Post girls from femcel forums

Post girls from femcel forums

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lol. All their stories are
>omg I'm a chubby 7/10 and someone called me ugly in highschool once ;_; no one will ever date me
whilst they fuck on tinder 2 or 3 times a week.

Also, don't forget the trannies who pretend they are actually women so they can complain about how lonely they deservedly are.

i'll post one when you stop phoneposting

that's not a real thing

sorry but it's physically impossible for that woman to be a femcel, she's 7/10 at least.

it's not possible for any woman to be an incel
femcels do not exist

my last ex told me when we got together that she'd been alone for the past 2 years. she later said that a week and a half while i was fighting bronchitis was the longest she's ever gone without sex. a "fucking excuse me what" conversation ensued. her definition of "alone" was not being in a steady relationship. we're not together anymore.

>a "fucking excuse me what" conversation ensued. her definition of "alone" was not being in a steady relationship. we're not together anymore.
fucking based

you did good

you sound like a virgin

>you’ve had more sex than me!?! get out of my life!!!
Good luck getting an attractive girlfriend user, seriously.

She's attractive but gives off a bad vibe. I don't know what that is.

Let me guess, you just made it up.

Reminder that there's no such thing as incels. Just people with high standards and those who refuse to visit prostitutes.

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i mean i fucked her and it was pretty good until i learned she had a new guy in there like every four fuckin days.

Do prostitutes count tho?


"""femcels""" dont exist
what this woman is is an attention whore

Leg game kind of insane

Honestly, the fact that they believe themselves to be "incels" shows that they're simply undesirable because of mental health issues. The same applies to any male claiming to be an "incel." You're not involuntary celibate, you're voluntary celibate because of mental illness and this factor alone acts as a repulsive force to any female or male that comes in contact with the incel.

In general, women are more susceptible to having mental health issues than men, or at least men are better at dealing with their own mental issues, but these women are obviously a pillar above your average insane woman if they consider themselves "femcels."

Femcels are a myth, like the Yeti.

Save Hex

Ignore the angry cucks calling you a virgin, it takes an actual Chad and man to turn down easy and guaranteed sex from a degenerate. You did the right thing

do you know how much pro's cost in my area? Even an ugly, tattooed fat one will set you back $400USD - fuck that. Also, I'm disease free, no herpes no hpv, nothing. I intend to stay that way.

>are you still celibate if you fuck women tho
Are you retarded

>claims to be lonely
>a week and a half was the longest she went without sex
that user was completely in the right

you sound like a virgin

If you're not willing to earn the money to pay for it, you're not an incel. Just a lazycel.

Take this shit to > where it belongs.

that comment implied she stayed faithful to him though

Turns out this time we were telling the truth.

It really did happen.

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Oh, and I'm not going to be one of those pathetic motherfuckers that go to Pattaya. That shit is fucking sad

who is this pls sauce
I want to eat her for days

Why don't take off your shining white armor you faggot

based, if only more men were like you I wouldn't have to worry about every woman I meet being a crypto-whore

I'm definitely lazy. I was in a ltr for about five years. It felt like a never-ending job interview. I was euphoric when it ended

I'm poor and it doesn't count, I want someone to want me for something else than money

have sex.

Lower your standards.

She was saying she was “alone” as in single, sounds like. To me it seems like user just jumped to a lot of conclusions without clarifying anything and then got buttmad when she ruined his headcanon. None of this to excuse her being kind of slutty for sure, but I actually do believe a long sexual history is the price you have to pay if you want to date an 8+/10.

>The same applies to any male claiming to be an "incel."
never met a guy doing that IRL, it's just a thing on Internet

it wasn't the sex, it was the lie. bitches gotta be honest. i told her i was coming off a 6 month drought after a rough breakup, and she dropped an "oh yeah i've been alone even longer" statement which turned out to be a manipulative lie. she could've told me she wasn't into something serious, would've been fine, we would've fucked like we did and both moved on when one of us got bored. she could've told me she fucks constantly. would've been fine, i like fucking and she fucked quite well. she didn't. she lied to me and pretended to be some lonely femcel, then acted like she could redefine the dictionary when i caught her in the lie. red fucking flag, so i hit the road and now i'm with someone else.

true but she went through a long period of time with lots of men but wasn't able to stay with any of them. I don't judge her for it but that's a huge red flag.

And this is when people who are incapable of holding a conversation with a woman say you did the right thing.

>a long sexual history is the price you have to pay if you want to date an 8+/10
absolutely not, 6-7s are by far the sluttiest. 9-10 are way less promiscuous (but the chance of them being a high-class escort or something like that increases obviously)

This chick could go on any of the many dating apps and be swimming in attention from above average men in no time. Depending on where she lives, she could be getting dicked down by a decent dude within the hour.

Take a man at her level of attractiveness and dump him on these apps and he'd be getting the attention of trannies and genetic aberrations. He'd be lucky if the most plain jane girl with a board-like personality gave him a swipe.

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based level-headed user

You can still be lonely while having anonymous sex without making any emotional connection.

ITT: normalfags straight out of twitter who try to victimize themselves on how lonely they are while they talk about their 20 exes.
Report, sage, hide.

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what's your point?

A good explanation, my point is refuted. Glad you found a new gal

why were the cats sentenced?

sure but that's not what she implied from what that user said, and that's a red flag. Only betas date those girls too.

Because they were cats.
Fuck cats.

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who is she
>refuse to visit prostitutes
risk jail time? why

That's just an incel, incel doesn't have anything to do with being a man or woman.

She looks kinda chubby tho

It's hilarious when they complain about how women can't be lonely, all while they are the exact same kind of people.
I'm just glad normalfags of today are bound to suffer the most painful of existences, what with not being able to ever retire, or the possibility of societal collapse.

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>hating based cats

I don't know, there are some truly disgusting women out there that are shutins just like some of the incels around here.

i need her

I just find it suspicious that she wanted companionship but couldn't manage to connect with several people despite being a desirable woman. She sounds like trouble.

you couldve saved her bro...

So that you can have conversations with her, her other two personalities and the voices in her head?

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femcels are retarded, because they could be not-celibate with close to 0 effort

actually if you go to prostitutes you get called incel way even more

Some people just like being alone.

By who? Trolls that post on a polish basket stealing board?

>involutary celibate
>have sex
>lol ur even more celibate

Choosing to be alone is not what involuntary means. How are there so many people who keep fucking up this extremely simple term?

>im a virgin
>no, you are not a real virgin, im virginer
Millennials are retarded.

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>Choosing to be alone is not what involuntary means.
Tell that to some incels on here that choose not to socialize.

they can be still be social retards hung up over a crush. not quite incel status but it keeps them single.

>Try to better yourself
>Work out at the gym
>Watch your diet
>Try to travel, read books
>Try and better yourself in career
>All this effort just so you could stoop down to a degenerate level and fuck some sex slave
Idk mate, I feel like allot of incels want someone to just tell them they liked them for no fucking reason but liking them

I'm telling that to you, who is an idiot and is fucking up this extremely simple term.

Um... based department?

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For any of you fags, it's about her obviouslu ommitting information for her benefit. Not the making of a trustworthy person.

by women

maybe they're just not likeable

>Idk mate, I feel like allot of incels want someone to just tell them they liked them for no fucking reason but liking them

It's just like my Chinese animations.

If they want that, they need to lower their standards. Normal people punch their own weight. Incels think they deserve 10s.

>tfw I don't have enough discipline to do any of that
I go one day to the gym and then don't come back for another 2 months.
Then I see garbage in the refrigerator and I eat it even if it's pure calories.

I feel like I don't have enough energy for anything, either.

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>so i hit the road and now i'm with someone else
While I inherently can't like you as a person because you have had two gfs, I can agree with your actions, and ability to make sound judgements

they remove the involuntary from their name because they're all vol.

this, im not going to purport to be a giga chad on an imageboard for children, but i've sperged my way into two relationships with 9's and they were both virgins.

"have sex" posters are the biggest fucking betas/incels on this board since they assume attractive women are all roasties

Then die ugly and alone. You can't balem no one but yourself.

you have a lot more energy when you go to the gym regularly
doesnt sound logical but its true

I'm not the user that made that post, talk to the anons that self identify as incels and are thus morphing it into the strange colloquialism it is. Have sex.

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Sounds epic: it's like polygamy except I can still larp traditionalism.

>something else than money

Three gfs. He was coming from a rough breakup.

I want to stick it in crazy.

I’ve known a lot of Yetis and 90% of them were fuckless incels. Lmao


>I'm not the user that made that post
Then you're even more retarded for not seeing that I'm completely right to call him out on it.

Anyone who complains about going ten days without sex is basically guaranteed to cheat on you

a dabbing birb, never thought i'd live to see that

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Being acknowledged is important to disperse allot of delusions you have gathered over the years on Lithuanian swastika enthusiast forum

Look man if you're gonna larp as me at least ask permission
Seriously though, I'm beginning to doubt that I can ever improve things for myself, unless random chance intervenes

The colloquialism got it's meaning for a reason. Pay attention user, maybe you won't embarrass yourself next time.

Idk what to say comrade, lifting is the only thing in my entire life that truly makes me happy and fulfilled

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>time to go to sleep
More like 1PM.

just have sex lmao it's not that hard desu

>two relationships with 9's
Every time I’ve seen someone claim this online and have the balls to post a pic the girls in question have been strong 6s. Every time.

There is no colloquial meaning, there are a hundred fuck ups out there who don't have any meaning similar to all of them. Pay attention, user, maybe you won't embarrass yourself next time.

>newfag doesn't understand what he's saying
Have sex.

>i don't know so you don't know
Good job.


>no u
Have sex.

Literally an imaginary concept. Femcels do not exist, have never existed, and never will exist. Even the fattest ugliest bitch on the planet will have someone going after her because she has a pussy that they want to stick their dick in, simple as that.

also not gonna read this shitty thread, but i bet prostitution was brought up by some roastie cunt or some beta

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That definitely isn't a no u post. Are you ok? Is your English teacher ok?

>turning 30 next year
>friends think I’ve become to weird
>only times I’ve ever been out have been gay bars where my (former) friends took me and I just looked at my feetbthe whole time
>never even been on a date let alone kissed a boy
>parents are dead
>former ana-chan, now have a skinny fridge body
>signed up for different gyms twice and some Stacy smirked at me both times causing panic attacks
>drink at least 2 bottles of fancy wine every night in my nice appartment because I’m rich
>only hobbies I like anymore are painting (I still suck after practicing since I was 2) and yaoi
How do I get a hot boytoy? Unironically taking applicants.

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Imagine trying to show off how much of a virgin you are.

have sex

Yeees good goy
Raise tyrones and amandas baby, its not the childs fault it exists!

Don't exist.

epic LARP xD

>femcel forums
link? I gotta see this

I just want to hug her and tell her everything is going to be ok.

>Get on a solid and consistent sleep schedule.
If your sleep is fucked up, everything else will get fucked up as a result. Try to get 8 hours
>Find some way to at least track your calories (app or notebook or whatever).
It's easier to keep yourself disciplined if you have numbers to look at.
>Get yourself in a routine of going and doing exercise.
If you feel like you don't have the energy, go anyways and slack off. Just get into the habit of doing it and it'll get easier.

I recommend picking up meditation as well. A lot of our problems are in the realm of the mind.

let me go back in time and record the conversation

Literally the equivalent of the beta virgin aiming for something far above his worth.

No guy wants to deal with some fridge slag who drops her spaghetti and drinks every night. And the guys that do are probably below your ridiculous standards.

have children

i knew it was just gay people spamming brie. no straight men like her

you are the stacy, dumb cunt

I'll be your bf. We can stay home and drink together every night.

Will you be my Cool Wine Aunt?

How Rich are we talking here ?
Im 6'2 180 around 5/6BF%, broad shoulders, good jawline also London