ITT: Otherwise terrible movies that were completely redeemed by their endings

ITT: Otherwise terrible movies that were completely redeemed by their endings

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>terrible movie

fuck off zoomer

the ending was the worst part. How much of a libtard faggot do you have to be to like that ending.

Hurrdurr we donated all the money to charity durrrrr

I've never seen the ending oddly enough, but I liked the bits with John Cleese and when that Jew dad crashed the WWII veterans' meeting with his Nazimobile

>Otherwise terrible movies
more like good movies that were made great by their endings

>ITT: Otherwise terrible movies that were completely redeemed by their endings
But it's exactly the opposite.

u mad?

bohemian rhapsody

Well baited, friend.



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Wow you people are really into 'Rat Race' - I didn't even know this movie existed.

Sounds like a horrible ending.

pic unrelated

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how was that great ending? That they were the same person?

Jurassic Park 2

>how was that great ending?
Well I haven't seen The Blackcoat's Daughter since it first came out, but the story is told out of order, right? So, for my viewing experience, it was kind of a tepid watch except for the intense ending. The whole format of the storytelling is designed to give the movie a big ending. ...

>T. Rex goes to the big city!
not for me

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you're thinking of 3, 2 is where the army comes and saves them I think

I hope whoever designed this poster was murdered.

what's wrong with it?

The documents show a maximum of 300,000 deaths in the supposed holocaust, only 150,000 of which were Jewish.

The documents also show 90 year old geriatrics were residents of the supposed death camps. This directly contradicts the holocaust fairy tale which says anyone unable to work was immediately gassed.

Documents related to the camps are sealed from the public because they show no such holocaust could have happened.

300k in the camps. I hate them as much as anyone, but a ton were killed outside the camps. Still no where near 6million though

No that was 3.

OP, were you the guy who posted the Hitler's car bit in that thread a few days ago?
I'm still laughing from that, fucking hilarious brah.

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