Any chance this will be good? I mean it has to be a step up from what JJ did to Trek. I grew up on TNG...

Any chance this will be good? I mean it has to be a step up from what JJ did to Trek. I grew up on TNG, DS9 and VOY and after nutrek I wish they would just let it die. Now with this and Picard I’m not sure..

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Alien feet

Cant be any worse than nothing which is what we have now.

Fuck those fucking niggers, Spock.

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maybe. i have no hope for picard though, and they fact that they only focus on muh vinyard tells me they know people will be mad if they show any of what its actually about

Quintin doesnt care about trek. He will warp the rules and setting to suit his narrative. It will breed another generation of star trek "fans"

>captain kirk in his quarters recording log
>"to boldly go where no ma--"
>kirk brings his hand down to his chest and fucking dies
>pan to sexy lady with the smoking pistol
>"we've heard enough of men"

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Christ no please

No chance. Let's get him to remake Leave it to Beaver next. Maybe finally Ward will be really hard on the Beaver and then when he's caught by Wally Eddie "the Nigger" Haskel" will smack him up.

Nah man Quintin not that kind of guy

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Pretty much how Jackie Brown ended

Quentin is a cuck and so are you.

>R rated
Full frontal Klingon nudity.

Star Trek is a stale husk and it has always had more bad episodes and movies than good ones, It's good to change things around. Quentin is a smart man, he'll do good with it.

JJ delivered the best big-budget "fan-film" you could have hoped or asked for. Production was solid, but it didn't ultimately work because the Trek that people like and hold dear to their hearts doesn't lend itself to "big-budget" blockbusters.

QT Trek would be a complete mess in every possible way imaginable, even worse than anything we've seen thus far in the name of Trek.
>exploitation sensibilities
>long-winded monologues that add nothing but flavor
>gratuitous violence, because that's art, buddy
>it's a black male thing
>nonlinear narratives, just for the fuck of it, and because it disguises all the faults in the script
>revisionism like you've never seen before. maybe this time around Spock will be the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln or John Wayne Gacy
>and of course, lots and lots of action rather than, you know, space exploration and "science"

I could go for that.

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Tarantino is grimy af,such a creepy dude

Woo boy can't wait to see Gowron's thick cock.

t. R. Rodriguez

JJ and kurtzman took a blank slate and then smeared fecal matter all over it because "i can make wrath of khan 2" thankfully beyond was saved by letting simon pegg fix the script and not having kurtzman/JJ anywhere near it.

When you came beaming in here, did you notice a sign out in front of my ship that said "Dead Klingon Storage"?

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> I can live with it

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"Klingon, motherfucker, do you speak it?"

I can see Jackson playing a Klingon in this for sure

Don't you know that STD made dual wielding Klingons canon?

>close shot on FEET
>end credits

Have you watched literally any of his films? If all the previous ones didn't, Hateful 8 should have been enough to convince you he's a fag.

I was referring to the first one. Into Darkness was shit, I can agree with you on that one.

>Yes, please
Weren’t these chucklefucks trying to #MeToo Tarantino not too long ago? Or are they putting aside their moral crusade because further destroying a beloved IP makes them wet?

>*"accidentally" shoots a spoon's head off in the back of a transport shuttle*

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Will this be his last movie? He said he's only doing 10

>tfw no gritty Setlik III war movie in the spirit of Apocalypse Now

They're corporate whores and their only mission is to generate hype.

People said this before STD, and look how wrong they were

"All fucking Vulcans must fucking hang."

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>but it didn't ultimately work because the Trek that people like and hold dear to their hearts doesn't lend itself to "big-budget" blockbusters.
Why do people say this when 2 of arguably the three best received pre-09 films (2,4,8) were relatively action heavy blockbuster productions.

>set phasers to f-bomb
More like set the triggers to niggers


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yup thread over

Will it have queers in it?
O Yes
O No

It can always get worse

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ferengi tits and ass.

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does star trek really need to be r-rated

You're not wrong, those films do feature a lot more action scenes than is usual for Trek. I was referring to how the show, Star Trek, not the films, is perceived by its fans. The action is the last thing on their minds. But note that those films (2, 4, 8, though I'd disagree that 4 fits the same bill) include more action for the same reason that '09 and QT Trek will include more action, because the audience at large doesn't care about the things that make it Star Trek (which was my point originally) and want something more, that is mass marketable.

Wrath of Khan is heralded not as a good Trek picture but a good action movie overall precisely because of this. But I think to call Wrath of Khan a "blockbuster" is dishonest. The film received mixed reviews upon release even, and didn't even match the budget or scope of the blockbusters of that year: ET, Rocky III, Poltergeist, etc.

anything Tarantino will shit out will be better than STD The HPV Adventure, fuck CBS for that ultra SJW non-Trek writer team faggotry

I thought he was doing a Charlie Manson flick?

Star Trek died several decades ago. It used to be a simple show that served as a platform to tell different science fiction stories. Now Star Trek's lore is its own enemy. Nobody things this shit is real: the space ships behave like airplanes, the aliens are just different variations on humans, and a lot of the tech is already possible today. Star Trek was fun years ago, now it's just a fantasy show being kept alive because of the brand recognition. Tarantino will probably provide something intresting, but it will not be Star Trek.

I predict that if this happens, it won't be Tarantino in the director's chair.