So this was pretty bad. Better or worse than Black Panther?
So this was pretty bad. Better or worse than Black Panther?
Better. Also better than Shazam and Aquaman btw
Not Aquaman, but yes better than Shazam and Black Panther
At least Black Panther was remotely imaginative.
Black panther has better story
I'd say worse, but that's like comparing human feces to animal feces; they're both shit
It's totally better than Aquaman. I just watched it yesterday. The fucking protagonist VO explaining all the exposition about his parents was Bad Writing 101. I'd say the action sequences were generally much better done in Aquaman, but the script and general theatrical edit of the movie was pretty fucky. CM incorporating the backstory exposition into the narrative and technology of the setting was a pretty genuinely well-done play on the standard flashback trope.
And the actual subtextual "argument" of CM was more interesting than Aquaman, which was basically the same story as BP and dozens of other movies. Anthem is a more novel and interesting story than Lion King.
Better than Black Panther, about the same as Aquaman, worse than Shazam
Worse actually
Aquaman was a better visual espectacle and Shazam a better movie in general, keep coping
Black Panther was superior. Better performances and story.
>Aquaman was a better visual espectacle
yeah it had big cgi fish battles and stuff. Big draw for chinamen.
>and Shazam a better movie in general,
by what standard really? The script was pretty shit and it's all just sjw propaganda for toddlers.
>sjw propaganda
>while compraing it to captain sjw
Almost fell for this bait but not this time, master ruseman!
>while compraing it to captain sjw
you can compare it to pretty much any capeshit. It's one of the most "sjw" themed movies in the genre.
>jewish protagonist
>multicultural family
>everyone gets to be a superhero!
>muh ableism
>muh evil rich American white guy villain
Meanwhile in Captain Marvel the villains are evil space commies governed by an AI hivemind that forces people to regulate their power and "play fair." The story is fundamentally about "rediscovering I" and breaking free from abusive government control, like in Anthem.
Black Panther had a good score, decent costuming and good side characters
>>jewish protagonist
Not jewish
>>multicultural family
Not his family, foster family whose home is described as a "shithole".
>>everyone gets to be a superhero!
That's a cool message for kids
>>muh ableism
I don't know what that is, I'm not a Captain SJW shill so I'm not familiar with the SJW vernacular
>>muh evil rich American white guy villain
Pretty standard trope
>>Meanwhile in Captain Marvel the villains are evil space commies
Trying way too hard and you forget about the RAPEFUGEES WELCOME subtext that was subtle as a punch in the nose. Not to mention the whole gurl power yas kweeen shit that was cringe beyond human comprehension and we've discussed well enough in this board
All in all Shazam was a more sincere, well acted, well written, generally more likeable movie. Aquaman was better in theaters too because of the objectively, undeniably superior visual aspects although watching it in a small laptop screen must make it about as bad as Captain Feminism I guess
>this was pretty bad
based russian shill
Advanced Afro city is at least interesting (though thanks to Disney's artless designs it looked boring)
BP is average MCU up to waterfall fight after that it's straight up awful
Captain Marvel was just bad all the way through with everyone involved annoyed at being there
>Not jewish
I thought Zachary Levi was. So he just turns into a jew lookalike.
>Not his family,
No shit retard. Nobody is making movies where a character inexplicably has black and hispanic sisters.
>foster family whose home is described as a "shithole".
Yeah poverty is hard guise. The gubment isn't giving us enough benefits and resources so we live in a "shithole."
>That's a cool message for kids
Yeah it's still exactly what the the spectre of the "sjw" is all about. ANYONE can be hero! Whether they're normal, black, crippled, woman, etc! It's literally "forced inclusion" and "forced diversity." This is the same theme that Into The Spiderverse was about and half of Yea Forums refuses to even watch it because it has the black guy in it.
>I don't know what that is
Pandering to cripples. Making concessions to handicapped people. "Ableism" is something that generally triggers "anti-sjws."
>I'm not a Captain SJW shill
I mean you pretty much are. How much time of your life have you spent obsessing about it and bumping threads related it to and ensuring that it stays top of mind for everyone here?
>so I'm not familiar with the SJW vernacular
the concept of "ableism" isn't some new thing kiddo. We have handicapped parking spots in every parking lot in the west. People have been calling themselves "handicapable" for like 20 years now.
>Pretty standard trope
Yeah and in any movie that contrarians aren't shilling for out of spite, it's a huge trigger warning. People complain that Jude Law was a "white man" in pretty much every thread about CM. Doesn't matter that he was a commie space alien he's played by a white man!!!
>Trying way too hard and you forget about the RAPEFUGEES WELCOME subtext
Being ascared of boogieman outsiders isn't really a "left or right" concept. It's just what totalitarian governments do to control their people and keep them lashing out instead of up. Communists have historically had some of the harshest immigration laws ever.
>that was subtle as a punch in the nose
I mean it's only really a "punch in the nose" for people that consume a lot of foreign propaganda designed to make them agitated and reactionary. Being controlled by fear and outgroup contempt just makes you an impotent coward.
>Not to mention the whole gurl power yas kweeen shit
I take it you haven't actually watched the movie?
>that was cringe
why do you talk like a faggot?
>All in all Shazam was a more sincere, well acted, well written
I guess it was "more sincere." But the acting was pretty shit, particularly a lot of the child acting. And the script was just Big for an act and then generic badguy story.
>generally more likeable movie.
For toddlers and zoom zooms maybe. Wasn't really bringing much to the table.
And you make it too clear that you're just a culture warrior shill btw. I get it, you can't watch something with a girl in it without being automatically prejudiced and seeking out confirmation bias. I'm sure you spent months being agitated about it before it came out and you chose your "side" long ago. The fact that you can look at Shazam, which is one of the most blatant "sjw propaganda" movies ever, and shill for it just to spite the other "sjw" movie just shows how much this ultimately has nothing to do with the production or storytelling in general, and everything to do with your feelings about grils. You're cockblinded by reactionary faggotry.
>I thought Zachary Levi was. So he just turns into a jew lookalike.
He's based as fuck, he pretended to be from the tribe to get ahead but he wasn't. Outkiking the kikes
>No shit retard. Nobody is making movies where a character inexplicably has black and hispanic sisters.
Foster homes being full of niggers is accurate.
>Yeah poverty is hard guise. The gubment isn't giving us enough benefits and resources so we live in a "shithole."
Hahahah don't worry I'd be seething too if I was this BTFO
>Yeah it's still exactly what the the spectre of the "sjw" is all about.
Giving niggers something to aspire to that isn't "instagram wealth" is a good message for our civilization, quite the opposite of Black Panther that makes them want to be KANGZ by punching each other (aka shooting each other IRL)
>Pandering to cripples.
Oh the wheel chair kid, ok dude grasp that straw as hard as you want
>I mean you pretty much are. How much time of your life have you spent obsessing about it and bumping threads related it to and ensuring that it stays top of mind for everyone here?
Not much, everybody here agrees it's a shit SJW propaganda movie. I don't discuss the actual dumpster fire often
> We have handicapped parking spots in every parking lot in the west
I'm ok with this, I'm glad Shazam encourages handicapped people to do better
>People complain that Jude Law was a "white man" in pretty much every thread about CM.
LMAO he's the ONLY white male in the entire thing. The other while male is Mendelson's character which is also the bad guy until we learn he's not white and actually a poor RAPEFUGEE. How blatant and transparent a propaganda flick can be?
>He's based as fuck, he pretended to be from the tribe to get ahead but he wasn't. Outkiking the kikes
it's still a story about a kid getting superhero powers and turning into someone that looks and acts jewish.
>Foster homes being full of niggers is accurate.
"sjw propaganda" doesn't need to be inaccurate retard. It's a story about a multicultural "family" of poor people that get magical powers to defeat the evil rich businessman.
>Hahahah don't worry I'd be seething too if I was this BTFO
Seems like you are seething tho. You have zero argument.
>Giving niggers something to aspire to that isn't "instagram wealth"
He literally becomes famous in the story because of social media.
> quite the opposite of Black Panther
Black Panther is about the protagonist, who wants to end the Kangz shit and take "wakanda" aka black people, and open everything up to the rest of the world. Integrate them into society. The antagonist of BP is a radicalized black American that wants to turn Wakanda against the rest of the world and do badman shit. Why are you so retarded at watching kids movies?
>Oh the wheel chair kid, ok dude grasp that straw as hard as you want
Ableism IS "social justice" shit my dude.
>Not much, everybody here agrees
lol lonely virgin is thirsty for a "we." Learn how to develop your own arguments and speak for yourself m8.
>it's a shit SJW propaganda movie.
The message of CM is fundamentally anti-government and pro-individualism and pro-ubermensch. Weird calling something with heavy allusions to Rand and Nietzche "sjw propaganda" while the literal class warfare/forced diversity Shazam apparently isn't. Just makes you a hypocrite.
> LMAO he's the ONLY white male in the entire thing.
Other than Fury's boss and Coulson and a bunch of other characters LMAO. I'm guessing you haven't seen the movie?
>The other while male is Mendelson's character
he's a space alien m8
Rambo saves refugees too brah. You're in a cult.
Worse. BP wasn't that bad except the CGI. (or if you are a seething /pol/tard)
imagine how fat this person is
I thought the second half of CM was fucking great for a MCU movie.
its mediocre and cgi makes it a joke.
solid C
>The message of CM is fundamentally anti-government and pro-individualism and pro-ubermensch
Don't you get tired of embarrassing yourself?
>Rand and Nietzche
Ok nevermind you don't
>Other than Fury's boss and Coulson and a bunch of other characters LMAO
>he's a space alien m8
Space refugee, when we find out he stops being the bad guy coincidentally.
So a movie about a powerful gurl overcoming the multiple white male meanies who told her to give up and whose enemy is the only white male with lines in the movie is not a SJW propaganda flick as literally everybody agrees it is but a study on Nietzsche? Do you even read the shit you write? The quality of the shills Disney has been sending here is nosediving ever since the force awakens times, I'd like to speak to the manager
>ITT: No one who actually watched Captain Marvel
the US had a policy for like 50 years where people fleeing communist oppression in Cuba were allowed to pursue residency within a year of setting foot on America, regardless of how they got there.
The Statue of Liberty is literally "sjw propaganda."
>Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
this idea that refugees=SCARY is fundamentally an unamerican concept that really only became a "conservative" meme in the last 5 years, since Russians and Arabs started training retards how to think like Russians and Arabs. Being ascared of getting raped by refugees isn't some "conservative" tenet. It's scandalbait to keep idiots in line.
Not to mention that CM is about the protagonist helping refugees get faster than light travel so they can fuck off as far away from Earth as possible. It's not like they give them a "sanctuary city" like they did for Asgard. They just punted them into oblivion. This isn't some "sjw" position. "Not letting people get genocided by space communists" isn't some extremist point of view. In fact it's something that has historically a pretty common trope in action movies made to pander to conservatives.
>this idea that refugees=SCARY is fundamentally an unamerican concept
Glad you dropped the act and revealed yourself as the SJW shill we both knew you were.
>resting bitch face MC
>stiff acting
>muh black man getting scratched by a cat
the fact that it got over 1b is a testament to how retarded the world is
is it worth watching shazam just for the thicc black girl
So it was a pro RAPEFUGEE propaganda movie, glad we cleared that out
look at these guys writing essays about capeshit
I weigh 170 wet.
>Don't you get tired of embarrassing yourself?
said the gal without an argument that literally hasn't even watched the movie they're upset about.
CM is Anthem. The protagonist literally has a governor put on their neck and they literally remove it in third act to "unlock their true potential" etc. It is unambiguously "anti-government and pro-individualism and pro-ubermensch"
>Ok nevermind you don't
Why would mentioning the writers of Anthem and Thus Spoke Zarathustra be embarrassing in a conversation that is literally about their concepts?
I mean most of the characters with lines are played by "white dudes." Bartender, the sidekick space goblins, the "smile more" guy, security guard, the guys that get beaten up in the library, pretty much every person that is shapeshifted into, etc. There are way more "POC" with lines getting scale in Shazam than CM.
>Space refugee
Yeah. Fleeing space communists.
>when we find out he stops being the bad guy coincidentally.
I never said anything about "the bad guy." And it's not coincidentally that happens at the second act midpoint where Danvers realizes she was working for assholes.
>So a movie about a powerful gurl
Yeah it's Captain Marvel.
>overcoming the multiple white male meanies
The "supreme intelligence" is a hivemind that appears like an old grandma. And other than JudeLaw everyone else on the badguy team is a "POC." She calls the black guy ugly lol.
>who told her to give up
no they were regulating her ability to harness all of her power
>is not a SJW propaganda flick
The fundamental message of the story is pretty far away from being "SJW." It's pretty traditionally conservative. You're just too obsessed about identity politiks in a movie you haven't watched to notice. The movie could have gone HARD in the paint with feminism shit given the character and they pretty much did the opposite and made a generally conservative muh-individualism story.
we need to be drastically reducing our population, not forever increasing it
and for what, more debt so the banks can continue to prop themselves up? cheap labor that will be obsolete sooner than anyone thinks? do you know how many mouths we'll have to feed when the great plains become desertified, if we continue to do shit like allow the entire population of guatamela in because muh feelings? I'm sorry that our carbon emissions have led to their drought, but we have the largest carbon output per capita of any nation, and we want that per capita to increase? what?
people say conservatives are living in the past, but liberals have yet to actually understand the future
Oh no. They have an opinion and they're expressing it. How awful.
>Why would mentioning the writers of Anthem and Thus Spoke Zarathustra be embarrassing in a conversation that is literally about their concepts
Because you've already conceded it was a propaganda movie about refugees and feminism. This communism angle makes no sense at all, in which way are the bad guys commies?
I don't blame anyone for not watching Captain Marvel.
GotG movies>Avengers movies>Captain America>Black Panther>Captain Marvel>>>>>>>Iron Man>Thor movies
Just my opinion.
>Glad you dropped the act and revealed yourself as the SJW shill we both knew you were.
Yeah sorry that Americanism is too heavy for you Ivan. Not being a degenerate nigger governed by fear doesn't equal "sjw." You're just in a cult.
>So it was a pro RAPEFUGEE propaganda movie
I don't remember them raping anyone. Why are you so scared of things?
Look at you wasting your time just as much as I am, and accomplishing literally nothing at all.
>we need to be drastically reducing our population, not forever increasing it
degenerate knownothing retards actually believe this. What country are you in right now?
>and for what, more debt so the banks can continue to prop themselves up?
We just cut $2 trillion a year in corporate taxes while exploding spending in the defense industry. The debt is increasing because (((reactionary))) cucks like you keep voting for it.
>cheap labor that will be obsolete sooner than anyone thinks?
Eh there'll pretty much always be a need for cheap labor. And this is going to happen regardless. What a proactive government would be doing is investing in new industries and educating people to focus on those instead of just holding fast until the economy implodes, but again you keep voting for them.
>do you know how many mouths we'll have to feed when the great plains become desertified
we are paying farmers to let their crops die right now. And global warming would be the only thing that would lead to that, and again, you keep voting for the people causing it.
> if we continue to do shit like allow the entire population of guatamela in because muh feelings?
We don't. Also US immigration policy is extremely conservative. It's been trending down since 2008. Your hysteria is entirely astroturfed.
> but we have the largest carbon output per capita of any nation, and we want that per capita to increase? what?
Do you actually not understand stats THIS poorly?
actually, debt is increasing more because of social services coming due for the elderly than anything else
that's not going to get better by increasing the population, long-term; the only short-term benefit here would be care workers, one of the few projected growth industries for human workers
>there will always be a need for cheap labor
not human labor though, with all the downtime and need for benefits, the whole point of the coming crisis is that the current form of cheap labor is being replaced by even cheaper labor
>crops die now
key word: now. all that farmland is going to be useless when desertification kicks in
>we don't. extremely conservative
and the federal government is failing to keep immigration in check, try as they might. the border is just too big and being invaded by too many people. it's only getting worse and worse. that's how mass migration works, it's extremely disruptive and there's no stopping it without extreme measures
>understand stats
more people = more cars = more emissions, it's really not that complicated
I don't think you understand just how fucked the old order of doing things will be by climate change. hundreds of millions will die. those who survive will swarm the borders of countries who can afford to mitigate some of the disasters.
>Because you've already conceded it was a propaganda movie about refugees and feminism.
no I didn't. Why are you psychotic about this? The movie is UNAMBIGUOUSLY "anti-government and pro-individualism and pro-ubermensch." The protagonist's powers aren't derived from her femininity, and the protagonist's goal is to help other people figure their own shit out and go away. It is neither "refugee propaganda" or "feminism propaganda" when you get down to the actual messaging of the movie. You're just such a far-gone cultist that you think anything other than "letting them get murdered by space commies" is somehow "sjw."
>this communism angle makes no sense at all
Yeah because you haven't watched the movie and you're a gook shill.
>in which way are the bad guys commies?
So you haven't read Anthem? Another one is Harrison Burgeron or whatever it's called. Where the protagonist is super-strong but lives in a collectivist society that forces him to wear "handicap bags" that weigh him down so he fits in. The regulator that Captain Marvel has on her neck is literally a "handicap bag" imposed on her by a collectivist totalitarian society ruled by faceless artificial intelligence. What the fuck do mean "in which way are the bad guys commies?" Are you being knowingly dense?
You need to be 18 to post here on 4channel.
Yikes, you /pol/ types can't even watch capeshit anymore.
This whole series you're writing is kinda pathetic. I hope you find wasting your time writing gibberish on an anonymous message board gives you some sort of pleasure, because you ain't entertaining anyone but yourself. Have a yikes on me.
>actually, debt is increasing more because of social services
nope. It increased by like $3 trillion a year just through Trump's tax cuts and defense budget.
>due for the elderly than anything else
nope it's due to degenerate corporatism and military spending. Blaming old people or young people or foreigners or minorities is just what they train their useful idiots to whatabout to
>that's not going to get better by increasing the population
Yeah it's not going to get better regardless because the policies being enacted for corporations are destroying the future. We spend an insane amount for our healthcare system to have to operate on top of the cost-inflated insurance system. Having an at-cost public option like literally the rest of the world would shrink government healthcare spending considerably and get rid of like 8 unnecessary bureaucracies.
Not to mention that you can always just NOT keep cutting taxes for corporations lol. We had a balanced budget before the Bush tax cuts. Literally all we need to do is stop letting megacorporations pay essentially nothing in taxes and boom "debt crisis" averted.
>one of the few projected growth industries for human workers
Computers. Coding. Not that hard. That's the future.
>not human labor though,
Yeah there will be. We're hundreds of years away from not needing people to do shit.
>with all the downtime and need for benefit
we are fully capable of giving everyone a living wage right now if we wanted to. Compared to the amount of money we throw away to appease corporate lobbyists it'd be peanuts.
>key word: now
yeah we have so much food that we don't even know what to do with it. Our government is turning everyone fat by making corn the cheapest food available.
> when desertification kicks in
What is your background in basic farming? You realize that things like "crop rotations" already exist right? Keeping land fertile isn't difficult. Why not just stop shilling for Exxon?
The OP thumbnail kinda looks like Lavagirl hahaha
There has never been a more based member on this board than Oil Painting user.
I've done extensive research and analysis on anyone who stands out even remotely, and with the aid of naturally high perceptiveness, and logical conclusion, I've deduced Oil Painting user is the perfect merger between two worlds. The Daoist's ideal. He will be the future model we strive towards not only as members of this site, but as a society. The man of tomorrow.
>This whole series you're writing is kinda pathetic
I mean what else would some assblasted kid that NEEDS to say something but doesn't have an argument say? Why would I care if some retarded radicalized can't-cope virgin calls me pathetic? Post a picture of your tits.
>I hope you find wasting your time writing gibberish on an anonymous message board gives you some sort of pleasure
Yeah of course. Why the fuck else would anyone do it? It's procrastination behavior. Fucking with (You) is just what I do when I should be doing something else.
>because you ain't entertaining anyone but yourself.
Sorry you're so upset LMAO.
>Have a yikes on me.
No thanks. I'm not some 15-year-old sjw faggot. You can share your yikes with your discord group tranman.
>more people = more cars = more emissions, it's really not that complicated
so what you're saying is we need to invest heavily in public transit systems? Stop letting car companies nuke everything?
yep. you're not wrong that tax cuts and increased defense spending is bad too, but come on. mandatory spending in 2015 was 82% social services, with most of that going to the elderly
>it's not going to get better regardless
it might if the political system gets back to work eventually, but accepting a larger population each year is certainly not going to make matters better, only worse
>computers. coding.
that job market is already over-saturated and as AI gets smarter there will be less need for human coders, sorry but white-collar jobs are at risk too.
>hundreds of years away
it's decades, not centuries
yeah that's nice and all, but that push has only served to accelerate the rate at which humans are being replaced
>we have
key word: have. nothing lasts forever. where do you think all this food comes from? it comes from dirt, which is turning into sand. you can't farm on sand and food, plentiful as it may be, is still a finite resource
>keeping land fertile isn't difficult
it kinda is when it's too hot to keep any land fertile. it's just drying up, there's no farming technique to mitigate extremely high temperatures and continual drought, year after year, decade after decade. that's what the rest of the century will look like for arable lands in the US
that would have been great. the infrastructure we really need to be investing in right now is atmospheric carbon scrubbing and desalination though
At least Chadwick Boseman weren't cunts about things during the films production. Brie definitely was.
Meh. It was fine.
Mmmm .... I think it functions well as the introductory entry, showing who the Captain Marvel is as a flick that got adapted from the comic
Unironically much worse. Black Panther had alright acting, a serviceable soundtrack, and a fairly unique story. Captain Marvel had high school project tier acting, a "dude remember these old songs" tier soundtrack, and a dumb amnesia story with a stupid twist at the end.
>mandatory spending in 2015 was 82% social services, with most of that going to the elderly
well yeah that's what mandatory spending is. Discretionary spending is all the military and NSA and HHS and NASA and shit.
And again we really don't need to be pinching pennies about mandatory spending. We could just go back to "collecting revenue" like we did back when America was "great."
>but accepting a larger population each year is certainly not going to make matters better, only worse
well unless you want to start genociding or chemically castrating you're never going to stop population growth. And when you vote for Republicans you're just voting for MORE unwanted people being entered into the population.
>that job market is already over-saturated
not really
>and as AI gets smarter there will be less need for human coders
eh to an extent
>it's decades, not centuries
nah we're pretty far away from having bots that are as cheap and efficient at cleaning and maintenance and other types of tasks. And even so, this happens regardless. Clamming up and tanking your own economy now to spite a future that happens no matter what just makes the future worse.
>but that push has only served to accelerate the rate at which humans are being replaced
everything is about reproduction with you lol.
>key word: have. nothing lasts forever.
yeah and our economy is going to collapse due to the retarded shit people like you keep getting tricked into voting for. This "muh unemployment numbers" meme is huge red flag that we are barreling towards economic collapse in the next few years. But lets not worry about that, let's worry about how people are mating too much.
>it comes from dirt, which is turning into sand.
dude it's really not hard to maintain soil. You just rotate crops!
>it kinda is when it's too hot to keep any land fertile
Again, why not just stop shilling for the Exxon party?
>So this was pretty bad. Better or worse than Black Panther?
Better. Black Panther was pretentious SJW whoring.
Slightly better on a technical level but still not particularly great. Overall okay for a phase 1 type situation (except it's not, so that drags it down a few notches). Story in Black Panther was superior, but nothing incredibly original, and it should've never received that Oscar regardless. Effects in BP were garbage too, while CM managed a comfy pseudo B-movie practical aesthetic (the shot with the cat and the tentacles in particular) that was charming and worked in favor of the film. Soundtrack was fitting. Screenplay was okay. Direction was good too. Cinematography was somewhat uninspired at times, while being really decent in other instances.
You almost get the feeling it was directed by two people (maybe because it was).
Infinity War will forever remain the MCU's best attempt at a good final product.
Shazam I would say was slightly inferior to CM while Aquaman was more enjoyable (for me) on a more basic, shallow level, but it's an inferior film too, if you are to really break it down.
MoS and arguably BvS are both superior to CM. Haven't seen WW.
>I weigh 170 wet
Unfortunately, he's about 5'6".
What are you, his personal trainer?
>MoS and arguably BvS are both superior to CM
Nah fuck that both of those movies are tryhard deep trash which pretend to ask deep questions but dont actually
I mean, you can't ask too much from the genre. Even the Nolan movies aren't that great in that respect, and so far, they're the closest we'll ever get, until possibly Joaq-kino's Joker kino. We'll have to wait and see.
But I think pretending to ask deep questions is still better than nothing.
Whatever great questions are asked in CM felt somewhat weightless and insignificant to me, but maybe it's because I'm a apathetic cunt in general.
Nice shilling template.
It was actually surprisingly funny and I liked Brie more than in Endgame.
wew. thanks bud
technically they're all acrylic btw
Black Panther wasn't great but at least it didn't want to make me stab my fucking eyes out with it's woke bullshit
Once you're past the absurd notion of an technologically advanced black culture (which looked like children role-playing) it's a half decent film, which also was a live copy of Lion King beat by beat
I know but "Acrylic user" just sounds off.
A double feature with Arnold and Danny DeVito ala Twins would work great with your particular aesthetic btw.
And more bries please. It's only smellz and acrylic, but it brings me joy.
at least black panther had killmonger, cap marvel had 0 enjoyable characters
Imo, Phil Coulson brings a subtle but enjoyable vibe whenever he's on screen, but then again I don't watch AoS so I'm not over-saturated with the character.
Carol and Fury have a nice buddy cop dynamic (especially with Unicorn Store in mind) but it would've worked better if the film was released sooner into the MCU's lifespan. I'm actually sick of seeing Nick Fury in these films at this point.
But you're right, no villain in CM can touch Killmonger.
honestly, better than panther. It was a 6/10 while panther was 4/10
>MoS and arguably BvS are both superior to CM.
I think MoS is one of the more apt capeshit movies to compare CM to, since they both feature the same types of ubermensch characters and they both goof with non-linear shit. And since MoS was kind of just an attempt to recreate BB, that's another relevant one.
The problem with MoS though is that it's all over the place. The third act is so ridiculous after all the conflicting messaging in the first chunk of the movie. Like his retard dad commits suicide by hurricane to prove a point about libertarianism and self-preservation and whatever the fuck. Then his space alien dad says he's literally space jesus and he literally carries all of his ancestors dna and whatever other shit. And then Zod just shows up and wants to kill literally everyone on the planet to terroform it and they just punch each other through buildings and do a bunch of 9/11s. And then the big "climax" is that Superman decides to kill Zod when Zod is trying to lazereye some conveniently placed family for no real reason, and then we're supposed to be sad or give a shit. Like none of the movie was about Superman not wanting to kill, and then the big finale acts like that's what the rest of the story was about. They follow the beats of a Nolan script but don't really bother setting up what the subtextual argument is supposed to really be about, so the whole third act was just bananas.
Like I've always appreciated Snyder's aesthetic but he's such a dogshit "storyteller" when it comes to the "whole gestalt" of the movie. Like what is the thematic story of MoS or whatever?
Like Batman Begins is about fear. TDK is about chaos. TDKR is about pain. MoS and BvS follows the same rhythm as those, but the movies don't really bother to do the legwork in the first 2 acts for the third act "dramatic moment" to really work. Zods broken neck and Martha were both things that COULD have worked but fucking goofed it HARD.
>A double feature with Arnold and Danny DeVito ala Twins would work great with your particular aesthetic btw.
that's a good idea. Was thinking of doing Arnold smiling from T2 deleted scene. Might do a whole Arnold thing for awhile or something.
>Like I've always appreciated Snyder's aesthetic but he's such a dogshit "storyteller" when it comes to the "whole gestalt" of the movie. Like what is the thematic story of MoS or whatever?
>but the movies don't really bother to do the legwork
You summed it up perfectly imo. That's my only real problem with him, but it's pretty significant. I still think there's untapped potential there though. He should just focus more on everything else that isn't purely visual or technical, OR stick to adaptations that are as direct as possible. Watchmen came close in that regard, but it's still an entirely different beast if you compare it to the graphic novel.
That being said, I would love to see a McDonalds Paradise Lost movie from him eventually.
Do it. Maybe even some Stallone later on? You can't miss the opportunity with a face like his.
Nicholson seems to be in your lane too.
He should try doing a miniseries or something with a better writer. Think he'd maybe be better with like 6-10 hours to tell a story or something. Try doing a Refn.
>Do it. Maybe even some Stallone later on?
Yeah fuck that's a good idea.
This is the only Nicholson I've done. Got a few others saved.
and this Leo pretending to be Nicholson one
Aquaman worldwide box office = $1,147,761,807
Captain Marvel = $1,126,318,317
Even with the unrelenting shilling, system rigging, ticket purchasing and riding on the heels of the most anticipated movie of this generation (Endgame) that they shoved her into to create false hype while piggybacking her off a decades worth or work and effort, Disney's new flagship character was STILL beaten by a joke character whose solo film was coming off a box office disaster (Justice League) while it promoted pro-Feminism/SJW values (interracial relationships, strong female characters and an environmental friendly message) better than Captain Fungi whose message only appealed to North American white women who are the most coddled and entitled spoiled fucking bitches on the planet and hate their fathers which is the real reason why they cry "DOWN WITH PATRIARCHY!!!" because Daddy didn't buy them a pony.
Not to mention that Aquaman's cast were more likeable and attractive while the movie itself was better Written, Directed and just more entertaining that that boring uninspired piece of shit.
Aquaman is the underdog who had everything going against him but triumphed in the face of adversity while Captain Marvel lost despite being backed by the biggest entertainment corporation in the world!!!FACT!!!
>He should try doing a miniseries or something with a better writer.
He doesn't strike me as a miniseries kinda guy, but a fully fleshed out plot with his direction can be fantastic if done right.
I want to see an original Frazetta-esque fantasy film from him.
I'd also give you a picture of my own face, since I think it ironically has that wacky expressiveness that most of your works contain, but I wouldn't be caught dead exposing myself in this shithole. So Nicholson it is.
an Alex Jones maybe?
Talk to you next time.
>>this idea that refugees=SCARY is fundamentally an unamerican concept
Were not talking about hard working people who want freedom from tyranny and oppression. We're talking about subhuman trash who are looking for a free ride which is what most immigrants are these days, especially if they come from the middle-east!!!FACT!!!
Worse, much less forced and BP had better action/villain/plot/setting.
>Aquaman: 300 million
>Captain Marvel: 150 million
not really that shocking. Aquaman is WAY more of a movie made for a global audience. Even has a chinaman director. All the big fish battles and the bookends with protagonist VO setting up the mommy plot and then wrapping up the mommy plot are basically designed to be easily translatable to a foreign audience.
Plus the protagonist is some kind of vague pacific islander that is going to be much more of a draw than some uppity white lady.
HOLY SHIT, Nicholson is my favorite actor and I'd serious buy copies of these!!!FACT!!!
>an Alex Jones maybe?
done one from each of his Joe Rogan appearances. Probably do a third one at some point.
>Talk to you next time.
ere breh
Shit, the red capes are coming. I couldn't be leaving in a more appropriate moment.
Cya in the next outdated, water-under-the bridge thread guys.
Stay based CreepyThinDick.
I'll be damned. The mad man delivered.
Im offended they cast a WHITE WOMAN for this role.
She stole that from a lady of color.
is it possible to give a score lower than 0/10 on shitty bait?
Brie Larson saved Captain Marvel.
Some dumb man wrote the script, some dumb man produced. It needed a female actor with deep talents like Brie to save it from ending up like X-Men: Dark Phoenix.
One of my least favorite MCU flicks
I know this is a troll but Captain Marvel was a black chick for a long time in the comics during the 80s/90s. The little black girl in the movie has the same name as the black Captain Marvel.
If Brie Larson wasn't in CM we wouldn't even be discussing this movie.
I'm not a fag. I haven't seen either
I liked it. ;)
She should have started off Phase 4 instead of being the footnote of Phase 3. Guardians of the Galaxy 3 should have taken the spot of Captain Marvel in the lineup and Nova/Adam Warlock should have had her roles in Endgame
It was generic marvel movie
like Thor 1