Can a robot write a symphony

>Can a robot write a symphony
>can a robot turn a canvas into a beautiful masterpiece

Attached: I Robot.mkv_snapshot_00.29.47_[2019.06.12_21.32.07].png (1920x1080, 3.25M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 racism

Attached: I Robot Can A Nigger.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Can a brotha?

actually yes, there are a lot of black artists and musicians

They need to stop letting Raimi do guest direction.

Name one(1) that's actually talented

This film was actually underrated as fuck

that robot actually did draw pretty well though

top kek why didn't they credit raimi for his line?

>Good to see you again, son. Everything that follows, is a result of the irreconcilable differences between the races of man.
Why would Will Smith agree to such offensive dialogue?

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>Kanye Omari West (/ˈkɑːnjeJ/; born June 8, 1977) is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, entrepreneur, and fashion designer.

lil wayne

Jimmy Page

Yes retard. They can do so better than humans can.

>is a trump supporter
His black card was revoked.

>black americans make entire genres of music and dance that are loved worldwide for decades
>this 12yo wannabe natsee pretends like they aren't creative and intelligent

Jimi Hendrix
Louis Armstrong
John Coltrane
Ray Charles

imagine using Yea Forums and not understanding anytime someone types a post like that it really means they want to see and be introduced to talented people

can a human know real love?

Attached: Wall-E Lighter.webm (960x400, 2.99M)

probably, randomness and hence "creativity" aren't exclusive to humans necessarily.

you shouldn't give the punchline away in the title, you amateur.

U for real nigga?

Humans are just organic machines. There is no free will.

wtf is that true??

silence your mouth.
everyone was already aware of it from that picture, that user just brought it to motion picture life

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This film is a modern classic. People who bash it are low-iq edgelords who think hating stuff is a personality type.
The "can you" line is easily a top 10 greatest put-downs in film history.

Whenever I pictured a robot uprising happening in real life I always think it'll be just like this movie. In reality, I doubt the robot uprising would include Robot foot soldiers marching the streets.


Michael Jackson


Peanut scientist


Why wouldn't it? They'd be much better soldiers than humans, especially when controlled by a hivemind AI like in the movie.

If writing YA counts as talent, then I suppose Alexandre Dumas. I would struggle to think up another name

here's a poem written on a train about robots:

computer computer
you know this and that
but when did you last
stroke a cat
-paul hamilton (2008)

who the fuck invented ragtime you retarded racist fuck

I still can't believe they included this line in the final cut.

Pretty sure women did.

The key to our eternal dominance is the fact that we steal all of the talented Africans and make them one of us (ex. Joplin, Pride and Kanye).

Alex Proyas gets no respect, despite being a good director and a visionary by Hollywood standards.


Tyler, The Creator

For some people everyone in hollywood just loves him and don't mind if he just comes on to set and give his input.

I spent my entire day on this board giggling at retarded memes.


Maître gims you uncultured faggot

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most of the replies to this are musicians pushed by jews onto the scene to promote degenerate songs with lyrics about sex, drugs and violence

this is so dumb hahaha

no other western animation movie even comes close to this one
what the fuck went wrong?

it was low iq trash

not unless they are liberated from their shells

>it was bad because i didn't like it
okay, give a better title so we can see what you're into

this but unironically

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That's beautiful user. I always assumed that was only genuinely asked when anons are looking for porn

Jones on you im on mobile and the title is 2.99 MB WEBM

Based, truepilled, and Hitler dubs.

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The Incredibles was much better


Alexandre Dumbass was half African yet he wrote many of the best novels ever made.

It makes sense that a person who thinks WALL-E is good wouldn't be smart enough to understand The Incredibles.

>muh iq
fuck off to reddit, you little jimmy neutron bitch

seethe harder pleb

> it’s good because it’s compulsory reading
state of you

but you don't even understand wall-e since you think its about fat people and farmers

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if youve read under 5 novels maybe


the robots can also talk in the vacuum of space

Attached: Wall∙E Kiss.webm (1076x450, 2.99M)

>oh no a nigger wrote something that every young boy loves to read!

you're that guy with the wall-e webm folder?
post your cutest eve

That only half counts. His white half was the talented half.

Can you post the link? i can't watch webm on PS4

>Fat shaming
>Anprim message

-Posted From My iPhone

As opposed to white boy music which is all about heartache and breakup and depression and other beta shit.

>Can you?

>No I cannot, but the fact that I have the potential to is exactly my point. With the proper combination of study and practice in musical composition or art I very well could write a symphony or paint a beautiful masterpiece. We are debating about the creative potential for our respective species, not our individual personal achievements. Also, not passing unnoticed is your argumentum ad hominem. If you can't engage in an argument without resorting to petty personal attacks perhaps you should rethink even engaging at all.

>yeah, okay user
>let's stick with "can you?" for now
>ready for another take, boys?

starting to see a pattern?

if you feed an ai, even in its current state, enough examples of what you'd deem a masterpiece.. it'd definitely be able to produce one.

humans have many more limitations. writing a symphony? if you're not trained to some degree in youth, you'll never create the neural connections necessary to produce anything of value

lol did he actually get banned for posting this?

>did he actually get banned for breaking the rules?
I know, I'm surprised too

What was it

>With the proper combination of study and practice in musical composition or art I very well could write a symphony or paint a beautiful masterpiece.
>cannot produce anything on your own, needs constant programming from rest of the world to do anything
thats a big YIKES from me

That's literally how every single human being works you mongoloid.

Robot said nigger in a webm so they fucking killed him

i guess the times when this shithole valued free speech are long gone
thanks hiroshimoot

Oh he does. Dark City is fucking great. This is a fact.

Can a NI-

Thats literally how robots work
>b-but humans are diffrent they can think for themself
no, everything that you ever did in your life is caused by data you absorbed from your surroundings.

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His instrumentals are average and his vocals are complete trash. He's an arrogant retard who can't carry a tune. Oh, wow, you sampled an old blues song over your garbage lyrics? Revolutionary. He's an industry plant.

You had so many choices you lead with Kanye West? Fucking nigger

Yea Forumss one and only /ournigger/ Mr. Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson.

>Yea Forums
Imagine being this new.

Frank Ocean, Prince, James Brown,

Embarrassing pick

>putting Hendrix and Charles in the same list as Armstrong and Coltrane
>putting Hendrix above Armstrong
I'm half kidding. Good list.

>he thinks he's on Yea Forums

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jannies are fags as usual

That's a classic meme at least a decade old, jannies used to leave us alone. Kill yourself redditscum.

>all these replies
>no one's said Ride
Where did Yea Forums go so wrong

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That, user, is the right question.

>What's it? You'll

>What is it? You will are really triggered to be honest are not no sensible man that is buying that shit.

No man is marrying your uneducated coon ass either, nigger.

Can a roastie?

>Ido, can a cyborg love a human?

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basé et rougepillé

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Basquiat was a talentless shit who owed his entire career to Warhol (another talentless shit who nonetheless was a genius at self-promotion). Many great musicians have been black, but there are few examples of great black visual artists.

>rock and roll, jazz, r&b have black foundations
>this guy

Can a nigger?

Wall-e was the worst of the good pixar movies though. Even Up was better.

If not underrated, definitely underappreciated.

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Marvin Gaye


Attached: can a robot make a symphony.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

He based

I love this fucking movie so much
Anyone who tells you it's not a faithful take on Asimov's Robot series hasn't read them

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omg can't believe he just said that!
now i'm scarred for life!


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No matter how much you dislike Kanye, calling him not revolutionary is just wrong. He has changed rap not once, but twice in his career.

>changed rap
you mean ruined?

>paying attention to rap
Are you fucking black or something?


Alexander Dumas

Melvin Gibbs

yes, jokes with the magic n-word are too extreme for an anonymous board already well known for being "racist". Isn't society great?

Even if they followed their own dumb rules jokes aren't breaking them.

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Whitney Houston

Experience tells me there are WAY more nigger faggots than white faggots, niggers just like to peddle drugs and abandon a kid in the process.
And black musicians were and are pushed by jews, one of the biggest jazz patrons of all was a Rothschild. And with rap and other shit it's just so much more obvious.


I love this scene, the fact that the only thing posted about it is a subpar screenshot comic makes me feel empty

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there is only one truth

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Vernon Reid

you can start roboposting anytime, bruh

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t. Taylor "Snake with the Stake" Swift


>all these replies and no one has given a single example of a nigger who can do these things

>black americans make entire genres of music
Name two(2). Hint: don't be retarded and try to say jazz, blues, or rock 'N' roll.


Art Blakey
John Coultrane
Charles Mingus

t. Listens to everything but rap and country


Absolutely and unequivocally fucking based

>What's it?
what is it? [what is then? (what's your answer to the above questions?)]
>You'll are really triggered ...
you are all (other women presumably) worrying over nothing because sensible men will not buy sex dolls
