He legit did nothing wrong.
Just looked at some photos, that's all. He could have just been bored and desperate for novelty, not necessarily seeking it full-time. The real bad guys are the anonymous blackmailers.
He legit did nothing wrong
The real REAL bad guys are the people who think looking at pixels arranged in certain patterns is wrong
I have no problems with pedos but he was weak and therefore deserved to be picked on
Nah, pedos are disgusting degenerates that deserved to be skinned alive! OP, if you are a pedophile, or ephebophile or however you spell it, know that you deserve a long, horrible death!
This episode always makes me think the words "shiny purple helm"
This lad
he was a disgusting pedo but he didn't deserve what happend to him
Will society ever get over its problem with pedos, or are we doomed to repeat the vicious cycle of hate and ignorance until it collapses?
Pedo dramas make great kino.
Nope, he is a degenerate pedo
neck yourself
scarring a little kid for the rest of his life for your own hedonistic pleasures will never be justifiable
Child molesters aren't the same as pedos. Also,
One day you're going to be found out. Your family and friends will abandon you and you very well may be murdered in prison. Your comforting rationalizations and deflection will not stand against the very real consequences of your actions, even if it takes years to catch up to you.
>gets blackmailed for a victimless crime
>made out to be some kind of monster
((((Who)))) made this shit?
>Made out to be some kind of monster
Yes, that's how society works. Nobody said it was right.
how old is this boy in the episode?
he looks like he's no older than average high schooler
Yeah ppl like you should be castrated and everyone should know your crimes in the area you live, only then you should be able to live your sad life's
It's not the pixels which is why cartoons depicting underage people is generally not illegal. It's illegal to access actual photographs of sexually exploited children because if the wide dissemination of that material becomes accepted, more and more children will become subject to abusive individuals who will exploit them.
>made out to be some kind of monster
I honestly don't think he was made out to be a monster. I think Booker probably intended for audiences to make up their own mind about him.
When have audiences ever sympathised with a pedo character
Get with the times bigots
Personally, I thought it was ambiguous as to whether he had looked at underaged porn or not. Notice that when the other pedo who he is forced to fight to the death with asks "how young were they?" he answers with a vague "No ... no ...." Also, we never actually see whatever images he has downloaded - obviously you couldn't show it in a television program, but they could have showed a closeup of a face or somesuch. The blackmailers release what they have on him at the end, but it's all digital 'evidence', and hackers capable of pulling off such an elaborate scheme would have no problem inserting all the pics they want into his hard drive, complete with altered time and date stamps.
I think the point the episode was trying to make is that we don't know 100.0% that he is guilty, and that mob justice is as wrong - and in this case, more violent - than the (arguably) victimless crime this kid has been accused of. Mob justice seems to be a common theme in Black Mirror. See the White Bear episode, which has some similarities in exploring if the crime fits the punishment.
They havn't and they a most of them didn't this time. Desan't mean that Brooker didn't want us to question whether he actually deserved it or not.
>victimless crime
You can sympathise with the weak pedo protag but can’t see the issue with the means of how such photographs are taken. Imagine not having the sense to see how children have been taken advantage of and abused for some ugly neckbearded cunt to jerk his dick to.
Day of the rope for people like you.
Some things should be stigmatized for the good of society. Otherwise it's a slippery slope to legalizing pedophilia.
>victimless crime
Are you that retarded that you don't understand how supply and demand works?
I remember the common reaction to the twist from people I knew was 'I was with him until it turned out he as a nonce, so he deserved it'. It's totally useless trying that on normies.
>sexually exploited children
a lot of kids do it themselves at the instructions or pressure of no one
I remember someone posting a collage image of profile shots of kids obviously posing in CP, and they looked terrified and broken inside. 3DCP can never be justified.
Kids are idiots, particularly those just approaching puberty in that respect. Adults are supposed to have better judgement than
>durr well they do it to themselves so I guess I’ll whip muh dick out
literal caveman behaviour
>they looked terrified and broken
that doesn't sound legit
Recently got Netflix so I've been going through this. I watched S1 and S2 when they were on TV and remember enjoying them. For some reason Netflix has played them in an almost random order. It did all of S3 and then S5 in a random order, now onto S4. It's certainly not as good as I remembered. I haven't rewatched S1 or S2 though.
Was there a drop in quality or was it just never really top tier (I'm guessing the second)?
Favourite episode was the San Junipero one. Second favourite was probably the one with the employee kidnapping (although I found it in the end pointless and felt no compassion to the kidnapper) and then then this one. I much greatly prefer the more down to earth ones.
Can anyone recommmend any other interesting serial/anthology shows?
kids are sexually active, my point is that there's no exploitation or absue as either you or the other user claims
Worst episode is the robot dog one.
The kids looked toddler age, and all had either a 1000 yard stare, or were looking in fear at the cameraman. Shit was disturbing.
is that new Ellen film?
doesnt sound legit
for toddlers it's all games
I havent's seen this yet, but I've found a lot of them to be poor.
In particular I thought Nosedive was way too on the nose (no pun intended) and really missed the mark a lot. Playtest didn't full realise its concept and tried to subvert expectations so many times I was well aware he was going to "wake up" again. Striking Vipers was really unfulfilling and I really felt it lacked much of a point.
I have the whole of S4 to go yet and the episode where an MP is assasinated or something like that. Plus Bandersnatch, but I don't really want to do a "choose your own" so I've avoided it for the time being.
yes there is, sorry loser
Still shellshocked from the time I was looking at JAV on xhamster pics and a gallery of high school creepshots popped up. It’s just depressing. All of it.
I mean it's boring shit. But The worst by far is Crocodile.
>You can sympathise with the weak pedo protag
nah, better to realize he is sub-human parasite like lot of incels on here, who would be better off killed or used for scientific experimentation
based and redpilled
This is the biggest problem with pedos. They have no empathy, only their selfish desires that they justify to themselves. Usually by constructing words and concepts as an attempt to appear they've thought this through and you haven't.
It's all bullshit.
>changing argument
girl A posting selfies on Internet doesn't make sexual abuse of girl B legitimate. sorry loser....
I swear to god I will find you and hang you from a fucking tree
There's no evidence he did anything, even the hackers had no evidence, they had a video of him wanking, and a video of kiddy porn, there was nothing to tie those two together
>supply and demand
Yeah just like how pirating software makes companies go "Holy shit, better make more software these guys are lapping it up"
You're not addressing user's point that CP is inherently exploitative. If the kid is making the porn and releasing it of their own volition then who is exploiting them? And if it's not exploitative then what is the harm?
What episode?
>no one has more sympathy towards children, tweens and teens than those who love them the most :^)
The other best part of dealing with pedos, is that it will never be accepted. People are by and large revulsed by the idea of abusing a child. You'll always be on the verge of being exposed, ostracized, and imprisoned with people who would kill you for it. :^)
Fully agreed.
Its pretty clear from his reactions theet he jerked off to cp dude, the point is about whether he and others like him deserve such a harsh punishment from society considering he was willing to literally rob a bank and kill a man to keep it a secret
That would include every faggot who ever fucked a twink, mind. Which is most of them.
Yeh first two seasons have most the best ones
Waldo Project was the worst episode. Hated in the Nation was the most boring.
I'm 27 and my "gf" is 17. Do I deserve to die?