The Witcher is gonna be great

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video games are for incels/brainlets

Here’s your Eastern European setting bro

Who are they supposed to be

Is this a play about the aids epidemic?

bdsm minions


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Isn't The Witcher about a story that takes place in Poland or whatever ?

>the witcher franchise
>eastern european setting
[citation needed]

>Who are they supposed to be
Kikes, spics and niggers. Their names are unimportant.

look at those porchmonkeys

this tbqh, its clearly set in medieval Wakanda


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>What?! I'm taking it back!

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excuse me sweaty you mean Brooklyn

I bet the girls really like your style. L fucking Mao mate.

Nigger country = nigger actors.
Just watch polish version for white people.

It's an unfortunate truth we must live with. We carry on, shouldering this heavy burden.

cry more loser


>Lol, you actually thought Netflix would pair Cavil with an attractive white woman?

It's funny how every black and latina are wearing a costume except the jewess on the right because she probably is the one who wrote and cast this play


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they did. Ciri a cute

Only like 10% of Americans are niggers. They are just obsessed with them and put them in everything.
also chekt

the weird thing about /pol/ propaganda is the only people dumb enough to fall for it are other /pol/tards

>people described as white in the book and vidya
>somehow you aren't allowed to criticize the forced diversity that shit on the original product.
I guess you were one of the snowflakes that cried about kingdom come not having diversity despite it being set in medieval czech republic



the witcher is a book you fucking redditor

based jannies


>muh polish fantasy hurr
Yeah, I am sure they totally market it to people who read the book. All 12 of them.

that s o y thing must really have set you lefty's off huh

So this it, the true power of diversity....

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drinking cow milk from the supermarket is seriously disgusting. I mean you are literally drinking a product of 100 different animals mixed with anti-biotics. No thanks, sir.
And don't you me if you got cucked by capitalism and enjoy drinking literal dirt.

Lmaaooooo wtf is this creature

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Holocaust for women but real when?

>and darkness

>using chrome

The left cant meme

>le witcher
>le eastern European fantasy

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You just know he wants to play Street Fighter with you

Have sex

made you respond

The Witcher? More like the Negromancer

What an absolutle nothing statement.
Truly a scholar.

>moving the goal posts
spotted the retards

What goal post? Are you retarded?

>implying Poland wasn’t 75% black until the evil nazis genocided them

>polish fantasy
I'd rather kill myself

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>Eastern European setting
>fill the adaptation with niggers and jews

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Looks like the guy in the ghost busters hospital picture with the dying kid in the background

Not liking faggotry isn't just contained to /pol/.

Why do they do this though? Just write there own story with there own unique characters and unique settings, why try and manipulate something to fit into modern diversity quotas.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is better than The Witcher 3. Deal with it.

>all those assblasted reactions from witcherfags on how Netflix are ruining the series
>tfw not a witcherfag and I get to enjoy all this salt

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Nothing good has every come out of /pol/land. Their fantasy is commie retard-teir.

>imagine if we had food and stable gov
>and powers


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Ah yes so subtle, so graceful only the sharpest minds will understand this, Art! I say.

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tbf Poland is full of Jews

Some men just want to watch the world burn. I toast you with my GANG WEED

>create bait thread
>retard falls for it


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>lactose intolerant shitskin cope

>implying anyone wants to see eastern European fantay
I'd rather have the niggers and jews to be honest. Eastern Eurpoors are shit storytellers.

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breed have children raise a family

I don't plan on watching this at all

But I'm glad it's making gen z newfags mad

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Nope, I just find it disgusting to drink milk from the supermarket.

This can't be real.

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>all these fags getting petty about Poland and eastern Europe.

Why the random hate?

>someone went to all the tweets back to Nov 2018
obsessed and seething

Your arguing with a guy who never said once that he drank milk from a supermarket and what kind of fucked up country do you live in where milk is not traceable to the source farm?

>half a year is a long time
Lol, kids.

This image was created before you were born, Zoomer.
It is also not even its first iteration.

>to the source farm
Do you know how big those farms are? My former roomie was a veterenarian, and he told me not to drink that stuff. Even inside the EU (probably the highest standards worldwide) milk is disgusting.

>underage Twitterfag
Top Kek

>polish fantasy
>but pols are complete dogshit at fantasy
>no one wants to see polish fantasy
>fill with jews and niggers to attract an audience

I'm okay with this. Literally it's the only way to get people to watch this dogshit. They should have never tried to make the witcher to begin with. It fucking sucks. All polish fantasy sucks. It's fanbase is so small it's practically non-existent.

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How is it any more disgusting than meat? I don't understand why drinking milk is somehow more disgusting to you people than consuming an animal's muscle tissue. It's all disgusting when it comes down to it. The only reason you'd hate on dairy is as a coping mechanism.

How many tweets did she send in those six months, cpt twitter?

not really. the writer are known for almost a year or maybe even longer.

btw. it seems she isnt a strong woman as she claimed. she deleted her twitter acc because of "toxic masculinity"


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>tfw you crush racist brains epic style

>buzzword-spamming retard who thinks 6 months is an eternity
Yep, kids. cope seething umad cringe, and whatever other new ones you kids are saying.

Milk is from different animals so the chance to get fucked by some bacteria is way higher. Also yeah, meat from the supermarket is disgusting too. Not a vegetarian but I stopped eating literal poison just because commercials tell me to.

your still arguing with someone who never said they drank milk, for no reason at all except you know you cant argue against the consumption of S O Y

Nothing says "I'm not Gen Z" like using twitter.

The poster isn't following her so he went through her tweets to find this.
Almond milk is the shit bruh.

>poland: hey GUIZE we ,MAKE FANTISY NOw
>poland: U WANT?

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Just fuck off to /pol/. You've lost already.

Your a prick

He didn't personally go through the tweets because this image gets posted in every thread and you can tell by the image name that he saved it from a previous thread.

christ you cunts defending this are pathetic.

>there are no jews in eastern europe

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Someone went through it tho (which is what I said). Also posting it in every thread makes it pathetic as well. Seething and obsessed.


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lol did he hit a nerve?

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Whats worse a fan of the books and vidya disappointed by how they are changing important things in the adaptation for the sake of diversity venting a little on some anonymous image board.
Or you joining the thread just to defend shitty writers making shit decisions for no reason at all?

Ayo dem polaks need to pay reparationz n shiet for them thousand years they be enslaving us. Adding some diversity up in this bitch is a nice way to start with.

Why are your writing like a dog?

literally the fucking books you wog

>We need an actress that will work for free also to fill in the main cast diversity quota
>Sir she already finished filming her scenes

who does /pol/ make propaganda for, desu?
inb4 literal Nazis and drumpff

Oh yes personal attacks because you know you are pathetic and lost the argument. Well done good tactic works every time.

Nah, mate, your last post was just formatted like you are literal dog. Or your PC is broken. You wouldn't be posting with a phone, would you?

>Jew's in Poland led to the end of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Why must they always subvert?

Haha trigger nigger

>limp-wristed slap, followed by sashay

>fringella revitiligo

All the triggered /pol/fags handing out yous. Well, done.
Let me try.

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The nigger is more like it.


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There's no better word for this than "disgusting".

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I like it. Looks just like the the BBC cuckold porn I watch

Why are these dumb troll sketches from 40 years ago more relevant than ever?

hold my beer (for maybe 5 minutes)

>Caption: “America for the ‘Americans’! The extraordinary increase in the population of Negroes and Jews is causing headaches for the more established Americans.”

german newspaper 1934

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2 scoops. 2 terms.

po little whyboi

Someone tell me why they love and defend niggers. Someone explain why niggers must be in everything and everywhere.

Social disruption.

its gonna be great

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How many gay kikes are making this dumpster fire?

based richard

Actually based


based Richards

the point of the conversation you silly faggot.

I just realized they cast a nigger because Geralt fucks her in Touissant


I did. What next?

Lol, I’m not watching this garbage.

I admire your skill, OP.

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Unsurprisingly it's been ruined by Jews.

not anymore friend.

Not since the early 40s.

Hay guise

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>welcome to EB Games

nigga look like a fucking snail


Why the FUCK does dumbass trump have to exist and win this horseshit
Yang has the solutions to our problems but we're gonna go ahead and let retards act so retarded that they make Donald Retard look smart in comparison and he'll win the retard vote and become president again of this retarded country. STOP MAKING THE ORANGE RETARD LOOK SMART

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imagine being a jew in real life lmao

This must have been what its like when the western roman empire started to fall apart

Do people really care about a tv adaptation of a dark souls clone?

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Why are there so many niggers?


>Yang has the solutions
S-Sure! Yang Gang because his policies will, uh, FIX the country.

It's not okay to be white.

nigger, mutt, mutt, jew, nigger, nigger, nigger, jew, jew and jew.

Why can't niggers make their own movies instead of replacing established white characters with porch monkeys?

this is when i knew it was going to be bad

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That is a Somalian outside of his natural habitat.

This was supposed to be the Game of Thrones of Netflix and they ruined it before it even began by hiring female writers.

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Unironically white erasure. Redhead characters get it the worst.

Can someone explain to me how writers effect prop design again?

I hate niggers and James Cameron.

Also a female writer has insisted they change the diversity of the characters and has openly refused to even look at any of the videogames for source material. Shes a joke and her husband is some mega rich jew producer so you know how "earned" this job

let me help you

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Nice to see social marxists are finally getting carte blanch to do whatever they want to a European mythos based fantasy. They were whining about GoT for years. We'll see how it works out for them.

if you like Avatar you're a furry
simple as

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>describing a character as "dark" in prose (pre-globalization) means they're an African
I hate these idiots.


Her entire twitter is literally "omg trump evil Hitler!!" So i more than expect the main bad guy to look like him.

women were a MISTAKE

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I like black people

How long can he survive?

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too long


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Long enough for more Somalians to tereform the area into another Somalia.

Although this text is probably 100% LARPING, this is obviously what happened. Lauren is both writer and producer so she can decide whtever she wants. She would have rather made them pink but that would have been obvious, instead she made them black, something she likes. They are obvious dicks, feminists are obsessed with dicks because they lack one

I sometimes wonder if God took a false rib.

It's literally Slavic folklore.

Now slavic blacklore

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yes they exist and they are not 70% of the population and minorities don't mean black ,other race exist