Can a Cucknisher fan (a fan of The Punisher) explain how 3 different directors couldn't make a single good movie of The...

Can a Cucknisher fan (a fan of The Punisher) explain how 3 different directors couldn't make a single good movie of The Punisher?

What is fundamentally wrong with your favorite character or what is it that the movies just can't deliver?

And no, nobody cares about your cringey TV show -- as it just proved once again this character doesn't even work in long form.

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Capcom got it

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You sound 12

thomas jane version wasnt even that bad

War Zone was good faggot.


the first two were good

The Punisher is a slasher movie villain for bad guys. You're supposed to tolerate his violence because of his back story and the people he's killing. The movies try too hard to make him likable, with romance plots or some sort of best friend character.

Warzone was great. Straight up vigilante action. Also, he actually reloaded.

There's nothing inherently wrong with the Punisher as a character, these were all just low-effort movies.

The Lundgren one was a cheap 80's cash-in directed by a guy who was a legitimately good editor but not a director (this was his second and last film as a director).

The Thomas Jane one was directed by a writer who had literally never directed a movie before.

The third one was directed by a former martial artist who had made one feature length film before and now directs tv shows, who probably got the job because she was really good looking and did some karate kicks for the producers.

So you have three inexperienced "directors" given minimal budgets and subject to constant studio intervention, and it produced three shit films. This is not a surprise. If someone like Mel Gibson got to do the Punisher it would be one of the best capeshit movies of all time, the studios are just trying to do it on the cheap and hiring nobodies and you get what you pay for.

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On Amazon prime right now. Warzone is kino.

great game


And the show is horribly miscast. The guy is like 5' and always grunting and moaning like a gorilla.
Punisher should be like a fucking meat tower of a man with an occasional dry witty one liner after a stylish kill.
Lundgren had the look/the height but not the acting skill and Jane and the other guy were just not given the right script.
I'd love to see something like Logan done for Punisher, but not with a faggy death at the end.
Also, who'd be the perfect cast? (aside from pic related)

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Here’s your reply

I got you senpai. Here goes....

The main problem is that either these creators don't understand the character or they don't see how an accurate portrayal can be properly marketed/monetized to a mass audience. The central feature of the character is that his main motivation is to kill. He is just shy of being an amoral psychopath and require some justification for the slaughter, even if it is a shallow, insubstantial justification.

He learned his true nature in the jungles of Vietnam. The expression of his true nature was an asset in the service of the machinations of the ruling class and the societal framework that encouraged it as somehow just gave him all the moral justification he needed to give his appetites full sway.

With the end of the war he was lost. He no longer had a justification he could latch onto to continue to feed his bloodlust. Until some gangsters fucked up and gave him one by killing his family. SOmeone else may have been satisfied only revenging themselves upon the people directly responsible for the deaths of his family, but Frank extrapolated this campaign out to all criminality so a to have a permanent justification and an endless pool of acceptable victims upon which he could practice his calling.

Frank has no redeeming qualities. His code of ethics is a mental construct that allows him to kill and nothing more. He cannot be redeemed by friendship, romance or any other form of human connection. He is a plague that is barely constrained from being indiscriminate.

It's hard to sell that to normies who need to believe in the foundational nobility of man.

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who's he massacring in that pic

A gathering of organized crime types.

They already made the Thomas Jane one, OP. Wrap it up.

They could literally just adapt any version of Frank that wasn't Ennis' take and he's pretty normie friendly. Still an unrepentant psycho but less so. There's an older story where Micro fucks off because Frank clearly doesn't give a shit about him but then gets kidnapped and Frank has to save his fat ass. Very normie friendly premise for an action film. But the fact is that Ennis is kind of the definitive take on the character so they always gravitate towards his stories but then dont have the courage to follow through

The Netflix show still pisses me off. Both seasons were absolute garbage made by people who you could tell didnt even like the source material.

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I'd love to see a film told from the perspective of an organized criminal operation where frank is basically like a slasher-movie villain killing them off one by one and their attempts to eliminate him and save themselves that all(of course) fail miserably.

I liked the politician guy with the patrician fetish. Reminded me of the type of humor in Ennis stuff

Too much of a beta to go after the Jews. Why doesn't he go after Soros or the Rothschilds or Netanyahu? Really makes you think.

the 2004 ps2 game was also on point

Tony Soprano crime familia

This came closest.

Because he doesn't care about ideology he just wants to kill people. By only killing low level criminals he doesn't risk any serious pushback or attempts to stop him. If he started interfering in the plans/lives of the elites he'd just end up dead. He's a murderous monster but he's not stupid.

Frank works best as an antagonist, that's why his best onscreen story was Daredevil Season Two.

Warzone was good tho...

i like all of them :(

Do you fags really not recognize a copypasta when you see it?

The second Purge movie is basically an unlicensed Punisher movie

Sucks Frank Grillo was already playing a throwaway character like Crossbones in MCU

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care to pose that question again without the derogatory term? OP already used the limit

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Jane sucks as the Punisher

I second this.