Why don't the main Star Wars films have Twi'leks anymore?
Why don't the main Star Wars films have Twi'leks anymore?
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we need more diversity by having more humans
Because we have SJW space casinos now
Because they were the product of a racist old white guys slave fantasy. I'm 100% serious, just think about it.
>Big asses, big lips, low IQ, in chains.
It's so painfully obvious that George Lucas created the Twi'leks in the image of the average black woman.
Makeup is expensive and time consuming
Nowhere in the movies or EU is it implied that Twi'leks are low IQ.
...I'm ok with it
I don't even care if the new movies don't have any classic aliens, since the OT and PT both introduced dozens of new species with each movie. I just don't get why all of the sequel aliens are so hideously bland.
>swallowing the /pol/ bait, hook line and sinker.
>did I ever tell you about Asohka Tano?
nu star wars has barely any aliens period, and when they do they gotta make them more human or dumb looking
The average Twilek is pretty hot though, which is not something you can say about the average negress.
OP I'm going to need you to post more of this specific character immediately, please and thank you
Seriously. I get the shitty rationale behind everything else: more female characters, more PoCs, rebooting the EU, making TFA a copypaste of ANH, “subverting expectations” with TLJ, selling the games license to EA, and turning the books and comics into boring quipfests. I don’t like it, but I can at least follow the train of thought. But why in the goddamn hell did they go in such an ugly direction with the creature design? Did they not bring any production artists over from the previous movies? Is it somehow cheaper to make all the aliens brown? Did the directors, producers, and art directors all insist on having a monotone color pallet? I’m stumped.
have sex
Make me.
Twi'leks where played by blacks and asians
>cherrypicked blacks and asians
they were trying to make the designs seem realistic. the only skin color CGI can do all that well is that sickly light brown. its really bad at, for instance, making green skin seem realistically translucent and dirty.
with a physical costume, an artist can look at it, see whats wrong/missing, and tweak it right there on set. (like geiger looking at the alien costume and putting strips of raw chicken in condoms to make tendons). with CGI it all has to be ordered in advance and it can't be tweaked effectively.
how the fuck do you think any role gets cast? Even in reality shows they have "high" bottom bars only on looks. how the fuck did you break loose from /x/ to Yea Forums you unrealistic weed?
>haha any response is the epic win!!
the goal of trolling is to get people angry and invested in their reply. when you exert more effort in your bait than anyone will in a reply, you're effectively just trolling yourself.
But the majority of the Sequel aliens are practical. Even the junkyard guy had a physical costume made with some cgi enhancements.
... friend, i don't know how to express this to you in a way you'll understand, because you clearly can't read, but you can't read.
Bullshit. If anything they resemble those Muslim girls with really fit bodies I see in west London everyday. Seriously amazing bodies...with a little bit of hair showing from under their hijabs. Oh my god!
the twi'lek that gets dumped under the trap door had a black actress as well. you might actually be onto something.
>he typed before being sentenced to death by stoning
that looks Rezarded
As far as i know they were considered a 'slave race' in the galaxy for a long time.
>ask why all the sequel aliens are so bland and monochromatic
>get told it’s because CGI can only do brown characters believably
>this is in spite of the fact that most of the sequel aliens are not CGI, but practical effects
Am I missing something?
>ywn get to fuck a qt twilek while using the head tails as handlebars
Based desu
>yfw you find out that twi’lek headtails are canonically erogenous zones
Because applying that much makeup for an alien we've seen before would be a pain in the ass and take hours to do. You won't see them as main characters because of this so its better to write them off than trying to please a bunch of reddit neckbeards who should just go to a strip club instead of watching children's entertainment for titties.
>dump millions and millions of dollars into a film
>won't apply alien makeup
lazy cunts
Doesn’t seem to be an issue for marvel.
Pantorans are superior
I've heard someone say that some kind of zombie virus got spread to every pre-Disney alien races except the humans. That shit happened in one of the comics made after they made TFA.
Now every non-human race is a caricature of the 56% meme (potato, brown, big space between the eyes).
That sounds retarded even for Disney
Diversity quotas leave no room for non-marginalized races.
the fact the characters clearly were more CGI than practical and you fell for a pretty blatant piece of shilling.
not to mention designing the characters around being fixable by CGI in post means you can't touch them on set.
That’s not Arkanians
Important to also note that George Lucas' wife is a black woman.
Disney SW is 100% uninterested in ayy lmaos. Whatever ones appear are just minor background/gag characters. None are established species either, because Disney is afraid of worldbuilding/lore aspect
They didn't want any CGI look so they could market it as "XD PRACTICAL EFFECTS". At the same time, I think they just didn't care much about the worldbuilding aspect and whatever aliens they were mandated to have were just thrown in and made to look similar to save expenses.
The new SW movies do not want aliens, as they associate it with the prequels
Solo had a few and the Mandalorian has one in it's main cast
The Force Awakens was originally gonna have a Twi'lek villian, judging from the concept art book that's out there
the only Sequel aliens in that were obviously cgi were Maz, the junkyard guy, and that one rebel pilot. The rest are all shitty Doctor Who aliens that look like mules.
Ironically, half the prequel aliens in the pic are practical, and the majority of them could have been done practically if they wanted.
>continues to miss the key bit about mixing practical with CGI means the practical has to look like what CGI can do well
... its like you're trying to be stupid
Solo and The Mandalorian take place before TFA. I guess something happened in-universe to fit Kennedy's demands.
Her name's Darth Talon and she's an EU character. I guess they were going to use her before they went full retard.
Laziness. All the aliens are lame in the new movies.
I understand what you’re saying, but like I said, only a few of the aliens in the pic are dependent on cgi enhancements. The rest are 100% practical, which is obvious from behind the scenes footage and the movies themselves.
>nu star wars has barely any aliens period, and when they do they gotta make them more human or dumb looking
fucking sequel trilogy, or "nu wars" as I like to call it. instead of human looking aliens, why not more nude women aliens with tentacle hair???
Because Kathleen Kennedy is a feminist and hates sex appeal for male fans.
See, that I understand. I even get how some leftist could get bent out of shape about certain aliens being “racist caricatures,” like the neimoidians. But what could possibly be offensive about a duros, or a bith?
You clearly don't get what I'm saying. Because mixing CGI and practical means the practical has to look like CGI. even if it isn't going to get any CGI enhancement.
>glorifying sex slaves
>probably sold into it as children,too
gee I wonder why
It's a fantasy, It's made by adults for adults. This is the exact same argument bible thumpers made trying to ban sex in games and movies in the nineties.
Why should the practical aliens match the aesthetic of the cgi ones? That just brings the issue back to it being a retarded creative decision.
to prevent either from standing out as clearly cgi/practical you absolute mongoloid
The old EU lore made them more like Slavs.
THey represented the Frenc and Ryloth and it’s history was similar to France in the clone wars they all had French accents plus Ayla Secura was played by a white girl and the OT Slave twilek was black, the prominent races in France
Again, never been a problem for marvel. Modern audiences don’t care whether something is cgi or practical, only if it looks good.
Back to /alita/ in /trash/
For real?
>ban sex
sex is a natural part of life
being a sex slave is not
>Rancor food
cool it on the islamophobia
>not even halfway through and the paint is all gone in the attrition zones
Fucking lame.
I don't think so but the tails on the Twi'leks head contain their brains and are extremely sensitive. IIRC you could even knock a Twi'lek out if you squeeze them too hard
How about twink'leks?
>It's so painfully obvious that George Lucas created the Twi'leks in the image of the average black woman.
Not possible, Twi'leks are actually sexy and cute.
>yfw George Lucas himself approved and published a nude painting of Aayla Secura
He liked Aayla secura a lot. Especially the French model that played her
wow that really makes casting and special effects cost coincidentally cheaper!
they look pretty fucking stupid to be fair
Thank you based user
>no pubes
Pretty sure Twi’leks can’t grow hair outside of eyebrows and eyelashes.
What a terrible fucking race then.
Hate to beak this to you OP but they did have Twileks in Solo.
>tfw no film adaptation of that book that has a lesbian imperial officer with a twilek harem
>pink nipples
The fuck? they should be dark blue or something.
>Twi'leks anymore?
fat women get triggered seeing attractive girls
Might I suggest a pantoran
They're an offshoot humoid race related to humans and Togrutas. They share a common ancestor.
In ancient times the race they share was spread around the galaxy by an ancient empire or weird alien beings who enslaved a lot of races. That's why Togrutas, Twi'leks and humans can bang and make babies.
Find me an EU source on that or recant your accusation
She has pink lips though.
I mean, shit it just makes sense considering her skin color.
But they are naturally subservient.
The intersectionalists look at the aliens in Star Wars and see human stereotypes exaggerated. So to make NuWars more correct, they've removed nearly all "humans with alien bits" type aliens, increased diversity for better representation, and the few aliens there are consist of animal inspired background characters.
That's the twilek equivalent of a burka.
Twi’leks are presumably red blooded, so any areas where the skin is thinner will naturally be more pinkish. This includes lips and nipples.
>why in the goddamn hell did they go in such an ugly direction with the creature design? Did they not bring any production artists over from the previous movies? Is it somehow cheaper to make all the aliens brown? Did the directors, producers, and art directors all insist on having a monotone color pallet? I’m stumped.
They're deliberately trying to deracinate the Star Wars universe.
While it's not always as explicit as Asian-analog Neimoidians, simply portraying humanoid characters who are predisposed to having certain traits or behaving in certain ways due to being of a particular species is implicitly racialist. I'm just a regular average joe and I can recognize that, so you can be certain the genderqueer diversity hires running amok at Lucasfilm are all over it.
They're taking two approaches to addressing this problem:
1) feature fewer aliens and make them bland and forgettable. Have them be unimportant and just stand around in the background. Hope nobody notices them (see earth-tone lineup of squinty eyed, droopy mouth face aliens). 2) when classic aliens are featured, write them in such a way as to break the racial stereotypes of their species. (see the Twilek from 'Rebels' as an example of this: a modestly dressed, resourceful, heroic, leader. Not a sexy dancer.). This would be fine, but it often ends up delivering a character which is just a human, but with forehead ridges, thus begging the question of why make it an alien at all?
Even in 1977, Lucas thought he goofed by not having enough aliens in Star Wars.
>break the racial stereotypes of their species. (see the Twilek from 'Rebels' as an example of this: a modestly dressed, resourceful, heroic, leader. Not a sexy dancer.)
They also did that in Solo, which took me by surprise. There was a single twi'lek woman featured briefly in that movie... working in the fuel mine alongside the other slave laborers.
I like how the junk dealer in Force Awakens is just a recycled Vogon from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie.
>posting this stale-ass pasta
You insult me.
But Marvel movies dont appear "immersive" and never have. Characters stand out as if reading a comic and that's the point. Star wars is supposed to feel "there".
Yeah, but there was a pale blue/purple Twi'lek in Jabba's palace who was a thicc Asian girl.
That’s down to the direction and the editing, not the effects department. My point is the MCU demonstrates that cgi and practical characters can share the screen without having to dumb either of them down in terms of visuals.
I'll change my pasta when it no longer applies to DisneyLF's content. Until then...
>Twi'lek villian
That could've been fucking cool.
MCU CGI visuals look intentionally unrealistic to the point of being comicesque though. SW cant afford that luxury or they'll get meme'd on. It has to have the "real" look of the originals.
There's some sort of scoundrel twi'lek in the Mandalorian. Looks awful.
>we need more diversity by having more humans
This is a big irony with the Disney films. They want so much human diversity that they have less in-universe diversity than even PT era.
You have no proof for those claims. All the other leftist pandering in the sequels, from the racebait casting to the shitty “subversive” writing had been accounted for and justified by the powers that be. But there’s absolutely no indication that anyone at Lucasfilm looked at the aliens of the OT and PT (which are mostly based around animal traits, rather than human features) and said “these character designs are too supportive of racialism, better make them all look like cows.”
Obi-Wan K is a rapper name.
The clowns running things at LF must be seething at Lucas for including black and women jedi in the Prequels. So much of their Progressive identity is based around having "The First x y z...", and Lucas denied them that.
Togruta > Twi'lek
Why not both.jpg
Not that guy but where would stuff like pic related fall?
That sucks.
>SW can’t afford that luxury or they’ll get meme’d on
That artist has very patrician taste, not many people would think to add that kind of foot jewelry
I have this.
>or they'll get meme'd on
And so they did. And so it was.
For the record, I said that under the opinion that both the prequels and 7+ were meme'd on heavily and still are. Basically only the originals have survived the meme treatment.
>ywn have a twi'lek sex slave that you can just rawdog to relieve that long day of stress
it hurts
I'm just telling it as I see it. I don't need Kathleen Kennedy to make an official statement in order to recognize that a deliberate decision has been made to minimize the role of aliens in the franchise.
They're so progressive that they progressed in the opposite direction.
These two Twi'lek assassins have been sent after you. What to do?
Lucasfilm is filled with Feminists so its not surprising that they would do something like this
Ask them why the long face.
Bang them before they kill me.
all same face
outsmart them with superior human brain
Lie in bed, unzip pants, wait.
Because they're always stuck in the background.
I’m not saying they aren’t trying to desexualize the franchise—that much is obvious with the current crop of female leads. I’m specifically talking about the trend of brown bovine aliens. Aliens still feature in Star Wars as much as they did before. It’s only the presentation that’s changed. And your theory requires the execs at Lucasfilm to have an understanding of racialist ideas, which, from their inane political soapboxing, I assume they don’t.
Basically a South African alien
If disney had their way there wouldn't be any aliens in the SW galaxy, only women and minorities. Aliens take the limelight away from those
Ass Tw'lek Ass
He means this ugly bastard.
Bump, post more twi’leks.
Literally a man
Yes, casting directors cherrypick people to be in movies. That’s not an argument.
>>ywn have a twi'lek sex slave that after you come home from a hard days smuggling, will force you down with loving, sensual kisses just to to tease you to full turgidity, while squirming and writhing as she begs you to rawdog her, with a creme filling pouring out of every hole to relieve that long day of stress she had waiting to love you tenderly. because that, hand holding, and of course head patting are the most unspeakably kinky things to twi'leks
Jedi Jesus will always be the canon Exile in my mind.
Explain this
because male sexuality is toxic and you should be ashamed for loving the female body
Iirc someone involved in production said that every alien character put in the movie takes up a slot that could have been filled by a POC. That was the exact rationale given for why the ST has had next to no aliens outside of joke characters like the frog nuns and legacy characters like Chewie and Ackbar.
Thanks for the first valid answer in this thread. I’d love to see your source if you can find it.
Underrated race.
Are they a rip-off of Garmillans from Space Battleship Yamato or is it the other way round? Since they first appear in PT, probably the first.
Because "slave dancers" & "slave girls" are not politically correct.
Why isn't this a more common theme in porn? When it does show up it's always handled in an incredibly stupid way, nobody wants to shell out for those sexy exotic slave costumes so it's just some girl in a bathing suit dancing in someone's living room.
>he thinks star wars is for adults...
They don’t have to be slaves or dancers. The prequel trilogy gave us twi’lek Jedi and twi’lek politicians.
isn't space battleship yamato older than star wars itself lol
>Han is pitching a tent even through the carbonite
based artist
Yes it is. Lmao, Lucas, what a hack, can't even invent his own 'reskinned human' aliens.
Just spent the last 15-20 minutes searching and can't find it. That could be because there are so many Star Wars articles clogging up search engine algorithms that it's buried too far in search results to find, or I could be misremembering where I read it and it wasn't a legit source after all. It was back when the second movie came out iirc which is far enough back for me to forget where I first saw it.
It's unfortunate because the reason behind the lack of alien characters is an interesting question with a number of equally plausible answers.
That was sick
Pantorans are superior
Was Kreia hot when she was younger?
Grievous was such an insane killer in that series.
Too bad RotS made him into an easily handled shit-talker.
Does she have purple hair on her alien pusy
do you think that any of the characters got turned on when Kreia started controlling them?
You need to fucking despise black people to even be able to think up something like this and make that connection. It's unironically one of the most racist things I've ever read, more racist that calling someone a nigger, comedic Nazi tier. Normal people just see sexy aliens.
I blame Windu crushing him.
They were popularized by a slave dancer, though, which means all subsequent depictions of them can be construed as problematic because that first depiction will always be the most iconic and the root source of their popularity.
Really though for whatever reason there just seems to be an across-the-board ban on OT and PT aliens, exempting a few iconic characters. I think that is far more likely to be the cause of Twileks not appearing in the ST than their potentially problematic sexual connotations, especially since they have appeared in other Disney-owned Star Wars media.
>Oosa Massa Jedi, you'sa gonna make me squirt!
>It's unironically one of the most racist things I've ever read
lurk more newfag
>someone involved in production said that every alien character put in the movie takes up a slot that could have been filled by a POC
I really fucking hope that's just a rumor. Jesus christ, that's a terrible attitude.
That's a nice enough explanation, but that isn't canon anymore, is it? The Clone Wars CGI series took over as canon, and I can't recall any chest-crushing in that.
Fuck Kreia
All those weird ass alien names and the little goblin's named Evan.
It's spelled Even so it would sound like the word "even". Still not creative.
Those girls were hot in Kotor 2. I love how they refer to your character as "the handsome one."
Yes or pink or red too
>nu wars
kys faggot.
>early in the game, you get to spend time at a mobster's residence and can find some twi'lek slave girls who give massages
Yeah, the twi'leks were pretty nice in that game.
Aced it.
>Replying to this pasta
Kek lurk moar
>Luke, reach out with your senses...
I want to nut on her lekku so bad.
If a twilek is having sex with another girl and sticks her head tentacle thing in the girl's pussy, what happens?
i sexually identify as jaaba the hut having noncon sex with princesses.
Lekku are like sexual brain organs. They're full of nerve endings and the brain extends into them, and can be stimulated for pleasure.
just a couple of steps away from being a serial killer
She's Handmaiden's mom, so probably pretty hot.
>big asses
>big lips
>low IQ
There is absolutely nothing in pre-Disney Star Wars (or post-Disney for that matter) that suggested that Twi-leks were any of those things, except for in chains, because the females were often taken as slaves. Just because they cast a blackish woman in the OT to play a dancer in Jabba's palace doesn't mean every Twi-lek has a big ass, big lips, and a low IQ.
Influence Lost: Kreia
>>Influence Lost: Kreia
The thought of young Kreia has brought boners, and you condemn it? The arrogance!
Twileks would look hideous without the headband, prove me wrong
Wtf George approved this??
the red ones are the hottest
Based and talonpilled
For me it would have to be green, the OG still hasn't been beaten as far as I'm concerned. There's no character in all of fiction that gives me such a boner.
>whole thread
>no nipple scene
I am dissapoint
>tfw gained max influence with Kreia and the rest of the ship by just agreeing with her and avoiding any uncomfortable questions
Real life prepared me for this
George is unironically based and knew what the people wanted. Shame, he only retired because he thought people didn’t appreciate his work anymore.
I take it you've seen this one?
I need sauce NOW
I gotta tell you, I hate the sequels, but I like their aliens better
the prequels were better movies, but ugly as shit
and nothing past the original trilogy is worth bothering with anyway
>it’s better to make this universe bland and sexless because I’m an ugly femcel
Slaver scum!
Feminists are a minority of women and they should be consigned to the dustbin of history for crimes against art and entertainment.
>not Zeltrons, the one Star Wars species literally bred for sex
he looks like a ps2 character
Rate Zayne's taste in women.
Post yfw you never doubted George
Wonder if he writes poetry.
They made one a Jedi under Lucas, I dunno how much more status a character could get
which is the most unforgivable thing they've done
I always thought they were gross.
Gtfo outta here pleb.
they probably wouldn't think much of you either
What's a good place to start reading the extended universe novels having seen the prequels and originals? Also any good prequel books worth reading?
Thrawn books are decent
Thrawn Trilogy. Definitely Heirs to the Empire.
Depends on if you care about any of it still counting
Zahn has written a few thrawn books in nucanon if you want to go with the other suggestions
Darth Plagueis book is kino
Kit Fisto is a pornstar name.
Because Lucas is more creative than anybody Disney can throw together combined
>It's unironically one of the most racist things I've ever read
>people genuinely prefer Filoni over Genndy
I'd take Filoni over the vast majority of Kennedy's people but Samurai Jack is hard to beat.
modest twi'leks are cutest, fight me
do you think they painted her pusy blue too?
Daily reminder than Revan was a turbo manlet.
God I hope. I know Twi'leks are almost hairless, but damn I want them to have hairy pusy.
How tall is he?
Read the novelization of ROTS it’s Kino, then you can move on to thrash trilogy if you want but I’d stick around the post order 66 pre new hope era for good shit
I'm a major hairy pusy fan but I think it doesn't work with that kind of alien. If there's no hair on the head I expect them to be smooth everywhere else too, like a dolphin.
btw, they originally cast a negro to play Dryden, but the reshoots made them change the actor.
>Han's love interest was originally going to be getting blacked, while poor lil Han chases her
>literal wojak brainlet
Too sexy, Disney needs its franchise to be child safe and friendly at all times. It's also why lightsabers no longer slice people in half. And if they have too many alien characters they can't have them be obvious minorities for those social justice brownie points. I think it's also been said they want to completely ignore slave Leia and not acknowledge that happened ever again.
Heavy-handed nazi imagery is a-ok tho because muh 6 gorrilion.
Just bite the bullet and read chronologically. Here’s a list.
Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void (novel)
Dawn of the Jedi (comic)
Tales of the Jedi (comic series)
Knights of the Old Republic (comic series)
KOTOR (game)
KOTOR II: the Sith Lords (game)
Revan (novel)
The Old Republic: Deceived (novel)
Red Dawn (novel)
The Journal of Master Gnost-Dural (novel)
TOR: Fatal Alliance (novel)
TOR: Annihilation (novel)
The Old Republic (game)
Knight Errant (novel)
Darth Bane: Path of Destruction (novel)
Darth Bane: Rule of Two (novel)
Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil (novel)
Darth Plagueis (novel)
Darth Maul: Restraint (novel)
Republic (comic series)
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan (comic)
Jedi Council: Acts of War (comic)
Darth Maul: Lockdown (novel)
Darth Maul (comic)
Cloak of Deception (novel)
Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter (novel)
End Game (novel)
Star Wars Starfighter (game)
Jango Fett: Open Seasons (comic)
Star Wars Bounty Hunter (game)
The Bounty Hunters: Aurra Sing (comic)
Rogue Planet (novel)
Jedi Quest (comic)
Outbound Flight (comic)
Visionaries (comic)
The Approaching Storm (novel)
Star Wars Jedi Starfighter (game)
The Clone Wars (game)
Republic Commando: Hard Contact (novel)
Jedi: Mace Windu (novel)
Clone Wars: Volume 1 (cartoon)
Clone Wars Adventures (comic series)
Jedi: Shaak Ti (comic)
Jedi: Aayla Secura (comic)
Jedi: Count Dooku (comic)
The Cestus Deception (novel)
Jedi: Yoda (comic)
The Clone Wars (movie)
The Clone Wars: Season 1 (cartoon)
Shatterpoint (novel)
No Prisoners (novel)
Shipyards of Doom (comic)
Deadly Hands of Shon-Ju (comic)
Gambit: Stealth (novel)
Gambit: Seige (novel)
The Colossus of Destiny (comic)
The Clone Wars: Season 2 (cartoon)
Republic Commando: Triple Zero (novel)
The Wind Raiders of Taloraan (comic)
In The Service of the Republic (comic)
The Enemy Within (comic)
Republic Commando: True Colors (comic)
The Starcrusher Trap (comic)
General Grievous (comic)
Strange Allies (comic)
The Clone Wars: Season 3 (cartoon)
MedStar I: Battle Surgeons (novel)
MedStar II: Healers (novel)
The Smuggler’s Code (comic)
The Sith Hunters (comic)
The Clone Wars: Season 4 (cartoon)
Darth Maul: Death Sentence (comic)
Defenders of the Lost Temple (comic)
The Clone Wars: Season 5 (cartoon)
Yoda: Dark Rendevous (novel)
The Clone Wars: Season 6
Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir (comic)
Republic Commando (game)
Labyrinth of Evil (novel)
Clone Wars: Volume 2 (cartoon)
Republic Commando: Order 66 (novel)
Imperial Commando (novel)
Kenobi (novel)
Purge (comic)
Dark Lord: the Rise of Darth Vader (novel)
Dark Times (comic)
Darth Vader and the Lost Command (comic)
Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison (comic)
Darth Vader and the Ninth Assassin (comic)
Coruscant Nights: Jedi Twilight (novel)
Coruscant Nights: Street of Shadows (novel)
Coruscant Nights: Patterns of the Force (novel)
The Last Jedi (novel)
Star Wars Droids (cartoon)
Tarkin (novel)
The Last One Standing (novel)
Han Solo: The Paradise Snare (novel)
Han Solo: the Hutt Gambit (novel)
Droids (comic)
Blood Ties: A Tale of Jango & Boba Fett (comic)
Lando Calrissian Adventures: Mindharp of Sharu (novel)
Agent of the Empire: Iron Eclipse (comic)
Agent of the Empire: Hard Target (comic)
Lando Calrissian Adventures: Flamewind of Oseon (novel)
Lando Calrissian Adventures: Starcave of Thunbara (novel)
The Force Unleashed (game)
Death Star (novel)
Han Solo At Stars’ End (novel)
Han Solo: Rebel Dawn novel)
Han Solo’s Revenge (novel)
Han Solo and the Lost Legacy (novel)
Adventures: Han Solo and the Hollow Moon of Khorya (comic)
Boba Fett: Salvage (comic)
Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire (comic)
Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire (novel)
Death Troopers (novel)
The Force Unleashed II (game)
Blood Ties: Boba Fett is Dead (comic)
X-Wing (game)
Empire (comic, ongoing)
Underworld: The Yavin Vassilika (comic)
Tales From the Mos Eisley Cantina (novel)
Marvel Star Wars (comic series)
Vader’s Quest (comic)
Dark Horse Star Wars (comic series)
Scoundrels (novel)
Allegiance (novel)
Dark Lord’s Conscience (comic)
Dark Knight’s Devilry (comic)
Jabba the Hutt: the Gaar Suppoon Hit (comic)
Jabba the Hutt: The Hunger of Princess Nampi (comic)
Jabba the Hutt: The Dynasty Trap (comic)
Jabba the Hutt: Betrayal (comic)
Tilotny Throws a Shape (comic)
Shadow Stalker (comic)
Rebel Strike (game)
Dark Forces (game)
Rogue Squadron (game)
Boba Fett: Overkill (comic)
The Star Wars Holiday Special (movie)
Choices of One (novel)
Honor Among Thieves (novel)
Razor’s Edge (novel)
Adventures: Boba Fett and the Ship of Fear (comic)
Rebel Heist (comic)
Splinter of the Mind’s Eye (novel) (first EU work)
Rogue Leader (game)
Blind Fury (comic)
The Pandora Effect (comic)
Adventures: the Will of Darth Vader (comic)
Ewoks (show)
The Ewok Adventure: Caravan of Courage (movie)
Shadows of the Empire (novel)
Bounty Hunters: Scoundrel’s Wages (comic)
Ewoks: The Battle of Endor (movie)
Tales From Jabba’s Palace (novel)
Phantasmagoria (manga)
The Truce at Bakura (novel)
Mara Jade: By the Emperor’s Hand (comic)
Jabba the Hutt: The Jabba Tape (comic)
Bounty Hunter Wars: The Mandalorian Armor (novel)
Boba Fett: Agent of Doom (comic)
X-Wing Rogue Squadron (comic series)
Shadows of the Empire: Evolution (comic)
Bounty Hunter Wars: Slave Ship (novel)
Bounty Hunter Wars: Hard Merchandise (novel)
Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor (novel)
Boba Fett: Twin Engines of Destruction (comic)
Dark Forces: Rebel Agent (novel)
Dark Forces: Jedi Knight (novel)
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II (game)
X-Wing: Rogue Squadron (novel)
X-Wing: Wedge’s Gamble (novel)
X-Wing: The Krytos Trap (novel)
X-Wing: The Bacta War (novel)
X-Wing: Wraith Squadron (novel)
X-Wing: Iron Fist (novel)
X-Wing: Solo Command (novel)
Crisis of Faith (novel)
The Courtship of Princess Leia (novel)
Tatooine Ghost (novel)
Thrawn Trilogy: Heir to the Empire (novel)
Thrawn Trilogy: Dark Force Rising (novel)
Thrawn Trilogy: The Last Command (novel)
X-Wing: Isard’s Revenge (novel)
Tales From the New Republic (novel)
Dark Empire (comic)
Boba Fett: Death, Lies, and Treachery (comic)
Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith (game)
Dark Empire II (comic)
Empire’s End (comic)
Crimson Empire (comic)
The Bounty Hunters: Kenix Kil (comic)
Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood (comic)
Jedi Academy: Jedi Search (novel)
Jedi Academy: Dark Apprentice (novel)
Jedi Academy: Champions of the Force (novel)
I, Jedi (novel)
Children of the Jedi (novel)
Darksaber (novel)
Jedi Academy: Leviathan (comic)
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (game)
X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar (novel)
Planet of Twilight (novel)
Crimson Empire III: Empire Lost (comic)
The Crystal Star (novel)
Jedi Knight III: Jedi Academy (game)
The Black Fleet Crisis: Before the Storm (novel)
The Black Fleet Crisis: Shield of Lies (novel)
The Black Fleet Crisis: Tyrant’s Test (novel)
The New Rebellion (novel)
The Corellian Trilogy: Ambush at Corellia (novel)
The Corellian Trilogy: Assault at Selonia (novel)
The Corellian Trilogy: Showdown at Centerpoint (novel)
The Hand of Thrawn: Spectre of the Past (novel)
The Hand of Thrawn: Vision of the Future (novel)
Scourge (novel)
Union (comic)
Survivor’s Quest (novel)
Young Jedi Knights: Heirs of the Force (novel)
Young Jedi Knights: Shadow Academy (novel)
Young Jedi Knights: The Lost Ones (novel)
Young Jedi Knights: Lightsabers (novel)
Young Jedi Knights: Darkest Knight (novel)
Young Jedi Knights: Jedi Under Seige (novel)
Young Jedi Knights: Shards of Alderaan (novel)
Young Jedi Knights: Diversity Alliance (novel)
Young Jedi Knights: Delusions of Grandeur (novel)
Young Jedi Knights: Jedi Bounty (novel)
Young Jedi Knights: The Emperor’s Plague (novel)
Young Jedi Knights: Return to Ord Mantell (novel)
Young Jedi Knights: Trouble on Cloud City (novel)
Young Jedi Knights: Crisis at Crystal Reef (novel)
New Jedi Order: Vector Prime (novel)
Invasion: Refugees (comic)
Invasion: Rescues (comic)
Invasion: Revelations (comic)
New Jedi Order: Dark Tide (novel)
Chewbacca (comic)
New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos (novel)
New Jedi Order: Balance Point (novel)
New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory (novel)
New Jedi Order: Star by Star (novel)
New Jedi Order: Dark Journey (novel)
New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines (novel)
New Jedi Order: Traitor (novel)
New Jedi Order: Destiny’s Way (novel)
New Jedi Order: Force Heretic (novel)
New Jedi Order: The Final Prophecy (novel)
New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force (novel)
Dark Nest Trilogy: The Joiner King (novel)
Dark Nest Trilogy: The Unseen Queen (novel)
Dark Nest Trilogy: The Swarm War (novel)
Fate of the Jedi: Imprint (novel)
Legacy of the Force: Betrayal (novel)
Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines (novel)
Legacy of the Force: Tempest (novel)
Legacy of the Force: Exile (novel)
Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice (novel)
Legacy of the Force: Inferno (novel)
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force (book)
Legacy of the Force: Fury (novel)
Legacy of the Force: Revelation (novel)
Legacy of the Force: Invincible (novel)
The Essential Atlas (book)
Crosscurrent (novel)
Millennium Falcon (novel)
Fate of the Jedi: Outcast (novel)
Fate of the Jedi: Omen (novel)
Fate of the Jedi: Abyss (novel)
Fate of the Jedi: Backlash (novel)
Fate of the Jedi: Allies (novel)
Fate of the Jedi: Vortex (novel)
Fate of the Jedi: Conviction (novel)
Fate of the Jedi: Ascension (novel)
Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse (novel)
X-Wing: Mercy Kill (novel)
Crucible (novel)
Legacy (comic series)
I miss her
The you go, the entire Star Wars EU laid out in chronological order. A couple notes:
>Tarkin was originally written before the Disney buyout, so I included it on the list
>some of the ongoing comics take place over a long period of time and intersect with other installments
>the Republic comic changed its title to the Clone Wars halfway through its run
>the Revan novel is terrible, skip it
>Star Wars Tales isn’t on the list since it covers every era on the timeline, but it’s worth a read
Jedi Academy is NOT JK III.
It's a standalone spinoff
>the Revan novel is terrible.
That was just my autistic way of correcting the retarded naming scheme for Jedi Knight/Dark Forces.
Have you read all of them, user?
I am impressed, if so.
Sadly no, this is copied directly from my Star Wars reading list. I’ve covered maybe a quarter of the franchise... it’s hard to gauge it with some of the comic series.
get a hd tiddies mod
Thanks for that list of Star Wars things I can safely avoid.
Superior blue aliens have arrived.
That’s all of it m8.
She's remember as a god of that planet now.
Suggesting that the planets took her and remade her..
Based ESL poster
>hate the brittish fantasy recycling of folklore and Tolkien elements
>love unique settings and universes (avatar, Lovecraft lore, etc)
>tfw no one will ever bother to reach the universe of star wars prequels plus the original trilogy like it was under the Lucas regime
Should I commit snap
Live to hate.
>I don't think niggers are stupid
Yes you do
Literally the only good thing Disney has done to Star Wars was getting rid of the EU.
>forcibly ejecting enough content to copy for the next several decades
I’ve never seen anything EU, but unless it was literally written by eight-year-olds, getting rid of it was the most monumentally stupid idea I’ve ever seen, on multiple levels.
>unless it was literally written by eight-year-olds
It might as well have been.
Doesn’t matter, not literally.
top kek
based. come back george, im sorry :(
now THIS is podracing
Imagine actually reading this shit lol.
Read some real books, faggots.
>No good Asokha slave fanfic
>No Aayla gets mind breaked and her inner twilek out fanfic
The suffering is real
how tf is this thread still up when i get banned for asking about gamer girl feet
Mods are worthless fags, whaddaya think?
No, just let the hate flow through you user.
Start with Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn.
Reading in release order is almost always superior to chronological.
Don't know why that's so funny.
For me, it's Shaak-ti
it was an unbelievably retarded thing to do.
Some of it maybe, but not all. I can't imagine how stupid someone would have to be to think that the ideas, plot, and characters in Zahn's books are consistently worse than the same in TFA and TLJ.
Absolute kino
Do the rest please.
The Jango fett one the most.
>that one clone that desserted the war and got a hot pink twilek wife
lmao the whole budget for this game was spent on these trailers and the voice actors
>missed SWG
Special Edition
Adds even more dancers
Based Lucas
If they did that now, it would be total cringe. She would be bitter against men using her for sex or some shit.
George Lucas saw that design and basically went, "Make that shit into the real movies, however you can, that needs to be a thing", but all the women eventually put the kibosh on it once they assumed complete control
Shaak-ti is nice.
Too bad she's dead.
>haha any response is the epic win!!
>the goal of trolling is to get people angry and invested in their reply. when you exert more effort in your bait than anyone will in a reply, you're effectively just trolling yourself.
Modern trolls score points simply by receiving replies.