What did Yea Forums think of The Apartment?
What did Yea Forums think of The Apartment?
it's great
It was kinda sad
It's a very dark movie. And a good example to give someone if they start ignorantly talking about the 'good old days'.
That qt actress really stood out for me when I saw that movie.
If I recall correctly, she ended up becoming a real new age kook in real life; I think she even believed she was an ayyylmao (funny because she is kind of ayy looking which is I guess why I like her).
>And a good example to give someone
Great flick.
I liked it.
>she ended up becoming a real new age kook in real life
Kook is right. I hated her after that.
One of the few films that are absolutely perfect. Wouldn't change a thing. Peak Wilder and Lemmon.
At any given point in history there will be tedious, predictable morons who ask "why aren't things good like they used to be?" as if humanity and reality hasn't always been a shitshow.
If they have the most basic familiarity with culture or old film or whatever they would know just how brimming with corruption the world always was. And this movie for instance displays so many cynical, nihilistic qualities that many people would presume weren't yet an issue in the 'Golden Age' of the 50s or early 60s.
She sure was cute in this movie though. The epitome of the cute short-haired look.
Yea Forums would call it a degenerate SJW cuck movie if it came out today. But because it's in black and white it's a classic.
>Yea Forums
You mean a few obsessed left-leaning samefags that try to force a /pol/ narrative here to feel better about themselves.
She was a very sympathetic character in the film, but not moreso than Jack Lemmon.
because by the old days they mean the days when they were closer to the womb.
good movie.
Has Billy Wilder ever made a bad film?
So far I've watched this, Double Indemnity and Some Like it Hot, and all three are fantastic.
She was a sad character, definitely. Reminds me of how compromised people get living in the city, which is what the movie is largely about. Like when you read all these accounts of women who use Tinder because it's practically all there is, and are hoping to actually find a relationship but very quickly get so jaded and discouraged by how everyone treats each other like something to order on an app.
Watch Sunset Boulevard next
It's just so lame and something I can never get with, that sentiment. The world has always been a combination of beautiful and stupid for as long as I remember, so pathetic ideologues trying to exploit that kind of golden age worldview come across to me as pathetic as conspiracy theorists.
>Has Billy Wilder ever made a bad film?
Probably not, although I haven't gone through them all yet.
>cute short-haired look
For me it's Nastassja Kinski in Cat People, but I'd also accept Goldie Hawn in Cactus Flower.
>as pathetic as conspiracy theorists
What about Pam Bouvier?
Wilder's magnum opus and one of my top 25 favorite films.
People don't hate modern movies just because they're more cynical, people hate them because modern filmmakers are so fucking inept at their craft.
If you liked Some Like it Hot, I highly recommend Kiss Me Stupid. Maybe his most underrated film
What about Charlotte Rae?
"Girls! GIRLS!!!"
I think it would better if they made the dude a little less autistic
One of the best films ever made, easily top 10. Billy Wilders masterpiece
>Has Billy Wilder ever made a bad film?
Nope. I've seen all of his movies and they're all great, even the weaker ones in the 70s and 80s.
I recommend his "autobiography" book with interviews with Cameron Crowe, it's fucking amazing.
Also the movies of Erns Lubitsch, you can tell he learned a lot from that amazing bastard.
Buddy Buddy killed his career
Kill yourself
>The film proved to be the last directed by Wilder, who in later years said, "If I met all my old pictures in a crowd, personified, there are some that would make me happy and proud, and I would embrace them ... butBuddy BuddyI'd try to ignore."