How do you go from this...
How do you go from this
Other urls found in this thread:
to this
to this...
to this..
to this?
and that's a good thing
>Avengers Endgame isn't the #1 movie of all time. Therefore it's a failure. That is the reason I tell myself as to why I must hate it.
s e e t h i n g
>two Ice Age films and Minions out grossed this
Fun fact, Minions was at one time the highest grossing film in LatAm. LatAm has possibly the shittiest taste of any region in the world.
Imagine the smell in that theater.
This is what passes for humor in LatAm.
> dcfags so desperate they're trying to make fun of endgame being the #2 movie of all-time as a "flop"
the true battered spouses
Endgame was a one pump chump of a film lmao
You got that wrong buddy, we hate it because it's garbage and that's why we laugh at its failuere
>he thinks it's dcfags posting these threads and not Avachads
I could give two fucks about DC
Everything that was decent or good in Infinity War was worse in Endgame. As soon as people saw it they never wanted to see the garbage again. Endgame could've made $4B with that opening if it was actually a good movie.
They already won over marlel with the Nolan trilogy, this is pure Avatar autism
This. I only want Endgame to fail because it's bad. After the RT score came in I thought I was in for something really special and then it turns out the critics were just dickriding Marvel again.
China loved Avatar more. They decide who wins or loses. China > US
Disney owns both now, that’s like comparing Mario sales to Pokémon sales. It’s the same fucking company, it’s pointless.
Avatar fans have a right to gloat after Marvelniggers talked big shit about James Cameron and Avatar.
>cameron's crown jewel is pocahantas in space
Disney doesn't own Avatar, try again marvelnigger. Disney pays Cameron for the distribution rights and to have an Avatar park, Cameron owns Avatar IP completely.
Learn to cope.
>thinks the mouse owns jim or avatar
>capecucks so desperate the keep parroting lies
It's all about the execution. Fury Road was just a car chase. Endgame was just a heist movie.
I love all these Pocahontas fans coming out of the woodwork, I wonder where they were before Avatar.
what will the avaautists do when avatars 2-4 don't even come close to avatar 1?
watching kino, unlike capecucks.
didn't the price of movies increased since avatar was released
Pocahontas was a shit movie, dude. If Avatar was just beat for beat Pocahontas in space it would've flopped hard. In fact Avatar has more in common with Point Break than Pocahontas... Point Break was also a James Cameron screenplay. It would be more accurate to call Avatar Point Break in Space
Who did Cameron mean by "international filmmaking elite"?
Yes. See IMAX 3D tickets were $10.50 when Avatar came out.
b af
lets not forget how the population of the earth has also increased if endgame was so good it should have surpassed avatar long ago
try again marveldrones, I'm looking forward to FFH, your 23rd heist movie
box office doesn't equal quality, but it is nice when superior movies make more at the box office, and it's nice that 2 out of the top 3 worldwide movies are actually good.
Fuck Cameron
If Endgame got to #1 worldwide, it would be the first one to do so purely on the basis of marketing hype and anticipation, with the worst legs by far of any WW #1.
This is stupid, Michael Bay and James Cameron are both chad as fuck.
After Dark Side of the Moon, which Transformers movie should I watch next? Watch them in order? Are they all equally dumb fun?
How can one man be so pompous.
disney already confirmed that if it didn't make 3 billion then the entire studio would have to shut down to to costs
Why even keep watching? Just buy the ticket and don't show up, or give it to someone else.
I'm mean he's got Terminator, Aliens, Titanic and Avatar under his belt, you are kind allowed to be a little pompous when you do that.
He's right. The story doesn't matter as long as it gets the job done
If you think any of those films are the "best of their time" you haven't seen enough films.
>10 years vs a few months
Closer to dances with wolves actually
Name some better films (in those genres) in those eras.
The good old Berniebro tactic: "match me".
Dances with Wolves was depressing though.
Really, Avatar was its own thing, the plot was a perfect mechanism to do the amount of world building Cameron wanted to do. I don't care if "infiltrator changes sides" has been done before. Plotfags need to be gassed anyway.
Probably the same group of people, too.
>One Disney movie didn't gross as much as another Disney movie
You lot are such pathetic losers.
Why does this guy always word his articles like that
>this guy
it's not him it's most lefty 'journalists', they do the thinking part for you :^)
you rage you lose
>not adjusted for inflation
90% of the comments are about Avatar. absolutely obsessed
Movies are dead.
It’s more like Fern Gully desu
You seem lost friendo. Reddit is < way.
>4 avengers movies in the top 10
>Black Panther
Reddit and Yea Forums have had interchanging userbase since at least 2014
Niggers and cucks
Fuck off faggot. You don't belong.
>Avengers unironically replaced Justice League as an iconic biggest team of heroes
>all in top 10
>JL movie not even in top 200 or something
Fucking hell. Absolute state of american culture. You cucks let bunch of mouse quipsters replace the only iconic heroes your culture created
minions has Pinochet on it for some reason. No idea if it relates to this.
nah, we do have a reddit cancer that keeps spreading, but you'll never belong.
>for months, you & your faggot brethren spam this board with relentless, arrogant claims that "Avatar is FINISHED"
>after you get BTFO (for like the 5th time, you say "bro it was SO successful you're just mad lol"
oh no no no no, lie down & take it capefaggot
Aren't the Avengers american as well? It's all capeshit in the end, although I would rate batman as a franchise above anything Marvel.
That's the thing. Both Batman and Superman are part of modern mythos. Spiderman too I guess. And UScucks trashed them into oblivion by ruining them in last movies and elevating blunt quipsters as new "icons".
It grossed $100 million more domestically when it wasn't even in theaters half as long nor had mandatory 3D. The only reason it didn't beat the worldwide gross is Ching Chong land. Any flippant reply to this post or memes or pictures will just prove me right.
This. If the Chinese (ie. communists) like anything, it's American imperialists getting btfo, in space or wherever.
how many days, again?
based tacomatic
just fuck off back to twitter and reddit you fucking fucks
>moving the goalposts
imagine being btfo this hard
absolutely anally annihilated
>it should rerelease in can suerly add 40 million easily
What's up with shitskins and Marvel? It's like moths and flames
It couldn't
After 22 movies Disney has its fans...they really aren't going to make any new ones
Those are not on the top 10 if you adjust inflation
>Ching Chong land
Then why did Endshit make much more than Avatar in China?
this is at least the 4th time Cameron haters have been btfo
I don’t know why people make such big deals over how much money a movie makes. Not really an indication of how good a movie is. Plus it’s not like you’re gonna get a cut of it or anything. Just making rich people more rich. Fucking dumb
This is really Cultish.
>i don't like sports why are you talking about sports it's just rich people fighting each other
if you can't enjoy it fine but nobody cares
>he's failing to cope so fucking hard that he's actually making up bullshit now
HAHAHAHAHA *dabs on you *
Americans. Black Panthers boxoffice was like 65/30 which is very rare for a movie that brings in that much money.
Aliens was worse than Alien though
This is wrong but we're always learning.
It's a good movie but I don't like how the Xenos turned into space ants
adjusting for inflation is a meme, how about you adjust for home video, or netflix, or video games...
You can only look at the biggest movie of an era, and see how much it towered over its peers (e.g., what is the multiplier over the 10th highest grossing movie that year?). If you do this and fix Endgame where it is, Avatar becomes $4B and Titanic is a $5B movie.
In sports, the purpose is winning a competition. I can see how producers could see themselves as competing against each other, but the audience should only care about the quality of a movie.
If you're unironically supporting a movies studio or some other producers because you want to make Rich Guy #1 be richer than Rich Guy #2, you're a fucking retard.
>Cringey ass quote
Endgame made 3x more than Avatar in China lol
Alien was a great slasher flick with kind of dumb characters, in space.
Aliens was on a higher tier. Smarter characters, stronger themes, better writing, just overall more iconic. The suspense at the end was just fucking great too.
I bet you hate fantasy league. Who cares? I'm not trying to make rich guy #1 richer than rich guy #2. I just want Marvelbots to feel anger, shame, hatred, and jealousy.
Avatar made $200M in China. When the all time record was $67M.
>I bet you hate fantasy league
Never tried it tbqhwy. Feels like one of those games that become too absorbing, and I do best avoiding those.
I know it was huge back then
but Endgame box office is much more dependant on chinks than Avatar was, unlike the stupid user implied
They're equally good. Retarded Aliens hate thread were made by women or the most pussified "men" that Yea Forums claims to hate though.
Oh my god
A seething Avatard took the original meme (truth about Avaturd’s dishonest grossing) and made a shitty reversal
>Knowing so much about facebook-tier memes
Yikes, cringe, bluepilled, etc
So you DO admit Avaturd’s can’t meme
Minions and Ice Age made 2.7 billion?
I haven't even watched Avatar, I don't care about it. But the Avatar day counting or the "Neytiri is for" threads are better memes than anything Endgame has spawned and a part of Yea Forums history.
Avatar is Yea Forums. Endgame is Reddit/Facebook/Twitter and any other normie hugbox.
these people are NPCS or what? maybe bots or God know. If not, marvel fanboys act like a cult. Anyway, this shit remind me of pic related.
>Avatar day counting
>the decimated and dishonest pants-shitters of Avatards
Sit down.
Be humble.
What is your point dumbass?
Not our fault that the Jews at Warner Brothers are actively sabotaging DC shows and movies. JUSTice League really is inferior in every way, it's an abominably boring movie.
>Sit down.
>Be humble.
>spouting lyrics of nigger """"""music""""""
>all this when their hyped movie, the crowning jewel of a 10 year effort, with 20~ movies behind it, couldn't even beat Pocahontas: now in space
The absolute state of MCUcks and Disney shills, everyone
>this entire post
the absolute STATE of capecucks
>we're reaching levels of seethe that shouldn't even be possible
>not adjusted for women-only tickets.
See I can put qualifiers that can make anything a failure too.
>we hate it because it's garbage
Purely subjective viewpoint.
>and that's why we laugh at its failuere
If you're going to say a successful movie is a failure, at least spell failure correctly.
>Only Avatar or Avengers can be successful. Both cannot be successful even though they are.
Let me know when Avatar gets the "#1 movie of all time trophy" from the #1 movie of all time organization.
inflation isn't an arbitrary "qualifier" you absolute brainlet. capecucks are literally incapable of maths or basic economics. typical comic book children, probably common core zoomers.
I don't know what this guy argues, but he's right. Disney owns Avatar, and since Endgame didn't surpass it, they can still market Avatar 2 as the sequel to the highest grossing film of all time.
>being such a shabbos goy that you care about movie shekels
...To THIS?
i felt physical pain trying to read this post
you truly are a faggot
Why not just buy ticket and then don't go watch it?
If you're autistic enough to waste money on this, ok. But at least you won't have to waste time and tolerate watching it for n-th time.
60% of people are literal retards and only read/share headlines while never reading the actual articles, so if you "guide" these people's opinions and show them which way to think, they're more likely to share the article and you get more clicks.
disney only owns distribution rights m8, it's all Jim
Not a zoom zoom myself but I have to go with YIKES, cringe, oof and COPE on this post, kind of forcing my hand here
Start with the first
Endgame sucked and only succeeded on the basis that Infinity War was good and people wanted to see resolution
capeshit virgin spotted
I'm not convinced all modern journalists aren't just bots tuned to different levels of hatred.
i hate you avatar fags so much but this is absolutely based. fuck marvelfanbois
What country spent the most money watching Avengers: Endgame? Probably the United States, right?
Imagine defending capeshit
You obviously don't grasp the autismal powers of the Avatar fanbase little newcomer.
Why don't they count tickets sold instead of/as well as money made?
dvd when
One is a useless statistical category for autismos and the other is palpable showing of film's monetary success, which is coincidentaly the only reason capeshit is being made in the first place. What a retarded fucking question.
>One is a useless statistical category for autismos
Because you are somehow in on the money made by these movies...
>What a retarded fucking question.
Say that to my face, nerd, and see what happens!
Everything else is numbered by items sold rather than money made, like albums, so your argument is dumb.
Like you.
You thought you were smart, but you're not. You didn't realise your argument didn't work with anything else, do you feel stupid? You should.
The only reason Katy Perry sells music is because she makes money, same argument, yet nobody discusses how much money she makes with it.
my point was Avatar didn't have China to rely on make its gross, whereas a big gross in China was virtually guaranteed for Endgame. The equivalent China gross today would be $2B. Endgame can't compete with Avachads
>t-t-there's no such thing as an all-time WW box office champion
Disney doesn't own Avatar anymore than AMC or Cinemark own Avatar. Retards.
James Cameron isn't a jew, why do you think Hollywood hates him so much? (gave his ex-wife best picture for the hurt locker lmao just to spite him)
yeah im thinkin this is based
And Hillary won the popular vote but who gives a shit she signs books at Costco now. For WW box office, money made is all that matters. Otherwise every bollywood film that sells for 3 rupees a ticket inside a screaming zoo would break a new WW record.
>Endgame fags brag for months that their movie will take down Avatar's WW record
>they fail miserably
>"haha there's no such thing as a WW record"
bend over and take it
he even has that stupid open mouth smile what the fuck
can someone explain to me what the fuck is going on?
the last thing I saw was that awful movie called Avengers Infinity rocks or someshit
Marvel can't meme for shit. Even the DC memes are better
is that the official Titanic font?
oh yeah check this out
Yeah for the 3D re-release I think.
Reminder that Pocahontas in Space grossed only $2 billion HONESTLY.
Sit down.
Be humble.
The Avatard seethe HAS been reaching impossible levels, yes.
I have them on a leash at all times.
I am DISMANTLING their mental stability with every post.
Why can’t they just...
Sit down.
Be humble.
And accept Endgame as the superior kino?
The rise of skywalker will get rid of avatard and crapvengers
>Sit down.
>Be humble.
This is actually so fucking pathetic. Imagine giving an already bloated movie industry hundreds of your dollars and dozens of hours of your time just in the hope that it'll move up one notch on some arbitrary leaderboard. You could be saving that money up for a house, and be spending your time courting a worthwhile female to have children with. Nope, gotta watch some childish movie about superheroes 17 times! Materialism and mindless consumption sickens me. I'm morbidly curious how this society of excess and instant gratification would fare if there was some kind of societal collapse, leading to war or famine. I want to see the look of confusion in their eyes as they scuttle around in the city not knowing what to do as they gradually starve to death.
I don't get it. Is it over? Endgame is done and can't beat avatar or is there still time?
Not sure, China liked marvel more hut the rest of the world (exuding US) liked Avatar
Who cares. Concern yourself with things that matter.
>You could be saving that money up for a house, and be spending your time courting a worthwhile female to have children with.
Or you could put that money into actual good use, like investments.
as evidence by all the people here posting images of article headlines
Avatar had multiple releases. Endgame still on it's first summer. This is far from over. Endgame will probably be released again (maybe even around awards season), and Avatar again before Avatar 2 comes out.
This is far from over.
Last Knight was the only Trans movie that's legitimately bad. I think Bay was mad at the studio "you want another transformer movie??? OH YOURE GONNA GET ONE"
any future star wars film will be lucky to break $1.2b.
Star Wars is done.
>Avatar had multiple releases.
More theaters in china now
Hey Capeshitters, how's beating Avatar coming along?
Going to happen any week now, right? I mean it made 2 billion so quickly so it's bound to beat Avatar , right? Isn't that what you thought?
Did these kids seriously think that they had a chance of beating James Cameron?
When oh when will they learn?
The ONLY man capable of beating James Cameron is James Cameron.
It took you capeshitters 20 movies and you STILL were only able to match Cameron's second-best.
Hey, don't lose hope little guy, maybe Endgame's grosses will stop dropping 40-50% week on week? Or maybe they'll keep Endgame in cinemas for the next 9 months?
lol absolutely butt-holocausted cope. Please keep it up. Your denial just makes the eventual capitulation all the more funny.
>avatar only won because of china
>the chinese cinema market has expanded 10x since 2009, and endgame made $400m more in China than Avatar (despite being significantly less popular)
Reconcile these statements.
If you want someone to look after you in old age, kids are a pretty good investment desu. Just make sure you treat them well and stay in contact with them. The state sure as hell isn't going to be able to take care of you in 50 years.
I have too many problems already fuck you cunt
1 good dc movie is one more good movie than marvel has.
Infinity war was pretty based but only because you got to see the annoying super heroes get vaporized.
I don't care about DC fags (or anticape fags) attempting to troll marvel chads because DC movies are so awful it's their only choice. It's funny to me
But Avatar has had multiple releases, will probably be released again, as will Endgame. Pretty impossible to tell at the moment who will win in the end. I could have told you that a month ago based on typical box office decay
>implying blue people movie is relevant today for reasons OTHER than it's box office
>But Avatar has had multiple releases
One re-release. One.
There's always Episode 9...
>so desperate he has to pin his hopes on a re-release that will never happen
marvel doesn't do re-releases. their scheduling is to release a movie every 6-9 months. re-releasing endgame would just delay their opportunities to make more money with new movies.
I think you meant based.
it was only re-released due to popular demand (because Alice 3D booted it from IMAX screens). It wasn't re-released to potential crawl past a record, it had already won everything. Nobody wants an Endgame re-release, it'll look fine at home. Avatar is a movie experience and if it was re-released today (10 years later) it would probably push the total past $3B.
Endgame still hasn't passed Avatar's initial box office run.
Does it get an extra 8 months like Avatar did?
aliens is literally a flick. at it's best, it's still just a popcorn movie. And I don't think it's even that good a flick personally
Wouldn't make a difference if it did.
>Avatar is Finished
>this is what butthurt haters actually believe
Cry more
kinos about being able to spot tells that warn you to stay away from someone?
It's over. Endgame lost
What stage of Capitalism/Consumerism is this?! I'm seriously fucking asking.
>You could be saving that money up for a house, and be spending your time courting a worthwhile female to have children with
>Materialism and mindless consumption sickens me
because using your hard earned money to pay for a mortgage and to give education to some ungrateful brats is way better.
If Avatar releases again in China it will get 100s of millions more with how big the Mari is now
Imagine paying $200 to try and help a multi-billion dollar media conglomerate win a meaningless title
>Disney is literally too big to fail at this point.
Can't wait till they buy rights to the known universe at large.
Post again, I can't decide if this is a bait post
Does 2 not count as multiple? Attempting to decipher this brainlet
Which is why they'll rerelease at the end of the year, when they don't have anything slated.
But they'll rerelease this shit in like 20 years when they've gone creatively bankrupt. STILL COUNTS RIGHT?
>popular demand
Uhhhh yeah? That's every rerelease user....
If Avatar wasn't box office numbah one would anyone still talk about it?
>Implying Avatar will ever catch Gone with the Wind
>Implying Avatar will ever catch Gone with the Wind
Doesn't matter. Titanic is literally the biggest movie of all time. Jim won anyway.
What the hecking heck Marvelbros, it was supposed to be our turn!!! This is 2016 elections all over again!!
I am completely horrified. These people are brand loyalists to a degree that actually makes me worry for their mental state. Zealots, the lot of them, feeding the neverending greed of corporate media.
>Sit down
>Be humble
LOL fucking MCUcks shoot yourselves
Is anybody else struggling to comprehend how Avatar did so well at the box office? I remember it being advertised around the time and looking back it doesn't seem like the hype was proportional to its takings.
Am I going senile? I was an adult when it came out and never once thought it was going to be some smash hit like I did with Endgame.
no way this is real
You're either trying way to hard or are actualy autistic. Jesus Christ imagine writing this post either way.
If you're buttmad enough to screenshot this, you've already lost
A house IS an investment. It's quite literally the best investment to make.
>to give education to some ungrateful brats is way better.
Good point. It's better not to have children. They might like disney movies well into their thirties.
This. It was the age of ultron to its avengers 1
Mental gymnastics. You just can't argue with conspirationists, they will always twist your words to fit their worldview. They have no regard for truth.
I don't know of any sane person that will be willing to watch Marvel capeshit.
That's just because you don't know anyone
Indians and their obsession with capeshit is unhealthy if you ask me.
How pathetic is your life?
china will buy disney out within 10 years
it's inevitable
How can you watch the same capeshit movie 15 times and not go insane?
It's so far past nihilism that they don't even understand why they are alive anymore. They live only to spend money.
It's got to a point where people feel like they ARE the brands they consume now. I wonder were we go from here.
Have you guys ever casually browsed the MCU and DCU subreddits? These people are fucking nuts, straight up. Marvel fans have slightly better taste, but they're both equally batshit insane.
absolutely based
>you lived long enough to see abatap turn into the hero
Oh sweet jesus kek
Well, china hates black people and wom*n.
have sex
and dont forget to put on pants before you leave the house
Net worth $6M, 37 years old and retired
>I’m an avachad, what did you expect?
Holy fuck you newfags have no idea how much I miss that guy
I don't like Avatar, but this user is still correct
smart people
women and niggers have all but destroyed the west at the behest of their (((masters)))
Niggers buy anything that market them
This is why most ads now have some nigger family or an interracial couple in them now: If you show a nigger positively in your advertisements, they go out and buy all your shit. It's easy money and companies want to cash in now
Movie landscape changes over time. Comparring movies from different eras is pointless. Nowadays you can watch a movie in full HD 3 months after its theatrical release. I don't even bother going to the theater due to this unless it's some big spectacle.
same with women
groups with the mind of children are easy to control
Capvengers and skywalker are owned by the same master now, so that is a bitter chalice
Yep, and if that is not sad enough there are still people that believe in Capitalism that hold right wing views, when they should be rejecting Capitalism for Capitalism rejected them
>Thanos gloating
>Fails in the end like Endgame
Honestly kino
I don't know which excel spreadsheet you got this from, but titanic made far less than avatar and gone with the wind, even adjusted for inflation
You just know this guy also hates trump and posts on his Twitter about how great onions lattes and socialism is, while at the same time giving his money to a multi billion dollar company that funds child pedophile rings
This is a spreadsheet that uses something like, the WW record holder's multiple of the #10 movie of the year and uses Endgame as the benchmark movie. With that Avatar adjusts to $4B and Titanic adjusts to $5B (that's how much they towered over their era's counterparts).
Gone with the Wind is a lot more complicated because record keeping wasn't great back then, and it had 9 releases, over like 20 years with no home video, so it's probably best to just give it your best shot and crown it as GOAT of its era but with an asterisk using this method.
Americans deserve Trump
onions having better taste..
nice try tranny
Sorry, I meant it uses the #10 movie of 2018 as the benchmark movie and then uses the multiple the past WW record holders over the #10 of their year, and just multiplies the #10 movie of 2018 by that multiple to get the WW figure.
E.g., Avatar was 12x the #10 movie in 2009. Check the #10 movie of 2018 and multiply it by 12 to get Avatar's "adjusted" gross for current year. (just an example, I don't know what multiple Avatar was, just explaining the chart).
Good explanation, thanks. I somehow always knew Titanic's run was GOAT, even adjusted. It was just too big worldwide for months and months to not be #1.
One issue with GwtW is ticket prices and admissions weren't tracked very well, nor the year in which the tickets were sold. I know GwtW was best of its era but boxofficemojo's adjusted figure for it is bollocks.
This is a great way to account for "b-b-but social media / netflix / piracy" etc. when comparing box office runs of different eras. Which films stood tall over the others and by how much. I like this much better than inflation adjusted.
they hate whites too fren
>Marvel fans have slightly better taste
[x] doubt
sort of, but they have a grudging respect for whites because whites have conquered most of the world at various times... they just see blacks with a mixture of pity and disgust. it's a very different feeling
i feel that the cap movies are probably the best marvel movies, which isn't saying much
redpilled, and dare i say it, based
Yes but you will resent it more when chinks "move" into your neighborhood and inflate the prices of the houses by ten fold without actually living in them than a few annoying niggers. God I fucking hate slant-eyes.
Decades of social engineering every single second tier
it's funny cause it's true, but what makes it sad is that dc doesn't even try to meme, while marvel tries it's heart out to meme.
Then the autistic child spouts it out at a block party, only letting out immense amount of cringe, so the chad dad has to come in and slap the kid for being so lame and onion.
that's why don't raise your kids with disney.
inb4 but their childhood is gonna suck.
Just give them kino like Looney tunes. tom n jerry, and other non onion shit
this is what atheism looks like
Oh believe me I’m redpilled on the yellow menace but pound for pound I’d rather have a few Asians around than Africans. Sucks if they jacked your rent but that’s why you gotta buy my friend and also vote against H1B programs and shit like that.
Its nice to see the delusion and napoleon complex of Marveltards fall apart.
Its NPCism, they completely replaced their personality for consumable trends.
This is actually peak socialist mindset. These are the people who vote for Bernie and want free shit. Their identity is the things they like so in a capitalist society it’s the brands they like and in politics if you disagree it’s hate speech etc.
Endgame is a better movie than Avatar
What’s funny is that’s an image from the completely superior film IW which is the only reason Endgame made what it did, everyone liked seeing the superheroes get dusted. Too bad they came back.
Endgame is Seinfeld series-finale tier. All the emotional moments in all 23 movies in the MCU don’t add up to the major emotional beats of Avatar which isn’t even James Cameron’s best film. Not a single one of the MCU movies touches TDK or even Batman Begins. God the life of an MCU fan must be pathetic.
See you tomorrow.
Stealth countdown thread
918 days
robust network
>tfw Avatar 2 beats avatar
this is why Pratt is the superior Chris
last knight was kino as fuck. who are all you churchmice talking all this smack?
I prefer actual Africans over Chinese, but of course Chinese are better than African-Americans.
this is actually pretty good and even the dumb shop of jake sully worked ok
>Watch the same movie in theatres 15 times
>So that a specific movie gets the most money
Imagine being this cucked
>Avengers is a 3 hour movie
>Seeing it 15 times takes 45 hours
>Wasting two full days of your life watching the same movie
I am impressed and disgusted
I may have seen jurassic park, star wars, or some other common tv movie 24 times in the last couple decades but even that's a stretch
The funeral crap KILLED the rewatch value of Endgame. Avatar was mostly fun from beginning to end.
They're just giving people what they want, it's our fault that we're fucking idiots that will buy literal shit if it's shaped like ironman.
Unironically based and redpilled
Avatar made ~15% of China's box office. It would do 1.5 billion today
>giving an already bloated movie industry hundreds of your dollars and dozens of hours of your time just in the hope that it'll move up one notch on some arbitrary leaderboard
That isn't materialism. At least with materialism, you actually get stuff for your money. This is next level idiocy
Avatar 3x'd the record holder, by that metric it would make over $2B. But point taken it would've made a shitload more than Endgame did if China was as big a market. $1B - 1.5B is probably more realistic. We'll see when Avatar 2 comes out.
I feel bad for the kid, children are monsters.
Reminds me of how Chinese treat dogs. Reminder that any civilization which abuses pets abuses children in the same manner.
>Laughing at losers is called being buttmad
hahaha the utter state of mcu fags
This post is either bait or the result of severe mental illness onset by a critical amount of coping
What movie? Looks kino.
It's fucking hilarious India thinks they're important. Why the fuck does Pajeet think re-releasing the moving will give the movie a $40M boost? It barely made $60M in its 1st run. Avatar made $2.7B in its 1st run, and only made $50M extra in its re-release WORLDWIDE.
Pajeet's rupees are fucking worthless. Each ticket sale adds $0.10 to the box office.
Wonder why ultrons the worst performing avengers
In the capitalist society we always observe the commoditization of fetish, but here we see the truly disturbing reversal: the fetishization of commodity itself. An irrational desire or fetish made into a commercial product is perhaps most clearly seen by Woke Capital's adoption of #PrideMonth. In such a case, the transgressive fetish is made really acceptable while maintaining the illusion of impropriety; not a soul in 2019 will dare speak out and say that it's not OK to be gay, but the queers still maintain via their disgusting parades and similar that they are the real rebels. This is ideology of a particular sort, wherein the affected place ironic distance between their reality as accepted and their identity as oppressed.
Which brings us to this image. Phenomenologically, the young man (for we must assume it is such, as he photographed the door without including his face in it) is experiencing a similar movement to that of the gays. He casts himself, a cog in the corporate machine, a mere organ donor, a paypig, as a combatant against the Cameronian menace. So far all appears similar to the previous case.
But his fetishization of the corporate experience introduces disturbing new phenomenology. No longer does the industrial society adopt the fetish; it manufactures it. Disney has created a social fiat currency given value only by its own word and backing, while at least homosexuality has its orgasms as a sort of gold standard. The fetish here is as a castle in the air without foundations; were the corporation to disappear the fetish would have no power. His fetish of Avengers-qua-social currency assumes for itself the appearance of sincerity--"some get tired, but not us. We're the genuine article, the real deal." It is a verifiably true principle that one who insists he is being sincere is the most insincere of all; he is incapable of sincerity, only of (the dialectically distinct) nonirony (see, for instance, anyone who posts "this but unironically").
He is stating the fact, though. Telling that #2 movie is a failure is a very hard coping and damage control from DCucks and butthurt Yea Forumsers.
It's shit, and it got popular amongst normies.
This shit happens all the time, deal with it.
True Lies.
Nigger, it's definitive Arnie kino.
>only seen 3 of these
>only one was memorable.
Why do people care this much about mediocre movies?
Good post
marvelcucks are lower than vermin
Titanic is easily the best one. Disaster kino.
why the hell is every fucking thing a good thing
surely theres a possible outcome thats bad
Remember when Marvel had dignity and made good films like the original Spiderman?
msoiU's are full onion
>just donated half my rent money to Bernies campaign
how can one man be so based
Avatar was such a stupid fucking movie I can't believe it
Kill yourself and your nigger speak you fucking redditor.
Indians have been obsessed with capeshit for the last 8 000 years, just read their ancient mythology
>Telling that #2 movie is a failure
if number one is the only way to not fail
and you are not number one
imagine having this little respect for yourself
Corporatism will consume the nation states, thats the actual NWO
He writes in memes because it is cool and he gets paid to do that.
>It's so embarrassing that the world had put as trash as Avatar on the top of the list
>50% top 10 is Marvel
You know that's not true
The irony about the inflation comment is that Endgame would have only been able to beat Avatar if it was adjusted for inflation. And now it never will lmao
>internet incel finds way to talk about how the gays have had it too good for too long in capeshit thread.
Kill yourself.
You would be too, if you had held the crown of two biggest movies of all time as long as he has. Unlike many other directors, people also know who he is. Who the hell remembers who directed any of the Marvel movies? Or Fast and the Furious movies? Or who directed Jurassic Park movies besides Spielberg?
Very true. Endgame has done 614 million dollars from China alone. China was its second biggest area.
Imagine actually being a fan of this shit
because everyone rushed in to see it first week so as to not get spoiled
having said that, it WILL beat Avatar by september
avatarcucks are delusional to think it will not
Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.
From his profile:
>Going to the movies allows me to escape from the hectic world and enjoy my life without worrying about my obligations, etc. keep doing you
Good Goy.
It's just you, most boards I go to are now more racist than ever
>this is your brain on atheism
My work lives on