Will kino finally bring baby Caylee's killer to justice?

Will kino finally bring baby Caylee's killer to justice?

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is it just gonna be 90 minutes of fuck and suck?


redpill me on casey anthony

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The irony is that now the entire democratic platform wants what she did to be legal

She killed her kid, parents helped cover it up, pussy pass etc

She should have done time sure but the prosecution was so autistic for trying to get the fucking death penalty fucking Florida...

she's mommy

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I thought abortion was a good thing?

only for blacks

>a Blacked.com Production

She accidentally killed her kid by doping her up with xanax so she could go out and party then tried to get sympathy in court by saying her father molested her which she later admitted was a lie.

>It's okay, you don't have to pull out. I'll take care of it later ;)

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Reminder that the foul smell in her car is from leaving a pizza on the backseat for 3 weeks, your honor.

wtf she was a pedo?

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She's pretty based and doesn't let some shitting crotchfruit slow her down. If there wasn't a stigma on abortion she probably would have just done that and never been in that situation to begin with. She rightfully moved on with her life and partied. Only moralfags feign outrage. Imagine virtue signalling on Yea Forums.

She's so damn crazy, but that only makes me want to fuck her more.

Anyone who's willing to make up lies about their father (who until them was probably the only person on their side who wasn't being paid to) molesting them isn't going to worry about social stigma.

unironically think parents should be allowed to kill their children until they can take care of themselves

change my mind

You should just kill yourself instead of wishing your parents did it for you.

based zogbot posters

you're not changing my mind

>no ass
No thank I'll take the abortion please

She looks like someone who'd marry Bam margwra or something.

she should marry zimmerman for maximum trolling potential

>make fun of women for falling for badboys
>Yea Forums including me get diamond dick from casey anthony

She's not a "bad girl" she's just trashy. Florida is full of people exactly like her.

so, she got snipped after getting free right? It would be awkward if she got pregnant again.

I'm more interested in her lack of giving a fuck than the violence thing.

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I want to dismember this bitch

With my dick haha


how does she make a living now? no one will hire her from the stigma of what happened..wtf?

she sells baby parts to labs for scientific research and birthday parties

>projecting that you wanted your parents to kill you a long time ago

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i heard she was an escort but theres no proof of it

can't speak for him but I unironically wish they did

Are they anymore hot pics of her?

This case is right up there with Nicole Brown Simpson. Will the real killers ever be found???

who is the dead baby daddy

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Championed reproductive rights

>Marries Zimmerman
>Get pregnant
>Get a late term abortion
>Piss off everyone


Legalized late-term abortion.

She had an accomplice . . . Wolverine!

Forgot my fucking pic

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Heh... tough luck bub

At some point she was working for her lawyer as a paralegal but I don't know if she still is.

This post made my day.

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the absolute rage from incels and virgins will be glorious

>There's a guy on Twitter who LOVES Casey. Had her face printed on fabric and upholstered a chair with it - I shit you not. It's his most prized possession.

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Now this is having a waifu


>fucking dumb roasties always falling for for violent abusive chads and tyrones
>"fucking dumb tumblr girls splooshing over the columbine shooters and Ted Bundy
>mildly cute girl/woman kills someone or multiple people (i.e Nevada-Tan)
>hnnng ugghhh my waifu
>tfw no yandere gf
>and then this shit
What's wrong with you people?
Then again I guess you could make the argument that it's usually women who are actually getting in relationships with those guys and getting killed or beaten, while with men it's usually just fantasy. Still though

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