/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General

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Other urls found in this thread:


There's no graphite idiots.


oh god oh fuck i actually did saw graphite on the floor

3828 biorobots > pic related

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Thank you for not being a douche and baking a new one.

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By the way, every new thread I create during Slav waking hours will have a cute picture of Legasov as the OP. That is simply the price you have to pay.

Is this the price of lies?

If the price of lies is cute pictures of Legasov, then everybody should lie every day.


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I kinda want some graphite. Obviously not the stuff that's radioactive and has been used, but just like a cool looking paperweight

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What a facking clown

I saw some for sale on ebay but it got taken down very fast

just get a pencil

Buy a beaker, fill it with water, add some green food coloring and put a pencil in it.

Why did the fireman pick up the graphite chunk? It doesn't look particularly interesting, just a weird brick

Can someone please explain in layman's terms what 3.6 roentgen is the equivalent of?

You are the last of 3,828 men.
You have performed your duties perfectly.
I wish you good health and long life.
All of you are awarded a bonus of 800 rubles.

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40 chest x rays


That's not graphite, you're delusional

Think of something that's great - well it's the opposite of that.
Now think of something that's terrible - well it's simultaneously not that as well.

Lol,russian patriotic orthodox news feed "Tsargrad" with hella finances reported Chernobyl to show russians as nazis in series.

Comments below RT publishings about Chernobyl also ultra butthurt for russian patriots

Wait for russian NTV "Chernobyl"? Personally I want to see that shit

I serve /RMBK/ general

The show is over. Stop with the generals before you become Alita.

So 3.6 roentgen is the equivalent of cumming in my sock?

>I want to see that shit
Me too, I can't wait for the "Dr. Legasov? I'm CIA"

>He doesn't have his own RBMK Reactor Simulator


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I've been told it's an equivalent of a chest x-ray

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Who here Dyatlov

Per hour this really doesn't seem bad or am I am missing something?

>power to 700

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there's a reason people who take x-rays frequently stand behind a protective barrier user

Eating 335 bananas at once.

They better make Dyatlov a sexy Chad who has an orgy with 5 big titted American CIA sluts.

Somebody post that pic pls

Thank you.
Thank you.

shit, I messed up my orders of magnitude, it's like eating 335867 bananas at once.

trust me. you don't want to get getting 40 chest x-rays for any extended period of time. It wont kill you right away but its defiantly not good for you. When you get a dental x-ray they cover your reproductive organs with lead and then the operator goes to a different room.

Fucking shit,Chernobyl is the place equivalent to genocide like Armenian one,Holocaust,Holodomor,no fucking difference,just killing people by different means (burn,famine,radiation). But fucking whores exploit it to make themselves famous. This shit is disgusting and delusional for 100%

They do? I've had plenty and they never did that in my life.

>tfw didnt get the testicle shield during my last dental x-ray


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Not great, but not terrible.

rewatching Ocean's 12 and fucking Jared Harris pops up out of nowhere

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I'm still looking for a definitive answer on whether or not Jared Harris nudes exist

They saw your face and realised it doesn't matter.

Why do men fuck everything up?

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God I would fuck her so hard
I can't stop jerking off to her in Breaking the Waves where she literally gets raped til she fucking dies.

Watch Happiness and see him as a Russian, top lel.

Please don’t be real.

i serve core chan

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Thanks comrade


Don't worry, she isn't

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I serve /RBMK/ general!

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I know she isn’t real. I just can’t see why someone playing a fictional character would try to overblow the impact of said character and make it some bullshit shoehorned gender statement.

That's why she's an actor and not a writer.

It must suck to be an actor and know you are only in something for the purpose of muh representation, no wonder they make up all these things to help them cope.

Ok. Fair.

i suggest you take like 10 mins a google it. You cant really do a conversion from R to say uSv without knowing the radiation type(s) involved. since the first is a measurement of exposure to ionizing radiation in air and the other is a combination of quantity of radiation and how much actually gets absorbed by tissue

thanks cunt

Can Wolfram alpha figure this shit out?

You people are really gullible.

where do you live? Every time i've ever had an x-ray of any kind for any reason the lead apron comes out for me and usually the radiologist too. then they go just outside the room out of the beam path and take the image with a remote button.

i serve /rbmk/ general

This. I bet they're all men.

France but I'm poor as fuck and my dentist is not really a dentist, but he's cheaper.

i was gonna say, in the US i'm pretty sure you can get your licence to do radiology taken from you if you don't follow the ruus.

South Africa
I guess it checks out tbqh. I've had quite a number of x-rays and never had the apron.

>MFW an american needs a license for radiology near me.

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>mfw this capitalist image forum outsmarts me yet again

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This show should've had a scene where Khomyuk, Legasov and Scherbina all have sex with each other.

Well, yeah. Because it's not harmful in small doses. But unhealthy when you are exposed to it all day

What if the wind would blow in a differrent direction and carried the cloud over Moscow? Would they glass ukraine as punishment?

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>when there's a power surge

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Just me or do men past 40 look better built fat than fit.

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Keeps those wrinkles getting too deep.

Sexiest man on the show

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The hankest of hills.

This thread needs Akimfu

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Not just you

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Why is there so much homoerotic shit in this threads? I've never seen that level before, just with this series is that prevalent.

Who is that dude back left. I feel like I've seen him before.

Listen to the Podcast, it covers a lot of stories that didn't make it into the show.

Apparently with the Divers that were seen in episode 3, there was one point where one of the men saw a crack in the wall that appeared to be glowing a bit, he put it dosimeter up to it and it went crazy. The response was something like "Lets move quickly." Crazy.

I serve /RBMK/ general...!


Anyone have a link to these? I told some friends about these and they didn't believe me.

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I miss him bro

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Because /RBMK/ has good taste

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It's odd to be sure i have no gay feelings for anyone but the miner looks like the typical mans mans smart working type and Valery has a unique look about him.

Based and checked

It's not gay to appreciate another man's beauty. Men wrote poetry and songs about other men for all of human history.

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fukushima when

Lookes like a younger Lorcan Cranitch


I dunno, sounds a bit gay to me, bruv

>You will never spend your final moments before the unthinkable happens beside Akimov in the control room

Seriously, what is there to live for?

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"Big wave knock out safety backups" isn't a compelling of a story as "Soviet bureaucratic lies cause and worsen preventable accident"

Clever user

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>we can withstand da big wave
>oh noes a bigger wave
>much mystery

This is most likely a continuation of a deleted scene from episode 2 which had had the lava fuel containing mass showing up. Because they removed it I guess that scene in episode 3 no longer made sense (since the prominent idea was that whatever was in that crack was most likely fuel melting through the concrete)

She killed their child because she's a retard who can't listen.

/ttg/ was even gayer

I remember that the java browser version (dan-ball.jp/en/javagame/dust/) had much more shit than this one, did anything change?

The husband matters more than the child in that situation.

maybe the liquidators would have appreciated they were young men

>his face when he becomes aware that the tips of control rods are covered in graphite
This disbelief on his face makes me think he wouldn't have pushed for completion of the test so hard if he knew about the graphite in control rods

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i-i want to touch it senpai

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>you'd sacrifice your genetic legacy to not die alone
Fucking faggot genetic deadend.

Did he survive? Did he have more healthy babies with his loving wife?

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pic related could've actually explained shit, too

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rads make your lips melt?

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Is that frog girl from GoT?
Shit, I didn't even realise.

I mean homosexuality is a significant theme in that story.

obviously, he is not that retarded, that's the point of the show, if they knew about this flaw they would have never even tought of doing the test

Just listen to the fucking nurse, she shouldn't have to explain anything.

>asks her if she's pregnant
>she lies and says no
>somehow it's nurse's fault


Reminder that the first man's voice you hear could be Akimov's...

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Everyone in Chernobyl should've just become gay.
>no pregnancy = no fucked up babies
>fuck as much as you want to take the stress off
>builds relationships between the men, making them even more ready to sacrifice themselves for the greater good

why does he look so much like Ed kemper in mastermind

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Yes, it's her.
I'm surprised you missed this uncomfortable comic relief scene in episode 4 where she said the irradiated sex with her husband was "not great, not terrible".

Not saying it's the nurse's fault, but being vague isn't helpful. Some people need details in order to understand the severity of the situation.

why does this general still exist?

it's fucking over stop

/got/ died the day after the finale whats keeping this going

its clearly the fire station's voice.

because the ending of got sucked ass and no one wanted to talk about it

>whats keeping this going
Long half-life

Why would the fire station be calling the dispatcher to dispatch the fire fighters?

It's someone from the plant.

>/got/ died the day after the finale whats keeping this going
it did not and fuck off, this series is great
kek and nice dubs

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I think it's the dispatch central callng several fire stations to go to Chernobyl because they received a report that there's a fire

Except for that one guy who broke every rules and managed to fall and get his feet stuck on the roof. That guy was a complete moron. The rest, excellent job. Congratulations, comrades!

based nuclear quads brapposter

That didn't happen did it?
I tabbed out a lot.

Walmart has you covered

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Fem: Hello, is this the fire station?
Male: Yes.
Fem: What is burning out there?
Male: Explosion at the main building.

This is most likely.

I like this image.
I saved it.



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I wish I could live for the ten-thousand years it would be necessary to go and visit Chernobyl without dying from radiation

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You can visit it now silly

Dooo ya new love meee RBMK

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Nurse probably had orders to not tell anyone about the condition and causes for the condition of the firemen. Wouldn't want to let anyone know there has been a huge nuclear disaster in Chernobyl.

You can go to the outside of the plant, but you can't go inside and pet the elephants foot

Why weren't the firefighters put out of their misery before it got to this point?

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That audio recording really creeps me out. The beep, the voices and the fact that it happened.

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He's a proper mega cunt, his ego and arrogance knew no limits. The look on his face was that of a man who suspected he might be getting off the hook, not because he was guilt ridden. His denial of responsibility was breath-taking, though I suspect heavily embellished.

Bloke was a borderline moustache twirling villain.

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>I tabbed out a lot.
Absolutely disgusting.

That is a fake quote, she never said that in the interview from which the picture is taken and the text is photoshopped in. Russian bots and incels are constantly pasting that fabrication.

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i serve /kinobyl/ general

>Now you look like the Minister of Coal.

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>tfw whoever's voice it was, likely died of ARS two weeks later

That was one of the creepiest, but best inclusions in the series.

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She didn't. The "subtitle" in that screenshot is a complete fabrication.

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Daily reminder communism is a failed economic and political system.

Because Comrade they had a non-lethal dose of 3.6 Ronkins.

the same reason no one puts you out of your misery

>Why did the fireman pick up the graphite chunk?

Got to burn his hand and get off work somehow.

Literally sounds more gay than men fucking.

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reddit tier

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>I suspect heavily embellished.
He wrote a book before he died blaming everyone that wasn't him (and especially those who were already dead) for the disaster

Is this show good? So is it just a dramatization of what happened or

Who else here /croak/?

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If it was a bigger dispatch station I think it would be several kilometres away, so they would likely be fine.

>That was one of the creepiest, but best inclusions in the series.
True. Those beeps man. Those fucking beeps somehow get me, even more than the voices.

all MEN and one woman
ahahaha get fucked feminist

It's safe user, I recommend it. Dirt cheap and very memorable. You can even rent out a dosimeter if you're paranoid or wanna larp a liquidator.

For me, Akimfuposting :3

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I thought this exact thing, seems very contrived that he'd be curious about a seemingly inconspicuous rock in a poorly lit pile of burning rubble.

they must exist somewhere

>a regularly cut piece among formless debris
>not particularly interesting

some parts are very accurate, like the first episode, the rest has some dramatization, but it's not too bothering

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I liked his voice, seemed trustworthy.

>He doesn't want some spicy concrete.

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The echoing did it for me. Also, the First Lady dispatcher is clearly rattled.

Why did you post a picture of a floor with nothing on it user?

>Who else here /croak/?

Our commissioner

It's the perfect storm of a good show and enriched weapons grade meme fuel.

#Chernobyl #NeverForget

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It was this toxic patriarchy that cause the Soviet Union to fail and not inherent flaws in communism. You better remember that because that's what's going to go into the history books.

When are we gonna get Fukushima HBO kino?

What would it be like to fuck someone in that state? Would their insides be really wet and soupy?

I'm guessing it was just a convenient way to show you just how fast a radioactive piece of graphite can fuck up a body.

Legasov was most likely killed by KGB.

Legasov did a 5 hour report + 1 hour answering the questions at IAEA expert conference in Vienna.
Back home he was voted to join the USSR board of the Academy of Sciences, but he didn't make it,
he was deleted from the list of heroes of socialist labor personally by Gorbachev as Legasov said "too much".

With not so much time left to live due to a high doses of radiation received in Chernobyl, he was depressed and tried to commit a suicide.

He was about to make a message to the extended circle of the Academy of Sciences with a representative of the academic circle about the Chernobyl disaster.

He hanged himself the day before making a report, while having an award piston in the drawer, so it would be save to suggest that he would tell his truth to everyone at first and then committed suicide with his pistol.

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Him bullying Fomin was great.

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I can see at least 3 women

Then how come he tried to kill himself before?

It's a dramatisation. It takes liberties for the sake of drama rather than being a straight documentary. It's only five episodes and the first episode is the best one so you'll know quickly if you're interested.

That child was already doomed due to Pripyat's radiation exposure in the first hours. Had nothing to do with Hospital no 6. Though the lack of understanding of radiation by Ignatenko (and hospital staff) led her to believe she was to blame for it ("absorbed it")

Super bad choise for PAPER weight, because graphite will stain EVERYTHING - hands, table, paper, even sky even Allah


It's really not as complex as Chernobyl. Just a company fucking up backup plans in case a wave bigger than expected comes along.

Real Lyudmilla said her husband's skin would stick to the sheets. Akimova said her husbands muscle just dropped off his limbs. Not to mention they were shitting pus constantly. My guess is that you would not find the experience fulfilling in the traditional sense.

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Eventually i guess. I mean massive cell death, destruction of connective tissue.

What were the advantages of positive void coefficient, other than that it was cheaper to design it that way?

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I serve /sneed/!

I can't put my finger on why this is so much worse then /rbmk/ making the core an anime girl and making pizza jokes about the ARS victims. It's worse, right?

We need a drawing of Core-chan chasing out all the thots who think they're sexier than her.

So what's the deal – are ARS patients actually dangerous to be around or not?


>you're done

what did he mean by this?

HAHAHAHAHA oh wow, those instagram photos are dumb generally, but that's just plain idiotic. At exit from the zone, they make you leave anything if they detect too many radiocative particles on. My guide told me he's lost a pair of shoes this way, so there's a fair chance that bitch no longer has that top.I hope it was expensive

PSA: lead shielding doesn't protect you unless it's directly in the way of the x-ray beam. Small amounts of X-rays will scatter throughout your body from where they enter and redirect themselves under any lead shielding on your gonads. Lead shielding is essentially useless when getting medical x-rays unless sensitive areas are right next to the beam (light field).

Because of this, some hospitals don't use lead protection anymore. t. X-ray tech

I yam the Globglocoregalab

Normies might actually see those posts.

>LOGH+Chernobyl meme
Don't think I've saved a picture faster tbqh.

Does anyone have a transcript of what he said at the Vienna conference? Reading through his tapes now.

You wouldn't kn ow if you hit the hole or just made a new one every thrust. It's basically necrophilia.

Watched the first episode. Spanning it out over five days.

How do you watch?

There are none. It's simply a side effect of being graphite moderated but water cooled, and that's a cost effective design.

When you use water as both coolant and moderator then when the water begins to boil you get a reduction in rate of reaction because you have less moderator.

Fucking coward

it was a good experiment

I'm not a fan of the new media trend of bashing men. But literally everyone in charge at Chernobyl was male. Pretty fucking hard to pin the blame on women.

No that you've said it, it's an HBO serie without tits but with some dicks.

More energy output from what I understand. Conventional reactors don't generate that much power.

Because she is trying to make a buck by going to a place of death (because it's popular now)?

I think he did a truthful attempt while he was still in the hospital. He was saved and he went to work submerging himself in researching what exactly occurred at Chernobyl and how to prevent such disasters from occurring in the future.

Probably that one attempt could affect him in a way that he hasn't yet done everything and if there is still some time left to live he would use it.

KGB knows how to setup a perfect suicide, they've been doing it for many years. But I think we'll never know the truth...

I watched it with my mom.

I'm not sure that makes it worse, these instagram photos just feel wrong for some reason.

Well actually, I brought a pencil case that was pretty full... so... just saying

Holy shit so many connections to Chernobyl


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Haven't checked it yet. What I posted above I translated from russian write and historian Mikhail Veller and added my thoughts to it.

I mean sure it could've happened the way you say. But people who know Legasov say he was always depressed. Didn't like his work, didn't like his family life, so on and so forth.

how do I control the reactor? I can't click any of the buttons :(

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my dick in her pussy is shocking
3.6 roetgen

Well, luckily, he probably got enough radiation to not reproduce his idiot genes.

No. But everyone at the hospital thought so. They thought radiation behaved as an infection. Including the medical doctors. I believe it was due to organ failure and tissue exposure since that's where radioactive nucleotides are lodged.


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How do you know these people knew him and were not KGB agents?

The very first time I watched Chernobyl I said to my girlfriend that I thought he was murdered. It's the only way the car outside his house makes any sense. Why send a guy when they could have just as easily bugged his whole house? He was there for a hit.

I mean if my uncle were a KGB agent that'd be kind of cool.

Based ukrainian dosimetrists robbing western tourists of spicy clothes. Brobably sold ypur pal's shoes on bazar

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i hate how people fake that hthey give it a shit about the lifes of people they had no clew existed and did not know them for there personel traits and feuters. this "never forget shit is such bullshit and is the epitome of a reddit opinion

>hurr durr if masks worked why dont u wear them
Because they're not breathing in tonnes of radioactive dust when sat in an office miles from the reactor?

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First make sure that the simulation is running, the little pause button in the corner should be black, then hover over the electronics button(the one with the plug) and click the SPRK button, then everything should work

They don't exist in a vacuum, retard.

Is it against hypocratic oath for a doctor to let you out of that sitiuation if you asked them? Fucking hell.

I love this shot. Such a great "we're fucked" moment.

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yup, its fucked up. I feel like they should be charged with something nazi doctors were charged with.

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He was there to see it all, and no one believed him :__;

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Yeah it was good no idea what it was but scary all the same.

You know, I didn't consider that, but given that people had been scavenging the zone for scrap metal of all things, that's actually plausible.

What's his normal skin color even? Is it his hand or his torso?

That's the famous graphite, user

Minister of Coal, Schadov, is also a cute. There's something sad and vulnerable about him that makes me want to take care of him, you know, like he needs lots of pets and pats.

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What a little slut though, clearly asking for it.

I'd imagine his hands as he was probably wearing thick gloves. You can see his other hand is lighter as well.

Reminder for "Just end their suffering"-guys: you can not cure desease, if you dont study it first. Dont see much wolunteers to get radiation trauma for sciense, huh? Their unfortunate fate will sawe lives of future patients by providing scientific knowledge.

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it's not
but you do see the actor who plays Kemper is in hbo's Barry for a brief scene or two

Idk, maybe because there are to many hot men showed at once together. Not only overhyped Valoris.

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It could be so, depression can hit you hard, especially when you know that you did what you thought was right, but it lead to deaths and health issues of many, so what was going through his brain could eliminate any other ideas, leaving him with only one solution.

Russian fatalism could take place, when you just don't care, you can lie down and die. But something still isn't right, you could tell the truth or at least try to do so and if something goes wrong you can kill yourself any other day, but that might be a too rational thinking in this case.

in real life the guy in the suit was a miner for years and eventually made it into management. he wasn't some commie boss asshole with two soldiers next to him in real life

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Bro just do a fucking autopsy. They can take whatever knowledge they want from my cold dead irradiated hands.

I wonder how long his mustache stayed intact.

Also, did Akimov's face actually rot away irl? I can find very little testimony from Akimova...only that his skin was tan at first, he told her not to let their sons outside, and that his skin turned black and his flesh fell from the bone.

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I've had it explained to me for the past couple of weeks, I still dont understand. I would be the dickhead standing on the bridge of death

thank you! I got it.

>"Come on, user"
What do?

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A glass of vodka every hour for 4 hours, for you comrade.

God what I wouldn't give to rail a thot in broad daylight in deserted Pripyat

I've been to Ukraine before. I visited a lovely restaurant next to Reactor 4 which was completely fine.
It was a hydrogen tank explosion. HBO is delusional

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When I was talking to my dad he said that apparently radiation can make depression or any other mental illness for that matter worse with how it messes with the brain. Is this bullshit?

Pretty good

I got to be honest with you /RBMK/ whoever designed the plant did a sexy job

Who the fuck takes these?

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let her die. Plenty more sluts in the sea.

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It's not fair bros, I want Akimov back so fucking bad

It's not a restaurant, it's a mess hall. user confirmed KGB.

That said, I can say it was indeed lovely, best cutlets I had in Ukraine.

What is the mechanism for raising/lowering control rods? I can't really figure out from

Hmm, interesting. That's actually a good case, I need to check if psychology ever researched one's mental health after receiving a high dose of radiation.

We aren't actually at chernobyl doing that and trying to make a buck doing it.

Its not about end result - we know that well enough. It is about the process - what organs are the most vulnerable, what tissues decay first, what medicine is most effective to sustain life processes. Imagine if you had serious radiation trauma - not crazy death toll ass dose, but serious enough. You wouldnt want a doctors to "invent a bicycle" with your case, right? I dont try to play cold blooded sciense fag, but try to think about this horrible situation in more than one way

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Torso maybe. After some time it won't matter anyway since the skin will detach from the body.

What's the best factual documentary or book about the event and following events?

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Well, I never saw that coming.

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I've watched the Battle of Chernobyl, it's pretty good.

I think we can agree on one thing, and that's that Legasov had a hard life.

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They might get better

kino af, he's actually reading stalker


Read 'Midnight in Chernobyl', absolutely amazing book. This is a great doc also...


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That's Пoнeдeльник нaчинaeтcя в cyббoтy, dingus

we stalker now?

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Capitalism allocates resources effecti....
>Instagram Influencer

Servos under those caps
those metal boxes should never move and them jumping up and down is a sign that you're about to become pic related

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oh right, saw strugatski bros and got carried away soz m8


Watch russian wersion with english subtitles, it has better soundtrack than eng dubbed one
>Tak, za mnoy tovarischi soldaty

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What does an "Instagram Influencer" even influence?

imagine being influenced by them instagram whores

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I think it's to make people buy products. Not sure though, isn't something I want to research.

The “community”

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I hate to be sexist but it's all women, for women. My mom is sweet, but stupid as fuck and all she ever does is watch these stupid boring cunts on instagram talk about what crap they're buying at the supermarket, what new diet they're on, what new make up they're wearing, what holidays they're taking, it's all bullshit and every one of them is shilling for a company in each little clip. I hate hate hate it.

You are right Comrade Anonislov. There is a lovely Glow in the air like the northern lights.
The Tarankov Effect you see. Perfectly normal.

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Instagram Influences need to go to the roof.

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who the fuck spends hours of their day drawing this kind of weird shit

Everybody form a circle of accountability quick

based HBO lifting Hohland's economy from knees by turism, 8 gryvnyas to 1 dollar confirmed

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Thots with a lot of followers are sent products for free, given free hotel rooms and invited to exclusive events solely so that they post about it on their instagram accounts - advertising it to millions of people.
When you look at it like that, it makes sense from a business perspective


still fucked up he's still under all that rubble

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How do I become an instagram influencer(male)? Sounds fucking sick.

>USSR is so generous it gifts Ukraine and Belarus a free nature preserve and major tourist attraction
And people say the USSR was inhumane

Do you think it's worth starting an instagram account for making money this way? I thought about spending ah hour or so for that matter.

Based artists.

>tfw ionizing radiation is so strong that it detaches and tortures your astral body from physical one


Why didn’t they just smother the fire with sand and boron? It’s what I would’ve done.

On review Comrade, after considering all possible factors - I have ruled the possibility I am not at fault - to the exact opposite. My efforts should be commended. I hope you will approve my findings and yourself aligned in your own assessment.

>minister of coal
>called shadow
are you fucking kidding me?

>Tfw the Roentgens are so high they irradiate your immortal soul.

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The office was pretty close, I thought. When he calls the committee and smashes the phone, they’re pretty close to the plant.

People are cheaper and they could research the effects.

Never noticed the ghost behind him before

I need to buy this book
I own an e-reader but I wanted the physical version for some reason

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Even so, they're not breathing in nearly as much dust as you would be digging a tunnel under a nuclear reactor.

>digging a tunnel under a nuclear reactor


even the best protective gear available at the time couldn't help that much constant exposure

Core chan is ripping another poor soul out of a man

Better to not have it go directly into your lungs though.

Thunderf00t up to his usual sperging out once again, this time about the show:

it makes me want to play Wack-A-Mole

Aye, comrade, aye. I'm aware of that. All jokes and faggotry aside I'd have preferred for him to be portrayed closer to reality. I figure that's why they don't outright name the coal minister as Schadov and instead transferred some of those admirable aspects of the real man were to the fictional character/device of the lead miner.
Admittedly the sharp contrast between the grimy, rough working class hero(es) vs. clean, thin, lily-white suitboi made for a more satisfying and impactful scene for
a tv miniseries.

Real sChadov was the fucking man though, dog.

Who? he hasn't been relevant for years.