Post kino Yea Forums doesn't talk about that often

Post kino Yea Forums doesn't talk about that often

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That's a great horror flick OP.

House with the laughing windows

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Very surprised by this one

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>Yea Forums constantly recommending this
>watch it
>it's barely a 6/10 at best

I always wanted to see this but I'm too depressed atm

Get better and then watch it. Try watching Paddington and Paddington 2, if you haven't seen them already.

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holy based

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I liked it because his character was literally me

Tied for PTA's best

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Extremely underrated, yes

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Rewatched this more than any movie recently. Maybe the best movie of the decade, up there at least

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But these films get mentioned all the time here.

You'd think 2010 would get mentioned much more here, considering 2001.

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