What are some movie franchises that went on way too long and got sad?

What are some movie franchises that went on way too long and got sad?
>fast and furious
>pirates of the carribean
>the entire MCU
>/bbg/ Bonbibonkers general #242

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I wonder if Bonbi likes getting her butthole licked.

Every single fucking one of them except James Bond and Godzilla, both of which are basically designed to go forever.

Star Wars. The Terminator. MiB. All things capeshit in two different universes. All of them. ALL of them.

John Wick

I give you two months to grow of of this first e-celeb crush you're having OP

Yeah Men in Black really is tired, a franchise with one good movie shouldn't still be around.
This, and Die Hard.
>2 months

based bonbiposter

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Joker (2019)

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try 8 months and no end in sight

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cute and honkpilled

Alien and Predator. Definitely Terminator.

cute boy

what the fuck did you just say about my wife

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how old is this girl anyway

old enough

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no bigger turnoff than a woman who tries too hard

hey bro

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>fast and furious

one of the top 10 highest grossing movies of all time is like FF7

still shit

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8 and the new spin off are entering sad territory.

qt girl but looks under 18 to me

is she jailbait


who cares just masturbate

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One day the mods will do their job and bring down the banhammer upon your wretched putrid self so hard you will never afflict this board with your presence again. Till then enjoy your shitty boderline fetish/pedo general you faggot. Reported.

Aliens, Terminator, and Predator. The trinity.

This girl's make up game is strong.

dude you need to have sex. (with a child)

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Oh wow she's so innocent and pure! ugu
I bet she doesn't even fuck black guys!

>posting a single reaction image gets you labelled a pedo and a faggot in modern Yea Forums

I bet bonbi is a huge cuddleslut.

she is the best
no, she blacked

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>the absolute state of r/tv/

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you think its funny

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