For anyone who thinks Piracy is theft

It isn't theft, Piracy duplicates an item which is already bought using special software, no theft involved. Theft is obviously stealing, quit comparing piracy to theft, boomers.

Attached: piracyvtheft.png (940x560, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Stealing isn’t just about taking an item, it’s about taking away value.

Just like I stole your mom's virginity?

Your argument is invalid, the people complaining about piracy removing income already have millions if not billions of dollars and don't have a right to say anything.

Piracy is intellectual property theft, you are stealing an idea and work someone created, not a product. That being said, fuck holleywood

>it's not theft!
>because I don't want to pay for it!

It certainly isn't theft, though you could make the case that you're acting in bad faith. After all, the producer of the thing you want is asking for something in exchange for a copy of it. Yes, you can make a copy through some other means for free and no, that is not stealing, but you are dismissing the wishes of the person who created the thing you desire.

All that being said, I have no interest in acting in good faith towards the overwhelming majority of people working in Hollywood today. They can go fuck themselves.

tl;dr buy from good people, pirate from bad people

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Most of them do. But what about the people that don't?

Yeah, stealing an idea doesn't count as stealing something physically unless you are creating some cheap shitty knock off of something. Ripping an already-bought film and uploading it to The Pirate Bay or a similar torrent site doesn't constitute theft.

Theft is when you circumvent paying for a good, product, or service. If a house-cleaner cleaned your house and you refused to pay that would be theft even though a physical object was not taken.

Digital media costs money to produce and comes with a price to be viewed or played. circumventing that price is theft of service as well as goods since you are taking the fruits of labor without the agreed upon compensation. Hope this cleared some things up for you!

The people who dont are the ones pirating things user

>believing in intellectual property
"You're a cuck-faced cum-chugging gaylord"
Made this up just for you. Now that you have read it, you have to pay me or else it would be stealing. And since you'll gladly pay the full price of 100$ I have already DM'd you my paypal, thanks for the purchase, retard.

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Is Piracy morally wrong?

I'm pretty sure there isn't a producer of a popular or well-liked film in this world that doesn't have any money whatsoever, genius. My point is that 99.99% of people in the film industry are either millionaires of billionaires and should quit bitching about losing .0000001% revenue due to people choosing to torrent their films rather than paying for overpriced services like Netflix.

what about the indie content creators

Dubs of ultimate truth

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No it's not, retard. Who the fuck cares if something is morally wrong, as long as it's not hurting anyone that's all that fucking matters.

Here's piracy explained in a succinct manner so even the slow minded can understand what's going on in threads like this.

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Copyright needs to be given to you by the feds

>you can steal only what the government defines as property

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Its stealing. Stop coping and accept it.

>t. not a penny spent past 2 years.

Pirating a commodity means that the potential for you to ever buy that commodity is gone. You have to look at it from a universal perspective: if everyone in the world pirated media then no one would buy media. Thus, no one would produce media as there would be no value in it.
Do you want to live in a world without your Chinese cartoons?

>if you dont value something i declare as valuable you are a thief!

Copyright (intellectual property protection) offers the created full exclusiveness to make and distribute their product. If you illegally take that intellectual property for yourself (without consent of creator) you are stealing their right to be the exclusive distributor. That being said, piracy laws are far too excessive, and fuck Hollywood

Apples to oranges, dipshit. Comparing a maid to a film is like comparing a gun to a computer, genius. It's obviously not the same thing!


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Intellectual Cuckerty Protection, GayRM and DMCGay can easily be circumvented using a VPN and a bittorrent client :).

>no one would produce media
t. lazy retard who would refuse to work if he wasn't promised everything he wanted in exchange

you would fucking DIE in the real world, idiot. there are millions of third-world slaves doing hard labor right now just so they dont get killed by their owners.

Prove it.

All you have to do is create it and they have to give you copyright over it u less some stupid govt/billion dollar megacorp conglomerate decides they want to steal it off you.

Morally wrong? Nigger this ain't the 50s

copyright exists to turn the product of the labor of artists into a a means of production that can be owned by capital, thus adding artists to the ranks of the proletariat.

abolish copyright, down with capitalism.

>The maid did her job because I asked her to and promised to pay money.
>The people who made the movie did so on their own accord.
Analogy isn't even a proper argument and you managed to fuck up even at that.

You sound like a homosexual.

>The people who made the movie did so on their own accord.
thats exactly the case you fucking retard

Those two scenarios are not at all the same.

If you do not pay the house cleaner for her service, you have deprived her of her time and resources. This is the very definition of theft - to deprive a person of their property. i.e. if I steal your car, I have deprived you of your car.

If I torrent a movie, no cost whatsoever is incurred by the movie's producer. The producer is not even involved at all, I am making a copy of someone else's copy, which they have voluntarily allowed me to do (technically with torrenting, I am copying from many individuals, but it makes little difference for the point I'm trying to make). This may be a lost sale if we assume I would have otherwise bought the movie, but, going back to your house-cleaner example, am I not depriving her of a sale if I were to choose to clean my own house?

Piracy is the same way, assuming you are not making use of the producer's services. An actual example of theft would be if I were to find some way to get a Netflix account for free (not a trial membership, which they give away voluntarily, but by actually breaking their terms of service). If I were to do so, I would essentially be stealing Netflix's resources. That would indeed be theft.

fukin rekt

no you.




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>Maid: I offer this service and it costs this much
>Filmmakers: I offer this service and it costs this much

has it ever been proven or even posited that they suffer from piracy?

There is no such thing as "intellectual property".

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>you are stealing an idea
You can't steal idea. Idea still there.

I am ;^)

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I'm not a tumblirina, I could give a shit about capitalism. I am talking about why laws against piracy are fucking stupid, it's not theft and whoever put in place the "piracy = theft" law is a stupid boomer who doesn't know a thing about tech.

Things would be better if it was.

True my negro

By torrenting a movie you are breaching the exclusive right of the intellectual creator of that movie to distribute their product. That being said, the intellectual creator is a multi billion dollar studio with far to much power, so fuck Hollywood and the govt

>creating some cheap shitty knock off of something
This isn't stealing eather

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nigger, you are about a decade away from SOME GROUP OF ADULT MEN (white supremecists, muslims, blacks, ect) taking control of the western world from the feminized faggots and they wont tolerate your shit for 5 seconds.

Films aren't a fucking service, mongoloid. If you are paying for something like Netflix which shows numerous different films and TV shows, THAT'S a fucking SERVICE. An Individual film ISN'T, comparing a maid to a film is like comparing a gun to a computer, APPLES AND FUCKING ORANGES.

>No thank you, ma'am, I will clean my own house

>No thank you, filmmakers, I will make a copy off my friend.

Government granted rights != Actual property rights

Yeah - stealing is not the same as copying. If I paint a copy of the mona lisa I didn't fucking steal the painting.

That doesn't mean there should be 0 intellectual property laws, just that copyright should not work the same as personal property rights.

Keep dreaming goy

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This is still an unsound argument. You clearly assign your morality to the case, despite many people, even rich fags, want pay for their work. But what about Daquan making an album for SoundCloud? Are you going to still pirate, despite him not having any money, and you clearly showing interest in the product? Piracy is not theft, but piracy is most definitely stealing. You are stealing the potential purchase you would have made, had you used legal tender. There’s no ifs or buts, this is how it would have gone. Stop being poor, you nigger.

I steal Netflix and Amazon Prime (with HBO) from my family, Hulu from my ex, VRV from my friend, and torrent everything else

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That is quite literally not true.

That's exactly the point I was arguing, plus comparing a film to a maid is like comparing a gun to a computer, it's a dumb comparison that makes ZERO fuckin sense.

>Films aren't a fucking service
Entertainment is most defiantly a service. Its one of the oldest forms of service. It's been one since the days of court jesters. If a filmmaker is asking a price for their service of entertaining you via their product you have three options, pay, do not accept the service, or steal it.

No it wouldn't.

this. capitalism bootlickers always cite lack of motivation to create as a reason why socialism is bad but capitalism is only propped up by the backs of millions of essentially slaves who only work and create because that's what they exist to do

>most defiantely a service
Using the wrong word, clear sign of being a fucking retard. So films are a service that are stubborn and don't listen to anyone? Lmfao.

>This is the very definition of theft - to deprive a person of their property.
Pretty much correct, but time is not a good that can be stolen. Neither is effort.

jesters have been automated in the form of computers. its the act the jester came up with thats on the table

Ah, fair enough. But to go back to his house-cleaner example, if you agreed to pay her for her time and effort and renege after she has done the work, she is obviously owed compensation even if it's not technically theft.

Piracy is theft. The advent of virtual property does not circumvent this. There is a product worth X and you are obtaining it without paying for it

Not really, boomer. Just like in the example I showed, no physical stealing is actually involved in piracy - in fact the practice of sharing ripped films over a p2p network actually fits the definition of sharing, not theft. Once again, I am going to point this out for the 90th time, buying something, ripping it and uploading it somewhere is literally the very definition of sharing something, dipshit.

>Don't have a right
How did no one jump on this? Of course they have a right. You can have a billion dollars and be in the right for complaining when someone steals one of those dollars. Stealing is stealing.

t. piratefag who knows what he does is wrong and fuck off

I don't think they want apologies or reparations from Jews, never heard that before. Pretty sure they just want them gone ie shoah'd.

Oh yes, she would have an easy case in civil court provided she has things in writing.

>Piracy is theft
No it isn't. It's a civil matter.


I mean they have no room to talk about losing revenue if they already have a fuck ton of money. Learn to quit misinterpreting words like a retard.

Netflix and subscription models exist, the price of entertainment is not concrete. And again, you could always just not pay and partake in services you find worth your time or continue stealing.

Oh Cool! so we agree that it's intellectual property theft and that entertainment is a service!

Same exact thread with the same exact replies again and again every single day for years.

You're all braindead.

Shut the hell up pinko fag

Alright you dummies listen up because clearly not all of you get it (although some of you do.) IF you believe in the principles of capitalism or at least some of them then you recognize the individual is entitled to products/services they create, and the right to profit off of them. In the case of intellectual property (creating a form of art, film, literature, or any creative idea) you still have a right to profit off of your idea. In the US this is copyright, which you are granted by the US Govt. Copyright gives you the exclusive right to produce and distribute your idea. Imagine if you created a funny T-shirt design and wanted to make and sell it. If someone else saw your design, took a picture of it, and printed it onto their own shirt, you would be upset they stole your right to make and sell your idea, even if they were not profiting off it themselves. They are stealing the value your idea has, and breaching your right to profit off of it, a basic tenant of capitalism. Even though the copyright holders of tv and films are megacorps/govt conglomerates with way to much money and power, the principle still holds the same. What we should do is take action against these megacorps for being monopolies, and using their power to restrict the free market, as well as silencing and stealing intellectual property from independent individuals. Unfortunately, we have a corrupt govt. who refuses to use antitrust laws because they are bribed or controlled by these companies.

I don't steal services, retard. I search up a movie on TPB and torrent it or do some google dorking and find some open directories to stream off of, you fucking moron. By your own faulty logic, if I were to use my mother's Netflix account I would be stealing? Nah, not really, you're just a retard :).

Maybe not in its current state. However, you have to remember that piracy relies on the idea of most people not doing it. If everybody pirated like us, it would be a lot more problematic for both sides

As the guy who made the house cleaning example that people seem to be willfully misinterpreting. It exists as an example of how theft can exist without an item being taken which is a primary argument of the "piracy is not theft" crowd, not as a direct comparison between two things. Yea Forums is very literal with poor reading comprehension though so I guess I should have been more explicitly clear.

Piracy is not theft. But I agree with your stance. What you mean is piracy is stealing, that is, stealing the potential purchase of said good or service.

>you have three options, pay, do not accept the service, or make a copy.

I just think it's retarded that the argument comes down to 'copying = stealing' vs 'suck muh ballz'.

>theft can exist without an item being taken
But it cannot. You just don't understand what theft means.

the service is being performed by a computer, you pay for this when you buy the computer and pay your electric bill. the act itself is not a service, its a product


Things aren't that black/white. B/W thinking is a sign that you are an asspie, go get that looked into.

Don't mind me, just pirating this ham.

What? Oh, no, officer, you don't understand, I wasn't planning on paying for this anyway so there's no lost sale! Yeah, you too, have a good day!

Attached: pirating ham.jpg (229x277, 12K)

READ my post

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Cogent and sound, but no one will respond. As usual.

The Netflix your mother pays for that allows multiple people on the account? how would that be stealing. You are paying for a service agreed to by both parties, that is the polar opposite of stealing.

It doesn't, that's what people want it to come down to because arguing a point you made up in your head is easier than actually confronting opposing viewpoints.

stealing a ham is theft, downloading a movie that someone bought ripped and uploaded to TPB isn't. retard.


You misunderstood my post. I said that I think it's retarded that the argument turns into one of black and white, or that was my intention.

Not the same, you retard. At least understand the side you are arguing for.

I'm not stealing the ham, I'm pirating it and sharing it with my friends, big difference.

comparing a ham to an .mp4 file is proof you are mentally disabled

that's literally what i said you autist, learn to read.

At what point did the filmmakers of the pirated TPB film agree to let you watch the film?

Why are moralfags becoming such a problem on Yea Forums of all places?

>that's what people want it to come down to
I think if you claim that copying=stealing then the argument is off the rails. No?

guys read my post instead of arguing

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Uh, no sweetie. I'm pirating the ham and sharing it.

I would download the fuck out of some ham right now.

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who cares if they agree or not, retard? how the fuck would they know I was the specific person that downloaded their film, sure the people at TPB would know a certain IP address downloaded a film from their site, but ever hear of a VPN, if you hide your IP address you can actually get away with piracy scot-free.

Why do I need some pedophiles permission to watch something?

You're making no sense as far as I can tell. What post do you want everyone to read?

pedophaggots are different than people downloading a film they like, retard. being a kiddie diddler is much more worse than being a person who wants to watch a fucking film, retard.

Good thing that was never claimed by me then huh.
Filmmakers decide to sell a service (entertainment) for a price. in order for that service to be given honestly both parties must agree on the transaction. this is usually handled by paying for/renting/or subscribing to a service with which this film is packaged. Circumventing the filmmakers consent on you partaking in their service is a theft of services as well as intellectual property. Refusing to pay for a service is theft.


This one

gtfo and go back to





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Exactly, so who gives a fuck if some pedophile wants me to pay for his dumb movie. Fuck him he can't tell me how I watch it

Yeah, I read . It sounds like it was written by a libertarian middle school student.

the issue is that if everyone pirated then the companies who make the movies will get no money so they can't make any more movies without spending potential millions it. Why do you think movies that don't go into theaters are usually shit?

Retard. If you remove the ham from the store it's gone, and it's finite. It is consumed once then gone. This would only be applicable if it was an infinitely regenerating ham that you could share indefinitely. By your definition, Jesus was "pirating" the fish and bread by multiplying it.

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you can't pirate a fucking ham, are you a fat girl or something why are you so fixated on fucking ham? a pig's ass is different than a fucking .mp4 file for the 90th time dipshit!

Are you some sort of soppy lefty twat. If I have a lot of money am I now no longer allowed to have more money because you don't like that.

>they stole your right to make and sell your idea
Lol what. You still can can sell yu fucking t shirts. This post is beyond dumb so are you

>ham is finite

lol yeah that's why every time I go to the store there's ham there. There's nothing wrong with pirating ham, moralfag.

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no I'm not a lefty just because I think "lol u cant download car XD" logic is fucking stupid.

So you admit you invent your oppositions arguments in your head, reply to those, and refuse to acknowledge anything anyone actually says?

>you can't pirate a fucking ham

Fuck off moralfag

this is true, but the venue is ACTUALLY the service provided by the owners of the cinema you watch the movie at, NOT the producer of the movie. Although, I'm sure there is overlap now due to media monopolies.


im not the moralfag, im arguing for piracy, the person making the ham argument was a moralfag arguing against it.

Seriously is so stupid that it's not worth replying to. I'm pretty sure it was written by an actual child.

so what is your argument? do you have a point of disagreement?

>Jesus was "pirating" the fish and bread by multiplying it.
Never happened anyway. Jesus was just a dumb smelly sand nigger who had no magic at all.

Mate, I’ll be honest. You’re actually very sound and logical, but this isn’t the place to argue. Because of the anonymity feature, no one will take arguments serious, they argue based on little merit, and nitpick at the little things, like misspellings and blatant ad hominems. Don’t actually spend the time to argue, cope paste your response and save it for later if you really want. Reddit is actually better for arguments, because there is a form of accountability on the account creation system. None exists here.

Boy you sure showed me! Tell me what's wrong with pirating ham.

nah scratch that it was written by a downie with a brain injury, even children aren't that stupid.

>arguing with children
nah I'm good bro

Meant for

>you can't pirate a fucking ham

Yes, you fucking can you dumb moralfaggot.

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I'll give you a 2/10.

copyright laws are supposed to protect the individual, if you knew anything about starting your own business you would understand.

Our economy is built on worthless junk with no that argument is null and void.

not sure if memeing or autism


Protect from what?

>if everyone did it
This argument is retarded and holds no weight since we both know that a vast majority of people dont even know they can get shit for free. There will always be a majority of people paying over the ones pirating

The filmmakers have a right to sell their film, that no one else has. They have nothing beyond that. Once I buy the film, I am free to do whatever I wish with it. This includes selling it used, copying it, giving it away. However, because a digital product is identical to a new product, I lose the right to resell it, yet everything else remains allowed because it does not infringe upon the creator’s sole exclusive right to sell new copies.

I think capitalism is gay.

take your accountability and shove it up your ass, lefty moralfag.

You literally just said that you can't pirate ham. Yes, you can you fucking moralnigger.

Then go live in North Korea



you're memeing, but it's shit-tier reddit memeing.

All of you suck dick at arguing.

Unironically, equivocally, steadfastly, kill yourselves.

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Chinese stuff sold well because it's cheap not because brilliant ideas that they're "stole". Try still that from them and you solid

quit typing in all caps. all caps typing either signifies boomer that can't see the letters or salty fag.

You have a right to profit off your ideas. You do not have a right to tell others how they must use your ideas.

>Kid buys neat toy from store
>Kid's neighbor always had his eyes on the toy and wanted one to, so kid goes over and shares it with him.
>Kid's neighbor plays with it for a few hours, and is satisfied and content with the time he had playing with it, and no longer feels the need to purchase one of his own.

Yeah, because wanting people to actually construct cogent arguments is such a left leaning position to hold. Kill yourself, fucking incel. Learn to argue, or don’t fucking reply to me.

>Try steal that idea

Thanks for pointing out the faulty logic of the people here comparing Piracy to theft.

Is this peak cope?

>le rebbit meme

Again, tell me what's wrong with pirating ham. I never intended on paying for it in the first place so there was no lost sale.

>don't fucking reply to me
>kill yourself incel
You are the biggest soiboy I have ever seen, go back to fuckin reddit.

More like people don’t take your brainlet arguments seriously because you don’t have an upvote groupthink counter next to your name. Your arguments are weak enough that a child could dismantle them, and they rest entirely on whataboutism.

>you would fucking DIE in the real world, idiot
Except I work in the real world. Why would you work without compensation? How am I lazy for wanting to get something out of my work? Lol you are fucking braindead my man

wtf is with your fixation on ham? ham is delicious but your unhealthy fixation with it indicates you are a fat girl or have a sexual fetish for pigs.

Don’t. You’re clearly a retard that can’t argue. Stripping your comments from insults results in absolutely nothing. Just fuck off, you’re completely useless, like you’ve always been.

>projecting this hard
>still unable tot ell me why pirating ham is wrong


>propped up by the backs of millions of essentially slaves who only work and create because that's what they exist to do
Please tell me, oh wise one, what do we exist for?

>hit up libgen
>cucklords have blocked it
Should I just get a VPN lads? Is it worth buying the whole Avast package?

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.gif (576x324, 3.28M)


>other kid really enjoys toy and ends up buying his own
See the UN piracy study
It’s free advertisement, and that’s certain worth something with half or more of budgets going to advertisement.

Yeah, Plebbit is a massive echo chamber and the user arguing how he likes Plebbit is a retard.

Why do you force everyone to give you compensation for the work you wasn't ask to do?

>retard that can't argue
I'm afraid that's actually you, all you have done is tell me that I am a retard rather than make any actual points, you hypocritical brainlet.


Then do it faggot. Tell me I’m wrong. Reddit is actually better for discussion. Yeah, the counter is gay as fuck, but at least on reddit people will argue to the end. On here you can just reply with that shit you just typed and get away with it. Or not reply at all, wait until the thread prunes.



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just pirating this wallet

Attached: pirating this wallet.jpg (700x350, 32K)

Maybe you should come up with t-shirt ideas that aren’t shit, then.

piracy =/= theft, retard. theft is stealing, piracy is mere duplication and sharing.

true, except you have the right to distribute your idea. nobody else is allowed to distribute your idea.

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Oh no how dare they. Actually making stuff without paying to parasites

i know caps lock has been around forever but using all-caps on the internet is an indication of one of those two things. just get glasses if you can't see and quit being an angerfag if you are salty.

i'm not stealing the wallet though, i'm pirating it

>Why do you force everyone to give you compensation for the work you wasn't ask to do?
Why do you force a strawman argument against me? Is it just easier for you to do since you can't find a good rebuttal against my argument?

My original post which you replied with is my argument. All you can do is retort and gurgle this ad hominem garbage. I insult you because you insulted me first. This is child logic. So actually critique my post, or fuck off and dilate. Or anything else, my mind withers reading your filth sludge you call an “””””argument””””””

NOTE: the fact I have achieved "dubs" indicates not all of you have yet read my post features here:

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Don't mind me, just pirating this money

Attached: pirating money.jpg (1300x857, 212K)

by your logic you are basically saying this
>person 1 thinks of dog
>person 2 also thinks of dog
>person 2 gets arrested for thinking of dog after person 1 thought of dog

Nice flawed logic, faggit.

What's even a motivitaion to do something in the world with copyright laws
>make a script
>forced to pay millions to mrs Shekkelberg because yourr script kinda similiar in some aspects to some random flick you never have seen

The upvote/downvote system doesn't really work for discussing controversial issues. I think most reddit users don't have the technical savvy required to do more than log in to Netflix.



Why do you force a strawman argument against me? Is it just easier for you to do since you can't find a good rebuttal against my argument?

Stop replying to him. He got BTFO earlier and now is trying it again.

Did you seriously just confess to samefagging your post? Here’s your counter argument
First, I’m going to laugh at the fact that your main argument is capitalism, and then you finish with saying government regulations with fix it. That is enough to gut your entire point.
Then, I will laugh at your pathetic t-shirt analogy that just barely fits the definition of piracy at the end there, as well as not actually existing. I can put whatever I want on my own t-shirts. Then you argue that ideas have innate value. I bet someone who has never had an original thought in their life probably thinks that is deep.
In short, it is a pathetic mess that only the post sycophantic of cocksuckers on either side of the debate could find reasonable. Go the fuck back to Reddlt. Why do you come to a board that you don’t like, and clearly lack the intelligence to participate in?

fuck off boomer, stealing physical items is way worse than downloading a .mp4 of a movie from the pirate bay.

Instead of ARGUING between ourselves we should be taking ACTION against the multi media monopolies you are really ANGRY at instead.

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Because Yea Forums is counterculture, whatever that may be.

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This. Although someone really should make a Yea Forums version since it gets brought up a lot here.

>people will argue to the end
>the end
When is the end?

>I know you are but what am I heeheeehee
Is elementary school out already?

>I know you are but what am I heeheeehee
Is elementary school out already?

>tHats A sTrAwMaN aRguMeNt REEEEEEE
fuck off leftfag

>If a house-cleaner cleaned your house and you refused to pay that would be theft

Actually that would be fraud which has a different legal definition than theft.

I'm not stealing a physical item. I'm making copies.

Literally my philosophy. I have no guilt and sleep quite easily at night knowing I'm taking from Jewllywood.

I think the samefagging has been extremely obvious all along.




take your ad-homo shit and shove it up your ass, i BTFO'd you

>>tHats A sTrAwMaN aRguMeNt REEEEEEE
>fuck off leftfag

Zoomers don't realize the effect that piracy on a mass scale can have on the industry as a whole.

Do you ever wonder why companies like Microsoft have completely shifted their business model to offer Windows for free, with the small caveat that they swipe all of your personal data and put it into a digital archive that will never go away? It's partly because none of you know how to protect your data in the first place, but it's also because everyone pirated Windows and the traditional business model was no longer worth pursuing.

I look forward to the day when those companies decide to say "fuck it" and leak all of your personal data for the world to see. Yes, let's pirate your entire life. Enjoy your bleak bleak future with zero personal privacy, zoomers! You did this to yourselves.

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Obviously piracy and theft are different things that have different effects, but does anyone here actually care either way? I don't.

Incorrect. If you sell something to someone, it becomes their property. When you buy a book, you don’t own the words on the page, but you own the pages themselves. The other alternative is “everything is a service”, which is laughably silly.

Of course not. It’s awful. It creates a complete hive mind, and people hiding behind other comments. But of course, brain dead retards that can’t fucking read insist that I support it, despite me never saying so. I just think for core discussion, Reddit is better, just ignore the counter.
That’s not me you fucking retard. This Is my original post. Why is basic reading so fucking hard for you? Daddy touch you where he shouldn’t?

dogs clearly were not thought up of by a human. HOWEVER, if someone thought of a special kind of dog, say for example, Pluto or Goofy the dog, they would be able to obtain a copyright from the govt. in order to distribute and produce their idea, exclusively. (But disney should be forced to split and many of its C-suite and shareholders should be arrested.)

Attached: MV5BOWM2ZGFkYzktM2Y3NS00ODBlLTg3MmMtMTM5M2UwOTY4YzFlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUwNzk3NDc@._V1_SX1777_CR0,0,17 (1777x739, 52K)

>give us money for yours personal data
That's blackmail right here

>mass scale effect
>losing .0000000000001% revenue from guy downloading movie
>REEEEEE's about how "muh moneh is being affected by le piracy stop being pirate now!!!"

Why are so many of you piratefags so insecure? Why can’t you just accept that, according to law, piracy is theft? That doesn’t mean you have to care about that law or feel bad about it, very few people do except for the Jews that MAYBE lose a few shekels.


>I won because I said so
Typical retard circular logic. You can’t argue worth a damn, insult at every opportunity, and insist you won. We’re not even discussing fucking piracy, like the original topic, which is already off topic on Television and Film, but the fact that I think reddit is better for core discussion, and you insisting i support the fucking counter system. Get your GED, you clearly didn’t go to fucking college

Rebut this argument instead of sidestepping it, retard We all know you’re samefagging your original retarded post. If you want a rebuttal to why reddlt is a shitty place that you belong in, conformity never produces interesting ideas. Fall down some stairs.

>he hasn't switched to Linux

yeah you just proved my point.... if you buy a book you own the book, but not the EXACT ideas that were written in the book (they belong to the author.) But if you found a free download of that book online then since the author isn't selling you the book, you have violated his intellectual property rights to be the sole distributor of his ideas.

Attached: funny arma.jpg (1280x720, 197K)

This is just an argument against fiat money.

Not my post. Sorry you’re such a whiny faggot and insist everyone cater to your circular arguments.
>photoshop!! Edited!!
Check the EXIF, fucking retard, if you can even do that. I even made sure to respond quickly

Ideas can't belong to a person, dumbass

you're just mad because i insulted you, you plebbitors are truly insecure faggots lmfao.




You own the data that makes up the book. How fucking dumb are you?

EVERYONE in this thread needs to stop arguing with each other and start taking action against the multi media monopolies you are really ANGRY at instead.

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I do not step shyly back from your property, but look upon it always as my property, in which I respect nothing.

You guys realize you're just arguing with a single whiny twelve year old.

Sure I am. Cope harder, little man. Keep crying and crying, I’ll wait until we can argue the original fucking point, piracy, or you can keep crying, up to you.

Someone please take this man to the infirmary, he is delusional.

You're taking something that you're supposed to pay for. Why don't you poorfags pay for stuff you want to see?

you may own something that you have stolen. If you pirate a book you now own a copy of the book but you have stolen the creators rights to be the sole distributor.

Attached: keanu-reeves-y-ana-de-armas.jpg (4368x2912, 795K)

>taking action against the multi media monopolies
Yes, I agree. We need to pass legislation that deters monopolies and stop other ills caused by unfettered capitalism.

Because it’s my post. Holy fuck. I linked my post, do you not understand how imageboards work?




>Keep crying and crying.
Real rich coming from the plebbitard who keeps samefagging on my post.

Its not like i was gonna buy in the first place so its not really losing value.

What goes into a physical device that makes it have value? The utility, the actual use of the device. That is an idea. No one wants physical items unless they have use to them. What is the difference between physical commodities and non-physical when all it comes down to is the idea behind these commodities?
Should there not be patents on ideas for machines since these are only ideas? How would inventors make money if they don't get compensation for their ideas?

The principle of "copyright" can be extended to anything. A song's rhythm can be legally protected by intellectual property laws, but what happens if you come up with the rhythm independent of the song, having never heard it before? You are still prosecuted obviously. Why can't the same be said for a rhythm of only 2 or 3 notes? Because it's "too simple"? Well then who judges that? It's un-judgeable.

>sole distributer
What about streaming services, what about used copies? Your argument is nonsensical.

but maxresdefault, if someone thought this way about something you created, would you feel the same? For example, if you had a book idea you created, and started publishing it, would you be upset if someone pirated your book? They are violating YOUR right to distribute YOUR intellectual property.

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 160K)

>The utility, the actual use of the device. That is an idea
no, it's not. it's practice

streaming services are overpriced and gay, try streaming from an open directory instead.

What do you mean by "practice"?

Not a fucking argument. We’ve been going back and forth for no fucking reason, we’re not even discussing piracy. I sincerely hope anything and everything bad that can happen to a human, happens to you. I hope the sun never rises for you, for your entire lineage to be cursed. I hope you never have kids, and I hate you from the bottom of my soul. Cancer is too good for the likes of you. I hope the entire universe works against you, and you die the most brutal and excruciating death possible. And sneed lol

the actual use of the device

>Except I work in the real world
do you, well protected little white boy?

you're so mad lmfao. are you the redditfag that keeps samefagging, you plebbitors all act the fucking same, plebbit the circlejerk chamber.

>How would inventors make money if they don't get compensation for their ideas?
For selling actual product?

have you never heard of contracts before? Legal partnerships? Do you not realize streaming companies only exist as platforms to distribute the intellectual property of a creator that has given them permission to in exchange for a wide audience reach and thus higher profits?

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248 Replies, 47 Posters

Listen you fucking retard. You clearly are samefagging, and when called out on it, proceeded to link the posts I explicitly called to your attention as rebuttals of your shitty argument. I have no idea what degrades a man to your level, but I would not wish it upon even my worst enemies.

Nyeh nyeh listen nigger, you're not supposed to anoint yourself with BTFO of someone. You need another user's blessing

>falling for the trap
What about used, then?

intellectual property does not exist, the crime that is committed in piracy is breaking the oath you agreed to when downloading the original copy

>agreeing to something by doing an action I never did

I’m a female. You retard. I don’t even know why I’m bothering with this, you’re just bickering for no fucking reason.

That's called utility, you fucking idiot. That's what I said
Yes because the only people who do real "work" are the third worlders who work in mines. Why are you even here?

>dID u JuSt AsSuMe mY GeNdEr
Go back to tumblr, retard.

this guy is smarter than 95% of this thread, and has clearly taken economics courses. Utility is the only reason products, services, or ideas have value

Attached: XMTGMoz.jpg (464x750, 89K)

>intellectual property does not exist
Neither do other forms of property. Rights do not exist.

im pretty sure ppl aren't able to see what gender u are from words on a computer screen, triggered little bitch.

>That's called utility, you fucking idiot
So you're gonna play word games or have actual point?

Nice samefagging. I don’t even have to reply, those other anons you didn’t even bother replying to destroyed your unsound argument. Try again sweetie.

thats why copyright is issued by the govt. and people go to court over copyright disputes. We should take actions against multi media megacorps that steal and silence the intellectual property of individuals.

Attached: mic arma.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

stop trying to justify it dude. It's stealing but who gives a fuck lol blurays are a waste of money

You responded to me you fucking idiot lol. What was your "actual point" in responding to what I said?

what do you mean by used


I mean that in the sense that the distributer is the one that is in the wrong, you could argue that the ones who download it capitalize on the sins of another and as such are wrong as well, but that's reaching

Yeah what's your point? You can't own ideas. They don't belong to you and never will

It wasn't me though. Also I responded to those other people who "destroyed me".
Would you like to explain what part of my argument is wrong, sweetie?

hey retard you realize people can reply to your posts (which is obvious to ppl who arent brainlets), right? quit bitching about people replying to your posts on public Yea Forums threads you retard.

im a different guy ive been posting my arma pics on all of my posts

Attached: whistful arma.jpg (750x500, 50K)

Who should I see to look into it?

Shitty threads like these are why this site is so fucking cancer.
>television and film

Prove that it's stealing.

You’re incredibly fucking dumb, but don’t forget: we know you don’t have an argument. Your little imaginary tantrum has fooled no one.

Copying is not analogous to stealing personal property. However, obviously, there is an argument to be made for the existence of limited intellectual property laws.

The basis of this thread, i.e. 'is copying stealing?' is kind of silly, and that's why this is such a dumb/bad thread.

Attached: Bill_Gates_Letter_to_Hobbyists.jpg (1200x1553, 450K)

>275 Replies : 51 Posters

>a cucumber has value because I can stick it up my cunt
Try again

Based and objective.
NEETs seething

Oh wow. It's like you're just picking out certain parts of what I'm saying while ignoring the rest and then forming an argument based on that small subsection of my argument.
I criticized his responding to me because it was he that responded to me in the first place trying to argue against me. He was the one who clearly had a point to make but couldn't make a point. No one is "complaining" about people replying. Try to increase your reading comprehension.

>using sweetie in a condescending manner
>looks like pic related

Attached: download.jpg (112x136, 4K)

You’re just arguing for the semantics of a “tool”.

Not everything that has patents or copyrights are “practical” or “utility” as your mentioned. Where the fuck are you going with this?

You can't copyright a rhythm

for the 90th time faggot get out and go back to where you belong!

it costs money to obtain it otherwise. Also downloading is illegal

>Why are you even here?
to give retards like you panic attacks over realizing how useless you are to the current situation.

So you're saying a cucumber has value inherent within it? That without people wanting to either stick cucumbers up their cunts or eat cucumbers or use cucumbers in any other way cucumbers would somehow have value in them?

ideas do belong to you. people create govts, govts create laws. maybe in 5000 bc you couldnt own them but US copyright laws exist.

Attached: marylin arma.jpg (700x339, 35K)

Lots of unauthorized still images from great movies in this thread. I bet you are not a licensed vendor and have no business distributing these Sneak Peak Captures™. Makes me fucking sick.

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people like this make me sick, they look like they have aids or something really horrible and contagious, stay the fuck away from me

>ad hominem
Great argument. Oh wait, you’ve given none and just insult. Right, that’s too hard for you. Never mind.

it does not cost money to watch a movie at a friend's house. think up a new argument.

>when your opinion of your intelligence doesn’t match up to reality
At least you tried. Good image.

retard, using the "maybe in (insert year here) not " argument isn't going to get you anywhere

What's the difference between uploading the movie and sharing it with your friends if you have lots of friends?
Doesn't that mean that sharing is stealing too?

cost money to own a copy

They are sick. They will poison and corrupt your mind, they will fuck your children and insist you that it is okay.

im not arguing with you dipshit, you have no arguments to begin with (appealing to authority is not an argument)

>Not everything that has patents or copyrights are “practical” or “utility” as your mentioned.
Really? That's interesting. Could you possibly name some of these patented items that have no utility to them? I'd be curious to see how these useless items made their way to the patent office where the patent worker looked at them and said "gee, even though this is absolutely fucking useless, I'm still going to grant this patent. In fact, this thing is completely incomprehensible due to it's lack of use, it's lack of social value. What am I even staring at right now?"

Have you ever pirated a meme?

>ideas do belong to you
No they don't. People don't create ideas. It's just assumptions made based on observing reality. Since all people live in the same reality, they will make same assumptions.And force them to pay for that is bitch move

Copyright can get really ridiculous when it comes to music.

>melody of my song is GDGDF
>now nobody can ever use those notes in that order ever again

yeah agreed, using the ad-homo argument is retarded.

Yes, because they’re limited. Learn basic economics. They wouldn’t have value if I could make an unlimited amount at a press of a button. Now, the person that builds that button has value, but only to the extent that they don’t tell me how to press my button IN MY OWN TIME.

and the person who creates the torrent owns a copy
please stop trying to play this game. you cant.

Private property is a religion.

So if my friend gives me a copy, I just stole from the creator?

I don't think you can patent a vague idea of how something operates, unless you mean a blueprint and lay out of whatever you're talking about. Also, copyrights and patents are different things so I don't see how a discussion on patents relates to movie piracy?

samefagging is a sympton of serious mental illness (im assuming you meant to agree with your own post)


hey guys its ok to disagree with someone but dont be mean to them, imagine if you had a crummy life and this was the only interaction you can get because people dont want to talk to you or ignore you irl. There is no reason to be mean to someone here, we should all understand that. Disagree but do not hate, or make someone feel worse than they already do.

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im not samefagging, i am just replying to people commenting on my post. me having no life =/= samefagging

Anti-piracy cucks are just loser virgins with no friends. People who torrent are just showing a movie to all their friends, which may just happen to be in the thousands or millions. Why are they so jealous that the uploader has so many friends?

>user posts an image
>I really really really like it
>save it without asking him
Who /pirate/ here?

Attached: demonic.gif (425x481, 1.51M)

Baby Mop, that Control delete key wand, wind powered clothes dryer, the fucking toothpaste container holder, car exhaust grill (this is actually fucking bad for food) all useless shit. This is top of my head, you could find way more by researching. Please, argue as to why that is all useful. Oh, and don’t forget the patents that are actually copyright traps for inventors. Good luck! =)

Congrats, you formed a nonsensical argument that doesn't respond to any of what I said. I asked you if cucumbers have value inherent in them, as in they naturally, without being introduced into society, have value within them. The answer is no. Your strange button pushing argument may be an interesting intellectual exercise but it has no bearing in the actual conversation at hand.

hey my arma pics are legal they are on google images and the scums at hollywood can take those images down at any time.

Attached: martin-ana-armas.jpg (640x300, 183K)

dude, i get your wholesome message but it's Yea Forums, this is how we communicate with eachother.

yeah but the person who downloaded it illegally owns it. There are laws against making copies also

as in a physical copy? No. A ripped version yes

No he gave away his copy

I ripped all the DVDs I bought because I can't stand how fucked they are. You can't skip the warnings, you can't skip the logos, sometimes you can't even skip the fucking ads. You have to go through a bunch of bullshit when all you want to do is watch the movie. Fuck DVDs. And fuck those cocksuckers for forcing me to watch shit that I don't care about.

agreed, antipiracy cucks are retarded faggots.

but only those who seek to make profit go to the length to apply for a legal right to distribute their idea exclusively.

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All of these have utility you fucking retard. Holy shit I'm laughing at you so hard right now. You clearly do not know what the word utility means. It doesn't mean YOU personally think these things have an actual use. It means something has an actual function to it. That is utility. If people believe that the function of a device is useful FOR THEM, then that thing has value within a social context.

The use of a cucumber to eat it...

No they don’t, quit lying. You seed because you’re lonely and you download to an SSD for storage to watch in your dimly lit room. Why lie?

yeah no shit sherlock thanks for stating the obvious, einstein.

>as in a physical copy? No. A ripped version yes
So if he buys a movie blu-ray then burns it onto another disc and gives it to me, I just stole?

Your argument is that it's cool because it gets you friends?

Key word is inherent, friend. The use of a cucumber does not come into existence until it enters a social context.

>cucumbers don’t have value to them
Are you fucking retarded? This is a given. I can eat a cucumber. I don’t even need to have other uses for it. If I can eat it, it has value.



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Yes if you accept it. How's that hard to understand

>IF you believe in the principles of capitalism
Should've made your film unpirateable kek

You clearly have too much time on your hands or are a seething normie if you think that using someone's lighting and computer configuration as an insult is even remotely insulting.

If jews are the master race, then how did they allow themselves to get shoahed during WWII? Pretty pathetic if you ask me.

Sounds like a cope from a no-friends loser.


You’re hitting “if a tree falls in a forest with no one around to hear it, does it a make a sound” levels of silliness in an attempt to keep your feeble argument afloat.


I’ll make a house for my house. That’s useful! I’ll make a house for my house for my house. That’s useful! I’ll make a house for my house for my house. That’s useful!

See where your shit logic goes? And I like how you dissected the wrong part of my original argument, I was arguing for the concept of “utility” being ubiquitous. Good try retard! Get em next time buddy =)

Quit using the "strawman argument" argument as it's making you look fucking retarded.


I like dimly lit rooms, it’s aesthetic. Faggot.
Cope harder, friendless loser. Two can play this game, niggy.

Are you the redditfag that keeps whining about people saying "mean words" to him, if so go the fuck away retard.

a patent is exclusive right to produce and distribute process product or formula, copyright is the same but for art, literature, or other forms of ideas. patents are for 20 years, copyright is for 70 years after creator dies.

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i didnt say that ad-hominems are stupid, moron. theyre actually very useful in helping people understand why they should not be involving themselves in debates to begin with.
fucking die, retard.

That’s not a straw man you dense moron. Name exactly, word for word, the section of the reply to which the original comment is nitpicking.

That's exactly right except it isn't silly. Use is determined by people. A cucumber can't have use until it is granted that use by a person. If a cucumber rots in the middle of the forest without anyone around to use it, then was there any use in it?
It's also not an original argument that I'm giving you. It's basic economics.

It’s not a strawman when I literally restate your argument, replacing “use of a cucumber” with “sound” and “social context” with “anyone around to hear it.”

there's no way this man is under age 50

you replied to the wrong post, faggot. you do realize that I have seen all the posts on this thread and know which one is which, i truly have no life but i can use it to my advantage when i want ;).

What if I didn't know if he copied it himself and thought he bought it from Walmart? Does its legal/moral status as theft depend upon whether I accepted it with the knowledge of who copied it?

No you faggot, I just joined this thread. Are you the faggot that insists a cucumber has self worth? If so, go fuck off you nigger.

lets agree that anyone crying "LOGICAL FALLACY" is an infographic-internalizing retard.

Clearly your brain is useless and should be removed from your skull, since you’re not using it at all.

I never said it was a strawman, you were pulling the "ur using strawman REEEEEEE!" card that libtards often pull.

You piece of shit. So you're the one who was posting my memes without my permission.

no I am OP you fucking retard, I just have no life and I am monitoring and replying to a lot of the posts on this thread.


I'm 22... I just haven't studied anything computer related since I was 15...

Attached: Cooper.gif (580x326, 974K)

isn’t me you fucking retard.
I would agree, but those posters actually put effort into replies. I’m not listening to the guy spamming plebbit replies this whole fucking thread

A very good argument
What's interesting is that you're mad at me about the utility argument yet you agree with me that cucumbers don't have self worth. Some big cognitive dissonance there

Windows makes most of their money from business licenses and businesses can get lawsuits if they pirate windows. Botnet services like windows spy on you even if its paid.

Can you read at all you fucking moron? I was telling you that YOU were insisting that people were making a straw-man argument when no such thing has occurred, I am dumbing this down in case your autistic brain doesn't get it.

at least op maintains his thread

im arma poster, the newest Yea Forums personality

Attached: sgate arma.jpg (1025x515, 184K)

How would I know that you fucking moron? The one time having a tripfag or a name would be useful, no one fucking has one.

He's at fault for embezzlement

you have me, armaposter

Attached: white dress arma.jpg (4000x3000, 953K)

>those posters actually put effort into replies
>m-m-muh effort!

Difference is no one gives a shit about you.

See, it is a good argument, because it’s both funny and shits on your argument. You’re arguing that the value of something is subjective, which is really untestable particularly in the context of law. By the same line of thinking, every movie is worth zero dollars to me, because I don’t give a shit, so it’s perfectly fine for me to pirate them. Which it is, but it’s contrary to your original argument that piracy is evuuul.

>autism caps
Absolutely seething. You can be that user you must be the cucumber guy lmao

Your friend would be at fault

But you were the first person to mention it.
Do you have schizophrenia?

Good job retard. Tons of fun watching retarded monkeys spew shit at each other

So why are patents being talked about in this thread?

not yet, anyways, but soon ill work my way to the top and become a famous Yea Forums poster just like in my chinese cartoons

Attached: calendar_2019_05 arma.jpg (550x344, 70K)

If you just want to torrent without your isp finding out, use PIA.
Its really cheap, but the company is based in the US which means the government can access it at any time.

Never said piracy is evil for one thing. Second, I never said value is "subjective" as in anyone can decide on the value of something. I said value is only determined within a social context, which is true. How do you think money works? Why does the price of corn, among other commodities, fluctuate? Because the value of corn is not inherent within it. This isn't even a controversial argument. Not sure why you're getting so upset about something so fucking basic

No one will care either. This is not the place to make up that sunken abyss that is your social life.

they arent to my knowledge, copyrights are the issue ive been talking about. see my earlier post which ill link below.

Attached: ana-de-armas-bond25.jpg (1200x600, 111K)

Why’d you link my post you stupid faggot?

>autism and samefagging because you hurt my feelings!!!!
keep believing that its about effort. if you need to take effort to make good posts, STOP FUCKING POSTING

I seed and feed.

he linked my post actually, you might be thinking of something else.

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