What are some leftist propaganda movies that are actually pretty good?
What are some leftist propaganda movies that are actually pretty good?
Children of Men
At least I think its supposed to have an agenda of some sort
Sorry To Bother You
Elite Squad
American Psycho
>movie about killing jews
>all the leftists are trying to propaganda me!
Office Space
>mike judge
>leftist propagandist
I wouldn't say it's really leftist since it makes fun of "woke" white liberals harder than anyone else.
based retard
>movie exposes NWO
>leftist propaganda
are you retarded by any chance?
Everyone hates shitty capitalists
this is bait
You'd think so but there are a lot of bootlickers on both sides.
Leftists and Nazis both hate Jews, the difference is leftists don't know it yet.
lmao you think liberal and leftist are the same thing god what is it like to have a brain so smooth it's running out your ears
leftists and Nazis both hate capitalism, the difference is Nazis refuse to acknowledge capitalism's inherent systemic contradiction and make up SpOooOOooky Jewish conspiracies instead because they're suffering from acute lead poisoning.
Fight Club is leftism terrorism kino.
Earth (1930)
Literally the existence of film itself is leftist propaganda.