW/alt-right and it's somewhat silly to think this conflict defines a decade
>being on Yea Forums
>complaining about normies
face it. You already are what you set out to hate. The real 'wild west' of the internet still exists somewhere. Just not in this infested shithole.
Did you seriously think people weren't going to wake up at some point? And that the people benefitting from the sleepers wouldn't activate their foot soldiers to protect their power?
The internet might have accelerated things but this was a long time coming. A century of (((global finance))) running America behind the scenes and forcing liberal democracy on the world is causing things to fall apart everywhere.
Pray that nukes aren't real because I sincerely doubt they will hesitate to use them on us if they fear for their safety.
bro we could have all been party rocking and sisters collectively dabbing on the existential dread of reality
It all went to shit with Obama I blame Dave Chappel
>We were all gonna be stupid sexy carefree people
god i am glad islam is taking over
trannies were not in movies in the early 2010's. they were still considered freaks and not brave individuals worthy of all our praise and money
It's the most surreal and bizarre feeling that I now consider myself grateful and privileged to have been in college during the time that this existed. The year I graduated was when the SJW shit started pouring into everything.
except the 2010s was like that for Chads like me :^)
Yes that’s the point of the post, they can’t handle the things theyre seeing on the internet and they get infected with mind viruses.
We have retard internet mobs now that celebrities and politicians have to submit to and there’s ritual sacrifices for “racists” and other shit. It’s really easy to trick normgroids if you frame things in a certain way with video editing, certain loaded terms etc. They’re absolute fucking retards.
>Dubstep, trap music, naughty Disney babes in neon bikinis...this decade was gonna be fun.
Based retard who was so addled on ecstasy he didn't even notice how much of this stuck around.
>the general populace doesn't care about SJW/alt-right and it's somewhat silly to think this conflict defines a decade
I would have agreed with you before the Trump elections. It's gotten bad, man.
Why is she sucking his bellybutton?
it probably wasn't a tranny, it was probably a flat chested chickorino
true, this was how a serial killer was depicted in 1991
THIS. When you hear the album Sorry for Party Rocking you realize Redfoo and Skyblu are portraying two very unhappy and broken people, who spend their lives partying to cope with their shallow and empty lives. They may be rich and able to do what they want, but they aren't doing it with with who they want
Some people cope with the emptiness of their lives by brooding. LMFAO (the characters, not the actual Skyblu and Redfoo in real life, who are smarter than their characters) coped with partying
fa/tv/irgins not recognizing a woman's tits, because they don't look like they do in porn. Color me shocked.
>innie doesnt understand
1. That is a woman. Men do not have nipples like that
2. She is doing cocaine off her stomach
It’s a fucking girl, did you faggots even watch the movie?
There is not a single genre that aged worse than brostep. People unironically still listen to nu-metal and pop punk but no one blasts Skrillex anymore.
Or perhaps you're just mentally ill. Ever consider that, you delusional fuck?
>Did Gamer Gate ruin everything?
No, Occupy Wall Street. (((They))) got scared and decided to infiltrate the left and divert their attention from real issues.
All my male friends only listen to Dubstep and Tommorowland stuff. Going to Tommorowland is their dream
>blaming goobergabe for what occupy did
occupy (and arab spring) proved the internet was a threat to those in power. So now the internet is stuffed with shit, so no group of people can ever unify over something meaningful and threaten to cause real change.
What's with the constant nostalgia threads on Yea Forums the past month?
>cant get laid
>blame the Zeitgeist
>act like a snowflake
Because now that the decade is almost over we're realizing how fucked it truly is.
>Muh real leftism
Spare us. What, would western civilisation be enhanced by the left moaning about the bankers and the 1% again?
>Did Gamer Gate ruin everything?
Unironically Gamer Gate is what made the internet so great. This is what started the mass redpilling that led to Pewdiepie and the Nazification of the youth. We now get to live in the post liberal apocalypse where Cyber-Nazi's control the entirety of the internet. Even major cultural phenomena like Game of Thrones cannot escape our grasp. Those of us who were in the know from the beginning will tell our children about the threads and keks that we had during the great Meme Wars.
Pic very much related.
occupy was bipartisan. which is why it was considered a threat.
just imagine unironically thinking this
i meant 2>4>1>3 :)
>implying you will have children
lmao are you joking? the internet is at an all time low. it used to a free marketplace of ideas and zero censorship. not only that but it used to be fun and not just people obsessed with politics. have you just been willfully ignoring all the de-platforming and digital erasure?
>hippies in the 60s
>coke and disco in the 70s
>more coke and disco in the 80s
>rave culture in the 90s
>spring break culture in the 00s
>resurgence of electronic culture and molly in the 2010s
did I miss anyhting?
It wasn't fucking bipartisan, the American political right doesn't camp out in makeshift communes to protest people making money.
All of the occupy talking points were left leaning, and most of the core was decidedly anti-capitalist.
its summer
>led to Pewdiepie
Why do you "people" pretend that he is good? He is child's entertainer.
i would suck another mans load out her asshole
I'm so sorry user, but the war has been lost. Internet is now liberal ground. Yea Forums might be the last stand for freedom of speech as horrible as that sounds, and that's being generous.
This decade was pretty shitty right from the start, but unironically gamergate was fucking terrible. Literally the only good thing that has happened in this entire decade is that Trump was elected. I'm completely serious about that.
don't blame society because you weren't getting invited to get drunk and fuck loose women... id put an age range to this but if your a guy you can literally do this whenever as long as you take care of yourself, so i guess for you never
i would lick her pussy and asshole for muscular dystrophy
nah ur wrong it was cool at first. i lived it man. 2010-2013 was pretty damn cool.
>the American political right doesn't camp out in makeshift communes to protest people making money.
except they did. because occupy transcended the party system. because faced with inarguable facts no one could say the state of affairs was correct.
thus the internet was infested with shills forevermore, all screaming something different, but always stating facts are wrong, and revising history.
>da progressives took over
>have a trump presidency
For a chance.
>What the fuck happened?
Honest answer: Occupy Wallstreet happened. The masses came together, independent of bipartisan politics and threatened the ruling class with legitimate grievances.
What followed was a coordinated, and sadly effective, means of dismembering the entire campaigh through a series of plants, fake news and whataboutism. Through this, governments and corporations finally realised how to control group thought.
Identity politics took charge in 2012 and we've never recovered
This, woke politics is used to disrupt the populace and ignore the real crimes of the government and capitalist ruling class.
Our only hope is to capture that proper bipartisan populace energy and used it before it gets subverted again.
I don't know if you noticed or not, but the alt-right is a very childish mindset.
explain how is trump good without using memes
>don't blame society because you weren't getting invited to get drunk and fuck loose women
but user i did this. the most pussy i ever got in my life was in 2012-2013. this isn't just about having sex. i am just saying American culture was more fun back then
Imagine being this stupid, this brainwashed, this mentally ill. This literally has to be bait.
What you mean neo-liberals like Crowder and Shapiro? The Adpocalypse is acceleration and does nothing but to strengthen the resentment of the educated sector of population. The cattle on here who actually think that the Holocaust happened and that Arabs did 9/11 will always use their "have sex" quips to try and exercise a power that they don't even have. Everything is golden right now, all that these companies can do is meaninglessly posture against le big bad "Alt Right", meanwhile zoomers are fleeing to this site in droves just to find some semblance of the truth because their boomer parents are complete cattle.
PS: I'm actually a radical Socialist, and I mostly despise "conservative" e-thots, but they are a necessary evil for normies to start the process of digging. A lot people wake up after seeing through the bullshit of their favorite e-celeb. Honestly, I love what I am seeing on the internet because it means total acceleration until the point of either total political victory by the zoomer population, or total war, and the conservatives have the guns. It's only a question of time until the /pol/tards realize that Hitler was a socialist and a leftist. Once they take this redpill, it is the end of faggot neo-lib dems and conservatives.
For the record, this film is overrated and shallow trash. The "point" is bludgeoned over your head repeatedly in case you're too stupid to get it, and the pseuds lap it up because, for once, they understood an art film without having to read up an explanation
The same issue from the same creator. The one, masterful craft on every level, takes place in re-internet age. The other almost gets to the same heights, but it falls short in the third act. I would love to someone nail the one failed right one of those days.
>occupy wall street
its summer. the kids are out of school and have nothing to do but think about how much better things were in middle school.
>Transphobia ruined everything
transphobia is a made up word, you moron
>I'm actually a radical Socialist,
And with that your post is discarded
Project X was another similar movie desu and what Yea Forums should like more than this shallow tit movie
arab spring was an identical movement to occupy in egypt, that occurred at about the same time. They overthrew a government completely non-violently with facebook.
Idiots realized their lives were better before they became edgy culture warriors and ruined the places and hobbies they loved. Depression takes away their ability to enjoy anything new. Now there's just nihilism and nostalgia.
epic meal time nostalgia looking at this desu
all words are made up, you qarif.
my god why would she shave that cute bush
This. Societally and culturally name a more fucked up decade than the 2010s.
I watch his videos so that I can understand the vernacular of the youth. Pewdiepie is completely well versed in internet culture and the political realities of our time, but in an extremely sophisticated way. He dumbs down his message to stay on youtube, so inadvertently children turn to his platform, but in the long run, what is happening is that he is leaving very small clues that will build in the mind of his viewers as they progress through adolescence, and will ultimately lead them down rabbit-holes that will totally alter the face of politics in society about ~10 years down the road. We will be looking at a radical kind of socialism that is anti-authoritarian, and perhaps extremely militant.
Sorry bud but if you think "conservatives" are the good guys you still have a ways to go. Conservatives are neo-liberals and just as bad as dems, don't listen to Crowder, Shapiro, Rubin, Spencer, or any of these fags. They are all neo-libs and would suck cock if it meant that they could keep their fame.
Look into anti neo-liberalism. Watch Owen Benjamin, Kyle Kulinski, Jimmy Dore. These guys are the closest to calling out the bullshit on both sides.
arab spring involved human beings taking to the streets to overthrow dictators. Occupy wall street was a grouping of frappuccino chugging hipster kiddies bored with their lives. Get your head out of your ass, you fucking moron.
The 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s.
Also the 30s and 40s. And the 50s.
Go back to r/thedonald. That's where retards like you belong.
no shit retard Trump's election was a consequence of the progressive takeover. Remember nobody in the republican establishment wanted Trump. There's a wikileaks from Podesta's emails where Trump was explicitly listed as a fringe candidate that the Democrats to push to make Republicans seem more crazy.
Trump stood out as someone who did not give a shit about PC shaming which was the main weapon of progressives.
>he's over 12 and watches pewdiepie
That's how your chest looks like when you go low test?
arab spring is what proved occupy was a threat to be taken seriously. hence why the media stopped reporting on arab spring and occupy the instant arab spring was successful.
trump's election was a consequence of no one actually giving a real shit about presidential politics or clinton. for if you actually look at the vote numbers, trump was lower than the average.
but hey, facts. fuck'em.
why is the left so god awful at memeing
Make no mistake, the arabs would have been sipping fraps if they had starbucks. Arabs in many respects are even more domesticated than Americans, and cannot own their own weapons unless they are members of the Military. I say this as an Arab from the Maghreb, I find the state of the Islamic nations and their peoples an utter disgrace and faintest shadow of their potential.
Wrong, he is the exposer of generations
He exposed millenials, zoomers and now boomers, with Beach Bum
>choose Marines over college as I graduate in 2009
>get lamest job but chillest duty station right by San Diego
>spend almost every weekend pregaming with other 18-24 y/o bros in the barracks, then cramming into taxi cabs to go to the Gaslamp District or Pacific Beach and blow half our pay on drinks, cigarettes, and cover charges
>gain experience in getting blackout drunk, hitting on women, getting numbers and rejections, getting kicked out of places, grinding with random women, puking/pissing in public, buying rounds of Fireball for the bois, waking up on the floor next to a box of pizza and an empty handle of cheap rum
>Lose some of my hearing to Skrillex, Dada Life, Pitbull, LMFAO, Kesha, Steve Aoki,etc.
>Accidentally broke the Envy I had since high school at a foam party in a club, bought my first iPhone the next morning
>blew $350 on a stupid DJ console and DJed bullshit for barracks parties, mostly "Red Solo Cup" and latino shit
>got a few wrist slaps underage drinking, never stopped
>bought a longboard and skated with bros by the beach
>embraced the Arcade Fire/Cage the Elephant alternative scene for a bit
>come back home in 2013
>the parties slowly die out
>2015, civilian friends want to go to bed by 11
>2019, begin frontal balding, can't understand what my 21 y/o housemate is saying
>drink Jim Beam/Coors Banquet and smoke Marlboro 27s while evaluating my yard
Based and fitnapilled
Pandora’s Box opening was making it easy for poor people to access the Internet.
good move, mostly because how it starts and how it ends
(the ugly one was just in it because she was the gf of the director)
damn that was beautiful and sad. thankyou for sharing
Nice try with your retarded herd think humiliation tactics. I don't religiously watch his show you absolute mong, I watch periodically every couple of months to see where his audience is. Sometimes, when you want to understand the world around you, you don't just watch things for le "entertainment" value. You watch things to learn about your environment. It's called being an adult.
Grim but true. This is why I never recommend the still untainted boards on here.
My favourite part of Arab spring was where the media (and western governments) couldn't figure out who the "good guys" were and changed their allegiance like halfway through
arab spring was a CIA test-run of an identical situation to occupy, to see if it was a threat to be taken seriously. Turns out, occupy was a threat. There's a reason arab spring ended with overthrowing an islamic theocracy and replacing it with an islamic theocracy. and that reason is because the test of the internet's ability to overthrow a government was run in a place where the status quo would be easy to reestablish.
>for if you actually look at the vote numbers, trump was lower than the average.
Trump got more votes than any Republican candidate in history, including Bush. What are you talking about?
yes, you and your friends made a tremendous difference singing Mumford sons to the capitalists on 5th avenue, whatever helps you sleep at night, m8.
Harmony Korine is a great filmmaker
You aren't entirely wrong about that, I lived it too. But I will say that everything was so different after 2012 that you are almost engaging in inter-decade nostalgia just to cope with the rest of it.
My life was weirdly similar, delayed by two years and I didn't join the military.
I hope I don't start frontal balding in 2 years...
summer can't end soon enough
negro, you can apply the same level of interpretation/inference you're directing at pewdiepie to literally anything.
If you hang around here long enough, you'll find some spic trying to talk about how deep and meaningful lucha libre is.
Trump is good because it signifies that a large portion of the populace is sick of the bullshit. The only thing that's not optimal about him is how beholden he is to Israel.
SJW/feminist are the ones that ruined everything!!!!! conservative puritans had gone away since 2008 and then feminist started to talk about misogyny in the video games and gamers went full damage control. it all went to hell after that
>Harmony Korine is a smackhead
>and a thief
>and he mugged Meryl Streep.
haha dope
basically social justice people mindraped stupid t/v/edditors so hard that they became completely, possibly unerepairably, mentally ill (conservative). the only cure is probably Having Sex
What bullshit?
First 1/3 of the film was shit but when James Franco appears it turns into a huge kino
>go into comfy lewd Spring Breakers thread
>it's actually a thinly veiled /pol/ muh libs thread
Fuck you too, guys.
I use multiple exclamation marks, so it must be true.
The societal insanity that you see all around you, this progressive bullshit which is really nothing but just a bunch of perversions.
every thread is that since 90% of the users of this website now are election tourist khvs
I remember being a faggot in high school and getting sucked into sjw politics just to piss off the dumb rednecks in my class by being “woke” and feeling superior to them in like, 2012. now it’s cool to be woke and I’m sick of all the touchy feely gay shit because it’s old hat to me. every hick on Facebook has a pride avi now and it’s embarrassing. guess I’m just a contrarian.
Wait, I watched this, but I can't remember the plot.
Yeah I'm not falling for that one. Also no one is the good guy, but the main war between the libs and conservatives was won by libs and you can clearly see it all over the internet.
You're right. It's not the zeitgeist's fault, it's the fucking demiurge!
>and alt-right chuckleheads
no such thing actually exists. constructed boogerman by the msm as a scape goat
Populism, tribalism and identitarianism will bring the end of the West's glory years.
Awful flick from one of few not just inept but truly stupid (< 90 IQ) directors to get work. Hope he gets both his legs broken again for throwing bricks at people during another meth bender
>Did Gamer Gate ruin everything?
Not, blame the neoliberal trickle down bullshittery blowing up in 2008.
It's all boards and most threads. Welcomes to nu-Yea Forums.
WTF user.
When a movement is essentially a few people nesting in a park in front of a building, its a niche movement. Its a cool movement, but its niche.
Meanwhile Arab spring ended with Egypt literally being besieged by Egypt version of Normies, and shit ended up having to happen.
If you want based, i find it weird that 2016 Iceland protests wheren't bigger in media.
In the end, 17% of Icelands population joined up in a protest because some Political fuckhead had engaged in what is essentially highly illegal lobbyism.
Yeah I'm sure seeing faggots all around me, it's raining dicks.
Or maybe you're conflating your retarded social media spheres with real life, you dumb Gen Z faggot.
All this "progressive bullshit" is just a bunch of tweets and fringe groups. Society isn't fucked, your perception of it has been warped by the internet.
>What happened was normalniggers discovered the internet and got brainwashed like the retards that they are into fringe politics bullshit.
So you're saying we should ban people from accessing the internet with smartphones? I could get behind that.
False equivalency.
Lucha Libre is an organized sport with no inherent Ideological or political significance.
Whereas Pewdiepie is a specific cultural and political commentator with a particular set of views and he is teaching young Adolescents how to engage with the current era of politics. If you haven't noticed he's not a retarded conserva-thot like Rubin or Shapiro, he is very refined, and in many ways, much more enlightened than most faggots who call themselves conservatives will ever be. Pewdiepie is paving the way for a National Socialist revival.
God I just cannot say how much I fucking despise these fucking conservatives who have attempted to latch on to the National Socialist movement.
People were burned out from the partying by the winter of 2015.
But yeah the EDM and /fit/ boom of early 10's was the greatest thing ever.
its actually an all-time low if you compare against US population. But hey, facts are complicated and messy, and don't go away if you yell at them. fiction is much easier to manage.
instead of empty, nowhere leading passive-aggressive tryhard witty snarky remarks you could have tried to prove him wrong with proper arguments, but you didn't. you are low iq.
no hicks have pride avatars on facebook you dumb fucking shit. flyover people are 99% low-iq, possibly retarded, poverty-ridden conservatives nodding off from opiates
you are such a fucking moron if you think that it's actually libs vs conservatives. They are both utter cancer. The only path to the truth is through Holocaust denial and 9/11 truth. End of argument.
>Lucha Libre is an organized sport with no inherent Ideological or political significance.
Try to make that claim to a lucha libre fan and you'll get your head chewed off.
>art film
It always amazes me how people can tell such straight-faced lies.
kill yourself and have sex with Adolf in hell if you are that obsessed with his meme movement
Welcome to modern debate. "It's okay to tell lies as long as the 'sentiment' behind it is good."
>but the main war between the libs and conservatives was won by libs and you can clearly see it all over the internet.
Your world is very small and you are very stupid if you actually believe that.
not sure how it amazes you. people who have a propensity for conservatism are sociopaths and sadists generally
Ironically, I used to obsess over keeping my hair styled perfectly. Haha... ha...
kino flick once worst girl selena leaves
Occupy was so much more than "a few people nesting in a park in front of a building". At its height, it had gone fully international with Canada, the UK and France all having significant occupy movements alongside the several cities in the US that had sizeable demonstrations.
What made it so powerful was that there was no sane response to it. Coming off the back of the financial crisis, no one could succinctly explain why huge subsidies for failing banks were in the best interests of the people, or why pretty much no one had gone jail.
If you don't understand how powerful that was, you're either a bootlicker or an idiot
Its been this way for at least four years.
neither group actually exists though. that's the brilliance of the current zeitgeist. no one actually considers themselves alt-right or leftist. they're both boogeyman groups being butted against eachother.
Gamergate brought all kinds of evils upon us.
>tfw I did this age 16-19
Fuck. Stop saying shit that makes my life similar to yours
Adolf is with the Valkyrie, God willing, I will join him in time.
Degenerate faggots like you who speak ill of the greatest men of history are the ones who are going to hell. You are playing a dangerous game, you better hope you are on the right side, whether you believe or not isn't relevant. The afterlife is real and you will be sorted according to the testimony of your life.
it always amazes me how brainwashed shitgobbling fuckheards always take everything at face value CNN & Co. tells them.
I've never in my life encountered a single alt-right faggot. I've never seen one on the internet either.
define alt-right first, you cock sucking low iq brainwashed shit gulper. you fucking can't. there is no such thing as alt-right, there is no organization, there is no manifesto, there is no common cause or goal. kill yourself you fucking clown.
Yeah, Occupy was a fucking joke. Some vaguely progressive college kids and a bunch of deluded anarchists thought they could change the world during an extensive camping trip. In the end though, it might have served as a catalyst for the IdPol faction on left, as everybody else had been disillusioned with the uselessness of their vapid anti-authoritarian delusions.
>If you don't understand how powerful that was
Its because I am Norwegian. I don't see it being more than it was
Which is to say: Its a minor protest group
Where things went so peacefully they couldn't actually break it up
I'd vote for that
It's clear that the larger populace can't be trusted to regulate their own social media use and would benefit from losing their phones altogether
I honestly believe Ashley benson in this movie is the most attractive female I’ve ever seen
He's got gyno.
>used to be obsessed with my hair as teen
>dyes, cuts, etc
>started balding one month into college
The Gods are cruel.
>you're either a bootlicker or an idiot
whats the distinction?
oh, the irony
No, it was Jews.
this is your proof, you silly cocksucker? some single retard holding a handwritten sign, indicating he couldn't even finish high school?
Alt-right is just a fancy term for /pol/ newfags such as yourself
>was a teenager when emo was popular
>only time having long hair was cool
>always had lovely long hair and it was the only feature about myself
>stannis tier widows peak at 23
I don’t even bother talking to women anymore or even imagine being with one. I feel so hideous
I'm too feeble-minded for this world.
>I've never in my life encountered a single alt-right faggot. I've never seen one on the internet either.
You're welcome, degenerate election mongrel. Took me 5 seconds of searching, but I guess that's too much to ask from a roachie.
seethe harder alt-right kid
That's also not true. Both groups exist and often identify themselves as such.
Wtf bro?
2>4>1>3 goodnight everyone threads over
I don't want to get old bros, jesus christ it hurts.
You're on Yea Forums, if you can't find any evidence here, you're out of your fucking mind.
>everyone in meta threads claim "zoomer" newfags are the cancer killing Yea Forums
>everyone in meta threads also claim to have started posting on Yea Forums around 06-08
4 1 3 2
Your top hair is the least of your concerns, believe me. If it looks ugly, just shave the entire fucking thing. There's plenty of super sexy baldies around.
I hope you die soon, normalfag. enjoy your balding.
I've never been to /pol/ in my life.
Also it's hilarious that /pol/ apparently is so big and influential, that it became world famous. Yet despite its notority and worldwide medial coverage and condemnation, it is still alive and running. I bet those faggots over there are already planning world domination as we speak.
neck yourself, you shitgobbling braindwarf.
Fuck Meryl Streep
Whatever ZOG shill.
>alt right
>world famous
wew lad
The fact that you've never been to /pol/ is proof you are a part of the reddit invasion bro...
The times, they are a-changing. The meta threads are the only thing worthwhile on this shit-infested board since 2012.
I am one. We're National Socialists and we hate faggot conservacucks like yourself.
But it's not voluntary is it
>What the fuck happened?
Nazi fucks happened.
>just shave it bro haha!
I’m the palest person you’ve ever seen and a hungry skeleton
I will literally like like a chemo patient. I’m trying to workout and get bigger but whats the point? At my age my choices are single mothers, cock carousel cast offs and whores
Cry harder kike.
Do you live under a rock?
Prime example of a normalnigger who should be banned from using the internet right here
Spraaaaang braaaaaaaaaake
I recommend keeping it fairly short, it looks best that way. t. 25yo going full Stannis atm
Get Dresden'd Nazi. Hopefully more Nazis will be lynched next time around.
>radical Socialist
Which means either stalinist, maoist, trotskist, hoxhaist or juche follower. Which one are you? If you are going to dive into "hurr durr achkchwally they are not socialist but i totally am" - it is acceptable, but you will need to present us a fucking program of comparable development.
>flyovers are low iq
Well, it's funny you mention that. Neck yourself califag.
You're an idiot. Normies will always exist, the problem are the ones in charge who feed them propaganda and anti-White vitriol. Jews and their capitalist stooges are the enemy. The ideological state apparatus must be dismantled.
And this. It was wild and women also wanted to have just sex. You had to be there and experience the EDM.
how old are you?
>it is still alive and running
The world hasn't learned from last time.
it's almost like there is a source to all these problems, putting all this filth out into the ether. i can't quite put my finger on it desu.
oh well, back to my netflix I guess
>Get Dresden'd Nazi. Hopefully more Nazis will be lynched next time around.
So he admits he's a Jew and he praises Dresden? Also hilarious that I've seen this exact same response copy and pasted in threads before. You're a part of an alphabet soup org or you're gathering intel for one of your faggot studies. Go fuck yourself you ugly Jew.
I wish I was 22 again. Cherish your adolescence user, also sit up straight and brush your teeth, your future body will thank you for it.
Worst attempt at gaslighting I've seen on here yet.
>it is still alive and running
because everyone knows it's a joke board with a few schizos that take everything seriously
I'm not an American idiot, I'm as anti-American as they come because yes I'm a Fascist, so fuck off with your shitty little graph.
I'm not a Jew
This movie became kino years later.
It was a critic of the American frat society but now it's like how it should be
I'm a zoomer, and I'm glad these "fun" times you boomers are talking about is over. get fucked, faggtos.
quality, quality b8 m8! kek the tards who can't recognize a female titties because they aren't porn standard DD. I've got bad news for you fags.
define alt-right first and foremost. then give me irrefutable evidence that the alt-right exists as a body with a common goal and cause. show me where exactly and how they organise, hold meetings and how they finance themselves and recruit members, show and name me all their leaders.
you can't give me a single evidence to any of those points because it's all fake news msm scare mongering fabrication you mongrels. I'm not talking about tangentially anecdotal references to shitposts on a Tibetan goat milking forum. I'm talking about hard, cold facts, names, numbers and places.
How old are you man?
I've literally been on this site since 2009 :')
>I'm not an American
define SJW first and foremost. then give me irrefutable evidence that SJWs exist as a body with a common goal and cause. show me where exactly and how they organise, hold meetings and how they finance themselves and recruit members, show and name me all their leaders.
>it's all fake news msm scare mongering fabrication you mongrels.
*tips tinfoil hat*
you may age pretty slowly with the ever increasing advancements in gene editing. it should be pretty advanced by the time you're in your 40s. just make sure you take care of yourself.
Gen-Z (born 1995 onwards) came of age and started going to university around 2013. They are uniquely fragile and unstable due to a number of factors, not least the effects of social media and the lack of rough and tumble play in childhood. See the recent work of Johnathan Haidt.
These kids are then processed though a higher education which has a strong grievance-based narrative (see Boghossian et al) that teaches these little faggots to be professional victims, which is of course exactly what they want to be. Now you have an 'educated' generation who are unable to cope with opposing opinions, and who believe any words they don't like are equivalent to violence. The cult of social justice certainly didn't come out of nowhere and to me it looks a lot more like a deliberate act of intellectual terrorism than just some accident of history.
>prove to me that the alt-right movement is not a movement, but an organisation and/or political party
And why would I do that, you retard?
Quick, can you show me how the Hippies organised, where they held their meetings and how they financed themselves? There was a Hippie Headquarters, right? Otherwise they don't exist.
This is cringe Candace Owens tier shit.
Speaking as a Fascist, the Alt-RIght is a big tent movement that typically asserts nationalism and white identitarianism.
It can come in many forms like paleoconservatism, fascism, or even the Nrx trad catholicism shit.
honestly this is pretty easy to do.
Embarrassing, outdated comic for an embarrassing collapsing nation.
(But also Trotsky)
thank you for your service
so what shall it be? /pol/ being the origin and headquarters of one of the most dangerous, fearsome and despicable newly arisen threats of the 21 century something something BAD ALT-RIGHT I HEARD IT ON THE NEWS SO IT MUST BE TRUE or a bunch of shitposting fart sniffing schizo retards?
ADL, SPLC, Hollywood, New York Times, their last names usually reference silver or gold and have a berg, stein or klein in them.
And /aco/. I forgot /aco/.
I'm 31, 32 in November
>tfw back and chest pains because of years of sitting hunched over my computer
Being in your thirties isn't that bad actually (so far) outside of the health aspect. I only wish someone had told me how important posture and stretching exercises are when I was your age.
Spiritually you are.
>drink Jim Beam/Coors Banquet and smoke Marlboro 27s while evaluating my yard
Don't you mean monsters, boomer?
you didn't watch the movie, did you?
>irrefutable evidence
Want to try again? Still waiting.
>Don't you know user? They organize on le ebil Yea Forums and post pictures of anime!
Wow, such a bastion of far right ideas.
THIS is how you know the "Alt-Right" is totally horse shit. There is no "Alt-Right", Just anti-liberalists who aren't intelligent enough to define their own philosophy so they lay back and let the media call them "Alt-Right" while they go back to playing vidya and watching hentai.
The only schizo here is you, you braindead conservative. You're concocting strawman of what an ostensibly online movement is. It's a decentralised big tent Fascist movement based around critiquing liberalism and Jews.
burden of proof is on the accuser, you cock sucking failed abortion.
also the hippies did have orgaisers and had public places where they officially met.
Woodstock was organised and planned in advance. You can even google the fucking names.
Ironically this is all documented. there are entire books written on hippies, but you would know that if you weren't a brainrotten shit eating chromosome melted assbirth.
>taking shit on Yea Forums this literally
>seeing no hyprocrisy in his own conduct
Well, I guess you just want to derail the thread.
Why are you happy that the society is now broken?
Are you retarded by any chance?
Not any of those guys but I'll answer your question. It's a content farm where political operatives stir the demographic they want to manipulate (schizo retards) so they do A/B testing of memes and ideas. If successful they spread it elsewhere. The helpful tard population will even submit content to be used for free.
You tried lifting? I was sedentary depressed doomer from 16 to 21, started lifting a year ago. Had alot of shoulder pain, couldn't even fully stretch my arms up, but OHP cured it in only a few weeks.
Gamergate unironically did cause most of this. Fuck you faggot virgins and your shitty "hobby" for making this place worse
I gave you evidence, you're being willfully ignorant. Jews collaborate in high positions of power and have an absurd amount of influence to push forward a narrative that benefits them over other groups. SJWs are useful idiots of the petty bourgeois variety, people with BAs who fill the halls of the bureaucracy.
still not a single evidence and no trace of proof. good riddance, shit eating asbirth.
you fall under the same category as flat earthers. kill yourself you failed abortion.
You might want to look into getting a better mattress. Even flipping the one you have now can make a world of difference. My heartburn vanishes with a better bed.
t. 36 year old.
I'm gen Y and I don't have any social media accounts at all.
There is no hypocrisy. These threads are filled with people from discord and intelligence gathering attempts.
But girls still do this... at least where I live
You are an autist my friend, there is no helping you. You might as well continue to watch your retarded Turning Point USA videos and vote for your Republican candidates because you are beyond help.
I'm sure they are. You're just delusional if you think it's one side and that side happens to be the one you're against. Pretty tidy and convenient, no critical thinking required at all.
don't worry user, i"ll be the only person to attend your funeral once you eventually hang yourself
Blame capitalism, Jews and soft doughy faggots who insert their gay politics into shit. Not people who want to have fun and shitpost.
You fucking zoomer
No, transphobia was saving children you trannysaurus. 88% of girls and 98% of boys who experience gender dysphoria outgrow it in adulthood. It used to be that the condition would be allowed to run it's course, but now children are encouraged to mutilate their bodies so they can feel better right just now. Meanwhile the transgender suicide rate stays at around half, despite all the praise and worship they receive for their "bravery".
No, I just was a later bloomer with no interest in girls til I was 21.
I don't doubt there are people who genuinely disagree. They usually get beaten arguments pretty soundly. However, after the New Zealand shooting there has been a surge of political bait threads both on infinitychan and on here by bad faith actors. They regurgitate certain phrases and even start pushing for people to admit to committing violence.
*suicide attempt rate
>It's a content farm where political operatives stir the demographic they want to manipulate (schizo retards) so they do A/B testing of memes and ideas
In other words the same thing the msm did with the term "alt-right" without EVER going into detail. Incepting it into public thoughts by releasing dozens upon dozens of articles all around the same time window out of fucking nowhere because they needed a new scarecrow to confuse and unsettle the general population and it worked splenditly as many retards in this very thread are proof of that.
Ashley Benson, from Pretty Little Liars
r-right ive never seen any like that
I lied, I'm actually a zoomer ;)))
it is what it is man. beautiful.
>despite all the praise and worship they receive for their "bravery".
almost like half-assed praise and worship from people you never met and never will meet means virtually nothing to most people. I wouldn't give a shit if some keyboard smasher from the other side of the world said I was brave for something.
Something started in 2013, fucked if I know what exactly. GG was a response to that but it was already too late.
They went into detail multiple times. The issue is settled, the problem is that YOU feel uncomfortable with your middle class morality and "stable" red vs. blue political theatre being challenged by something radical and scary because you're a bitch and a normie.
I know this is bait, but the idea of posting exclusively with other failed normalfags all day and not having your opinions valued by anyone really does delude people on here into believing conspiracies like this.
this was me
careful with the buzzwords and the lack of any evidence. you have the mental capacity of a high school child.
has anyone ever tried to actually pin-point what caused all this stuff. i feel like this stuff started popping up around 2012
I mean discord faggotry is confirmed it's not a "conspiracy". Whether it does anything who knows but it absolutely exists.
because I hate people. I hope society becomes even more broken to the point of collapse.
There is no conspiracy, people read this site bro and they don't like what they see. Do you think the journalistic and academic class doesn't have an interest in seeing what political ideology is spreading on this platform? Tehre are multiple papers, whole journals dedicated to doing this. Go on infinitychan and tell me that half of those posts aren't political agents.
>went into detail multiple times
And then proceeded to ignore whatever the fuck they made up. To this day articles are coming out where alt-right is literally everyone from pewdiepie to Philip DeFranco.
You are genuinely retarded and I hope you get steamrolled. At this point I don't care if it's communists or Nazis. Dumb middlebrow, mediocrities like yourself need to go.
Can't tell if more bait or actually fell for the fake screencaps that coincidentally began popping up on /pol/ back in February.
There was definitely a paradigm shift once 2012 ended.
>Without going into detail.
I'm not sure what this means. They often go into detail about what defines the alt-right, and even their most stringent detractors couldn't properly argue that the label isn't at least partly accurate.
>Republican or libertarian leaning
>Usually young and/or internet savvy
>More aligned with commentators than politicians
>Typically advocates for race realism, lean toward nationalism of some kind
>Online activists
>Often aware of or actively spreading conspiracy theories
One could very easily argue that the alt-right label itself is basically a marketing idea, but it wasn't the news corporations that coined the phrase. You could make an easy list of what a SJW is and a lot of these things would line up by the way.
Thank you anons, I'll try out both of those.
There's not a room full of people getting paid to lurk Yea Forums and report to higher ups, bro.
Yeah, the New York Times are idiots who don't like what they perceive as pipelines to our ideology. The real Alt-Right are Nationalists and Fascists like Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch, Eric Striker etc. Stop being willfully ignorant and do some research yourself instead of pretending that this doesn't exist.
>haha guys those r9k discord shots were fake too guys
>dont believe them goy! they must all be fake!
>not a conspiracy
It's just one person then.
>drink Jim Beam/Coors Banquet and smoke Marlboro 27s while evaluating my yard
I like you user
I know we're getting into /x/ territory with this but do you guys believe that this could all have to do with the Mayan calendar predictions about the post 2012 world?
>They went into detail multiple times
they never did
>The issue is settled
there never was an issue to begin with.
>by something radical and scary
thanks for indirectly proving my post, my fellow braindwarf. I'm bored replying to people with this level of mental amyosthenia. Don't let the alt-right bugs bite you. Ta-ta.
You're right they don't get paid, but they absolutely do exist.
It's the drugs of the era. For most of American history it was alcohol, then alcohol and marijuana, then alcohol and heroin, then alcohol and cocaine, and right now it's alcohol and meth/oxy.
That's why the 80's were so crazy. Everyone was drunk and/or on cocaine.
This is all too real. Smoothbrain posters won't care anyway.
I think GamerGate was the turning point. I, like most people, thought it was a dumb fringe thing on the internet. Little did I know that it would open the flood gates for more retarded feminist bullshit.
>republican or liberal or basically anyone, we don't care what you call yourself lmao
>usually young, but if you're not young just ignore that part, you'll be called alt-right too lmao
>usually race realist, but if you're not it doesn't matter, you'll be called alt-right too lmao
>usually spread conspiracies but if not that's not important lmao, you're still alt-right
Someone like Jordan Peterson basically doesn't fit this description at all and yet he's always called alt-right. Pro-tip: if your "definition" consists of things that "usually" indicate something, that's not a fucking definition and you are retarded.
I'm convinced you're an actual retard. And also an obvious Anglo, really just cringey posting all round.
>radical Socialist
kys larper
>all those people hiding their faces
Shut that shit down in a heartbeat. Peaceful protest does not require disguises.
Don't blame the far right (other then the cringe pro lifers) for this it is entirely the left's fault that things turned out this way.
Anyone who wants fun back again must understand that it 1st requires a Final Solution to the Leftist Problem.
Obama forced a lot of tech companies to hire his banking lackeys, and they got thheavy-duty censorship ball rolling.
Yes it does. Especially when people can identify you and try and get you fired and unpersoned. Stop being a boomer.
Bingo bango. I think we were one step away from naming (((them))), so that is why Black Lives Matter got big. Every news story in 2016 was an out of context story about how some nog got shot by the police, which would enrage blacks, which in turn threatened whites. Classic divide and conquer.
>Anyone who wants fun back again must understand that it 1st requires a Final Solution to the Leftist Problem.
Seriously this. Conservatives havent been in with censorship since the satanic panic of the 90s, most normie conservatives dont even give a shit about entertainment anymore.
The moment leftism picked up the mantle of censorship on behalf of "PC" it was the beginning of the end for them.
Great definition faggot, turns out Ron Paul is alt-right
>internet savvy, has an online show
>shits on politicians
>is anti-globalist
>is online
>is spreading TRUE and HONEST news that retards like you would call conspiracy theories
>libertarian leaning
No they aren't, they are collectivist, statist and identitarians.
BTFO by Based Ron
I'm not doxxing myself or the people I care about, but I can guarantee you I have more connections to some serious historical figures that shaped some of the largest labor and socialization movements in the USA.
Long words that you don't understand aren't buzzwords kid. He's completely right.
>libertarian leaning
this is what /pol/tards actually believe
butthurt ancaps detected
Name one thing that is objectively wrong with that statement conservatard.
>Hitler was a socialist and a leftist
He was a socialist but it was prussian socialism not leftist socialism. Hitler believed strongly in the rights of the individual, particularly economically. He was not a central economist, he privatized industries that few leftist socialists would today.
Nope I'm a Nazi. I don't want to be associated with pedophiles thank you.
How the fuck are libertarians right wing, retard? Isn't this the alt-left then?
>go to one of these slut marches
>bring a sign that says "Not crazy, just here for the show and spend the day staring at half naked women for free while laughing at their asinine ideals and the utter silliness of their chosen cause
They are right wing economically because they advocate for privatisation and corporations. Don't be an obfuscator.
trying to pass off an irrational seething hatred of liberalism and Jews as a "critique"
>kids are already feeling nostalgic for the short embarrassing time period where Dubstep, LMFAO, and YOLO culture were vogue
Please God, make time stop moving so fast.
Here's a pro tip, kids: It was a horrible fucking time and most people were still generally recovering from the 2008 recession. Shit like this, was a mindless, feel-good opiate to escape from the crushing reality of how absolutely garbage the 2000s were.
GG was amazing, man. Special.
Oh my God this is something that a Sargon of Akkad type "centrist" faggot would do... Just stop.
>How the fuck are libertarians right wing
this is bait right?
>critiquing liberalism
user nobody is critiquing liberalism. Google what the fuck liberalism actually is. What you call liberalism is unironically socialism. That's a dirty word in US and for some reason lefties choose to call themselves liberal despite the fact that every single thing they believe in is actually socialist. Social justice is a socialist concept, USSR talked about social justice a lot. Nothing to do with liberalism.
In the 00's it used to be Rick Santorum screaming about Christianity and family; now he has been replaced with pearl-clutching Democrats screaming, "Won't someone please think of the women and minorities!"
>josuke and koichi pondering a mystery.png
There are loads of analysts and data scientist who are paid to sift through this mountain of shit. Do you understand what counterintelligence is?
Just because it's a critique that upsets your bourgeois feefees doesn't make it not a critique, idiot.
If I told you that a handful of billionaires in international finance control us, you'd say I was perfectly reasonable. If I named them, you'd call me a "crazed Fascist".
No. I'm critiquing liberalism. The enlightnment, Rousseau, capitalism all of it. Don't deliberately misunderstand me. I hate liberalism, I hate democracy and I hate you.
Stop using that word. People who don't hold freedom as their highest value can't call themselves liberals. Just stop it.
And all time high when compared to the voting age population, retard.
It's a good point and I'll cede on that, but it should be noted that Hitler Nationalized the currency/banks and healthcare, a seriously leftist move, that you couldn't get a single conservative in the house or senate to vote in favor of.
Except that hate isnt irrational? It isnt irrational to hate something that represents a threat to your way of life.
Obama ruined everything, unironically
I don't know who the fuck you are I don't care. Clearly you're not the guy I was responding to.
>If I told you that a handful of billionaires in international finance control us, you'd say I was perfectly reasonable. If I named them, you'd call me a "crazed Fascist".
you're literally just parroting things you've seen on /pol/ memes now
i don't know about you lad but there's no one controlling me.
Without a doubt those are the industries that are best nationalized and why Hitler was a God.
The counter argument I like, is think of all the famous brands that grew under that time still with us today.
>Benz BMW Hugo Boss
What is the famous brand from a centrally planned economy like the Soviets? At best Kalishnikov and that's hardly something to be proud of.
>t. yemen
>i don't know about you lad but there's no one controlling me.
Uh you depend on oil which is forcibly traded in US dollars, yes someone is in control you're just too dumb to see it
I am the person you responded to. Don't cry just because I've confused you and your simplistic cold take has fallen short of anything remotely profound.
By the way, American "liberals" that you refer that supposedly hold socialist ideals are a farce. They are middle class stooges who desire an expanded welfare state with a wholefoods on every corner, not a worker's state or collectivisation. You are the one that misunderstands socialism. You are an idiot.
I am illiberal, I eject anything to do with democracy. So go back to your drawing board because I don't give a shit. I piss on your United States.
Everything you do is coerced by financial powers. You have a debt financed lifestyle, your community is non-existence and you have a hedonistic life of banal pleasures. You lack meaning.
Ya, first time I read Mein Kampf I remember this feeling of the words literally emitting radiant light, it just clarified the history of Europe at that time in such a refined, and even dramatic way. Truly a great visionary, statesman, and artist.