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Why do normies like Chernobyl so much?

clearly ghost written

Identity Thief was good.

They think it makes them smarter, like normies who like big bang theory

I watched it while tripping on mushrooms and I hated it. there was a continuous shift between the movie trying to be sentimental/emotional and funny. It was a terrible film to watch while tripping.

McDonald’s arthouse

>rotten tomatos hates the first hang over

its kino comedy

Did you miss the 'Part II' and 'Part III' in that image?

Attached: Hangover.jpg (752x321, 88K)


All the hangover movies are certified kino

I guess a broken clock is right twice a day

Turn out most of this series is made up bullshit. There was very little cover up and Gorbachev invited medical experts from around the world to treat patients
Guys still a hack

The Scary Movie slander is unacceptable
Those films are comedy kino

> There was very little cover up
The nearby town factually wasn't evacuated until 36 hours later.
The Russian leaders factually gave false radiation readings to Germany leading to them giving a extremely costly robot that never had a chance under the real conditions.
The flaws in the reactor factually were not publicly acknowledged until Legosov's suicide.

That is plenty bad enough and that's all the show showed.

Communism sucks

3 and 4 are garbage, dude. The first two are all right.

Mazin is such a faggot. He’s on twitter right now pretending he wrote any of this show with trump in mind when it’s clear from his own script it never entered his head until long after he realized he could get brownie points for claiming it on Twitter. Were he not blatantly lying about it and it had actually been a real part of his script I’d respect him for it but instead he’s just playing cocksuck on Twitter.

Craig Mazin is so obnoxious on Scriptnotes.

Social currency. You're not hip if you're not watching whatever show is the current flavor-of-the-month. Chernobyl is only different in that, like that other poster pointed out, it makes normies feel smarter about themselves.

Little triggered nazi

Orange fan sad

Blue twitter man scared

Thats what we call an anomalous result. Even a broken clock is right, twice a day.

Guy is shit, it is known.

People with TDS have Trump in mind whenever they do anything, from when they wake up to when they sleep.

I don't even know anymore if anyone is sincere on Yea Forums anymore
>scary movie 3
This man is delusional someone get him out of here

Why do critics hate comedykino?

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Name one thing in the shows writing about trump. It certainly wasn’t Gorbachev, who immediately believed both scientists he got reports from and sent Legasov to double check. It certainly wasn’t the fat middle manager mayor who didn’t believe science woman after she autistically barged into his office without an appointment and insulted him in the first minute of conversation. It wasn’t how every bureaucrat shown didn’t immediately do everything they could to help once they got confirmation what was happening.

This, it’s actually pathetic
>write something years before Trump takes office
>Trump takes office
>”I wrote this as a comparison to the Trump administration”
Little basedmale bitch... have so little respect for him for pulling a bitch card to that level. Same tier as JK Rowling

>this fucking scene

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I loved rocket man as a kid.

trump was the core because he's a hothead

Kids are like dogs, they'd eat their own shit if allowed.

never forget

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Bots and propagandists.

thats the mushrooms effect, Dumbass.

bros I don't think this guy is telling the truth...

Superhero Movie is fucking based, plus it stars /ourguy/ Drake Bell

Because historical events like that are inherently interesting. However normies can't digest it unless it's fed to them through a tv show or a movie.

Chernobyl is a coping mechanism after GOT disaster.

Over half the films in that grid are pretty good. Critics are idiots. What's new?

>getting this triggered that your favourite writer doesn't like orange man

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Part 2 was just as good as the first one

Scary Movie 3 and Scary Movie 4 are probably the two funniest films made since 2000.
They're both brilliant.
Scary Movie 2 is also pretty great.

Because it is well written, had great actors in it, accurately recreated the essence of life in Soviet Union. You are just tasteless contrarian that values some shit for shock value. Or just straightforward idiot that belongs to gas chamber.

lol sure

They were all white.
Not a single diversity cast in sight.
It was beautiful.

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Why can't we just get a good historical recreation without current bullshit?

not really it's all very obviously written with the same voice. He just had like a dozen different books and references and accounts and anecdotes that he could use and apply to the script.

And people poopoo people that write scripts for shitty comedies, but someone has to do it. It's not really the writer's fault if something like Scary Movie 3 isn't good. Those things are all just written around a writer's table with a bunch of hired punch up guys and then it all generally falls to the direction and performances to make it work.

And the reality is with Chernobyl that it could have been bad if it was in the hands of a less competent director and shittier actors. The script itself is just ok.

Thats the point exactly. They only showed the bad not the efforts at good.

Rocketman has some funny parts that to this day make me laugh.
>the isolation chamber

but the efforts of good came out after it was realized this was too big to hide, at first they tried to cover it up

Yes. Pretty accurately as it is possible.


They literally added a woman who didn't exist and made her a Mary Sue for yas queen points. As the zoomers would say..."bruh."

>plebs watching TV/movies while high
Fucking embarrassing. I can understand porn if you’re on a drug that makes you horny, or music if you’re on ecsta, mdma or coke but watching your regular program on shrooms??

Imagine believing any Hollywood depiction ever has been "accurate"

just finna check ya trips real quick