ITT: Actors that will make you genuinely sad when you hear that they passed out

>ITT: Actors that will make you genuinely sad when you hear that they passed out

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Just get him water, retard

I'll be sad for a day or two, but then I'll completely forget about it and carry on with my life.

die jew

Tom Cruise.

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national treasure, so sad to realize he's gonna die someday

Sean Connery
Gene Hackman

What I thought he died

>geezer keeling over
That's the best way to die though. I only get sad over suicides and accidents.

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Cara a cute

I'm honestly not sure how long that guy will live. He's tall and a bit chunky but he also doesn't drink.
He might've had a history of coke and does adderall though.

Michael Caine

He gets the same fetus injections the Clintons do. All of these super rich are going to live to be 200.

I was led to believe he's immortal, though Ive heard there may be a technical flaw in the throne keeping him alive


>Trump randomly kicks the bucket
>everyone gets paranoid and thinks it's an assassination
>civil war
I hope he doesn't die.

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These two.

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Connery and Harrison Ford

>tfw paulie is going senile

>muh civil war meme that will never EVER happen
All first-worlders are too fat and lazy to riot and FUCK SHIT UP like they used to, none more so than the US (my cuntry)

Christopher Lee

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true but there would be some fringe psychos that would light people up

>What am I watchin it for anymore

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meanwhile junior is still perfectly sharp
>tfw can already somewhat feel your cognition slipping away at 30

>a bloo bloo bloo, this rich person died

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How does he do it

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>a suck fuck chuck, this sneed person died

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Stirner still had compassion towards other people though. He was an egoist but liked other people because they made him feel good.

>its the a bloo bloo faggot again
Who the fuck even says this?

Unironically. When he dies, Fred and Megatron dies.

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Thought he was already dead. Honestly I won't care when it happens.

This, the only time you hear of riots in the US it’s third worlders and negroes. It’s in their nature to destroy and act like animals, whites are either suffering from made up conditions like anxiety or depression or policing each other for racism to get out and fight the system

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>Gene Hackman

Thought he died like 10 years ago.

>Whenever you're rewatching the LOTR trilogy, you will think of his death
I dread the day.

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I thought they were all dead. Damn.