Why did the Soviets dress their engineers like gay nurses.
What the hell?
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not even 3 roentgens
Never been in a lab have you OP?
That's what I do everyday but I never wear faggy pyjamas and nightcaps.
>he thinks nuclear engineers dress like that in most of the world
>implying they even wear uniform in most of the world
Those ridiculous outfits are strictly a byproduct of your shitty gov comrade.
They're easily replaceable because of radiation.
Soviet has a thing for uniforms.
it all makes sense in Russian and to extent Ukrainian
Sov = gown
iet = hat
read a book bucko
All the Soviets dressed as gay nurses for some reason. They wanted everyone to wear uniforms. They even made the miners do it, even the main two guys (the scientist and the politician) wore those shitty outfits sometimes. The USSR was FUCKED.
>Sov = gown
>iet = hat
>entire nation built on uniforms
No wonder that shit went tits up
Bы хyли тyт pacпиздeлиcь, пидapacы? Дaвнo в гyлaгe нe cидeли?
The white is to keep your uniform at least marginally more sterile considering the immune system risks of minor radiation exposure
The hats were issued to jobs where you wouldnt want loose hairs about while operating
Why are you faggots shilling this shit so hard?
You guys are stupid, radiation is targeting for guys in hazmat suits
U mad vatnik boi?
Fuck u, liberaha
But did the design have to be so faggy though?
>US Nuclear engineer = standard western work outfit, no uniform, just look semi-professional at work, casual Friday
>USSR Nuclear engineer = mandatory white pajama onesie, with matching gay hat
>y-you're just mad
Kekitty based
>white = magically more sterile
USSR science ladies and gentlemen
These guys probably did some actual work and testing it would make sense not to ruin a suit and wear a uniform like that. Not exactly modern engineers sitting at a computer all day.
based 10th doctor
Why do your doctors wear white?
Nah, a lot of the shit they are doing is just stupid bullshit. Like making the miners wear the uniforms. And then making them still wear the fucking hats when they work naked. All bullshit.
It's just a cheap overall they can throw away after use. There widely used today in laboratories and factories.
Doctors wear white so they can see biological stains/contamination and act accordingly.
>it's cheap
Like the graphite tips ehh comrade?
Yes, labs have through away suits. But in the nuclear reactor control room? Cool retardation bruv.
I'm a chemist for fuck' s sake and not even in labs do we wear such a retarded gay outfit
I really don't understand why you people struggle so much with everyone working on the site wears these suits for the sake of ease.
The only labs that even border on these kind of suits are clean rooms for micro-chips. The USSR is just fucking dumb when it comes to making people wear uniforms for everything.
>working on the site
>muhh site
These aren't day labors your fucking spaz
The first time I saw promos for this, I thought they were cafeteria workers.
You know you're a gifted individual right?
bla bla bla equality bla bla
I wore similar retarded white clothing at my summer job during my university years, due to packing sterile goods.
When you were done, you put it in a bag and could take a new one the next day. Company handled the laundry so I saved a bunch of laundry work. Hella sweet
>be nuclear physicist
>put on first episode
>"Why the fuck are they all dressed like that? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT? DA FUQ?"
>suspension of disbelief completely ruined
>turn this commie garbage off
Does it get any better bros?
>suspension of disbelief completely ruined by perfect set and costume reproduction
Good job proving that all physicists aren't autistic.
>when I was a no-nothing entry level grunt worker I wore a uniform
Yeah, that is so similar to the experts in a nuclear reactor control room. KEK
>USSR was so assbackwards that people trained in the area find it all hard to believe
Yeah, it's totally my fault pal
They're chefs, all they do is boil some water for all of Ukraine
You should see what you have to wear while working in a clean room.
One of the plot points is that the workers weren't experts and not well trained.
You've never seen pictures of the Chernobyl control room?
Oppenheimer did nothing wrong. I wonder why he regretted his work. If I were him, I would proud as fuck and nuke the japs not twice but three times
Probably because he wasn't autistic or a sociopath.
They still wear it. It looks almost exactly the same.
Is he saying it's really accurate until the end?
Can't imagine walking right next to all those rods like it's nothing.
Thanks for the compliment user
To compliment the gay sailors
Rods are not radioactive until they loaded into reactor. You can even touch them with bare hands if you want.
>push button when number happen on monitor
yea sure expert
Fuck off nigger
Whiter than your mom hahahah
This gaylord is still around? Figured his youtube career would have died when people stopped giving Anita attention.
Apparently they also have retarded uniforms for submarines as well. But in BLUE!
Hahahaha retarded Soviets will never change.