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Other urls found in this thread:


black dude named Lauren???

Honestly? If they trigger /pol/, I support them.

*donald trump voice*

Yew are fake news.

Jon hamm drinking Stella

They have way too many fucking writers

Is that Robert?

And and and and and and and and

Sometimes black dudes are named ashley too

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BREAKING NEWS: Netflix shows are bad for good reasons.

i once met a black guy named tracey

Have sex, incels.

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How did the soiboys manage to keep their mouths closed for this one?

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Christ on a fucking crutch.

Only in prison.

We are all /pol/

WTF A NIGGER hehe:^)

only two pocs and all male ? where are the blue haired tumblerinas.

netflix needs to go under

They put dildos on their asses so it causes then to clench their jaws in pain.

>It's happening.

>oh shit our entire studio is nothing but wh*toid males
>quickly, make two of these do some gay shit so we're still passing the lgbtqtojobnsoe+ benchmark

I once worked at a factory with a nogger named Ashley. He wore a backwards hat every single day and drove the forklift like an idiot. He always said "lets get this money cmon man" to try to motivate me, a recent college graduate, to work faster at my temp job in a factory. Hebomce knocked over a whole stack of product on the lift and I had to stay late to help him pick it all up. He incessantly kept saying "cmon man lets get it done". I never went back after leaving that day. Thanks for reading.

They name boys Lauren in UK

What the fuck is wrong with americans? Not even euros are this faggy

californians aren't american

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what could possibly go wrong


What programming language is she using ?

lol this shit is going to flop hard


So are people even going to watch this? Why would it get popular? Didnt game of thrones have like 1 black person? I didnt watch it

"Stand next to this pit you we can shoot you, filthy goyim."

"I'm about to die, but at least this would trigger /pol/."

Jelly of the forklift operator, I see

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Did you just assume gender?


shitposter version when?

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he cant keep getting away with it!

he seems like an alright co-worker

I mean, you DO wanna get that money right? Right?

The REAL tweet is actually worse.

Attached: ohboyicantwait.png (471x653, 334K)

A-are these real? Is this a thing? Are forklift drivers somehow renowned for their endurance and grit?

My nigger-faggotry may hurt your feelings or offend you, I suggest you suck my cock you fucking faggot, I stop for no jannie!

They're all gay, so it's super diverse

i kinda want it just to say i have it

More like pozzed group selfies

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hell yeah brother

women ruin everything.

Why would moot betray us like this?

What the film equivalent to this shirt?

Showing his writing chops

Recently moved to America. Can confirm Fork Lift drivers are treated with this bizzare reverence. Strange place.

Attached: luomo-senza-sonno.jpg (828x477, 37K)

Would I, a non-forklift operator, be appropriating their culture if I wore one of these shirts?

Attached: qCDWoA3.jpg (1607x1657, 148K)

Attached: m_Awesome-Shirt-For-Forklift-Operator.jpg (550x550, 36K)

“That’s a good thing and here’s why” instantly pisses me off to no fucking end


absolutely based lmao

Dude, forklift drivers in America are like gods.

that nigga seems based though

Lol, and /pol/ makes fun of others for having trigger words. You’re no different, bub.

haha you seem upset pussy be a man

So is it possible this flops? Has it already made its money?

>muh /pol/
Difference is we just say 1 sentence about it on the internet.

You trannies riot in the streets.

Thanks fren.
Real talk, tho, you should all take the lift pill. Google "forklift operator shirts" and be amazed. I have a folder of 23 such images.

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is this shirt saying he'll kill you with his forklift?

Fake and gay.

I see you’ve swept Charlottesville under the rug already.


>Statements give me PTSD
>Statements annoy me
I see no difference here

Certainly not Whitespace

Ashley is a gender-neutral name in the UK.


Fuckin neat. Truly a blessed, and based, thread! Include these dubs in the screencap

Oh no now it's going to be liberal propaganda, just like the video games!

literally who?

It would be very triggering for me if you jump off a 6 floor building.

Choice quints lad

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woah, since when was christian bale so ripped?

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>Christopher Poole
lmao niggamoot


I think she meant pozzed

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What? In the UK people drive around in forklifts for fun. You can get a license on your dinner break.

why did people turn out this way? its almost unhuman

People are actually proud of operating forklifts for a living?



Are you talking about the gays or the forklifts?

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Damn nigga just shut up and MAKE THAT MONEY CMON MAN

My dad's was a forklift driver for 30 years, I never got a vibe like this from him. Although he was sleep deprived.


Yes, he gets enraged when he sees a sòyboy limp-wristed office worker and runs them over with his forklift like a true blue collar Chad.

lmao based

Moot would write that, what a fag.

Holy shit I'm not even a Witcher fan but def gonna watch this to witness what an UTTER trainwreck it's gonna be.

>writer's room
See, here's your problem, you've got too many people directing the tone, there's no purity of vision.

One story should have no more than three people planning it out, tops.

fake and old

Forklift operators are real men.

based and cringe

>he doesnt know

lol u mad? u mad bro? he mad LOL butthurt BTFO

>hard working, wants to get that money
>lazy, had to pick up stuff ONE SINGLE DAY, quit
It's amazing how the uneducated nignog had a better work ethic then your enlightened self.


Women and gays ruining polish woke moment!
Witcher for Poles is like Black Panther for Blacks

Attached: typical polish household.jpg (960x741, 127K)

So when is this witcher going to air?

Why do TV shows have this many writers? Do you really need more than one or two?

In America, only 5% of the population are physically fit enough to fit into and operate a forklift in the first place. Then, only a very small percentage of those few are intelligent enough to pass the exams for their forklift licenses. This makes them the elite of the elite in American society

Wow, looks like THAT?

Attached: 1536586660935.gif (320x384, 1.15M)

Neck yourself, newfag.


You sound like the nigger in this story

That guy sounds based

Holy shit you are a massive fucking faggot. Imagine being such a useless lazy piece of shit you can't even handle factory/warehouse work stacking boxes. That 60IQ nigger was a better employee than you. Think about that and sort yourself you retarded cunt.

Foggies, known formally as Forklift Operators, are highly respected in most states. It's considered a lack of respect if you don't say "thank you for your service" when you meet one.

why do they write like this

wtf I hate Moot even more now?

holy moly

What did hebomce do?

Losin' steam, boys!

Glad to see moeposter is still alive and doing well.

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Do you know how to drive a forklift? lmao didnt think so nerd.

is it a visual novel?

>Christopher Poole
wew lads

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Honestly it's probably just so you can employ more people and create jobs out of thin air. But also it can help the process go faster. If only two people were writing the episodes might not get done quick enough. Idk, t. not a writer.

Whats the tipping situation here

>accidentally knocks shit over one time
>motivated to pick all of it up that same day while trying to motivate you as well
>you leave like a little bitch and blame it on the hardworking employee
You really tried to spin this as the black man being an idiot but the truth still came through

It’s like they all have the same template and sentence structuring I hate all those modern meme sentences


Can we talk about the shitshow that is netflix the witcher? Why do they have full control like this? The creators must be cringing.

What is the point of fake shit like this? Is it for credulous /pol/ zoomers who are stupid enough to believe everything they read on Yea Forums?

>Christopher Poole
>Trolling is a art
Did everyone here get trolled?

Don't tell me one of these people is callonetta

You should do some self reflecting user. It's not a coincidence that every reply is calling you out. Unless you somehow worded this incorrectly, to which I would say get much better at telling stories.

kill yourself

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he lets them do what they like and cashes in on it while saying none of their bullshit is canon, like what happened with the games

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They sure did

So his name was Ashley Hebomce or was Hebomce a separate character?

I think it was meant to be a joke but overestimated the intelligence of Yea Forums posters

you sure did


Except the creator of the witcher made about $12,000 from all 3 games and is forever salty about it

This would be the only way to get me to watch it.


he shouldve negociated a better deal then. he still got paid and the games boosted his book sales

Seems like top notch writing, doesn't it?

Yeah, he should have but he has always believed video games are cancer and didn't think they would get so popular. I never said the games didn't boost his book sales. No need to be so aggressive, I'm not Andrzej Sapkowski