Thirty penises in one episode? Zendaya’s new series, filled with graphic nudity...

>Thirty penises in one episode? Zendaya’s new series, filled with graphic nudity, violence and drug use among young people, is so extreme that one star quit mid-shoot, but the network hopes that authenticity will help the show break through: "It's not sensational to be sensational."

This looks like a great show from Euphoria creator Sam Levinson

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sounds like shit.

>look goy, degeneracy! Be sure to WATCH now!!
Fuck off with your trash.

sounds sensational

Just bring back Real Sex already

lmao, dropped

So basically a US version of Skins?

>Thirty penises in one episode?

I have no idea who they're trying to sell this too but I'm glad its not me.

So basically HBO made a tv show of Kids?


((((they're))))) trying to sell it to ((((((((them)))))))))

I miss when sexual stuff on TV was just low key and good bants done for comedic effect, not all this degenerate shit.

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>Thirty penises in one episode? Zendaya’s new series, filled with graphic nudity, violence and drug use among young people, is so extreme that one star quit mid-shoot, but the network hopes that authenticity will help the show break through: "It's not sensational to be sensational."
>This looks like a great show from Euphoria creator Sam Levinson
yep. really makes me think.

>Series Directed by
>Sam Levinson

>Series Writing Credits
>Sam Levinson
>Ron Leshem
>Daphna Levin

Whatever happened to this Hugh Grant rip-off guy?

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Does she get nude though?

HBO has always been a seedy, disgusting pornography channel that constantly pushed the boundaries of extreme bad taste. they disguised this by spending a fortune on slick, hyper-partisan content like Obama documentaries and shows about women empowerment, mostly to better appeal to affluent homosexuals (who do you think wants to watch this depravity?)

This show is important because this is the frontier of their next battle: normalizing pedophilia.

The only reason a miracle like The Sopranos was allowed to happen was because they thought David Chase was a jew and it was too much of a sensation to cancel or poz-out

This is the question we need an answer to.

In a row?

>based on the Israeli series of the same name

Really activates the ol' almonds

MTV did a fucking number on the older millennials. I cant even fucking imagine how fucked up the zoomers who buy into the social conditioning are going to be

she won't but the vastly more attractive blonde will not only be nude but probably split roast by three black dudes the size of silverbacks. best we'll get is a brief butt shot or something of the goblina, but rest assured the pretty white girl will be debased beyond reason.

any braps?

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>It's not sensational to be sensational.

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Reading these threads is like a snapshot into the pathetic delusions of impotent, sad little men. Maybe try having sex?

What other stuff has Sam Levinson done?

They don’t even try to hide it. Might as well have the premier party in a pizza shop.

>What other stuff has Sam Levinson done?

>all these losers who didn't gangbang od'ing trannies during high school

Thank god the fine people at HBO are finally producing a show that demonstrates the true American high school experience

No idea, I could check IMDB but I'm too lazy.

>They don’t even try to hide it. Might as well have the premier party in a pizza shop.
It is amazing how subversive they are when they get into groups and have a medium where they don't have to censor themselves.

This, but unironically

That ugly mutt is in the new Spider-Man movie too. Funny how (((Disney))) has changed their attitude about this kind of shit.

So nepotism.


his entire filmography is complete garbage kek

Really sad to see they're not even trying to top Skins in terms of characters, story, etc. Just satisfying stupid zooms the easy way.

>Max Landis, Jr.

>So nepotism.
Exactly. Only thing on that list that I've personally seen was Wizard of Lies.

>his entire filmography is complete garbage kek
He's really done nothing to warrant being given control over a series. Except have a certain last name

>>Max Landis, Jr.

WoL is the only thing I've seen too and that's because of his father.

This sounds like Degrassi, where characters are getting raped/robbed/beaten/impregnated/aborted every week and they talk about how it reflects what "real high schoolers are going through" but is somehow only watched by homely girls who don't go out


Oh sorry
>Jewish nepotist who should have run out of career opportunities in Hollywood five years ago 2.0

>WoL is the only thing I've seen too and that's because of his father.
WoL was sorta interesting, but it was just a standard docudrama. No life in it.

its jews all the way down out here

Can't wait for this show desu
Been bored a lot lately so I need something new

start taking heroin way better than any tv show

>and then one day Hitler was elected.

Who cares? I'm just looking forward to seeing Sydney Sweeney topless, that makes the whole series worth it

>Oh sorry
>>Jewish nepotist who should have run out of career opportunities in Hollywood five years ago 2.0
ahhh! Sorry, I missed the reference.

He at least has a huge filmography. But it mostly is filled with shit too.

Yeah, I liked the ones they did with Pacino better

>commits statutory rape with a 17-year-old trans girl
>close to 30 penises flash onscreen.

>the point of the show is to expose an adult audience to the challenges of growing up in 2019, and that many of the scenes come directly from Levinson's life

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Another edgy show to create buzz on Twitter and Netflix

Why does Hollywood not understand high school? Has anyone ever gotten it right?

>Yeah, I liked the ones they did with Pacino better
He did a Madoff movie? I thought he only did a Paterno movie.

>Why does Hollywood not understand high school?
It has nothing to do with understanding. It has to do with portraying high school a certain way so everyone THINKS that's how high school is and be perfectly fine with it.

"oh hollywood says high school is all about kids getting sex so that's how it is. and if hollywood thinks its fine, it's fine."

>one star quit mid-shoot
That weak spined faggot isn't going to find work in that town ever again.

Don't do heroin right away or else you're taking all the fun out of chasing the dragon. Start simple, abuse hydrocodone and work your way up.

Symbionic Titan

My bad, I meant Barry Levinson HBO movies. I liked You Don't Know Jack. Thought he did Phil Spector too but that was apparently Mamet.

they mean 30 flaccid penises, don't they?

Feminine trap penises

a flaccid penis is inherently feminine as men on hormones cannot get erect, and they are nonthreatening to women

> we are normal
> we are sexy
> we are single

these people dont even exist, they are posed photoshoped pictures on a computer, irl youve gotta be high as a kite to find them not gross.

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There's an entire scene dedicated to shaming an uncut student. It's really fucked up.

I'm just waiting for one of these series to include drag queens reading books to children.

Cause that will certainly go over as well as the news articles promoting that shit.

My stepdad is a drag queen and he reads to children at the library twice a week.

>My stepdad is a drag queen and he reads to children at the library twice a week.
Does he do it in full costume and makeup and read books about how homosexual children should be accepted?


Yes, he also reads books about crossdressing/exploring your body and they even throw drag fashion shows for the kids. Its really fun even though some of the homophobic parents try to ruin it by complaining.


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>complain about female-only nudity on HBO
>complain again about male nudity on HBO

A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.

>30 penises in one episode

What sort of fucked up teenage years did you have?

It's not really about nudity as much as it's about people not wanting to see the same amount of dicks you suck per day in a TV show. It's not a porno.


>many of the scenes come directly from Levinson's life
He's just a degenerate, gay, pedo Jew. Par for the course in (((Hollywood))).

assassination nation was the worst movie of last year

Any uncut penises?

You do nothing but spout hate speech all day, then call others degenerate as if you're some paragon of virtue. Fucking hypocrite.

This, but ironically

>The network also voiced concerns about a scene in the second episode featuring dozens of naked high school boys in what Levinson intended as a gender-bent homage to the famous Carrie locker room scene.

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bryan singer producing this shit?

Larry Clark's KIDS had value because it cast real youths, not actors, from the subculture it documented. It also has a unique aesthetic that captured the 90s. Clark probably never made a million dollars his whole career.

Whereas Euphoria is an adaptation of an edgy Israeli series that was always designed to be sold to the US, directed by Sam Levinson a rich Jewish kid whose father is a B-list Hollywood staple, starring an overhyped mixed race Disney star, and which notably is being marketed as a reflection of modern youth, when modern youth play Fortnite, dislike drugs except ADHD meds, dislike alcohol, smoke Vapes but think weed is overrated, and are probably the most virginally awkward teens in recent US history. So it's very prententious of HBO to market this as an uncensored realism when it's a tired NYC gasp for relevance, that uses rapes of trans girls in high school, the sick fantasy of Levinson against "flyover states" and Trump country, for ratings bait. But the NYC media as you see is already jizzing its $300 pants to take jabs at Trumpers.

Imagine thinking 300 dicks on a TV screen is edgy. Imagine thinking high school locker rooms are Caligula tier. Imagine thinking that pedo shit is the new 7 dirty words. I hope HBO's parent company pulls the plug on this shit and forces them to make Dunk & Egg.

And "set sex consultant" is Blumenthal. And it's based on Israeli show. Ugh.

Good read

Only whites are subjected. But one actor quit when they tried to introduce homo scenes for his character that weren't in the script. And now he's being taunted by Hollywood Reporter for dropping out. Wtf. Consider the hypocrisy of publicly shaming a young actor for being uncomfortable with sex scenes that weren't even in his script.

Couldn't even make myself get through the whole trailer, couldnt imagine watching a whole episode let alone a season on it

>not actors

Casper was the only non actor, and it killed him.


>This show is important because this is the frontier of their next battle: normalizing pedophilia
This. And the irony is that the bullshit MeToo movement has mutated into something that might get this show cancelled. ATT is helicoptering all over HBO now.

Big Little Lies is pretty good though, because it accurately depicts California liberals and the vapidity and machinations of modern women. It's similar to Gillian Flynn's stuff.

Is saying goy hate speech?

Tfw Cobrai Kai is more realistic than Euphoria re: high school

>tfw you never experienced teenage sex
feels pretty bad honestly

look at this boomer shit

> no the same guy:

this show is borderlining normatize pedophilia and people suppose to 'love speech' it?


Yes goys we have a lot of nudity in this one! Be sure to check it out ;)

Sounds like a based guy

Untrue. Rosario Dawson wasn't an actress yet. Harold Hunter was part of Zoo York and also died. The younger kids were just local skate rats. Guy who played Telly was simply acquaintance of Harmony Korine and that part launched him iirc and he's still indie and didn't sell out. KIDS didn't kill Casper the lifestyle it documented did. Whereas Euphoria might kill some viewers like 13 Reasons. HBO may slit its throat with this series. The pedo backlash is huge. Defenders of this show will be on thin ice.

Youd think but I get the feeling they'll just go with the whole "bigot/boomers/rural people just dont get it" approach

Under-rated comment

>Sam Levinson
Lol no way. You made this name up. Is his face just a nose with no eyes or mouth?

talking about the jews in any way is hate speech

But it’s ugly actors like her and not beautiful twinks like her co star Tom Holland so who cares? I have zero desire to see Zendaya nude.

He definitely has a weird nose, not big if anything looks too small

They’ve got ammo by being way more internet savvy

Were not the ones sharing our sick fuckery WITH mankind, are we? YOU HORSE'S ARSE!!!

8 years ago this would've been best show ever here but now it's muh degeneracy kike white genocide shit. how the times change.

To whom they’re trying to sell this *

They are trying to sell it to fellow special people? Think again, goy

Pretty in Pink seemed closer than any of this shit

>compains about degeneracy
>posts on Yea Forums

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The usage of who has been updated, look it up.

Your name gives it away

Gene Simmons is guilty of hate speech? He’s a Jew and he actually calls people goy, there’s a video...


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This Horse's trollups made me blurb--disgusting blabbering donkey sucker! And in comes another goat dick sucker!

>>"It's not sensational to be sensational."
>"Just debase yourself and roll around in the filth goyim everyone's doing it"

You seem lost and confused.

kys jew

His idea of hate speech is probably someone saying Muslim gangs should stop raping white kids, he can be safely ignored.


I regret living this lifestyle in LA during the 90s. It is a purely degenerate culture with no redeeming qualities. I feel dirty with the mere thought of it.

You're the type who loves to virtue signaling at the expense of everyone else all the while sending your kids to prevailage schools the rapefugees can't afford.

He reminds me of Bono who clamored for the inclusion of rapefugees from the safety of his gated community.

every time...

literally this

You're the type that attacks strawmen instead of having an actual conversation.

>"It's a good insight into how hard it is to grow up in this time,"
Gee i wonder why it's so hard to grow up im this time period?
>make media cause a problem
>make media about the problem you caused to make it worse

Scum like yourself revel in spreading your aids where ever you can and where you can't you clamor together and use bribery to use big government to force the resistant to allow themselves to be raped by you.

Let's see 30 pusy in one episode hehe

You're not even talking to me user, are you ok?

The type of people who use "YAAASSS QUEEN" unironically.

True Detective s1 is a miracle too bro

Smoke weed and watch apocalypse porn
Try “How to enjoy the end the world.” So fucking based

I heard it has a pussy shot to end all pussy shots.

so what. I can just look at porn. it's astounding that television thinks that it can keep itself relevant by nearly becoming porn when the actual shit is just a click away.

TV nudity has always been it's own thing. It's just different when you know it's a legitimate actress being suckered in to doing something above and beyond.

just a strange coincidence user

No, the pedo backlash has reached normalfags and they're sick of this shit. Now that GoT is off and was shit, normfag parents will pile onto this bullshit show. At least two girls will overdose and the show will be blamed. Unlike Tipper Gore, they'll have a point. HBO is just pushing pedo trash as a FU to non-bicoastal elites, meanwhile they are censoring the right. But Euphoria is okay to them because it's "realistic." They play up high school bullying until it's a thing, then they release this self-reflecting trash where they essentially put white teens through duress and justify it as courageous. It's great too that it has Israeli ties which Deadline and THR are already playing down

Look up Sydney Sweeney. Blonde with big milkers

It really is just so tiring

>30 penises in one episode
How would that even work? A locker room scene ? That doesn't seem too bad really.

What is it going to be a planning shot of 30 dudes in the showers

Did Zendaya say if she got her tits out in it? That's really all I care about.

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very based

the show shows

>an erected penis (of Eric Dane's character), when he rapes a 17-year-old trans girl

>a drug overdose

>a (teen) sex scene involving choking

>30 penises

- according to HBO's CEO it makes 13 Reasons Why look like an "an after-school special"

- Actor Brian "Astro" Bradley was uncomfortable filming certain scenes and fought hard to get out of his contract. Algee Smith replaced him. (Details about this incident are "fiercely guarded")

- HBO nixed a gender-bent Carrie homage scene involving naked high school boys

- the show has an intimacy coordinator

- they don't use coverage pads for sex scenes bc they would not work with the sex positions they use

I heard that episode had like, 30 god damn dicks

She dodges nudity.

>The challenges of growing up in 2019
If the scariest thing these kids have to face is internet bullying then Levinson needs a god damned attitude adjustment.

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>hate speech

Doesn’t exist, fag.

Absurdly high quality post

You forgot

>Sydney Sweeny shows tits, ass and pussy in 17 nude selfies during a montage of the 'slut pages'

>Alexa Demie shows of her tits changing in front of her friends, when her father walks in on them

I won't watch because the gay character is that ugly BLACK actor. I like my gays white . I'd take a latino. that's it.

So just an obnoxious attempt to try being as edgy as possible

>I hope HBO's parent company pulls the plug on this shit and forces them to make Dunk & Egg.
Good post. Just want to point out this will be the new norm for HBO. They're no longer a separate company, but rather a brand, managed by the same company managing TBS and TNT, and ultimately owned by AT&T. Whatever artistic integrity and desire to put on a good story at HBO is gone, and it will be more of the same corporate produced crap from here to eternity.

Is Real Sex available anywhere online? I'm thinking it might be nice for a nostalgia fap. And I might learn something

Is the show any good though?

I'm just gonna watch the webms

>(((Sam))) (((Levinson)))

>it's so extreme that one person who lives in the most degenerate of degenerate places thought it was too much and quit mid shoot
>but this is how it is in reality too! for realsies!

>hate speech

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Stop this cancerous Nazi meme. Jews are represented a lot in conservative media too.

Who is this?

Take off the tinfoil hat.


Euphoria Actor Quits due to Character’s Gay Future

The character in question is played by Algee Smith (LEFT)

However, the character was originally played by “Astro” who’s real name is Brian Bradley (RIGHT)

Well, here’s a shocker for everyone: An HBO show has a lot of sex in it. Here’s the thing, he didn’t leave because he had to have simulated sex with his significant other (played by some white woman I don’t know her name) he left because his character will be exploring his sexuality.


After a lengthy back-and-forth with producers, HBO stepped in and replaced [Brian] Bradley with The Hate U Give's Algee Smith. They reshot his parts in the pilot, including an intense sex scene with 21-year-old actress Sydney Sweeney, who says of the recasting, "Let's just say I'm very glad that Algee is playing the character."

“Details surrounding his exit are fiercely guarded, but sources say Bradley was uncomfortable shooting scenes that weren't in the original pilot script and suggested his character would experiment with homosexuality in future episodes”

>Funny, the simulated sex isn’t a problem, the simulated sex isn’t a problem with a white woman, the simulated sex becomes a problem when it’s with another man. In my opinion, this reeks of insecurity and potentially someone not so secure in their own sexuality.


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>Thirty penises in one episode?
Sign me up.

>dislike alcohol
Alcohol issues are skyrocketing in young people.

Based post

>HBO nixed a gender-bent Carrie homage scene involving naked high school boys

I can't wait!!!

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I'd be interested in watching Tom Holland's penis and the Holland twins penises.

Are you retarded? Pedophilia is widely reviled, for good reason.

This shows that every male actor that does gay sex in movies is at least bisexual. That Chalamet kid getting all that praise as a straight actor playing a gay character. NO. He and his co-star were gay/bi. RDJ is gay. Leo is gay. Jake G is gay Heath was gay etc etc (gay or bi, never straight)

real sex was like russian roulette for masturbastion back in the day before internet porn was everywhere and shit on HBO and skinemax was the best you could manage. it could go from like hot lesbians to old people orgies and clowns all in a span of 15 minutes.

Do you not get the concept of acting?

The zoomers are doomed. I was in a shared uber the other day in downtown Chicago and this beautiful girl gets in the car. Fit, professional, probably in her mid 20s. On the radio, some thot is asking if she should dump her new boyfriend because he doesn't have a social media presence. The girl argues that he must be either a psycho or a cheater if he doesn't use social media. The talking heads on the radio mostly agreed, one guy said people have a right to be private online, but was attacked by the other hosts (the one guy was white, the other hosts are a woman and a black guy of course).

The girl next to me turns and goes "what a fucking weirdo, I would never date anyone that has no social media that's so creepy! It's like they are hiding something!"

I disagreed with her and she casually cancelled the conversation, but I was left with a horrifying feeling that I am a stranger in a strange land in these modern times.

it's literally a remake of an israeli show. of course jews are going to write it. god forbid they show 20 something actresses having sex though. that shit never happens in real life, with you anyway.

based and redpilled

just a coincidence, I agree goy-I mean, guy.

I don’t get this meme
Is it supposed to be a bad thing?

Go to bed Chandler

Ahahaha epik meme XDD

That's why I have two pets now. My social media is all about my pets. So people won't think I'm creepy or psycho. My grandma bought me these two turtles. I'm thinking about getting a small dog but it's too much money, right?

>famous Carrie locker room scene.

kek i just saw the original version the other day

It's a /pol/ meme propagating the propagandistic lie that Hitler was elected because people were sick of Weimar degeneracy.


If only we could get homo actors to do method act suicide scenes

Your religion frowns upon that, Ahmed

>one time I sucked six in a row
>one time I sucked six dirty dicks in a row
>one time I got my kicks with Joe
>and I sucked his dick and five of his friends in a row

This post is approved by the stars of POSE. Second season now available.
with the faces of all your future tv shows and movies.

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Rent free

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You should twitch stream your turtles hanging out and let people pay you money to name them and get them to do stuff.

Go to the pound and get a rescue dog for like nothing. Dogs are the white man's gift to the world.

gonna be fun during Cival War 2.0 electric Bugaloo

go she looks mannish and ugly.

filth masquerading as art

My head isn't for rent

No it won't. You can tell naive kids by statements like these.

It should be for how spacious it is

Hahaha epikly meme'd dood XDDD

This sounds like some top tier degenerate shit, why would you even go to HBO
>because the writer is jewish and hbo has tons of cash
why not shoot it independently so you dont have worry about getting scenes cut and working with execs who want you to tune it down if its all about your "vision"
>because hbo has a ton of mon..
right right i get it

Actually off he was a faggot he would’ve probably gotten a raise he walked out on a buttfucking scene

I don't think my followers would pay for my turtles I'm just happy to have any social media even if it's just for the turtles with my name. I always get nice comments, feels good. Another trick I post movie posters (on instagram) those get me likes too, I post MCU posters those always get the most likes.

A dog would be a dream but the food and the vet visits It's just too much money for me right now but in the next 5 years I plan on getting one , starting with a small dog, I couldn't handle a big dog.

nothing feminine about that face, ugly mutt

ooh my

This is the trans girl.....

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Good for Astro. Hope he has fun not whoring out but having no career in turn.

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>normalizing pedophilia.
why is this always said like it's even a thing? Everyone shits on pedos.

Sorry, it has to actually look like a girl for me to consider referring to it as one.

Imagine a threesome with these

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>high school is all about kids getting sex
it's not?

Wow how would that go

huh? didn't he just forbid them to serve in the military?

>be a shit director
>make a super "controversial" show
>"u mad cause I'm so controversial? sorry I'm just displaying real life here u mad. lol u mad"
>get quietly cancelled after 2 seasons after all the outrage culture around your show dies
boring and typical but you idiots will fall for it like always.

I've seen enough porn to be able to perfectly picture her tits just from this photo. I can tell you they aren't anything to tell home about.

honk honk
Should be about learning, but apparently its about boys tounging each other and preparing you for sorority parties

>Should be about learning, but apparently its about boys tounging each other and preparing you for sorority parties
that's called learning socialization

>this reeks of insecurity and potentially someone not so secure in their own sexuality.
So they're basically trying to call Astro an IRL fag because he was uncomfortable rubbing his dick against another guy's ass? I never get this argument because some people are just grossed out by some things. I wouldn't make out with my brother for a fucking movie, why should a guy fuck another guy for some TV show?

Haha Sydney Sweeney had to fuck them both

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Gradually I began to hate them.

Yes, there’s a BMWF ‘relationship’. Of course.

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Taking 30 dicks in a day isn't normal for any high school girl you dumb kike.

This is what Hollywood does now, look at Falcon in BM. Faustian bargain. They "free" blacks but you gotta kiss the cock ring. Exactly what Dave Chappelle complained about

Anything for that career.
I wonder how her brother feels about this.

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Probably had her first

Falcon's first important role was in a gay movie , he's done that shit before (he's bisexual)

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Small price to pay for the reward of showing constant black male/white female relationships in every movie and TV show.

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>It's not sensational to be sensational.
Yeah it's just a legal pedo tv show

He got his wings

Eat Shit, Faggot!

Jews won't rest till they have weimared all over you, ur mom, ur pa and your country

so its like kids meets skins and trying to be as edgy as possible , it sounds fucking shit

Its the next GoT. Mark my words.

For completely different reasons, I don't want to see any more gay black guys on TV either.

What jrpg is this?

I hate this argument

>You must secretly be gay if you are dont want to suck cock

No im comfortable with my sexuality and I have boundaries unlike you, so rubbing ass with another dude even for faksies is pretty fucking gay.

Posters for black movies are always fucking brown and shit.

>Sam Levinson

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Everyone used to shit on fags too

How is /pol/ always right?

What tits?

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Not like pedophilia is viewed. Not even close.

>middle is a tranny
oh jeez

Because like the people, brown is shit.

Yet, you dumb fuck. That's literally the point

You’re absolutely right. If you care just do what I did...make the required social media accounts, do the bare minimum socially acceptable stuff (profile picture, add a couple friends) and then never use it again. Then if someone asks you can tell the truth and say you have all that stupid shit and they won’t think you’re psychotic.

All fucking zoomers must fucknig hang

>242 replies
>not one benis
Never change, guys

This isn't /fit/

his dad made Mad About You

more "nepotism"

He's probably not worth arguing with. This has become a major conspiracy theory on the far right circles of the internet, fueled not by legitimate evidence but by out-of-context screenshots, paranoia, distrust in credible sources of information, and as usual, unbelievable amounts of ignorance.

Yeah. Sure...
I'm sure it'll be totally acceptable any day now... Any day now...

Fuck off, Senator


It's funny how Hollywood glamorizes high school like this, the only ones that were usually doing hard drugs in my case were the white trash from terrible families. People had sex with their SOs but nobody, not even the popular kids (who were usually at the top of the class), were fucking like rabbits with tons of people. The parties were infrequent bonfires or small house parties with alcohol and maybe weed.

honestly, beyond the goofy karate rivalries Cobra Kai isn't the worst portrayal in the world, at least the kids are actual kids. Nothing compares to American Vandal though - as someone that graduated in 2014, it's the one series/film I can say truly represents modern high school.

Polyamory is already becoming popular and accepted. Next is incest, then bestiality, then pedophilia

Is there any evidence of this whatsoever? Polyamory is still very much fringe.

So in your mind there's no ideological difference between the generations?

a certain youtuber

Half the people in my brother's social group is in some stupid ass open relationship. I see it in all sorts of media too. Shameless, and more recently Black Mirror. I could name more but there's a lot.


Of course there is, just not with pedophilia. That's always been both illegal and considered highly repulsive.

the Jewess starring in the original Israeli show

Attached: israeli idf girl ronidaloomi.jpg (1764x1445, 896K)

One youtube channel = Nationally accepted and normalized in culture amongst normals
lmao cmon dude, you need to have sex

Looks Israeli alright. Most Israeli Jews look different from American Jews because they're largely Sefardi or Mizrahi.

>MTV did a fucking number on the older millennials
Some days it makes me wish I had never known anyone. Every meme on this site was real life to me long before it was a meme to you.

> they're largely Sefardi or Mizrahi.
well she is both

You need to go on dating apps in California, shit is everywhere retard



this. typical HBO horse shit. Now even N E T F L I X trys to out edge them, fucking annoying.

go to bed grandma

Sounds Jewish.
>Sam Levinson

>Pedo rings are run by evil Christians and hillbillies.
How is this red pilled?



Yeah sure. Any day now I'm sure.

user, you know a white grill is gonna be a pin cushion to a bunch of black dicks, so dont get your hopes up.

That's not just a Jewish thing. It's an American thing.
btw there are some Jews that are repulsed by the practice

Any chance we can start an Oprah meme concerning this?

the Jewess starring in the original Israeli show
>pic fixed

also, her singing (what do you think?):

Attached: israeli idf girl ronidaloomi.jpg (1762x1444, 949K)

Attached: 1560080699665.jpg (952x1024, 187K)

At this rate, they should just fucking adapt Bible black.

Cast them!

Attached: tbb.png (905x1354, 1.37M)

You're a little bit of a daft cunt, aren't you

Attached: 152635724573468.gif (257x200, 1.24M)

What? Because I'm not paranoid?

dem sideboobs in that gibberish vid

man, whats with Israeli chicks and those haunting eyes?

Attached: hila.gif (332x332, 1.23M)

Never heard of that phenomenon

Attached: israeli idf girl oriya__cohen .jpg (1326x1094, 381K)

ayy lmao

Me as the MC

How does this keep happening?

Because you have zero foresight.

There's no such thing as an American jew, just as there is no such thing as British jew. The jew is a race and a people within itself, trapped in itself. Ideologically trapped, that inner friction is what causes their neuroses

"Foresight" is only valid if there's evidence to support it. Otherwise it's just paranoia.

They have been raped there whole lives
Jews are all pedo's

So fags going from getting bashed to getting married is...what to you?

One time Levinson sucked 30 penises

"Gay bashing" wasn't as common as propaganda would have you think, at least not in the latter half or quarter of the 20th century.


Say Anything isn't very degenerate. There's sex but it's wholesome between a hetero cis couple in a loving relationship. Basically fascist by 2019 standards.

Everyone I know who was alive in the 60s-80s says that most people knew someone who was gay or knew someone who knew someone who was. Even though it was illegal in much of the USA until the 80s and 90s (2003 in some states) it wasn't usually prosecuted outside of cases of sexual assault.

The local news posted an article about this on facebook and there was a shitstorm.

Everyone you know? Huh. What a verified source. Meanwhile my great grandfather used to spend his weekend smashing the faces of random colored folk, just for fun.

Get out more, child.

Attached: 15263462357357.jpg (446x299, 123K)

Kids didn’t have value.
It was a degenerate film, made by a degenerate pedophile.

Larry Clarke is one of the Skeeviest directors in Hollywood, and his photographs before that were Skeevy as well.
Clarke’s movies have about as much subtlety as your average SNL skit.

>great grandfather
Assuming that you're at least 20, he would have been in his youth back before WWII, when racial and homophobic violence was definitely more common in the US.

I had a ton of teenage sex and what I ended up with was a lot of heartbreak and herpes. It's not all sunshine and puppy farts.

He was Canadian kek

>3 different wwbm pairings in the trailer alone

fucking kikes

how can the girls parents be ok with this?

Is it good dick though?


some of these actors are underage so how is hbo getting away with it?

Do they actually enjoy having such ugly and nappy "hair"?

Its art

They most likely use body doubles.

That's still pretty fucked up
>they just LOOK like teens

>oh shit young people arent watching tv, better up the sex drugs and violence to entice them back!
When will hollywood producers be charged with negatively influencing millions of people to make bad decisions?

The problem is they think that zoomers have the attention span to sit down and watch a tv show


Attached: A63F3C31-6698-4331-B9C5-B74438776378.jpg (205x198, 12K)

i just want to see zendaya naked she's unironically cute

Or care about shit on hbo, that bastion of teen programming


Who even pays for cable anymore? I barely even turn my TV on

Can I have your contact info so I can say I told you so in 8 years. Perfect timing for you to have a kid

I didn't even see your comment. A big red flag for me is when a post says that my comments are "of the far right" hahahahah God damn I want to gas you people

>I'm not far right!
>I just want to gas you to death!

got it

lol I may very well be posting here in a few years. I already have a niece lol

I'm just bein honest, like Outkast says

Under actors equity union rules, actors don’t have to shoot anything that is not in the script they signed the contract for.
I presume TV shows are somewhat different than movies, since there are going to be scripts for episodes that have not been written yet,
but if you take a straight actor, whose part was written as straight,
And then have him do a whole bunch of close to explicit gay scenes,
The actor can likely tell your production to go fuck themselves,
And sue you for shitloads of money.

do you even hear yourself when you say things