Yea Forums unironically praises this garbage as Kubrick's best film

>Yea Forums unironically praises this garbage as Kubrick's best film
Why does this board have such shit taste?

Attached: 220px-Eyes_Wide_Shut_(1999)[1].png (220x325, 117K)

Not his best, but a good film anyway. Sydney Pollack at the end is great

5/10 at best

Take your bait with you back to whatever site you came from, you tourist.

What are your quibbles with this film?

Anyone got that pic of Tom Cruise walking in front of a really shitty and obvious rear projection?
It's a perfect testament to how garbage this shit is

>Objective facts are bait now

The movie's subtle masonic symbols subliminally programmed them to like it

>Why does this board have such shit taste?

Because EWS 'exposes' the elite lizard jewish Hollywood pedo ring that Yea Forums is so obsessed over, even thought there is literally 0 credible proof or evidence that such a thing exists.

this one?

Attached: tomcruisetreadmill.jpg (1024x1365, 159K)

It's his best movie


Attached: oyy.png (461x583, 2K)

Gee I wonder why it's so hard to find proof for something so secretive
Dumb ass

Attached: ED31820A-74AB-447E-AC0B-04B67B4B4225.gif (200x200, 1.32M)

It gives the scene a dream-like quality as the character floats precariously above the sidewalk and also satisfies Cruise's contract about urban shots at night.

>contract about urban shots at night

>Something looks like shit
Kubrickfags, everyone

That isn't The Shining

>If you don't like a poorly shot, poorly written, awfully acted pile of dogshit, you're jewish
God I fucking hate how /pol/ has ruined all discussion on the site, not only are they already themselves absolute nuisances, they also singlehandedly caused the influx of redditors, trannies and SJWs

It's not complete without showing how shit it looks in the film

The Shining was a fun slasher flick with some fancy cinematography that people overanalyze. EWS is just shit.

>standard jewish divide & conquer rhetoric
sloppy job mossad

It's just a picture of 2 dots?

>t. assblasted /r/The_Donald refugee

>t. assblasted /r/got 2011 immigrant

plus, all that "illuminati" garbage is in the novella kubrick adapted, which was written in Austria in the 1920s. he did add free mason elements to the party, like the symbols on that chair red cloak is sitting in, but other than that, it's identical, word for word, to the novella.

back to your GOT or capeshit thread, imbecile.

I think Kubrick's last truly great film was Barry Lyndon, after that he became too focused on the visual aspect of filmaking; the script and storytelling side of his later films became weaker imo.

They're all cucks lol