It's boring. Just admit it.
It's boring. Just admit it
Yeah it is.
Your mom is boring
It’s a little long-winded but it’s far from boring.
zoomerfag detected. go drink some soimilk
Just the scenes where michael and some woman are talking.
OP status: irrevocably btfo
The fact that even large numbers of (otherwise) massive plebs disagree demonstrates otherwise. It holds their attention with evenly-spaced episodes of violence, to which are added the drama of family life, male chauvinism, and the allure of the postwar period.
>movie doesn't have iron man in it
>waah this shit is boring
Sure thing, kid.
The Sicily scenes are boring, everything else is highly entertaining
It definitely insists on itself.
Every scene with Kay in it is boring
No. Atmosphere through out the movie is amazing
The second is better.
The Sicily scenes are cozy as fuck
Either you are an irredeemable zoomer or a woman
Yeah, it's shit.
Yup. Also 'muh criminals have values and families' is just a retarded idea. Fuck them. Fuck mafia, fuck italiens and latinos and whatever. I'm glad they all died faggot deaths.
>but I love Yakuza movies!
Appolonia's tits, man.
The second one is boring. This one is actually pretty good.
>literally some of the most important scenes that parallel the Vito back story in 2 and become the catalyst for Michael's misery when the only women he actually loved dies, because of who he was.
>realizing that if she had lived, Michael would never have gone back
>Dies in 3, at the same villa he was hiding at
It's literal fucking kino.
It's definitely boring if you're blind and deaf or a faggot.