The comedian's comedian

The comedian's comedian

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His podcast seems fun but i dont know half of the people that joe has as his guests.
who the fuck is that cejudo guy? why should i care about a boomer called "jocko"? and please, somebody tell joey diaz that he is not funny.

What's a good term for the complete opposite of "the comedian's comedian?" His fans are exclusively MMA meat heads, alt-right retards and edgy teenagers.

Why would the altright like joe when the gay little midge hates everything they stand for?

Because alt right incels larp as "alpha men" and they think that Toe Rogan and his fellow MMA and jew jitsu practitioners are tough.

>Why would the altright like joe when the gay little midge hates everything they stand for?

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No clue but look at the dislikes on literally any interview with a liberal, woman or minority.

>still says alt-right

>Joe Advocates for being a macho man that lift weights, slays pussy and trains MMA
>/pol/tards are so deluded that they think this behavior is manly, so they emulate him

I see you are not so bright

And who do you think are tough? Trannies?

Yeah no that isnt brody stevens. JRE has gone so downhill I cant even watch or listen to that trash anymore

Maybe it's because they talk nonsense and not because they're "liberal, woman or minority"?

Are you saying that lifting weights. fucking chicks and fighting is not manly?

some JRE episodes are kino as fuck, but he definitely makes mistakes when picking guests sometimes.

remember he had war machine on, a 50 IQ retard who is currently spending the next 40 years in prison for brutally assaulting a woman.

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Lol sure thing. We all know the internet right never brigades. That's also why the ratings are sunk like 5 seconds into the interview too

lmao I did hear of that guy.

betas with glasses who white-knight for minorities on the internet

Remember when Yea Forums was funny and not for pushing potential school shooters over the edge?

fucking men is way manlier. gay tops are the ultimate alphas. enjoy fucking your delicate literal flowers you fucking pansy lmao.

I don't find him funny at all. He's likable and 'fun', but I just don't get why people find his comedy funny.

Do you have any proof that there is brigading going on? where are these raids organized? Who organizes them? Do you have nay screenshots of the alt right organizing brigades on bad podcasts?

Raping gorillas is even manlier than that. Still, maybe people like to hit a sweet spot between manliness, being normal and not dying from aids

>Dick Infinite

>brutally assaulting a woman.
Is this how history revisionists function. What is the cost of lies

i wish we could go back to peak Yea Forums.

i remember when some kids from my city all died in a drunk/drugged driving crash.
their faggot friends (after attacking first responders, police and media) all put flowers, cards, and plush toys at the accident site.

i went to Yea Forums later that night and saw a thread with timestamped photo of the roadside memorial they set up.

the OP literally took a diarrhea shit over ALL the plush toys and flowers, soaking everything with liquid shit.
don't think i ever laughed harder than that night.

it made their friends mad too, they were making death threats to Yea Forums, which led to more destruction of the social media memorial pages and whatnot..

I'm fairly certain that War Machine beat the everloving shit out of his girlfriend, and it was widely publicised complete with photos of her mashed up face.

Honestly I could give half a shit. Keep being obtuse though, winning strategy I'm sure.

>all the fat mongrels ITT

/heem/ runs this bitch you autistic zilches

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What the fuck are you talking about, he was literally about to kill her before she escaped.

Pic for reference

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i wonder what did she expect dating a guy who legally changed his name to "War Machine"

The absolute state of literal incel zoomers
Off yourself

Considering they were broken up and he and broke into her house when he did this... she probably wasn't expecting this to happen at all.
But keep blaming women for the literal crimes acted against them, you fucking loser.

because they like to see his platform as a validation gateway. They think Rogan is mainstreaming their views despite him being a retarded meathead.

>but I just don't get why people find his comedy funny.

no one does, people only like him for his podcasts

He's a craftsman. He's been honing his craft in the clubs. You think you have 15 minutes but you don't, you have maybe 2 minutes. 3 at best. He has a diamond. 7 hours. A 7 hour diamond that kills. A 7 hour diamond he's been honing in the clubs as a craftsman.