Was it kino?

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The only kino Superman anything we’ve gotten was Man of Steel.

What is HTF? What is RoS?

What was this shit even about. I just remember a restaurant near me having a massive mural on the wall for this show

Gee, I dunno. What do you think it's about, retard?

Kind of, at least some of the earlier seasons.

This and Malcolm in the Middle were hugely formulative shows for me. I rewatched some of these episodes recently, and realized how huge of an effect this show had on my young brain.

t. zoomer
>inb4 vocaroo

Don’t call me a retard, user. I didn’t know. I’m sorry.

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I better not see you here again.

Yes, it was kino. Sure, it had some flaws and kinda got shitty in the later final seasons, but it was still entertaining and it certainly didn't have all the political crap like what happens now. Hell, just look at that recent Supergirl TV series.

If you don't get the reference by the name or the image of the show, you are a retard m8, sorry



god i wish I had been there. sex parties with Allison Mack and Kristin Kreuk everywhere and every time

tfw Kryptonite poisoning made Chloe go insane and join a sex cult

it was top kino from the 2000s

yes, yes it was. no pc bullshit just pure kino man (ofc some seasons went to shit and last season was just the last death throws but still good.)

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The teen years of Clark Kent. Complete with high school drama and the like.

Peak Kristin Kreuk

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No, would have been if the faggot hadn't refused to wear the suit

Kino opening desu

would you want to wear the suit?

There was a recent convention. Tom Welling is enormous but Kreuk is still insanely hot

the last good Superman we've got

what race is she

Are you from south Texas?

peak human

Yes it fucking was. Only brainlets disagree with this

>Fleischer Superman
>Donner Superman
>Timm Superman
Not kino
>gray and doudy edgelord Superman that morphs into a poor and tedious Dragonball Z videogame for the last hour.
Kino apparently

It is to laugh.

The opening was kino as fuck. Everything else was schlock but enjoyable schlock

uh oh retard alert


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rest in peace department

Lois is utter shit

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Adventures of Lois and Clark is super cozy

Superman, II, III. the rest is irrelevant.

Yes, it was ahead of it's time and brought us the best Lex as well as based Lionel.

Only the first four seasons.

This, it was enjoyable up until Clark left High School.

Yes. Lex and Lionel scenes especially
I’m ashamed to admit it but I’ve rewatched the first few seasons more than I have any other show. My parents got me into it and we watched it together when it was live, so for me it’s childhood comfy kino

Smallville Lex is the best Lex

Someplot twist with lana were retarded like her becoming a witch

or the stones with Jensen Ackles

Jensen was an absolute qt though

No, it was mediocre but still better than CW garbage, although that's hardly an accomplishment.


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It was okay, but Chloe was wife-tier.

They both look good

Unironically a standout performance, shame he didn't get more roles


>elongating the "E" in "Save" instead of the "A" like in the song
You had ONE job, user.

damn compare him to the picture in the back. It’s like they’re not the same person



>mfw fellow autists that type lyrics exactly as they were

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