Black Mirror

Name a show with a steeper decline in season to season quality. This shit was fucking embarrassing, especially the Miley episode. It is almost hard to believe that this is the same man who wrote stuff like 'White Christmas' and 'Hang the DJ'.

The well is drying up, Charlie. Hire some fucking writers.

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Game of Thrones Season 4 to Season 5

That and Dexter.
Black Mirror has always had hit and miss episodes, they just seem to miss more often now.

Exactly. Everyone remembers White Christmas or San Junipero, but nobody remembers Men Against Fire or Waldo Moment.

>White Christmas
>Hang the DJ
now this right here is some bait

I've only seen the first one so far and it was a good episode. The writing wasn't great but it had a good message

Politics aside, having it be a puppet taking over the entire world to even fucking China was just ludicrous

Hang the DJ is, let's say, controversial, but White Christmas is the best episode in the entire show.

The Miley Cyrus episode was supposed to be anod at Blade Runner and Vocaloid you pleb.

This show was always a coin toss between good and shit episodes. Take the first three. Pig Fucker was great, that weird ass trite e-currency bicycle episode was terrible, and the one where you could replay your memories and watch your drunk self be right about your cheating whore wife and still regret it all, was great. Fourth episode sucked ass also.

Charlie Booker is a hack with a few decent ideas.

Miley episode was fun. The other two are the worst episodes of the series. Brooker should let someone else write, he's out of ideas.

I'm sorry did you mean to say Shut Up and Dance, or maybe Nosedive?

>UK Black Mirror
>deep story, sad endings

>American Black Mirror
>shallow story, happy endings for everyone

debate me

The first Jon Hamm story in White Christmas is the only good part about the episode. Second Hamm piece is hardly a story and the other guys story is drivel.

Waldo Moment is easily the most prescient episode they’ve ever done, user. You realize it literally just happened for real in Ukraine?

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its always been shit with the odd exception

>Best episode of the series
This might be the worst taste I’ve encountered in seven years on this board

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its second best, but i would have accepted it.

all those episodes are amazing though

The fact that some similar things happened doesn't automatically mean that the episode was good.

Honestly Hated in the Nation had average characters but a really good message. The "villain" was based and basically Ted Kaczynski

White Christmas is like three episodes in one and they're not all good.

The Entire History of You is the undisputed number one.

>a good message

gayass "open relationships" are great?

It's like the writers forgot what the name of the show even refers to. It got to shit after Chris Morris left.


It wasn't encouraging online gayness. The episode was a warning of how this shit can be confused with reality. It also shows how the illusion all fell apart when they kissed in real life. The ending wasn't meant to be a happy one, it showed how the use of the virtual world forever fucked their marriage

Usually BM is a bit hit n miss. This season only watched Striking Vipers so far and enjoyed it.

>forever fucked their marriage

it certainly wasnt presented as "fucked" how did you get that impression?

>spend years thinking about first two seasons, allowing the ideas to gestate and become fully formed, is a labor of love
>netflix arrives
>shovels money at Charlie and asks for one season every year
>Charlie laughs his ass off and basically shits on a piece of paper and calls it a script
Which one is the bigger idiot?

ur mom for making u lmao

Because Black Mirror endings are usually meant to be messed up, where somethings wrong. The damage to their marriage was the messed up thing

Waldo Moment is kino because it was an allegory for Trump but I bet a brainlet like you missed that

why do i never see y'all talk about hated in the nation
it's comfy asf desu

season 1 of black mirror was bad, you're just a latecomer trying to pretend something that's never had consistent quality has gone bad

>was an allegory for something that happened well after the fact
Calling others brainlets is a bold move, based retard.

>implying giving a guy who made a living writing article length shitposts wasn't the first mistake

Conceptually it does. Execution was fine, easily on par with the series. What are you on about?

>It is almost hard to believe that this is the same man who wrote stuff like 'White Christmas' and 'Hang the DJ'.
Implying that he wrote either of those episodes or that he's been writing for the show since then

Not hard to predict the rise of populism you fucking moron.

Success is a mark of death. Its like how you leave a porchlight on and it brings in the bugs. A beacon.

What does this even mean?

Family Guy

What's wrong with Men Against Fire?


They found a way to make out with your boys but it's not gay

>steeper decline in season to season quality

the first episode has the PM and the entire govement getting pranked by a channer, it was trash from the beginning.

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I'd agree with you but you're a tripfag so fuck off

He clearly started out with a few strong ideas and then Netlfix convinced him to keep going with huge money & he’s been winging it since.


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Black Mirror was always shit. Can't believe people eat that shit up. Nathan Barley and Screenwipe were top Brooker

Miley Cyrus is so fucking hot

All the American episodes are trash

>Turning off your trip to post pro trip meme
>Muh Honor
can turn off trips whenever you want to shitpost
>Vibrant personalities
Literally calling yourself a flaming faggot

Uh uh

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>t. stoner

OP here.
Nosedive is corny bullshit. The two I listed are truly great episodes with novel ideas, twists and turns, and focused stories, whereas season 5 has just been all over the place in terms of plot, tone, and quality of writing.

Still, the show's best episode is still 'The Entire History of You', which isn't even written by Charlie. Which is just further proof he should bring some good writers on and act as the show's captain. No American writing staff please, and this is coming from an American. British cynicism is the heart of the show.

>This show was always a coin toss between good and shit episodes.
You aren't wrong, but seasons usually had at least a decent episode or 2. Season 5 had none.

He's become everything he spent the first 20 years of his career mocking. There is a bit more to it than "selling out" too.

I dropped it 10 minutes into episode 1, it was always shit

>had a good message
hedonism is never good

>Because Black Mirror endings are usually meant to be messed up
true, but the ending for the episode in question wasn't framed like that. They literally tried to portray it like a happy ending:
>married negro loved his wife but was thirsty for fresh pussy so he got carried away in vr and fucked his homie all the while neglecting his wife who craved the bbc
>gay nicca who set it all up was in love with his homie but knew he wouldn't get any from his non-homo friend unless in vr as a hot chick
>wife gets to fuck other guys while her husband gets it off in vr with gay homie to cope with that dopamine thirst
It's fucking sad and depressing but they shot the end as if the arrangement they got out of it was a good thing.

Says a literal lock in. Have sex.

Black Mirror was never good. Fuck off.

Hit or miss? I guess sometimes they do miss, huh?

Says a literal virgin. Have sex.

You are looking at it though /pol/ eyes OP. These are just as good as any of the other episodesof the series. Some are better than others but they are all 'good'.

Even normies hated the new season.

The 3 episodes of the new series I thought were good. Maybe the second is the weakest as it felt a bit pointless. But the pre-Netflix episodes were some of the best.

Holy fuck do you not understand Ukrainian politics. That is not in any way a parallel.