What are some kino's about wageslaves other than Office Space

what are some kino's about wageslaves other than Office Space

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>being proud to be a leech
Grow the fuck up.

Clerks 2

ragie wagie

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Trannys are basically jesters of the endtimes. They are vulgar and hedonistic things in the human mind amplified to the endpoint.

They have no real feminininty. They aren't a mother. They can't bear children. They can't nurture. They aren't even interested in being what a woman is. A mother. They only want to fulfill their psychosexual desires while desecrating the soul.

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*blocks your path*

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who the fuck cares about mentally ill men? I'm the OP and I want kinos

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Just left my neet life for job at Fred Meyer's as a retail clerk.
Don't know what i'm in for.

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why are all the wagies so angry

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They're forced to eventually when their handlers either die or they're eventually kicked out to discover even a 5 month gap in work history make you unemployable.

>wagecuck radio playing
>"Kharim got his high school diploma. We can help you get yours."

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More sustained dopamine from structured work and talking to different people, and more money, but less free time.

They never have to grow up because their parents enable them. One day they will wake up and realize how empty their life has become, and pray that there's still time left to turn it around. But there won't be any.

>sustained dopamine from structured work
imagine being this much of an NPC goy slave lmao

This statement is incel-tier. We hire people all the time that have had layoffs for up to 5 years. Not everywhere hires like a fucking merchant bank you cretin

Is there anything more pathetic than selling hours of your life, hours that are literally priceless, hours which can never be bought back, for some other guy to make money?

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It's been proven that you get 80% more dopamine that act's over a 26 hour period when talking to different people for over 4 hours a day.

I get neetbux so you work for me. Get back to work, wagie.

I Compagni

Enjoying the wage slaves justifying their drudgery; working long hours for shit pay; being butthurt at NEETs who have free time to do whatever they want.

Remember: Light salt on my fries. Don't make me complain to your manager.

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>how empty their life has become
I can't tell if this is cope or if you seriously believe this

Unless you're going after an upper management position, your work history is of little concern to employers, and I doubt any of you wagies will ever get that far. Now get back to work so your taxes can go to my neetbux

Yeah because 99% of wagecucks don't have midlife crises after realizing they wasted their life in boring garbage they didn't enjoy

>even a 5 month gap in work history make you unemployable

Temp agencies and really any entry shit job is hiring anywhere

>being proud of being exploited by 1%ers so illegals get free everything for life as your rent and living expenses increase at a rate beyond reported inflation, as AMERICAN workers haven't had a raise since the 80s.

What a FUCKING retard.
Also fuck nip moot and captacha niggers

>mfw I always complain to the wage slaves manager
>mfw I tell them the slave messed up my order, even if they didn't.
Remember, the customer is always right

Waiting... Fucking cozy as hell movie.

**I think Dean should've taken the manager job more than likely he would've just ended up in more low wage service roles and could've used shenanigans to springboard himself into another managerial position at another company**

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Doing god's work user, we must drive wagecucks to actually do something worthwhile or at least to kill themselves

No you dont shut up retard.

>Yeah because 99% of wagecucks don't have midlife crises after realizing they wasted their life in boring garbage they didn't enjoy

I'll do you one better whenever someone cries about neets. What is retirement but an inferior form of neetdom one where you get to "enjoy" your life when your body is breaking down

you must really like semen

>proud of being unemployable


Not everyone who works is a wagie. We have pensions and can afford nice things. Meanwhile, NEETS rot away in their basements, sexless and hopeless.

yes, neetdom and retirement are the same. how are your grandkids doing?

wagecuck != having a job
having a good job > neetdom >>>> wagecucking

>implying wagies like yourself have the balls to mess with my food
Hard for you to do it when I can also watch you through the little wage slave window, and when I can't I just check the food.

Don't worry wagie, I can wait, I have plenty of time.

sup reddit

The office UK

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>even a 5 month gap in work history make you unemployable
is that what your boss told you so you won't quit?

Haha get me my fries nigger

Imagine being a willful cog in the capitalist machine, pathethic.

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>Imagine being a willful cog in the capitalist machine, pathethic.

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lol incels and sjws really ARE the same, both are autistic and proud of being useless degenerates.

That's sad. You have a poor family and work a shitty job. Try not being a loser.

Trying to become a wagie as we speak. Wish me luck bros.

I would say High Fidelity kind of has a wage slave quality to it since they work at that record store
Clerks is another

> I let my self worth be decided by my boss
> I'm only useful if I generate capital for my master

Being this much of a cuck, seriously

>tfw neet who bought crypto in 2016 so have money and free time

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How do NEETS sustain themselves? What do they do with zero savings when they’re older?

I’m starting to think wagie jobs are just full of former NEETS who need to start somewhere. Ironic.

Working is pure misery and I don't think there's anything wrong with trying to avoid doing it by any means available.
I say this as someone who is now a food factory worker but has also lived as NEET in a small studio apartment for good five years in past and I didn't know how good I had it living on state's dime.
I'll probably return to that life very soon.

The Double. Although it is more psychological incel kino than the normies in things like office space or even the office.

I'm "stealing time" right now

If you live in a civilized country, you apply for unemployment benefits, income support, or whatever you're eligible for. You won't save any, but you can rent an apartment, not starve and get other essentials.


You retards really are OBSESSED with those freaks. Normal people don't spend even a minute thinking about them, let alone bring them up at random. You really are pathetic.

>unemployment benefits
Unemployed is a term used to define people who are actively seeking work.

Being a neet makes the wagie rage, but he still feels a sense of superiority. Being self employed, now this kills the wagie.


From your boss? So what? You're still not a leech and are paying taxes. Your boss' issue whether you're productive at your job.

I actually like this movie, it's not great but has its moments


and IT Crowd

All you need to do is prove you're actively seeking work and there's plenty ways to bullshit there.

lol how about generating capital for your family instead of being a drain on them? just like sjws, you have too much swimming around up there in your autistic brains. worry about yourself and your family first before you go on some diatribe about our flawed systems that you impact in no way. you have smaller fish to fry than capitalism.

or we can just tax you and they state gives it to me for FREE

>go get some tendies at a chain restaurant
>leave a discount coupon to said restaurant as a tip
>it can't even be combined with his employee discount
>wagie looks visibly upset

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how retarded are you that the state actually gives you substantial benefits? you have to be like, sub 70 IQ for that to happen usually.

>hours that are literally priceless
if by priceless you mean worthless. your time is only worth something when you're creating something. also it's not priceless. everyone can create new life in about 5 minutes. you would know if you weren't a pathetic virgin neet lmao