This is the film of the decade

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Really? Why?

It has that grimy, gritty 70s New Hollywood feel updated for the 21st century. Pattinsons performance is incredible. Score by OPN is good, too. I also liked the way it captures NYC.

I've heard that. I need to watch it.

What is it?

burning is the film of the decade


I disagree but it's one of the best of the decade and probably the best crime flick of the decade. The atmosphere was fantastic, so tense and gritty. I'm looking forward to Uncut Gems. Sandlerkino is back on the menu boys.

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Pattinson's performance is decent, not incredible or spellbinding or whatever hyperbolic words you could throw at him.

The film is decent as well. But not fucking film of the decade, christ.

The Turin Horse is.

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Good Time, newfag

delete your account

What are some other movies like Good Time and The Florida Project where the protagonists are bad people stuck at the bottom?

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It played in theatres where I am and I went in pretty much blind (I think I even made a thread on Yea Forums like "durr should i see Good Time or Hostiles tonite Yea Forums??")

I went back to the theatre LITERALLY the next day to watch it again. It was that good.

I agree. nowadays usually there's a compromise between interesting characters or a gripping plot but Good TIme nailed both.

It’s good but not amazing. You don’t need to overhype it.

well I kinda liked its style too but ultimately the movie didn't resonate with me all that much and felt a bit all over the place, EXCEPT for that heartbreaking finale.
>the pure and the damned

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1 single film too ahrd to say, so much depends of mood.

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I just read a congregation of jackals and it like this

Yeah I saw it in the theater three times.

saw it past week. it's great, i'm looking forward for more pattinson stuff, but it's not the best anything of anything

I like that they didn't lock any areas down for filming, like subways and malls etc. They just shot amongst the public and nobody recognised Pattinson.
File Name. Dick Head.

Definitely top 5. But I don't know if it's the overall best
I'm not even sure if it's better than Cosmopolis

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No, that title belongs to Mars Needs Moms!

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Good Time and '71 are the most immersive movies ive ver seen

>implying anyone actually watched that

I was glad to see an autist in film not also turn out to be rainman. The "spectrum super power" trope really has gotten tired over the last 10 years.

The same guy who made '71 made White Boy Rick last year. I thought it was such a drop off

Hows that folder coming chief

I did.

pretty gud

Attached: Mars Needs Moms Folder.png (2560x1440, 1.94M)

I'm proud of you

it's pretty amazing how you don't jerk off to these, but only have them out of love for the movie! Commendable

I like it a lot. It's a good example of a character that's very smart and experienced, but not smart enough to succeed. He always has a plan but some factor spirals it out of control.

Yeah, I'm impressed by how "real" he is. He doesn't ever become an idiot or a savant because the plot requires it. He's constantly competent but a fuckwit

not that guy but I didn't know that, what a disappointment