This is either kino or complete trash
JOKER test screening reactions are divisive
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Normies can’t comprehend kino, so that’s the reason for ‘division’.
lack of cringe cgi is enough of a reason to watch it, i dont even watch capeshit since nolan era
(((critics))) are all fags and kikes, disregard their shitty opinions and form your own
This is what I was worried about. They may have taken the movie in such a serious and real direction that "the joker" and the comic book setting actually drags it down.
>This is either kino or complete trash
Yes, those are the only possibilities. And it maps perfectly onto an uncomplicated, black and white socio-political binary which you MUST take a side on and swallow wholesale and uncritically as if you hadn't only just heard of it moments before.
>great performances
Of course, Phoenix is a generational talent and it will he kino just because hes in it. Im sure it has some dark, sad scenes that made people squirm, it probably makes you feel like shit for the guy and question just how evil he really is. Sure, you know hes making evil decisions, but you look at the context and still sympathize with him and it makes normies uncomfortable because theyre used to clear cut good and bad like The Avengers. They dont want it any other way.
>Alright. Gonna see it. Thank you. Keep doing what you doing!
If you have EVER decided whether or not to watch a movie based on what another person tells you that means YOU. ARE. AN. N. P. C.
I think that for this movie its better be kino or complete trash than just mediocre. If its trash then we will have memes, if its great then its gonna become cult classic. Both are better than being mediocre
Things we are almost guaranteed will happen
>his mom will slip into some sort of dementia and die in a sad manner
>he will kill the girl he likes because she rejects him
These two things alone will make normies uncomfortable
>it makes normies uncomfortable
But this twitter guy is not a normie, his description says
>Old School Comics & Video Game fanatic. Now a full time family man trying to stay nerdy
This wont happen. Read the leaks
If the Jokester doesn't slay a negress then I blow up a hospital
Also this
Go. Back. To. Tumblr.
Joaquin will be great, but I hope the movie is more than performance wank. I didn't like Darkest Hour that much.
It's trash
batman v superman is divisive and we all know how kino that is
I have full trust in Phillips
How many shootings will it be blamed for causing, Yea Forums?
It's obviously going to be God tier because of /OurGuy/
Roasties and their """male""" lapdogs will bash it as it shows a white male being pushed over the edge by SOCIETY.
The real question is: will it be good enough that critics can't slam it without looking stupid? Or will it be "okay" so critics can get away with saying it's awful for pussy points
>clearcut question whether the definition of divisive is (sort of) okay or terribad
>extremely vague and obscure reply, something something Oscar, some people say
>OK I'm most definitely going to see it. Thank you le good sir
>I have full trust in Phillips
his only bad film is hangover 2 and its still enjoyable
Based. Hangover Part 3 was Kino.
Big school for scoundrels fan are you?
He never made a good film, all of his films range from mediocre to trash.
If (((Blue checkmarks))) are ree-ing not only does it mean it’s kino, but also subtly names (((them))). I have high hopes
Right now Joaquin's performance is the only thing that is being praiced by people, who saw test screening, so i doubt that
>the movie is more than performance wank
if the writer of hangover 2 and 3 could pen something like chernobyl, there might be some hope for this fucker
negativity gets you nowhere.
why screenings for a movie that will come out in october?
theyre afraid that the movie will be too much for and are ready to make 'adjustments'? its warner, i wouldnt be surprised.
I see very little potential in a Joker origin story. What makes him compelling as a villain isn't exactly his relatability. It's that he's insane and unpredictable and treats crime and violence as performance art.
I think an origin movie done as a character study would just demistify him. Joaquin Phoenix is a very good actor and I'm sure he'll carry the movie but it doesn't seem like a story worth telling.
Although normies use the word “terrifying” in reference to someone saying niglet on Twitter so I dunno man
This. It's also co written by Scott Silver.
But screening reviews already telling otherwise. There is no hope
Another Hack snyder fiasco in the making
its not a story of A "VILLIAN" its a character study ffs you capshitters are retarded
And the character in question just happens to be a comic book villain.
All movies do this.
Terminator: Dark Fate comes out in November and we already got the full plot from leaks.
Literally no reason why it couldn't be both, soicuck
actually, he might kill his own mother
I think that would be much more unsettling for normies
They just mean it's good
But yeah the oscars themselves are worthless
>disney smear campaign starting 4 months before release
nervous are we?
It cant be both, because if you are a director and you desides that you want to do something different to a character because comicbook canon is very limiting, then fans will destroy you like "its not a Joker, Joker would never do this" and ets
not enough quips
DCuck cope.
its a prequel. it already sucks.
prequel to what?
Test screenings prove nothing. Some films were butchered because of negative test screenings and stuff like Deadpool and BvS had positive test screenings despite being absolute garbage.
Yes, sure let's entertain the idea that the script is decent. How will it be directed? Phillips is completely incompetent as a director. Even if the script has some thematic complexity it may be completely buried by his directing choices.
He writes like a retard but that doesn't make his point any less valid. People who read or watch movie reviews or go and look for an explanation or interpretation after watching it without ever formulating their own take or opinion are epitome of an NPC.
lmao youve been rumbled
Deadpool got critical praise though and BvS was panned.
I'm a filthy centrist and it's not about politics at all. That's the problem with you redditors, you don't actually come here to talk about movies, you're only here to stir shit. "It's either great or terrible" is thing that has been said about movies and television long before Yea Forums even existed.
oh no no no NO NO NOOOOO!!!!
Sure, still BvS had positive test screening. Test screenings are completely unreliable in predicting the quality of films.
Disney is seething that Walkin Phoenix refused Dr. Strange
>Phillips is completely incompetent as a director.
BvS had no test-screenings. WB was so confident in it it only screened to producers who thought they had a billion dollar hit on their hands.
Is this supposed to be groundbreaking or something?
Not really. BvS had fan screenings, which are a bit different
Now they are gonna destroy his career so he will come to them, apologize and politely asks for a role of the villain in Dr Strange 2
Only groundbreaking stuff is "competent"?
It was never going to be a movie larger audiences would really like. That's why it was made with a relatively small budget.
>It's a Yea Forums is giong to put all their stock in movie critics reviews again then complain about critics after the fact or when the next movie comes out
how haven't you incels died out yet?
Is it time to laugh at DCucks for a shit movie again already? I could swear we just did that last month
he means that white man radicalization si the biggest fear he has
Im unironically think that composition, lightning and colors in this frames are great. Its good cinematography.
Yea Forums will still call it a flop if it doesn't make 3 billion in the first 24 hours
Oh, then i'm wrong. Still there are many misleading test screenings. Vice last year was test screened to quite positive reactions, the reactions when it was released were very split.
>BvS had fan screenings
I thought that Joker test screenings was also for a fans. Or it was just for random people and twitter critics?
Shut up, only obscure films from 1930-1970 by foreign directors have good composition, lighting colors. Don't let me ever catch you giving a modern normie movie a compliment you little shit.
>yfw Joaqer spills his popcorn in the theater on purpose and then says "OOOPS"
Fucking spine chilling
because there's still time to do major editing.
They risked a lot on this stupid fucking movie
>still time to do major editing
How? There are only four months left, and i think that movie should be ready already in September. They cant rewrite script and change some important key positions. They only can reshoot some not so important scenes. Also Joaquin gained weight again, so if they want to reshoot something with him, they must wait at least one month so he could get skinny again
Todd Phillips does not care most likely. People kept yelling at him about the direction hangover was going and he kept doing it his way. I doubt any rewrites.
>not your typical genre movie
so a film and not a flick
>I doubt any rewrites
So why doing a test screenings then? Also it was secong screening, first was a couple weeks ago
>There are only four months left
that's a lot of time specially for a movie without CGI. movies reshoot scenes with less time than that, and often get concluded a couple of weeks before release
Based on twitter it seems like full grown adults in America pee their pants at least once per week.
guys, do we really need this movie? especially in our current climate. I mean, c’mon, another mediocre white man having a breakdown? I’d rather see a strong female villain taking on the patriarchy.
Im completely agree. We as a society are at a point with our movies, especially superhero movies, where we want to see nuanced villains. Think about which characters are generally regarded as compelling villains--Killmonger, Magneto, Dr. Sivana, Thanos, etc
Pretty much like it is for every comic book movie that isn’t made by Disney. Make you think.....
Poor Todd Phillips. Imagine how hard his life is right now. From one side there is WB who tells him that audience didn’t like his movie so he should change something. But he can’t rewrite the script and start again. On the other hand if he will delete some killings, violent and nasty moments and replace it with some fun stuff he would ruin the movie and make a complete fool of himself. Omg, that a difficult situation. I hope he won’t kill himself
nah 3 was shit and the jonah hill one was jewy shit
Women are not allowed to watch this
>pee your pants
maybe shit and cum?
Name a movie that had a negative test screening and turned out to be good. You are just twisting facts to suit your agenda, DCuck.
will it trigger the gamer uprising?
>caring this mich about Yea Forums's opinion
Why are redditors this braindead?
Let's be real. when is The Joker ever not forced? That's his character:Insane with zero empathy.