Why doesn't hollywood cast bodybuilders anymore?

Why doesn't hollywood cast bodybuilders anymore?

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masculinity is toxic and undesirable

is this real? I mean what even is this shit? his whole torso is a fucking mess and his legs are horribly proportioned to the rest.

This unless it is to dominate me in bed

Have sex


>lifting metal dildoes all day long in a sweaty sausage factory and doing drugs that shrink your balls just so your oiled up body can be positively judged by other males in a beauty pageant

>metal dildos
If you look at a barbell and see a dick I hate to say it my guy but you are 200% gay

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things women will never understand


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Fagbuilder cope, go 'spot' your fuckbuddies some more

absolutely fucking disgusting

roelly really shouldve taken second from Phil

gyms must be a really confusing place

thank god I've never stepped in one

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Is fucking a muscle thot the same as fucking a dude? Can someone confirm.

WTF is going on with her face?

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You can come if you like.

>can't cast muscular men because it somehow encourages men to be assholes
>can't cast feminine women because muh male gaze
>everyone is now some androgynous potato

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because they found its easier to make an actor look strong/tough than to teach a strong/tough looking guy how to act.

and hollywood is dying.

>be so swole you can't even wipe your own ass anymore
Nah.. I think i'm good

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and modern pro bodybuilders are freakshows with proportions that aren't appealing to anyone but other bodybuilders.

This nigga could take off.

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He looks really good. His lats are a bit too big for everything else on his upper body maybe.

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No more wiping your ass, tying your fucking shoes, or even just picking up something you dropped.
You basically become physically disabled at a certain point once your body turns into a giant mass of muscles.
They're basically the equivalent of those shapeless blobs you see riding scooters around walmart.

Then again, if you've got the money for all the chemicals/drugs/gym time you need to achieve that look, they probably already have a small army of servants at home to take care of the basics.
I can only imagine the poor housekeeper who has to wipe her employers ass regularly

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>the absolute fucking state of this board
Cope harder

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As long as you stretch you'll be fine, being jacked means that you can't be flexible or move well is momscience.

photoshop, faggot.

how misinformed are you? It's the most cliche thing to say ever, but totally false. They are flexible and very very strong. They can do most normal tasks fine and they have enormous amounts of "functional strength" as DYELS try to say they do not.

Bodybuilders these days can hardly move properly. Best to cast some athletic but with muscle too.

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Fat fucks will never understand the joy of hard work and the fruits of labor.
If your a neet you have no excuse not be /fit/.

dyel cope

>go to college and study like hell, actually apply your intellect with perseverance, be recognized for it, get a degree, and be hired by a wealthy company on great salary
>some meathead faggot who lifts heavy objects up and down: U DUNT WERK HARD FAGUT!!!!

>thank god I have the best years of my life and health to Mr Noseberg for money I can't enjoy because I'm tired all the time and too unhealthy to engage in even moderate activity.

This would make a great comedy

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>implying exercise and getting a degree are mutually exclusive
>implying any of the lazy fucks complaining here are working a high end salary career, much “applying their intellect”

it's literally less than 3 hours a week to improve your appearance, strength, and health
cope harder, faggot

>writing javascript to make weinsteins porn site look good while you go home everyday rotting your body in front of netflix is comparable to going to the gym, pushing your body and mind to the limits for years and years.

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>being fit and being educated are mutually exclusive
Just outed yourself as a dyel nigger.

Yes, he looks really good from a bodybuilding POV, but he has a few weak points though, as any top tier competing bodybuilder has, some more so than others.
His back is not really too wide, but, believe it or not, rather lacks some depth and seperation in comparsion to some bodybuilders he regularly competes against. Don't get me wrong, he still has a very, very good back, but still, some backs are better (not many though).
Roelly also has a rather poor structure, no way to change that.
And his biggest issue seems to be that he sometimes has serious problems to dial in his condition. He sometimes holds too much water. Don't really fault with him being so massive.
What really speaks for him from a BB POV is his almost unreal mass, especially his arms. Roelly is in the top 5 of best arms ever in pro BB, not only in my book. And he learned to keep his bubble gut in check on stage (from time to time)
BTW: Yates was such a good bodybuilder who combined crazy mass with unreal condition and a very good structure. He looked insane. But he also had a "weakness": His arms (forearms excluded), especially after he tore one of his biceps. Was good enough for 6 consecutive Mr Olympias, though...


Hollywood does but nobody cares about elite bodybuilders because they're disgusting circus freaks.

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Name a single great man who was also a muscle tank.
No, Ahnuld is not a great man, he's a shit meme actor.

Well, Roelly Winklaar, the bodybuilder in OP's pic, can do a backflip on stage, as he did a couple of times. So there are exception to the rule. You are right, most super massive bodybuilders are not very "athletic"...
They don't have to be though, at least not for bodybuilding contests

If you're as big as say, Martyn Ford, you can still appear in films.


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My nigga Arnie

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He's a big guy.

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It is beyond me how any man can resent lifting and building strength. Neglecting it, I can understand, but actively resenting it?

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Their PED use has grown so out of control they all look like freaks. 100% of them are on hgh and insulin so their guts extend grotesquely,. It's much easier and better PR to go buy PEDs for your male actors and tell people it was an 8 month transformation with a strict diet.

Every bodybuilder I met was a manlet, one even openly admitted it was his insecurity about his height that lead him to get into it. "being in shape" or improving yourself is one thing, turning yourself into a bloated mutant is another, and these guys have gone too far. I am 100% certain the obsession to get as swole as fuck stems from insecurity, if not height then tiny penis

>best bodybuilder in the world for years and years, undisputed GOAT of the sport
>cultural icon, leading role in films that will be remembered for as long as anyone cares about film at all
>massive influence in shaping what is considered an aesthetic male body
>role model of millions of guys all around the world
>governor of the highest earning state of the most powerful country on earth
>not a great man
Absolute state of dyel copers.

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Is that...Dr. Pavel?

>thinking he's smarter than anybody
You're at journalist-level IQ.

Fitness is masculine. Injecting yourself with drugs in an attempt to aggregate enough mass to look as inhuman as possible to satisfy your body dismorphia is the male equivalent of a plastic bimbo in high heels and micro skirts.

>be born with exceptional genetics
>lift weights
>do steroids
>get casted in movies by Schlomo
>never learn to speak proper english despite living in States for 50 years
What a great man, practically Newton or Napoleon

>go to college
>study like hell, actually apply your intellect with perseverance, be recognized for it, and be hired by a wealthy company on great salary
choose one

Thought process of a high estrogen wage drone who could never conceive of anything beyond mediocrity.

Arnie looked aesthetically pleasing. The likes of OP and many modern bodybuilers look like freaks.

Just a lucky guess

Martin Ford is a big, big guy, yes.
Real bodybuilder? Not really.
Doesn't compete, and if he did, even mid-tier competing amateurs would wipe the floor with him from a bb POV. He has a very poor structure, shitty arms, shitty back, shitty legs and he would have to drop gallons of water to dial in his condition.
He is still a monster though and I bet he is very happy with not competing.


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for sneed

Mr.Olympia has become a freak show to see who can be the biggest while being the most cut, but that shouldn't undermine the greatness of bodybuilding as a whole.

Considering his 6ft8 he's a big guy.

Yep, PED use got pretty much out of control in 90s. Not even to speak of the recreational drug abuse in the bodybuilding "culture".

>muh genetics
>muh steroids
>muh jews

>all the dyel cope in this thread

Seriously dudes, just fucking do it. I know you want to because I used to be just like you. I thought guys that lifted were nutsacks and lacked personality. What I realized when I started going to the gym is that you feel 100 times better and it makes you want to make other goals in your life to surpass. You only hate these people because you are too lazy to actually better yourself, but it doesn't have to be that way. There is a depression epidemic because people weren't meant to spend most of their life watching t.v. and sitting on their ass. Our bodies are designed to be active.

nah, bodybuilders are insecure faggots

you find plenty of guys in the gym who look like mostly normal guys just a bit bigger and they're just as strong as the insane-looking bloated bodybuilding monstrosities

bbs are just in it for the pure aesthetics, not functionality, and at that point you're indistinguishable from a woman

Two of the most well known bodybuilders of all time are over 6'0 tall. I'm 6'2 and I love lifting and cardio. Stop being a little bitch and better yourself. Stop trying to shit on people who do and rationalize why you're better for not being that way. It's seriously pathetic.

Poor lil insecure bodybuiler's brain can't take any criticism and instantly reverts to kneejerk responses. How adorable.

i think you potato heads fail to understand the concepts of "moderation" and "going too far". No on ehas a problem with dudes working out, people are saying these fucking uber-jacked assholes look like freaks, which they do.

>Just as strong.
If anyone says they're natty and they can deadlift 800lbs, they're lying to you, and you're a fucking idiot for believing it. Then again, I've met people that swear Arnold Schwarzenigger is all natty.

Neets have no excuse not to lift, you should try it sometime.

You don't know me bitch. i don't shit on people bettering htemselves, I laugh at fucking freaks who are clearly mentally obsessed

Oh I would like to know where this gym is where you can find plenty of guys who look mostly like normal guys just a bit bigger who are just as strong as bb monstrosities

If you actually lifted, or did anything, you'd know that setting limits is for people that are just going to quit. There are no limits to what you can do. Why the fuck would you do the same thing every time you exercised? The people that do that get bored and quit, and honestly, they don't really get that far. Keep being a dumb faggot though. I'm sure it's working out great for you.

>get told that you're retarded, that physical fitness isn't hard to maintain, and that any adult male who gives a shit should go to the gym
c o p e

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There is a limit, a line, where a guy looks buff and in good shape, and where a guy looks like a fukcing circus freak. And these chaps have clearly crossed that line. If you don't get it, then fuck you.

You think they give a shit about what some dyel on a laotian elvis impersonation forum thinks looks good?

Not understanding and respecting the impulse to always push further, is lacking a central part of a mans mind.

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Not everyone is a bodydysmorphic tranny in the making. Some people just like to, you know, stay fit and healthy

>male equivalent of a plastic bimbo in high heels and micro skirts.
male equivalent of women who do this shit. There's bigl, and then there's too big.

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very embarrassing post

Literally sour grapes man. They wont be hoenst with themselves that they are too lazy and glutonous, so they try to make it undesirable in their head.

Shut the fuck up Ben

masculine homoeroticism is out, feminine homoeroticism is in, honey

Do you seriously not understand the concept of "optimum"?

The last of the Saiyan race

t. Retarded roided user

>get casted

These are the people who value "intellectualism" over brawn.

because bodybuilding turned into a sad joke in the 80s.

>so your oiled up body can be positively judged by other males in a beauty pageant
don't forget that they are GAY, RICH and OLD men who judge you in those beauty pageants, and that a popular way to earn the money needed for all the illegal drugs that do most of the work in modern bodybuilding is "gay for pay". insecure men are ruining their bodies and performing homosexual acts to earn money so they can then win an award handed out by the same homosexuals who the rest of the year pay them to perform homosexual acts with them. even fapping to traps would be less gay than being a serious bodybuilder today.

From a business perspective it certainly did not, from an aesthetic perspective (whatever that might be), it surely did. But there are still enough good aesthetically pleasing amateurs and pros out there.

nice marshmallow man cosplay. at the very latest BB was dead when dorian won his first trophy.

The real question is, why the fuck it ever did.

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Yep, gay4pay is big issue in bb circus. Not only today, but already has been for a long, long time.

>he can’t see the irony in his own post
The cope continues. I bet you can’t even do 20 pushups.

the "aesthetic" categories are a false hope. these dudes have access to the same drugs as the bigger dudes, meaning they don't actually work for their gains either. they just do the same shit everyone else does and adjust their doses so they turn into "aesthetic" mode rather than the veiny blob. at that point the competition becomes 100% insertion / symmetry / bone structure genetics and to a lesser degree "politics". bodybuilding only lived when the competition about being the biggest and leanest, and the competition about "aesthetics" were one and the same. the moment pure lean mass exceeded what is aesthetically pleasing to a normal, unconditioned observer the sport died and turned into a freak show for faggots and pandora's box cannot be closed again. drug testing wouldn't solve the problem either. just let it go.

no way Colton

Pain & Gain proved otherwise.

>a retarded Slav who injected synthol is aesthetically the same as a bodybuilder

complete psychopaths made that movie.
>let's make an ACTION COMEDY about real evil, sadistic people and glorify their actions
absolutely psychotic.

>Pandora's box cannot be closed again
I agree
>these dudes have access to the same drugs as the bigger dudes, meaning they don't actually work for their gains either
Well, it actually is still some work to do. Regularly lifting, injecting, dieting and often eating huge amounts of foods can get quite tedious. I see where you are getting at though
>at that point the competition becomes 100% insertion / symmetry / bone structure genetics and to a lesser degree "politics"
I don't fully agree, there is still some dieting involved pre contest (you can only do so much drugs/diuretics to cover up your lack of proper dieting) and there still is a LOT of politics involved
>bodybuilding only lived when the competition about being the biggest and leanest, and the competition about "aesthetics" were one and the same
Yes, I see. Serious question: When do you think the downfall truly began? Early 90s?
>the sport died and turned into a freak show for faggots
Competitive high tier bodybuilding yes, but there are still some serious good bb out there, believe me. Some don't even do social media stuff

they are using The Rock for all that shit. One is enough.

Because 99.9% don't even posess the slightest amount of talent and charisma. I know nowadays many actors don't, but bodybuilders in particular. Have you ever talked to high tier bodybuilder? Let me tell you: They have the charisma of a cupboard. They are just plain boring, and that is an overstatement.
Connections they also don't have.

>neet describing what having a job is like
how about no, faggot

>When do you think the downfall truly began?
I think Arnold was a tad too big but this was masked by his talent for posing. He made it work. But then Zane still won after him (implying shit wasn't fucked yet). To me Nubret and Zane were the pinnacle of aesthetics when each of them were their leanest. The BBers of the "golden era" were already slightly too big, but the step over the line was exciting and it's understandable that they kept pushing and people kept paying attention. The exact turning point would be around 1970, possibly earlier. All five of the men in this image (1972 according to one article) have features that are simply too big. And it's quite easy to spot them because unlike the 80s and beyond it is only individual features that stick out from an otherwise well-rounded physique. The upper arms are too big on all five men except Franco. Nubret's chest and traps are too big. Arnold's abs can't keep up with the rest of his torso and the solution isn't to get bigger abs, it's to not overgrow the rest. Zane is caught in a bad pose, it really is just the upper arms in his case that break the illusion of "could be a freak of nature". Franco's lats overpower his other features. Sergio is not lean enough, aside from upper arms that's the main problem there.

Basically, each of these men's "signature strengths" imo are actually weaknesses when the idea is being the sculptor and the marble and creating something impressive and pleasant to look at, a marvel for civilized spectators, not a primitive freak attraction for "acquired taste" fetishists. Hollywood directors were right to tell Arnold he was too big and he should slim down. He was too big and he looked better in Conan and Predator than he ever looked on stage.

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Zero responses to this besides muh Arnold.
I take it as liftkeks getting BTFO

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case in point. here are Arnold's abs again, this time not overpowered by a bull's upper back and thighs for arms. one of the greatest pictures of Arnold I could find.

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Thanks for your elaborate answer! Very interesting read!

Imagine being this obsessed about another male's body.

/fittv/ is the best crossover

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the only things giving away that this is not a natural lifter with freak genetics are the pecs and perhaps the biceps. at first glance you might miss these and be fooled. this is visually what we're all hardwired to respect as a natural leader. we cannot help but respect this man at the very first glance. if we're still young we hope to one day turn out just like him and if we're old we hope to have him on our side for security and prosperity.

when I look at dorian yates
or this bizarre clown
I don't even see a man. I see exactly what all the modern BB ads talk about, "a beast", "a monster", "an animal".

body building went from young men seeking the admiration of women and the honest respect of men to now young men who are running quite literally from their own humanity. piano wasn't joking about that. leave humanity behind. bodybuilding has become an anti-social pursuit.

it comes from obsession with one's own body and from a general passion for visual aesthetics. I think about cars or planes in a similar way. what does the perfect sportscar look like? what is the shape and material of the coolest possible fighter jet? btw you're forgiven for inferring a gay theme as it's impossible to talk about bodybuilding past 1980 and not have it in the back of your mind.

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Here you go, bitch.

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>not /fitlit/

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muscle tank meaning what? of course no "great man" in a non-BB or entertainment context has ever bothered to roid and weigh 230 pounds lean. but men in shape? men who were fit at least when they were young? many, you just wouldn't know it from looking at a picture of them as a 50+ year old wearing a suit or other clothing "great men" typically wear in portraits / photographs. "great men" don't tend to be under 40 and they don't tend to take beach photos.

Because most bodybuilders look like disgusting freaks.

wow I never realized bronson was tom hardy,
though the only other movie I've seen him in is fury road
he did a great job desu, I loved bronson

actual pro bodybuilders don't look aesthetic anymore, they look like disgusting belgian blue cow human hybrids

A few non meme reasons
1. I think the entertainment industry culture has shifted to the point where it's no longer worth taking the risk on someone who may make or break a role by taking a gamble on casting them when you have no idea what kind of talent you're working with. Today more than ever actors and actresses seem more willing to actually get in shape and get fit for a role so there's not as much need to cast someone who's in shape for a living and doesn't know how to act when you can just put a regular joe actor on roids, give him the best diet coaches and fitness instructors who can morph them into exactly what you want them to look like for the role.
2. I don't mean to be insulting but look at bodybuilders from the 70s and 80s back when it was more common to hire bodybuilders for roles and compare them to OP's pic from more recently. The difference is night and day, OP's pic related might be acceptable in a BB competition but looks completely unaesthetic and unappealing to most people outside the Bodybuilding community. I would also imagine many bodybuilders wouldn't be willing to actually slim down to a more aesthetic physique and risk hurting their career as a pro bodybuilder to play a role in a movie when they don't know if they will even continue to get work as an actor.

she man

her thumb is bigger than my dick

>director keeps yelling cut
>roid rage intensifies

they're brain damaged retards with schizophrenia and NPD

because their physiques have been surpassed by the bloatlords

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Prefer watching strongman competitions, The World's Strongest Man, and that.

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lmao lanklet

brian shaw, eddie hall and robert obersts videos together are pure kino. they could have their own tv show and itd be better than most sitcoms

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forgot to include the video, something everyone on tv can relate to: eating 20,000 calories for din din

holy shit im retarded but I just finished working out and im low on blood sugar


Is this natty?

Adam Sessler is looking good these days.

>wearing 20 pounds of makeup at the gym
>taking 20mg of anavar during a cycle

Enjoy having sterilization

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bit gay desu

That dude honestly looks much better than this weird roided up Barbie.

/fit/ calls it the F-14 Tomcat mode

no, he uses creatine

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