Will Chernobylfags on Yea Forums ever recover?

Will Chernobylfags on Yea Forums ever recover?

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RBMK fags on suicide watch!

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>literal who makes contrarian video for (You) equivalents
>implying anybody thinks the show is a 100% accurate representation of the disaster

1min in and hes already chuckling at the "creative liberties"

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wtf I hate chernobyl now

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>literal who
He is a literal physicist who debunks retards and charlatans for fun.

I hate this faggot

I figured she was just talking about the nuclear fallout, not the explosion.

Thunderfoot was ancient youtube channel that was omega atheist

He's a chemist, it's an HBO show why would you expect it to be 100% scientifically accurate?
He's the kind of pedantic spaz who immediately tries to find plot holes in films to show how "smart" he is

Finally some sense. The general is run by literal shills who think that memes are "funny pictures with funny text". Either that or they're complete morons who have been on the internet for less than a year.

He was a chemist, he switched to physics.

BUSTED!, like it was trying to ruse everyone, what a faggot.

Well the show did try to make it seem like all of Europe was in danger when in reality it wasn't.

The show painted was a representation of what people believed then, not the facts we know in hindsight.

Seems that went over this literal who's head

It showed scientists presenting a worst case scenario

Thunderfoot has gone too far

>a worst case scenario
a complete work of fiction

>not the facts we know in hindsight.
In real life they had a team of scientists on the ground who knew everything within a day.

The show actually got almost everything right.

They only changed a couple of things, for instance the AZ-5 button causing a power spike was not kept secret, and here and there they exaggerated the effects of radiation a little. But overall it's incredibly accurate for a TV show, including in terms of the science.

>it was not 100% accurate!
Well, it wasn't a documentary, stupid fuck


I feel like he didn't watch the entire show. It specifically says 2 of the divers are still alive today.

He has always been, and always will be, a faggot.


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Is this the bong incel who was obsessed with Anita Sarkeesian?

I don't care. I'll look up articles and files and read through official reports and documentaries on youtube.

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>says the destruction of the other three reactors would only be "slightly worse"

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he was in a discord with sargon and pregnant fish kraut and davina where they would go after people they disgaree with and he quit after some internal drama or some nonsense. its very long winded and there are various videos that explain this in detail. Look into it at your own risk

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Youtube was a mistake.

This. Literally Cinemasins tier.

>memes are funny pictures with funny text
Why must the fun police always turn up to try ruin things?

>literal shills
Only disney has those here

Do you know that it wouldn't be, based on anything other than how you feel about it?

>Being over the age of 13 and watching Thunderf00t.

He looks like he would smell funny.

>I fucking love science
>oh yeah? Let's talk about the scientific evidence relating to racial diff...

I thought the thermal explosion would be bulshit
this makes me feel smart

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>uhhhhhhhh ACKSHUALLEE the radiation won't kill you like THAT *adjusts nerd glasses*
Chernobyl is kino and that's all it needs to be

Not that user but how would 4x the emissions of radiation not be more than slightly worse?

Radioactivity is not contagious!

Radioactive material: yes.
Radioactivity: no.

How can anyone stand to listen to this fedora's excruciating voice?

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>not knowing thundersperg
stupid zoomer

>watching proto-fash drivel on youtube.

I was about to post this. I can't stand two minutes of this shit.

Chernobyl was indeed kino and that made me research the real story about the disaster. I understood the show was a dramatisation and therefore dramatic license was taken. Feel bad for this fag being too cunty to enjoy a kino show

I don't understand what he has to talk about. The show follows a dramatized but factual portrayal strength of events. The air was glowing, the firemen and some scientists did die exactly like how they were portrayed, the miners and divers did do those events, and didn't do anything in the long run, and the liquidators did similar jobs to those shown in the show. Yeah, the helicopter crashed at a different time and for different reasons, but the show also didn't follow the entirety of the events from day one until modern times and had to compress some events.

What's there to complain about?

This guy still exists?

>he was in a discord
no they invited him to discord but he couldn't install it right so he ended up ignoring them.

That the lava would drip down and cause an explosion akin to a thermonuclear bomb endangering all of Europe.

I have found that the more knowledgeable scientists types are in a particular area the more likely they are to disclaim expertise is others areas. It is always the guy who got a Chemistry BS 30 years ago and spent most of his life figuring out how to get whiter whites who wants to hold forth on how nuclear reactors work.

The one guy I worked with who was a PhD physicist designed control surfaces for aircraft. If you got him much outside that, even other parts of the plane like jet engines, he’d make sure to mention he was no expert and we really should ask the guys over in propulsion.

There was a danger of a large explosion. So what if a tv show exaggerated the scale of it? Truly unprecedented.

the show that brought trannies and vatniks together (to seethe)

>watching the less successful incel equivalent to ndt or bill nye

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>B-but this guy doesn't know anything about nuclear reactors
Stay mad fags.

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yeah he makes anti-elon musk videos now

He obviously stole this from my post on /k/.


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>*beats you to it*
heh, nothing personal

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Does your map indicate the spread of radiation?
That just looks like the immediate blast zone

Maybe he's right about the science but I'll never know because that fucking voice is just too much to bare. Is he affecting that stupid tone or does he always sound like that much of a smug cunt?

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>sound like that much of a smug cunt
Hes British so he always sounds like that.
Personally the only people who gets under my skin are Sargon with his retarded smug chuckle and The Quartering with his game journo tactics.

Why big Youtube dEbuNkeRzZ that I know (this fag and Dave Jones from EEvBlg) have such awful voices? Hell, your voice is your breadbringer if you are blogger, at least try to improve it! Put stones in your mouth and try to outscream the ocean or some shit

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Sounds like an absolute asshole. Insults others work "for fun". I hate that passive aggressive bullshit.

That's irrelevant. Nukemap shows fallout produced by bombs, not by the (impossibly powerful) nuclear explosion of a nuclear reactor. The picture is to illustrate what kind of destruction an actual nuke can cause.

Proof? You literal dumbfuck.

Thankfully I've never heard another British voice like that. It's a rancid combination of whatever regional accent he has, nasal faggotry and cunty smug delivery.

Why can't people just admit that the 'Steam Explosion' theory is in and of itself a fucking lie? Declassified CIA documents explicitly reference ongoing sabotage operations at Chernobyl. America blew up the reactor, end of story.


>t. Dmitry

A lot of their "work" are scams.
He debunks a lot of kickstarters that use bad science to raise money.
His Solar roadways playlist is the best.

Some people are clearly scammers out for a quick buck but others seem like people who bought into the junk science and are too invested to admit its a lie.

Your demonization of a great man won't help you against the facts. The CIA admitted to it.

He's a faggot that refuses to let gamergate go.

He stopped talking about gamergate a long time ago.
Now he is laser focused on Elon Musk and the Hyperloop.

>no they invited him to discord but he couldn't install it right so he ended up ignoring them.
Actualy he is on video using discord in the past and saying "how easy it is". His alibi is pure bullshit.


ignore morons like the guy in the OP, they add nothing to the discourse of film other than pathetic whining and the destruction of art to ensure their autism is satiated.

they essentially want to reduce films to documentaries and scientific papers

I can't stand the smuckles. This guy is as irritating to listen to as Sargon.

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This. Smugness and autism don't mix well.

He worked on research reactors tho

I just can't be bothered with people who treat me like this.

reactor wouldn't have blown up like a nuke, which is what the smug sciencewoman said
there, saved you 37 minutes
note, everyone already mentioned that bit every time somebody asked "how realistic the show is"
I'm pretty sure the "PhD physicist who designed control surfaces for aircraft" at least knew that a jet engine doesn't work in vaccum, even though he didn't know what alloy they used in turbine blades.
You don't need to be an expert in anything whatsoever to do the most basic, highschool-level thermodynamic calculations, which 90% of Thunderfoot's de-bunking videos are.
What are you even doing on Yea Forums?

For me it's the constant rambling and reiteration of the same points.

I tried to watch it expecting some serious criticisms of actual inconsistencies of which there are many. Chernobyl had some cartoon physics and took a lot of liberties with characters and events. Although I doubt this faggot would be capable of diving into documents (some of which are not avaliable in English) to find out actual timeline of events. However, he's just criticizing claims made by a scientist character who clearly has no idea what she's talking about in the context of the show. Nobody knew what Chernobyl was at the moment so they just assumed the worst. Turned it off 6 minutes in.

he also published article in Nature about explosions between metals and water

to be fair, imagine being one of the faggots who got melted in such actual real world events. i'd be pissed if my suffering was distilled and distorted to become fodder for pleb westerner entertainment in the future. there's a difference between tearing this apart and some faggot fantasy capeshit where no one actually got hurt

that said OP is still an unfunny nig

>people are being scared off of nuclear
>"oh well lol we have bullshit like fusion lol who needs nasty nuclear look at 3 fukushima island lol since when does a populace that votes need to know about the things they vote on lol"

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I haven't watch this show but I have a question: why the fuck are Soviets speaking English?

fuck you for reminding me this cuck exists

>Dude why didn't they spend months learning their lines in Russian and not know what to emote and when so we can watch it with subtitles

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Because America won

I'm a physicist working at the LHC and wouldn't know shit about commercial nuclear energy.

Why not hire Russian actors. Soviets speaking with British accents ruins my immersion.

>Creator openly admits he took creative liberties for the sake of drama but 90% of the events portrayed were as accurate as they could be
>Haha it wasn't 100% fag you're BUSTED

Thunderfoot trying to piss off every human on earth

Is this the RBMK general?

Cucknobylfags can't handle a little criticism. Sad!
Worse than /got/ards. Experts agree!

this guy still thinks he's relevant after gamergate fiasco?
it's not 2014 anymore

Really interesting video.

Why British show would dismiss all its available talent to try recruit whoever russian speaking actor they could get only for them to have subpar performance because script writer and director wouldn't be russian anyway?

It's being make by English speakers for English speakers. American accents would have sucked but British was fine

This is the thunderfoot is faggot incel general

why does he talk like that, insufferable ?

too much smugness from patreon money

>YouTube faggot

Who cares? I bet he has autism voice

is there another thread to discuss the show?

>still a great film though :-D
>6 years ago
how times have changed

Does he has a wife/girlfriend? We should ask and tell him to have the sex.

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But the fucking writer admits to taking many liberties in the story/accuracy. Who the fuck said it was 100% truth?

A "scientist" who can't distinguish between a dramatization and a documentary.

Gamma rays are short range and ultra deadly, really doesnt matter much if one or 4 reactors leak.

He is literally just like sargon of rape and nobody should take this man seriously.
Chernobyl series is shit though.

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Did anyone take the "half of Europe uninhabitable for 100 years" stuff seriously?
It's the only thing he complains about in the video as well.

So he literally has only a single talking point and spends over thirty minutes babbling on and on about it? What an insufferable sperging retard.

No, the reality of what had already happened was horrifying enough. That was the scientists creating a hypothetical worst case scenario to force the government the situation seriously since their first instinct was to downplay everything to save face

Why is HBO head and shoulders better than any other cable channel?

I mean the show's claim was pretty outrageous.
He works with nuclear stuff himself and his main point is undoing the scaremongering surrounding nuclear power, which I agree with.

But yes, he's a sperg, and drags his stuff on. He's insufferable even when you agree with him, like with the hyperloop stuff

*to take the situation seriously

>5 rubles have been deposited to your account

The USSR unironically "won" the space race which was just American retardation. It's really sad how America turns everything in to a competition and then loses.

Also, Thunderf00t is legitimately right-wing propaganda.

then you'll be able to post one

I don't think there's enough scaremongering desu

Russian bot detected.

>Also, Thunderf00t is legitimately right-wing propaganda.
He made an entire video about how intelligence isn't heritable because if it was that would hurt people's feelings and studies don't matter

>Remain voter
>right wing


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Let me guess. You need the dubbed version of foreign movies to actually watch them.

Immerse yourself in feedwater, retard!

This is actually how it's supposed to be. I can offer advice on some things but I have areas I'm an expert in. Without tooting my own horn, of course. Don't mean to be arrogant. I do know what I'm talking about with a decent amount of things but I do defer to people who know more than me without a second thought. People like Thunderf00t are pseuds who think they know everything and mislead others.

Why would you expect truth, you ask? How utterly fucking soviet. You are a defeated American quisling, am I right? Fuck the truth, just get excited for next product.

Actually looking forward to it. The dude works in a nuclear power plant. I bought a Radex after seeing him fucking around with one.

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>In real life they had a team of scientists on the ground who knew everything within a day.
source thunderfag?

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lmao get the fuck out ivan

>there was one time when this people dominated youtube

how long has it been

they're literal redditors m8. stay out of generals, they're containment for cancer.

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>That the lava would drip down and cause an explosion akin to a thermonuclear bomb endangering all of Europe.
That's true though. If it reached groundwater it would contaminate it, and when it reached water yeah it's going to cause a reaction akin to an explosion.
Whether those would actually happen or not is irrelevant anyways, because that is why the soviets sent the divers and miners down there. If he complains about it then he's proving himself to be a moron.

>that stupid voice

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the backlash begins , the ride never ends

Carl is charming, thunderfoot faggot isn't and sounds like a boring cunt.

Lol no.

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Soo it was all CIA?

if you're too young to know that thunderfoot is the rick and morty of youtubers, you have to go back. he's basically black science man 0.5, he's some fuckstick who makes youtube videos for (You)s, been pulling this gig since the early 2000s and have been blown out so many times it's absurd. git out.

actually now that I think about it, he's more like the jack scalfani of science than the neil, but whatever it's close

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>4 hours ago

i fucking hate britbongs so much
nuclear holocaust when?

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>He is known for criticising religion, pseudoscience and feminism.

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The Anons that hate Thunderf00t
-Elon Muskfags
-Solar Roadwayfags
-Anti-nuclear Energyfags

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Why do these types always have ratty ponytails?

>open video
>hear british accent
>close video

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Oh no! How awful!

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Based, fuck the british and their awful voices


basically this

(((Scientists))) are generally dependent on the teat of large well funded governments so no surprise, nobody would fund their meme profession if they didn't have to

His whole series on nuclear weapons is great


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oh no

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What does that stand for? I've been blocking all HBO shill threads since GoT.

something russian
its the model of reactor used in chernobyl

Agreed. This is why the russian version will be kino as the actors will actually speak in russian

But most of the budget will be embezzled.

going to need a time machine to make that happen

We should turn this back into a General

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>actual nuclear physicist


>hollywood writers with only a tertiary understanding that don't consult experts

Yeah... I'm thinking this is gonna be his best video since he destroyed Anita Sarkeesian.