*ruins your life*

*ruins your life*

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Maybe he shouldn't have diddled his fiddle to a child

Pedo had it coming

>that's what you get disgusting pedo
I say with a moner thread in another tab

what's the story behind this pic?

Some dude, to avoid being exposed as a pedo, had to fight a 5 year old toddler. He didn't even hesitate and laid into the little kid. I'm talking haymakers and uppercuts.

After everything was done they uploaded all his information anyway and sent that pic. Then he shat himself.

Ruined the whole episode. I get he wanted the downer ending but this was a cop out and the problem face was the cherry on top. Could have had the kid getting killed in the fight but nope, got to use that faggy radiohead song while the cops somehow found him in the middle of the night and arrest him.

That wasn't a toddler...

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There's no proof that he actually jerked off to cp and that it wasn't just put on his computer. If the hackers were able to fuck his shit up that hard there was nothing preventing them from putting cp on his computer, so it was open ended.

>took the 3d pill

>wot if the hacker Yea Forums hackered into ur toaster and recorded u 'avin a wank and then blackmailed u

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Should have just said he was being hacked and blackmailed.

Isn't this Black Mirror? Seems like a, uh, pretty high concept episode. For thinkers.

>not sending a smug pepe
what the fuck is this 2007

Should've covered his laptop camera, the idiot.

His interaction with the kid in the ice cream parlor was a clue, plus his ignoring of the cutie girl that obviously had a thing for him

someone shoop this pic over the troll face please

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In universe. We know he did, but how will they prove it to others?

There is no way they could have proved he was a pedo so comprehensively that his own mother believed it.

>It's not a crime if you don't jerk off to it
are you some sort of eurocuck or something?

are pedos exclusively attracted to children, like gays are to other men, or can they be attracted to normal-aged women too?

Even this shitty episode looks kino compared to what Black Mirror is today.

This episode was so stupid, someone saw him jacking off so what? He' gonna rob a bank and kill someone cause he's to scared of everyone finding out. As soon as the fight started i stopped watching. Just ridiculous

>Netflix had to pay the creator of the fucking trollface to use that pic

>using troll face
yeah that's not hip bro, should have used a funny wojak or pepe.

Moner isn’t a prepubescent girl...

That doesn't make you a pedo it just means you have shit taste.

>Troll face in 2016

>proved he was fapping to cp on his computer from his webcam
Charlie Brooker is absolute boomer-tier in understanding how basic technology like computers and video games work
also i find it hilarious that this isn't a crime in my state

>concerned with the pedo's life
>doesn't even think about the kid's life
Why does this episode trigger you so badly? This is the 10th thread you've made about this. Something about seeing a pedo getting caught really triggers you. I wonder why that is. Huh.

remember when seeing shit from Yea Forums on tv was cool?

definitely not

you must have not been here in 2006 then

i've been here since 1999 rartard

Not necessary. The allegation is sufficient to ruin his life.

It's perfectly reasonable to hijack a webcam didn't you read Wikileaks?
What is retarded is a) and b) who the fuck has a webcam unless he was a YouTuber or some shit get it binned ffs.

>*ruins your life*
Ha! You don't know me at all, do you!

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you can hijack a webcam, but the video they sent him didn't also show that they hijacked his desktop
so it was just a video of him fapping at his pc, big fucking deal everyone does that

He was a half-retarded hid who didn't know his arse from his elbow. Outing him as a nonce and completely ruining his life is a bit much for looking at 1s and 0s on a screen, m8. If he was actually out diddling kids I'd agree with you but the punishment was a bit much for the crime.

if you can hijack the webcam you can hijack everything else

but they specifically did not

It was made by anonymous incels, not a woman

Unless it's a 3rd party angle of him fapping to the cp, he should have just said he was jerking it to normal porn and they hacked his pc to make it look like cp.

could they hack his camera while monitoring his internet traffic?

Were you even paying attention in the episode? There were several hints throughout it that he was a paedophile: he was looking at photos from a suspicious email, his reaction was almost manic when he got caught by the hackers, he bolted a lock on his door to make sure his sister didn’t come into his room because he was afraid she’d find the cp on his laptop and the hackers forced him to fight to the death with another guy, who was also presumably a paedophile based on their dialogue.

Even if they could, you could just say your internet traffic was hacked to make it look like you did it. Boomers don't understand how hacking works and there'd be no real way to prove it. At least not under US legal standards. No idea about bongland

dont think so, bucko.

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This is a good list. He also saw a really young girl on a music video in the living room then instantly went up to his room for a quick hand shandy to some CP. We've all been there lads, we've all been there.

He was probably just fapping to loli, which is actually illegal in the UK to be fair.

No, I don't think we have

Yeah I know m8 me neither haha wouldn't it be crazy though lol


they still need to prove a lot of shit, even people that get caught red handed (carrying a usb with incriminating material) by the authorities need to go through a long process
even with hints, some people get apprehended years later after a throughout investigation

proper mental

>Y-you see officer, I was jerking off to hot Brazilian scat porn at 2:32 am and those darn hackers had typed in and searched for all the CP for the last few years then put it on my screen when I was about to finish!

even a "that's not me" holds up

But every screen record thing they do can be faked. The only way to prove it is to have a camera that has both him and his screen in clear view. Otherwise they're showing the cops a screenshot (which can obviously be edited) and the webcam footage of him jacking off. There is no way for them to prove what he was jacking off too. And even when the cops seize his computer, how are they gonna prove the files weren't planted by the hacker? Fruit of the poisonous tree. The actual biggest clue for the prosecution would be the fact that he went through with all that crazy shit, which he probably wouldn't have if he was innocent. Like if someone hacked you and blackmailed you with the fact that you wack it to trannies, would you care?

Even if I was guilty, I wouldn't bother with dealing with blackmail and would deny everything even if they had evidence, considering the way it was obtained.
Then again, I'm not sure how britbongs or americans deal with their legal system.

>throw my hard drive in the river
now what mr troll

This. Just deny everything and never give them anything.

if they proceeded they would have to call the hacker to testify, at which point you fucking know his face and when you get out you can give him a proper going over

Give me a quick rundown

One of only two good Black Mirror episodes (the other one is White Bear or some shit). Watch it.


I wonder if they paid Whynne for using that pic.

I've always wondered how the fuck could they get in touch with me. I never open text messages, e-mails or answer phone calls of unregistered sources because I always think they're spam. Then again, I live in a country where extortion is really common, it's not uncommon to see people trying to fish more info out of you with messages or calls stating that they know you, a relative or even your work hours.
