All white casts in current year

Hey fellas, I'm really sick of seeing non-whites in all my TV shows, especially in historical shit where they don't belong.
I want to support TV shows that have the balls to make a movie/show with an all white cast in the modern world.
I've seen The Terror & Chernobyl and need some more from the past few years.

I need to put my money where my mouth is.

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guy on the left looks like Dumbledore

>I want to with an all white cast in the modern world.
>I've seen these shows set in the past and need some more

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Also no woman, crippeld and faggots please

That rules out The Terror then

Can't think of one unfortunately.

They should include more women and minorities in historical shows. Everyone knows that it's just a movie, so it's not a big deal. If they're the best actor for the part it would be fine. It's really no big deal

wolf hall

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Would Yea Forums be mad or amused if a white character was featured in a historical movie/show set in a historical African setting?

Amused. Idc about Africa and they don't even have any history worth telling.


>Hey fellas, I'm really sick of seeing non-whites in all my TV shows
Then have sex

I don't think you could make a TV show about a thousand years of mud huts

The West African empires like Songhai were bigger and more important than at least half of Europe has ever been

The Terror has a fair number of women and minorities in it though.

only if he/she was represented in a way to morally shame/degrade white people even more than they already are

Why do dramas even need an all-white cast? So many artistic liberties are taken, but suddenly it's all about accuracy when a PoC wants to see some representation?

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>bigger and more important than at least half of Europe has ever been
>Lasted 127 years
>Still just mud huts

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> The West African empires like Songhai were bigger and more important than at least half of Europe has ever been
Damn, and all that without writing, architecture, art or any kind of science. Very impressive.

They were by all means more important and relevant than at least half of all European countries have ever been.

Yeah, no. They covered a lot of territory but it was empty wasteland, they shit for infrastructure or cultural impact and literally any European country is more important than any West African """empire""".

There's The Last Kingdom, which is 100% whiteys doing silly white people stuff. It is set in the 9th century England so it should only be white people, but these days you never know.

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Not even in West Africa itself is that true, let alone the rest of the world.

Only if by "important and relevant" you mean as a means of Kangs and Lefties who took 'African Studies' at university feeling better about themselves and their pets.

don't think their cultural influence spread all over the planet but nice try

100% kino.

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> They were by all means more important and relevant than at least half of all European countries have ever been.
There only relevance was supplying slaves and gold to Arab states and receiving some products of actual civilization in return.

>more important

>that nose

>Hey fellas

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The Terror and Chernobyl are essentially the same cast, and everyone else is from the white days of GoT.

They were literally less relevant than the shitty movies this gay board likes

I wanted to see Mortal Engines but had to delete the movie after a few minutes. The cast...

I'd be amused but only because there would be a minor to moderate kerfuffle over a "Benedict Cumberbatch being cast as General Butt Naked" in a Liberian Civil War drama type scenario. It would objectively make the story itself worse.

This guy was tearing himself apart most his life because of lies & that he wasn't full British. A big yikes.

I wonder what would happen if you went back in time, even 60 years, and showed them a video of modern London, American cities, etc & Instagram thots. I bet they'd hang every brownie they saw from the tallest trees, and go total lockdown on their women.

>An albino is born
>His black tribesmen reject him and drive him out
>The albino swears he'll get revenge before migrating to Europe

Kino as fuck

Because when you choose a premise based on historical events you have to be coherent on the settings.

>empire that only existed due to arab & european slave trade is more important than either of those cultures

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We live in the end times. And it is illegal to talk about the problem.

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Minorities & women were side characters and fit the setting though so it's fine.

is this really how nu-Yea Forums evaluates modern films and TV?

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Years of ironic autism attracted unironic autism.

>I don't think you could make a TV show about a thousand years of mud huts
Dont be a bigot, there was plenty of rape and insect eating as well.

Well visual consistency is most important.
Is she saying that when people dub foreign film/TV they should do so in a caricature of their accents?

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ethiopians are fairly white as far as africans go, musa of mali was at least part arab, and a lot of trade between subsahran africans and berbers/arabs happened. don't get me wrong, some celtic daisy would be out of place but certainly not an actor with a latin complexion.


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awww, upset no one wants to look at your ape self?

>evaluates modern films and TV
Well not entirely no, but it's an important factor.
If the world I'm being sown doesn't make logical sense then it breaks immersion.

>no argument


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is dumbledore's son bruv

the only other person to survive to the end of the show was an eskimo woman wtf are you talking about?

he was baiting, that (you)'s on you

There's an abundance of movies and shows, so you inevitably have to be selective when choosing what to watch.
If you feel that forced diversity reduces quality, it's only reasonable that you eventually begin to filter out anything that includes it.

The thing is it would be impossible to take seriously, even for normie retards. so I would be mad at the incompitance, but it would be so out of place that I wouldnt even need to air my grievences.

Mad Men comes pretty close though there are a few jews and black secretaries.

100% agree. MLK biopic with DDL soon.

>all white cast
>featuring inuits
what did he mean by this?

>ethiopians are fairly white
Fuck no, they are closer to niggers than even abos.

>watch the terror

Lady Silence probably would seem like a side character if you spent the entire series thinking about Mr. Hickey hanging out of your postern.

Enoch Powell was pilloried in the media and shunned from mainstream political circles for his Rivers of Blood speech 50 years ago, and his predictions were completely correct.

the irish aren't white.

I don't watch race switch garbage. It would be just as stupid as black people where they don't belong. Imagine white African tribesmen or white advisors to a Chinese emporer, would be fucking dumb.


Excuse me user but you seem to have forgotten the esquimaux in the Terror.

Having to do "accents" for foreign people when their words are translated is actually a pretty prejudiced and racist concept. Imagine if fucking anime was dubbed by people with a fake Japanese accent

Lmao white people are so sensitive

>Europe importance and relevance
Known globally, English is global Lingua Franca, English and Spanish and French spoken in more countries than any other languages in history, British Empire largest in history, Dutch East India company most powerful corporation in history, America richest nation in history, all oil and telecommunications controlled by the west, Europe colonised half the world, everyone knows them, 2 world wars centred in and caused by Europe dictate world history for the next 100 years at least, 3 of the 5 permanent members of the UN security council are European, most visited city in the world is Paris, most well known and extensively preserved art and history and culture in the world.
>Songhai importance and relevance
Literally no one has ever heard of them, modern day west Africa is full of literal hell holes like Liberia, existed before the internet so people on the other side of the world had no knowledge with them, the Americas didn't even know Africa existed at that time, have no famous iconic works of art preserved today visited by millions annually unlike the world famous museums of Europe like the Lourve

Historical drama about the correspondence between the king of Congo and the Portuguese while he's trying to stave off Christianity in his own kingdom y/n?

>The Terror
Lmao what

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>oy vey i am arab muslim rapebaby no christianity pls

Ancillary character that fit the setting.

"Rome" was 99% white

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Depends in the context. Same way for black people. Self-respecting white people just don't like the anti-white agenda.

well she is white

>Songhai empire
Son what? Sounds chinknese.

I like it when they put a hot nigger female to get BLEACHED but a nigger male is cringe.


>bunch of italians

oy vey

Pic unrelated?
Pretty sure there's a mick right there in the photo
not to speak of Lady Silence

Amused, then mad after it receives backlash for historical inaccuracy and whitewashing instead of praise for diversity

The Irish are white (slavs too) and there's nothing you can do about it.

You need to go to the infirmary

Europe is not the only important place in the world, and as interesting as mali, songhai, etc is, they're quite irrelevant compared to half of europe, or even a quarter of europe.
Loads of more relevant places than songhai outside of europe, from egypt, ethiopia, middle east, india and china, west africa is really low tier.
You're delusional.

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>white advisors to a Chinese emporer, would be fucking dumb.
Actually a thing. Ming & Early Qing China was crawling with Jesuits serving as ambassadors and foreign advisors.

But of course, they won't be as offensive to you as Yasuke is wouldn't it?

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It would be just as stupid/cringe as the usual, but watching the retards who normally support it say hypocritical shit and seethe would be amusing.

>fit the setting
This. If fucking shitflix made the terror it would have had half the ship crews be fucking black for no reason

>when british were ending the slave trade they patrolled the atlantic ocean freeing slaves
>some joined the royal navy
Easy to justify from a cucks perspective.
The year be damned.

Is that faggy haircut historically accurate?