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makes sense I guess, Bane was a wrestler or something wasn't he?

naw mate he was a prisoner

I fully support that casting choice. I always thought Tom Hardy wasn't enough of a big guy to play Bane. But a 2 meter tall 130kg wrestler? Now that's a big guy.

I do declare he was a skinny Mexican

Bane's look in comics was heavily influenced by mexican wrestlers, not their northen mutt's fake tv wrestling melodrama.

Just please don't make Bane quip like Drax does.

Nah he just had a luchador mask because he comes from a south american island.

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Hes a funnier Bane than weve ever had before

Dave who? Triple H would make a better superhero villain.

Triple H looks like shit now. The Rock is the only one that looks like comic book bane irl

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Was it autism?


Triple h would be a good Killer Croc.

Mick Foley would be a good Joker

>retweeting random nobodies proposing him for roles

I sense a WWE return for Desperate Dave

wasnt he banned for fiddling with kids ??

>my name is Bane
>I'll drive you insane
>shoot man before throwing him of plane?
>tell the truth , I bring the pain
>batman and Bruce Wayne?
>they are one in the same

fan interaction is not synonymous to failing at life. Unless your Rian Johnson.

Bane is supposed to be intelligent.

How many large Hollywood actors can realistically play an intelligent big guy?

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I'm actually okay with that though I'd like someone who's really tall, Tom Hardy was memeable but it'd be cool to get a real Knightfall saga.

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Batista actually can act smart, watch Blade Runner 2049

Dave seems like a smart dude

Dave is smart hivemind

how tall is bootista?

Why is he smart? Because he's wearing glasses in his one scene?


6'3" 289

Glasses =smart
Do you even go to acting school?

So long as he's taller than Pattison

be better than that mumbling fuck who played him last

smol boi

you sound like someone who doesn't wear glasses

are you talking about tom hardy or about the faggot in Gotham

t. contacts brainlet

I’m ok with this


what a manlet

why not a woman?

>blocks your path

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No he wasn't.

shouldn't it have been "i agree!"

>no Chris Evans Captain America
>no RDJ Tony Stark

in all seriousness, bane should be latino

I’m pretty sure Dave still is contractually obligates to do Guardians 3, no point in backing out now since he bitched so hard to get Gunn back on the film

Check ou the glasslet.

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>"Now, don't get me wrong, my ex-wife is the love of my life and I would never knowingly hurt her. However, while I was busting my butt on the road like a dog, she would sit around the house and do nothing. I mean, yeah, she had cancer, but she couldn't vacuum? And since the chemo made her "not in the mood", I had no choice but to have threesomes on the road. I mean, she's talented and I hated to see her waste her life like that when she could be a dancer, or maybe a nurse. But she's not a bad person and I take full responsibility for my actions, even though it was her fault."

holy fuck he's based.

Attached: dave-bautista.jpg (1000x563, 379K)

>Fan favorite in one of the most successful franchise ever

>*lowers prescription glasses and gives a knowing wink*

Please no

I didn’t realize Dave was so based

Onions and degeneratepilled