You can take our general, but you will nevertake our freedom!
And ability to post on Yea Forums, discuss the movie here and there and everywhere!
You can take our general, but you will nevertake our freedom!
And ability to post on Yea Forums, discuss the movie here and there and everywhere!
Other urls found in this thread:
What's the discord
why is that shitpile /got/ allowed to have a general but not alita? what's the justification? i liked the kino but i never really kept up with the generals. did sneedposters really bitch that much about alita that the janny deletes them on sight or what?
shut the fuck up tranny
did they make her creepy on purpose?
>tranny discord durrr dilate hurrr tranny durr discord
You stupid fucking weebs weren't even discussing the movie, that's why the general was nuked. It was just circlejerking, which is not allowed here.
I think it was more the product of casting an ugly as fuck shitskin
>circle-jerking is not allowed
>literally every general in the history of Yea Forums has been a big wank fest, including the current GoT and Cherbumble generals
You're not wrong, but you're also being very biased and dishonest. Either nuke them all (best choice) or simply allow it across the board. This mickey mouse pick and choose shit is bullshit.
I'm glad the general is gone. A failed general for a failed movie
>every single general
>not a circlejerk
at least they were making OC
*tips buena vista social club hat*
'tis correct. Alita was a failed disaster of humongous proportions *smirks*
I mean, it only made twice its budget, and regardless if it is poised to make even more when the blurays and dvds hit the market, it doesn't matter *coughs up phlegm* because Alita is a failed movie that has failed us all.
*teleports back into the shadows*
Theres nothing to discuss. Thebmovie was shit. End of the story.
I haven't seen it either and think it's also shit. Want to exchange snapchats?
the roof
>twice it's budget
That's a bomb user
Not really. Everyone who got paid to make that film (from the mexican carpenters to the actors to the producers and studio executives) got paid for the film. They all happily made money. Making twice its budget guarantees that a film made at least more than the people who financed it put into it (the investors and stock holders). A bomb is a film that underperforms and makes a lot less than its reported budget. Because in such cases there is no incentive of even trying again.
People think box office is the end all of things for movies, when it really isn't. A lot of "cult" flicks make their money from the bluray/dvd market, and nowadays we have streaming. To bring up a relevant example, Mall Rats was a complete flop at the box office but found its audience in the dvd market. That movie made a lot of money and allowed Kevin Smith to continue his career.
If alita sold two tickets you'd have a point. Instead, you should be looking out for the sequel that is bound to come in a couple of years.
>theaters show it for free
>no advert budget
Making 2x production budget means its still in the red.
Rosa Salazar is a qt you brainlet
This looks like SJW female-tier trash.
Ahaha, quite the opposite....
It is
>theaters show it for free
What? Theaters barely get anything, which is why concessions are so highly priced.
>no advert budget
The advertising meme is just that, a meme. Which is why I brought up bluray/dvd sales. Advertising is a one cost proposition that has an exponential benefit. I'm talking about things like franchising, merchandise, trademark rights. They pay a sum at first to sell a movie (a property) that will pay them back generously in the long run.
>still in the red
All hollywood movies are technically in the red due to hollywood accounting and their unscrupulous tactics. But that's of course not what you meant here. Just know that Alita is not Jupiter Ascending (a film that only matched its budget at the box office). Alita is a much bigger IP, which is still going in its original manga form, and has a huge fanbase.
I could also bring up Ghostbusters here to make my point further. Hugely successful franchise that hit a stump with the 2016 movie (which made half its budget at the box office), but another movie is well on the way. My point is that box office is only a part of the equation, there are far too many factors to consider when talking about a movie's inevitable success (or lack thereof).
autism: the post
>Theaters barely get anything
Theaters get like anywhere from 20-40%.
That's not "barely anything."
>mods let general live because it's in the spirit of Yea Forums and it's anime culture
>butthurt redditors get annoyed at it's existence
>start spamming shit and trolling in it while samefagging and evading bans
>said faggots start spamming reports on it too
Hmmm yes it was totally nuked because of "circle jerking all the time".
/virginity/ general? I'm here to give some great tips:
1.grow taller than 5'6
2. Change your diet and wash your face and body, women hate men who stink and have bad acne
3. Somehow make your face less ugly, this could be done through cosmetic surgery or even proper sunglasses/ certain angled photos to trick women into meeting you. If you use the photo trick step 4 will be even more important
4. Stop having autism. Literally change your personality OR use your autism to memorize enough keyed responses to make it through a date
Any questions alitacels?
>Spirt of Yea Forums
>Namefagging and drama
Pathetic. Your general is dead chucklefuck. Time to move on
/abag/ was great for 99 threads.
/alita/ was sort of ok until 50 threads.
After that it became trash.
>spirit of Yea Forums
>uwu alita a cute!!! Kissu XDDD healz for everyone XDD
Maybe the spirit of gaiafags come back from the grave to spread aids and cancer
>Discussing the movie
You were posting the same few memes at each other.
Alita general was the worst thing that happened to Yea Forums
Alita was a great film though, best of the year so far but the fanbase is awful
>Alita was a great film though, best of the year
These pretty much.
People who saw it in theaters already picked it apart down to every last split second cut and minor detail and people who missed it haven't had a chance to see a high quality copy and won't until the bluray is released. Not much can be discussed until the bluray's out apart from arguing about meta bullshit like box office performance.
>it became trash
Exactly, which is our mod overlords generously moved them to /trash/ instead of banishing them to the shadow realm. Now the ungrateful alitards spit upon the mods good will. Very shameful if you ask me.
Best thing to do whenever you see an alita thread is to completely ignore them, don't engage them in any sort of discussion just report the fuck out of every last avatarfag and shitposter in the thread. Their go to move whenever someone bitched about their awful gen was to spam report until a mod had to take action, and nothing makes them angrier then getting these weird threads 404'd early. So do what they do. Every time I see an alita thread I go out of my way to report it, and I just reported this one and about 16 other shill posts itt. And I won't stop until you're gone and you stay gone either btw.
These threads are 90% people shitting on alitacels, I don't know what motivates them to keep at it
cognitive dissonance: the post
Poor thing, honestly man I'm trying to help you guys have sex so you can stop obsessing over an ugly big eyed shitskins. What has been holding you back from getting laid?
Based, but recently its been taking a while for threads to get deleted and the last few were not. These threads need to be spammed so they do not take root and namefag drama does not occur.
probably 300lb pink-hair hamplanets that can't compete with hot URM girls
>projecting this much
>cringe nerd joke
>ackshully you're the one who needs to have sex not me
>Unironically making 500 threads about a little girls movie.
Holy fuck you alitards lack any sort of self awareness
>that image
>that response
M8. I genuinely can help you out, you just have to take a deep breath and tell me what's holding you back
Also I forgot to add a very VERY important step that could in itself, if combined properly with 2 and 3 maybe get you a 5/10
5. If you are a fat fuck HIT THE GYM. Change your diet for Christ sake. Stop drinking soda, eat half portions, start jogging or walking a few miles EVERY DAY IF POSSIBLE. /fit/ might not be a great place to start because they will mock the shit out of you and I've never been to reddit but I'm sure that would be more your speed regardless
Can you give me some more tips? You're making great progress here.
Why do zoomers have a unibrow
6.tinder is NOT THE WAY TO GO. Girls on tinder are much more likely to be looking for men who are completely pathetic and are generally trying to just fuck around. Only use tinder if you are willing to settle for a 3/10 or lower. Even if you match with girls many times they will ghost you or straight up not show up to dates. BUMBLE is the way to go, women on there must message you first so you know they are genuinely interested in meeting you. There are less thots on Bumble and the women generally have lower standards. Unfortunately for you alitacels, this means MULTIPLE text conversations before a potential date, so here is an area you may struggle in. My suggestion? Do not talk about masturbating to Alita or use phrases such as "a cute!","kissu!","healz!". This level of autism can be extremely off-putting to women and can end a date prematurely.
*aren't completely pathetic
because alita sucks faggot
Fans of Alita will turn into homosexual suicide bombers as soon as their waifu fantasy is confirmed to be a flop that will never get a sequel. They should be incarcerated for life and subjected to healthy media such as The Kardashians, Huffington Post and Marvel movies in order to fix their broken psyche.
pretty dedicated samefag shitposting
what is it about alita that pisses you off so much?
Based. Can't have this one general but can have a billion threads about foot fungus tranny-approved (((MCU)) shit.
Hes just a capeshitter, mad about all their movies being forgotten.
Literal retard
Gay nigger
Kill yourself
Thanks for confirming that this general was banned because it offends the feminist fucktards that have invaded this board.
Your general was almost as cancerous as /ks/ on /vg/
What was ks?
>Talking about general faggotry instead of the movie
Just lead with something about the movie or kys, user
>alita fags on suicide watch
maybe Yea Forums can be saved
Deport yourself robospic
Fuck off alitard
Alita generals are banned
July 23 release for the DVD.
Which means just a couple of weeks for the rips, which will boost discussion. So odd to kill the generals now, when they actually would be useful.
Jannies. *shrugs*
Reminder that Alitafrens are the cream of the crop of this board.
Fuck off back to your discord sweetie. The other generals are welcome because they have Yea Forums related discussion unlike these alita shitposting threads.
No you aren't. You've been spamming the same shit for months. You are also wrong about the other generals. They do have fresh OC you lying peice of shit.
>t. typical delusional shitalita fag
They aren't wrong. Alita is the best movie this year. JW III is the only runner up. Every other movie so far has been garbage.
talking about the movie isn't banned, just being a general faggot is
That's what I said autismo. Unfortunately for you, you fags devolve right into le healz kissu namefag shit under the premise of "discussion"
if you're here, respond.
Don't give alitanigs so much credit. They don't even meme post anymore. They just spam and fling shit. Look at this pathetic thread. They didn't even bother with memes or discussion. Most every post they made so far is a "fuck you" to Yea Forums because they are asshurt over losing their general. Mods need to nuke these shit threads sooner. They are seriously detrimental to the board.
I think it was a great film. It starts out with Alita being all innocent and shit, and that's reflected not only with her wardrobe and positive demeanor but the world around her as well. It's sunny and enjoyable, and she's having the time of her life. As the film progresses everything turns increasingly dark and bleak, and that's reflected in the cinematography as well. It isn't just Alita either, it's everything around her too. Grewishka turns from some random-ass cyborg into a complete monster, no longer human in any way. Ido comes to grips with losing his daughter. Hugo realizes he's a piece of shit. Chiren does as well, and Zapan becomes consumed by his vanity. At the end it isn't just about Alita finding her identity in a society that's lost its own, it's about everyone she's come into contact with finding theirs. I love how they didn't just go for the "dark and bleak" aesthetic from the start, since that's a cheap way to sell us a dystopian society and instead it was all sunny and happy until thing went really wrong.
The namefag cutnigger is in the discord where you should be too faggot.
I joined the discord yesterday, and then uninstalled the app twelve hours later.
That shit will disrupt your life.
If you go there, make sure to say hi to writefag.
I've been telling you fucks that you're part of a cult for quite some time. I'm glad you got out.
Did they make you take estrogen pills or cut yourself lol?
BD's taking forever for me
Any special covers?
they make you register for Discord
The weird shit about these alita trannies is that the movie itself is fucking dogshit bad and completely undeserving of more than a couple of threads of discussion, let alone a general.
The animation itself is fine, but she doesn't seamlessly fit in with the surrounding environment and the other live characters, it's a glaring disconnect. Her voice is dislocated from the character, it sounds like an adult woman and not a cute robo girl.
I don't think they are all trannies but clearly many of them are and have identified with this character. The rest are just waifu fags who weren't beaten by their fathers and brag about paying to see a terrible film 15 times.
No, it was a pop up every time someone posted.
You couldn't watch a tv show or movie without chatty assholes wanting to talk about tv shows or movies interrupting.
There's settings you can change to hide the popups and sounds, user.
They stayed in their general. I don't see the issue. All the mods did was make room for more /pol/ threads.
At least two of you are somewhat less autistic.
>Using shitcord
Did you know the creators of discord enborse furrys who are into cub shit?
You can join our discord but if you're a tranny then fuck you nigga, you're dead.
>I don't see the issue
That's because there literally never was one, it was always about butthurt autists being irrationally mad about the movie and Alita, resorting to being spamming obnoxious faggots to the point mods would rather nuke the general then try and deal with previously mentioned retards.
I guess we were just that threatening.
If you attempt to have an Alita thread up round the clock (which you do) then it's a fucking general wether you call it that or not.
The greater offense was never having movie discussion in there, 95% actual discord trannies who probably never saw the movie anyway but like to dilate their axe wounds to the fantasy that they too one day, can make it as a "real girl" like Alita.
>mfw never even watched Alita or ever posted in their generals but I'm enjoying this drama
>The greater offense was never having movie discussion in there, 95% actual discord trannies who probably never saw the movie anyway but like to dilate their axe wounds to the fantasy that they too one day, can make it as a "real girl" like Alita.
is this what it's like when somebody has their head so far up their anus that they don't even pretend to believe what they say?
You general isn't gone alitards, it's in niw. You booty blasted crybabies just refuse to post there.
keep to your tranny discord trash
hit's a bit too close to home huh tranny?
you will never pass
its an objectively bad movie that was on the front page every single minute of every single day. Which caused people to like it less and less each time. This is a proven phenomena in marketing. Constant exposure to something people don't like causes dislike to mutate into outright hatred.
If anyone points out any of it's objective flaws, you get called a troll. Then if no one "trolls" in this fashion, the threads were just a constant stream of the same tiny handful of incredibly shitty images.
So you couldn't discuss anything in the threads and there was nothing in the threads anyone (other than the dozen or so autists) wanted to see. How could you think no one would have any problem with this? You couldn't even hide the threads as you retards would spam through the bump limit in hours.
>If you attempt to have an Alita thread up round the clock (which you do) then it's a fucking general wether you call it that or not.
literally kys
>its an objectively bad movie
This is literally your opinion and, "objectively" over 90% of everyone that has seen it has liked it, allowing a movie that would have flopped to actually making back it's budget almost entirely on word of mouth.
> was on the front page every single minute of every single day
It never was, especially with the last couple hundred generals.
>I-I didn't like the movie s-so no one else did, only shills are posting Alita!
>never even watched Alita
You're missing out. Watch it when the bluray is released.
Alita and BR2049 will share a similar fate on this board, being discussed every day for the next fifty years despite the sperging of those afflicted with an inability to pursue personal integrity at a high level.
>over 90% of everyone that has seen it has liked it
It has been explained to you that if 26k people is a represenative sample, then only around 400k people saw the movie, so that would be an objective flop.
She's cute and since she's half French her skin is really light anyways
>all these buttblasted retards getting mad over
small group of fans who kept to themselves and endured constant low effort shitposting
it really is amusing to watch you guys work yourselves up as we laugh at you.
>failed movie
This isn't a Dark Phoenix thread
You need help. Seek a professional therapist immediately before you try killing yourself from seeing another Alita thread.
its been explained to you why that happened.
She beats a man to death with her bare hands about 15 minutes in, this movie is so violent it would be rated R if the cyborg blood wasn't blue.
Dudes this was an extremely mediocre movie.
Not terrible but not good. The character design was obviously a complete fuck up as we know there were very late changes.
Could they not just cast a girl instead of going full cgi motion capture?
It amazes me that they're such newfags they literally never learned to use a filter. It's like nigguh, if Alita bothers you that much is requires almost no effort to filter all Alita threads and never see them again.
He's not and there's no way for you to know that without being in the discord yourself
so... yea, you made a claim, it was explained to you why that claim was wrong/faulty, and now you're... what? I'm lost here.
Why have Josh Brolin do performance capture for Thanos, why not just do prosthetics like Hellboy
The only thing wrong/faulty here is you. And you thinking that everyone that has ever seen the movie is going to be going on IMDB to give the movie any sort of rating.
only newfags use filters
your posts are prime examples of why it got moved into /trash/, blanket tranny.
because it's fun to fuck with retards
>this is what newfags actually believe
Actually I'm Cismale, and father of a prematurly born, but healthy 3mo boy.
Have sex.
filters are a means to take Yea Forums and turn it into a hugbox echo-chamber. So, yes, only newfags use them. or need them.
as its also documented that avoiding things that bother you makes you more sensitive to them, not less.
so, yea, only the members of the mainstream internet, newfags, use filters.
is this another word for gay?
Cis-male means someone who was born a male and remained a male, it's a new term invented by SJWs as a way of marginalizing normal people
>alitafag has a retard baby
why didn't you smother it?
Have sex
I’m starting to think all these stray alita threads since the general got obliterated are made with the sole purpose of building and reinforcing hatred towards alita and its fan base, it’s like a fly trap made by a sneedposter to attract the incel diehard autist alita fans left over to make cringe posts and thereby allow the rest of Yea Forums to laugh at them
Have sex
>as its also documented that avoiding things that bother you makes you more sensitive to them, not less.
Ah. So reporting threads and trying to get stuff you dont like removed is weakness. Got it. Bitch.
It's entirely possible
I am going to buy the blu-ray!
Were is the sneed posters when you need them
You're talking to someone who doesn't report threads. Who's trying to explain to you in the most factually based terms why what happened, happened.
Facts going over your head seems to be par for the course though. As well as being a bitch.
>periodically check in on these threads
>never see this webm
you bunch of faggots
these aren't our threads anymore. but we do post it at our temporary home.
Because ms marvel is the future of the MCU and they have to memory hold how she got the shit kicked out of her by alita and marvel was forced to paper their way to a box office success.
Dont worry, when avatar 2 comes out and blows all of marvels pathetic phase plans the fuck out, Cameron will have his day in the sun.
/trash/ is your permanent home though
In Hollywood producer speak maybe. Too bad Cameron has enough clout that it doesnt matter. Face it, alita beat Ms Marvel so bad hollywhore shills had to invade RT, pay off new sites for good articles, and paper the theaters top to bottom.
>theaters show it for free
Wasnt that what captain fungus foot did, all those "help a girl watch this movie" drives and ticket giveaways.
>I deliberately entered a thread full of things that I do not like and now I am mad. How could this be happening to me?
end your life nigger
capeshitter still seething
>Yea Forums is twitter now
You kids are fucking pathetic losers.
that would be dark phoenix, which is currently bombing
>if you reply to me you're mad
>calls others pathetic
>obviously keeps this shit listed in a notepad or word document so he can remind himself daily how not to be a loser
Fucking gay.
So something absolutely no one noticed existed unless they went out of their way to be annoyed by it?
>reee you belong in the trash
imagine going out of your way to post in every single last thread about a topic you don't like, sperging out, and then trying and act like you're the one without a mental illness
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You don't belong here. Get out of my board.
>anyone who replies to me is the same person
Gay retard
it actually doesn't matter, dumbass
i wasn't the original person he replied to either, it holds either way
>everyone is the same person!
>some loser spent 5 minutes typing that out and then spamming it in every single Alita thread
Thanks for the free bump and (you).
>not even taking the time to write it out
each bump gets this shitty thread closer to dying
>check archive
>its only been posted 3 times
>failing this hard at reading comprehension
Okay, then someone else will make another Alita thread later on. You're not achieving anything, other then polluting the board while simultaneously complaining about it being polluted. That's some serious cognitive dissonance.
except if no one is the same person, then nothing you've said is valid. so you may as well be spewing gibberish.
have sex with your mother
And I will shit up that thread too. Since I'm not making these threads, I'm not shitting up the board. You on the other hand are polluting the board because you are basically ban evading in a desperate attempt to cling to some semblance of your former self. You will never have your comfy generals on Yea Forums. No more kissu. No more heals.
if you wanted to shit up the threads without bumping them to the first page you can sage but apparently you're too retarded to do that newfag
>Every shitposter in this thread is me
not me, you're a faggot
>ban evading and samefagging and spamming some retarded Simpsons meme
>not polluting
The absolute state of Yea Forumseddit.
Why can't alitards into reading comprehension? Is it because you're all turbo speds?
The only people ban evading here are the sneed posters, you actual retard.
>anyone who responds to me is an alitard
good god you're dumb
Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.
Boo it's me, Jerome. I'm coming for your booties, Brandon and the rest of you pedo fucks.
He's breathtaking, unlike le goblina de atrocitdad