Are they good drug kinos where it doesn't romanticize drug use but doesn't shit on it either?
Are they good drug kinos where it doesn't romanticize drug use but doesn't shit on it either?
Other urls found in this thread:
The Basketball Diaries
My Biopic
>but doesn't shit on it either?
There's nothing good about drugs, degenerate
Best kino about how cool and fun drugs are
This one nails it entirely, not preachy at all. It's a documentary of the director and some of his pals, all drug addicts. The only real plot is the director following one of his buddies to flee where they live to go try real heroine instead of the synthetic shit they're hooked on. Highlights include one of the more "normal" looking addicts digging for a used needle out of the garbage to shoot himself up with. The director is in jail for trafficking drugs now.
It's free on Prime video if you have that.
i dunno it always seemed like your arm falling off from collapsed infected veins was a pretty rough ticket. part of why i chose not to try opiates.
fear and loathing I guess. pic related, somewhat.