Does Daisy Ridley have big enough talent to keep working in Hollywood after star wars?
Does Daisy Ridley have big enough talent to keep working in Hollywood after star wars?
she's really the ugliest woman in Hollywood?
She’ll get as much work as she got before SW
Is her ass deflating?
she should deflate in my mouth knowwatimma sayin?
As much as dead body in a morgue?
I prefer Bunny.
if the left pic is the most recent then she’s developing a really good mom booty
i refuse to believe the left one is real. has to be a shoop
shes so cute bros
5-10 years ago maybe. Looks like Daisy's grandma now though
She's hideous
qt bunny.
Looking like this IS enough talent
a cute.
dubs confirmed. poor bunny bros
they're both ugly as shit, waifucuck
ill take the one that has cute feet
so Felicity it is
What does a girls ass taste like? This is something I've always wondered.
I don't have a waifu retard, I just have a fetish for girls with pretty faces and smiles you homo faggot.
She is fucking attractive but why does her character suck? I literally do not care about her Rey. She seems like a blank slate, and I just don't believe her struggles(?).
Depends on their diet and if they clean their ass good or not.
They really need to start casting the female capeshitters at like 17 years old, for longevity purposes.
That didn't work with Sophie Turner
It looks like she used to have significant talent but now it's not well-rounded enough.
nice left shoop
god dammit
Any pics of her in tight jeans?
I think the image goes right-to-left, so she is swelling with talent, in fact.
Are her elbows really that dry? Holy crap DROPPED!
If that's the case then certainly she's becoming a big star with a lot of talent to offer.
Any fucking white whore can lean on one hip, wear heels to flex glutes, and angle themselves for the widest width. I seriously can't understand the appeal other than you're from reddit and love nuwars
maybe that's why they killed her off at the end of Rogue One. Disney has enough experience to foresee The Wall
Not a chance. She’s managed to be totally anonymous to the general public while starring in one of the biggest franchises in cinema. You look at Emilia Clarke & Sophie Turner and they’ve turned their roles into mainstream fame. I reckon Ridley could walk through a high street and not get noticed much. Also she can’t act at all.
No this is
She used to be so very
Even most of the main cast in the star wars movies that didnt flop didnt make much after it, so i dont think so
LMFAO. Dat prime bri'ish dna, aye
>mom booty
Her vagoo doesn't work.
Her career is over once her affair with a married costar has proven to be true
>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people.
>10/10 Aryan
uh no but our 6/10s are better than your 8/10s
Yeah, it's game over man, game over if that ever gets out
Very funny
More like she's trying to boost up her career by spreading these affair rumors. Because no one gives a shit about her and her untalented ass. Atleast she'll get attention this way. Carrie Fisher pulled the same stunt by revealing her affair with Harrison Ford to promote her book and it became a bestseller.
Is she of the tribe?
I think she's pretty cute
this meme never really took off, did it?