Disney child star

>Disney child star
>Shows her tits and bush in an edgy HBO show
Why does this keeps happening?

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everybody just wants to get that bag

no she didnt. she is pure.

Because debasing and beclowning yourself and everything around you is all the rage.

Because she was exposed to mickey at an early age

post it faggot

who is this knockoff isabela moner, is she legal, and how can I find said screenshots of tits and bush?

But Doctor... I am already a Pagliacci

I know right, how can such pure and kindhearted organization as Disney allow for that to happen!

isn't that illegal?

Imagine if Moner and her played teen lesbian couple, haha that would be so weird

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what show? i need to see it.

Something about her eyebrows pisses me off

The thing that pisses me the most about her is that she is not my cute mixed gf

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Stop masturbating to white chicks

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>Shows her tits and bush in an edgy HBO show

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donde esta tits and bush, faggots?

I'm gonna have to start using that one

7/100 black chicks looks like this tho

>shows her tits
What tits?

She's taken

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I will NEVER consider her black.
She has waaaaay too many white features. Basically looks like a young white hoe with a tan.

you all say this shit but never provide evidence. Last time I got my hopes up with was with Ginny but she hit the wall bad

Waiting for you all night user

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>by a homosex
I don't think that's how that works. Is she his beard?

Does she actually get naked or is op just memeing

u sure nigga?

Attached: chimpanzendaya.png (1082x682, 1.63M)

No. They're in a real relationship, Tom is not gay and has had relationships with women before Z. I'm leaving you my tumblr with all the evidence but please don't leave mean anons.

OP what in the FUCK did you mean by that.

has he ever actually done anything gay or do people just say that?

She is disgusting, who even wants to see that?

bros your path

Attached: Tom-Holland-Harrison-Osterfield-gay-shirtless.jpg (605x598, 390K)

People just say that because he did ballet as a kid. He's been dating Z for 3 years now.
If you have doubts here is all the evidence.

literally who?

Post the webm, fag

Actors and actresses are all degenerates user I not sure what you expected

He's a childhood friend. Sorry to burst your bubble

>Shows her tits and bush in an edgy HBO show

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Your timelines missing the real beginning.

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In England all the dramaboys fuck.

Its a meme being pushed

Bitch got too many white genes from her fat, flop of shit mother

She's beautiful

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In America too. The more passionate you are about acting / drama, the gayer you tend to be

Post it or fuck off

>shooping the dates this shittily
do people even try anymore?


Tons of pictures of him looking awfully comfy with his "bros"

nig nose

They are both hover handing in that pic because no-homo. They just want to show off their abs

show me one where he's actually doing something gay and I'll believe you

yandere makes her hotter

Kino legs

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Second this.
Nobody mentioned her name. Who the fuck is this even and what HBO show


>show me one where he's actually doing something gay and I'll believe you
I don't save that gay shit, someone dumped a bunch of pictures of him looking really, really gay and I'm repeating what I saw.

>shooping the dates
It's time to turn the internet off user. You're paranoid.

Doesn't happen enough desu

if you're the one who just sent me this on my tumblr then fuck off.

In what universe this is not a gay man? cumslut born to deepthroat

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I'm Scandinavian + Anglo white and I can make that face on the right. Probably the ugliest expression I can make. Makes me look like a scowling Japanese kabuki actor who is most disappointed in his dishonorable son

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When is Debby Ryan and Emily Osment getting topless?

do u have a nigger nose too?

TRUE. America x England.

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It wasn't. But don't you want your timeline to be complete? You have all that info but don't include the true backstory or give thanks to the fact the real father of Tomdaya is The Harvester™ himself.

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Why can't we go back bros?

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I want Jake to be the husband that beats the shit out of his slutty wife (Tom).

>my tumblr

Are you aware she is very likely more than 70% white?

Never happened.

HW had been long gone before Z entered the scene, he had no power over her



>HW had been long gone before Z entered the scene
I can't believe October 2017 was almost 20 years ago.

Is this one of the "extremely gay" pictures ? Because that doesn't prove shit.
People just say he's gay from his babyface and nervous mannerisms because he acts like an unsure-of-himself beta instead of being like a chad "teen" heartthrob actor like Robert Pattinson circa Twilight. He looks like someone you could easily push around and bully into crying even with all his money, fame and muscles


>Is this one of the "extremely gay" pictures ? Because that doesn't prove shit.
No, it isn't. They were really, really gay.

Tom is straight. Have you read the Tomdaya timeline? That will clarify it for you.

This is from a recent interview in El Pais (spanish publication)

>Holland doesn’t have a happy memory from those last years of secondary school. “From 14 to 17 years old was hard.” As he said, they had everything to mess with him. On top of that he danced in leotards. “Since I did ballet people thought I was gay. So what if I’m gay? I’m not gay, but what does it matter? For me, doing ballet was an opportunity to spend two hours a day in a studio with 30 girls in tights.” Holland earned his own money, working, he was a familiar face on Broadway and had done movies. The dream son-in-law for a mother, the easiest goal for a bully. “Beside, in school I was tiny. Come on, I’m not that tall now, but then I was tiny. Everyone reached puberty when we were in school and I feel like it had hit me last year. It was a time when I was ashamed. You know, the gym, the showers, those are not my favorite memories from school.”

who cares unless it's an authentic puffy protruding monstrosity and not a merkin

She better look this good in Dune. She looks like a slob who is beaten daily in Spiderman

>The dream son-in-law for a mother

name 3 other times it happened

>fuck off kid



A cultured man I see...

no thanks, shaved

Because child stars all develop weird complexes that they aren't taken seriously enough, so to be a big real adult actor they go overboard and go nude scenes or do a bunch of drugs, or whatever. Real "adult" stuff.
t. armchair psychologist