Someone help mike

Someone help mike

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Mike what did you do

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What is with this board's obsession with Mike? He's an unfunny, cringey afterthought when talking about AVGN

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he literally wrote the episodes, did all the props and did all the camerawork.
James is just the face of AVGN.

fake news.

Years ago
>James wrote all of avgn
>Mike wrote half of avgn
>Mike wrote all of avgn

Mike is the real Avgn haven’t you learned this by now

lol what a cuckold

>letting your girlfriend go to an after party

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Women want to be with him
Men want to BE him

James is literally (literally) a hand puppet operated by Mike you jealous incel

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Because Mike is a forty-year-old man without a real job who looks at least years younger than he really is and has a GF in her 20s.

he makes the threads

>ywn be mike

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>will thot for the Mc'D
why would she even wear that shirt