Try to remove dvd from case

>try to remove dvd from case
>it won't come out and starts to bend

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>you break the snappy thing in the center holding it in place

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boomer problems

>The dvd center is already broken when it arrives by mail and there is mild scratching.

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Why are you still using dvds? Blue ray is superior.

>buy dvd movie
>it has two disks one for the movie and one for extras.
>they look the same
>put the extras dvd 50% of the time instead of the movie.

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Look at this city slicker with his fancy blue ray player and HD tv. Not everyone was born with a silver spoon up their ass. Besides I can't tell the difference between blue ray and dvd anyway

>case is empty
guess I'll wait til the weekend to go through every bd and vidya case

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Disc comes loose in case

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I have a Back to the Future trilogy set I've never watched because I could never get the DVDs out of the case.

>Shelve out for a collectors' edition
>It's cardboard sleeves

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Emphasis on YOU can't tell the difference.

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t. morons

Any other 720p tv bros here?

>720x480 looks just like 1920x1080

The new kids here never experienced the mental trauma of their VHS player suddenly stop working.

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I'm literally having this problem right now with the Die Hard Blu-Ray collection I just bought. Wat fucking do.

Hold it above a kettle of boiling water. The vapor will loosen it up.

No non-nerds know what these numbers mean. Have sex.

>you do it on purpose because it's so satisfying even though you know you're only fucking yourself over
Stop me please

claw hammer or crow bar

>drop CD case once
>immediately shatters into a thousand pieces

my whole ??? CD collection was held together by tape

>get mommy jovovich's Ultraviolet DVD
>comes with a paper with code to also get movie on Ultraviolet streaming service

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at my mom's house when I visit
it's mildly infuriating

if you purchase anything less than the most high budget films in 4k you're a cuck