Anyone remember the hype this movie got?

Anyone remember the hype this movie got?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Most of us weren't even born when it came out.

>darth vader shadow behind him
>he becomes darth vader
holy's poetry because it rhymes.

yes and then The Matrix completely cucked it

I can't imagine it being bigger than TFA.

lol the shadow doesn't even match up, they really cared so little as to even get the smallest details right

I wasn't even born in 1999.


you sure?

I got my first job that Summer, stocking shelves at K-Mart. Those fucking action figures with the sound chips in them... I'll never erase the 8 hours spent hearing the digitized "I YAM QUEEN AH-MAH-DOLL-AH" over and over again.

Later I got fired for masturbating in the stock room.

I downloaded a 2 cd cam rip, based on three different camera positions, as soon as it was out

it's because two suns

Yes. I was hyped as fuck. Then I saw the movie and it was the greatest disappointment fuck that movie sucked

Were you masturbating on a queen ah-mah-doll-ah?

what retarded hipster "indie" flick is OP referring to? ohhh a kid in a desert, is he supposed to be Jesus? thats deep, man.

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no I was thinking about the girl that worked at the in-store Little Caeser's. she had gotten kind of fat and zit-faced from working there, but that day I saw her take off her greasy work shirt and she was wearing a tank top and I saw her arm pits and got so fucking horny I couldn't' control myself.

worst thing is my dad was the store manager.

>these are the people that you argue with everyday

Is this image trying to tell me that the little kid is destined to become a dickhead?

I was literally not born yet

t. 2000 chad

Zoomer gang zoomer gang zoomer gang

Why did people act like Jar Jar was the sign of the apocalypse? All he served to do is go around and do stupid shit.

Yeah, but then everyone realized it was shit. Some nice vidya came out however.

Jar Jar wasn't as terrible as people made him out to be and he actually served a purpose.

I was going to write something but after all the "I'm literally a child" replies I'm not going to bother anymore

Begone boomer

How’d they catch you

No, I was two years old.

And he didn't ruin the plot or get people killed like Holdo and Rose

the year 2000 was 19 years ago.

>The thread is full of zoomers
Oh no...

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co-worker walked in for another batch of Episode One bullshit and caught me. I should've just kept my pants on to do it.

Anyway I remember being astonished how many products had Star Wars on it. Obviously there had been huge advertising campaigns for movies before, but this was the first time I remember it was on _everything_. Like before 99, if a movie was popular enough, it would get its own cereal. Now, Star Wars as on Lucky Charms. But also, like, every other cereal. And on Pepsi and on Doritos and Twinkies and lawn chairs and plastic enemas and cat treats.... its common now but it felt very strange then.

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The film came out in 1999, 20 years ago.
Most 24-year-olds wouldn't even remember the hype.

I dont remember this character in Force Awakens. Must have been looking at my phone when he showed up

Hype turned out better than the film.
God damn when I first saw that trailer, and then the posters.
It was then that I distrusted trailers forever.
Don't get me wrong, I loved it at the time, or, rather, I didn't think long enough about it to start focusing on the stupid shit that pissed me off and still pisses me off today.
That only really happened when AOTC came out and I finally saw all this shit for what it really was.
Didn't help that I was an Aussie boarding school with about 400 cunts who all went to the AOTC screening with and picked that film to shreds.
God dammit australians ruin everything but that time, probably the only time, I agreed with them.

Not even memeing, this was the most hyped move in history
One of the most merchandised too
I saw it seven times in the theater

Brainlet, the Prequels are Yea Forumscore kino

Bruh 1999 you a ancient nigga

>zoomers being around at the time of Phantom Menace's release
There is a reason why Revenge of the Sith is so overrated with the zoomer crowd, it was the first Star Wars they watched (or remember watching), much like how millennials and the generation before remember A New Hope. Anyone old enough to remember Phantom Menace was already familiar with Star Wars. The same cannot be said for zoomers whose first taste of the franchise began with Revenge of the Sith.

why didn't you use the bathroom? spur of the moment?

Trying too hard to get on r/Yea Forums, here.

Nigger what parent wouldn't show their kids the OT first?

yeah dude I was sixteen and it was summer time i had to skeet like 8 times a day just to regulate.

I had this poster in my room

this is what i used to do when i worked at home depot after high school. like 3 or 4 times a shift.

jar-jar is so bad it's unreal

>worst thing is my dad was the store manager.
Holy fuck lad.


>I saw it seven times in the theater

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I thought jar jar was fine. But then again, I was 10 when I saw it in theaters.

Even today, jar jar doesn't really bother me. maybe it's being a parent myself, but as far as kid shit goes, it's not that bad.

I was only a few months old so no

It was my first SW movie
Went with my dad to cinema (I was 10) thinking wew let's see why my old man likes those Darth Vader movies
Came out being a star wars fag, even got the ps1 game

Growing up I realized original trilogy was the good one

I was 4. My dad got me hooked on the OT when I was 3 to get me hyped for this. I remember all the merchandise and overall hype surrounding it. It was awesome. Had all kinds of clothes, toys, games, even dinnerware and shit like that. TPM still sits at the top of the prequels for me. I didn’t really see the flaws until later but they don’t really phase me. I think it’s just cause I became so familiar and used to it. This poster is kino.

i only remember the pop cans

Yep. I was 10 and had the og trilogy special edition and the non special edition.

I already loved star wars and loved the episode 1. We had the Monopoly episode 1 edition, the Legos, video games.

Say what you want about the PT, the toys were legit. I feel sorry for kids today, the toys for the sequels legit suck and the sales show it too.

>I'm a 34 year old, socially isolated, obese man who pretends to have intellectual discussion on an image board, and I've had it with these pathetic 18-19 year olds coming into MY territory

Yes and I remember the disappointment.

I remember the Playstation game being really good for a tie in to a film franchise which were usually shit but Phantom Menace was great. I could never get past the Gungan level.

I had a cracked ps1 and the game was burned poorly so it would freeze every 20 min

I got to the palace level with the tanks.

One day soon it'll happen to YOU

Lol nope, I'm studying to be an air ambulance pilot, maybe I'll see you when they call us to airlift your 600lb corpse out of your tiny Yea Forums shed

Calm down it's just a joke, you seem to be taking this image board a lot more seriously than me

Just kys contrarian faggot

poster is better than the movie

Do you often get autistically mad at strangers on the internet?

Hype was unreal, SW was everywhere. I remember getting a shit ton of SW toys for birthday. Saw TPM with my dad since he was a fan of the orginal films and we did see the special editions. I recall liking the special effects but we were both bummed out when walking out of the cinema.

What a time to be alive.

Right before 9/11 and people were optimistic about our future. You could not escape the hype.

Question I've had for a while.

When episode one released was it basically universally known that anakin was bad? Part 2 in episode 2 did everyone know that palpatine was the Sith Lord? I was not that old and not that into Star Wars but I'd love to know what adults at the time were thinking. Did they see through all the shit immediately or was there discussion about who the Sith Lord was etc

Yes haha holy shit it was fun.

underage ba-wait
... fuck me ive wasted my life


I was 9 years old and I fucking loved it.

Also there was so much fucking merchandise everywhere. I remember saving up points found in potato chips to buy a plastic jar jar head with a sticky tongue.
It was second tier, top tier was a R2D2 projecting clock or a lavalamp I believe, but I was happy as fuck.

Somehow I saw the making of on TV which had Madonna's American Pie cover edited under it, and now that track reminds me of those old times. The 90's in which everything seemed innocent and fine. Miss those that feel.

Thanks for reading my blog zoomers, now excuse me while I rail that 19y old girl from your class on Tinder.

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Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan is how we found out my brother was fucking gay

>When episode one released was it basically universally known that anakin was bad?
>did everyone know that palpatine was the Sith Lord?
i didn't but my friend did so i think it was common knowledge

>top tier was a R2D2 projecting clock
i had that & the c3po record and speak head

The commercials for that movie were fucking kino

OLD MAN here

Before the movie played in the theater they came around the isles selling books about the making of/artwork for like $20

>i bought one

i remember the Hype all too well

and the Re-release of the Originals in theaters Before phantom came out

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>jar jar head with a sticky tongue.
Fuck I had one of those. The tongue got absolutely disgusting within seconds.

Saw it in thearers when I was on vacation with my parents. I remember there being merchandise everywhere. They got me one of those droid attack speeder toys after the movie.

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The marketing for this movie was so fucking good. How could anyone watch this and think it would be bad?

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>lying on the internet to strangers

You sound like an insecure asshole user-kun

Fuck I meant to post this as pic related

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These threads always bring out the zoomers.
Imagine being born in this millennium.

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It was pretty amazing at the time, funny enough it's the only prequel I have any nostalgia for (probably since it was shot on film and feels the most like a Star Wars movie).

Yeah, bro and I enjoyed the movie but I've not watched it since

>huurrrr moneh=qualiteh
matrix cucked phantom shit out of every oscar category they competed in. As sci fi action movies go, matrix shits on tpm.


Dont you have anything better to do than argue on an anime forum old man ?

>Re-release of the Originals in theaters Before phantom came out
I remember being so fucking excited for this

Story, please.

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>years from now the exact same thread will get posted same boomer vs. zoomer bickering will come up
and so the cycle continues

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Never post this embarrassment here ever again.
Especially in based prequel threads.

I was six at the time, good age to be. I had seen the original trilogy a couple times on my parents’ VHS tapes and I thought that Phantom Menace held up just as well as those did. Loved the aquatic scenes, loved the droids, loved everything on Tattoine, and of course the last duel.
The Taco Bell promotion was pretty sweet, the goal was to collect all of these tokens with the characters’ faces on them. Definitely led me to be interested in even the random side characters. The pod racing game was awesome. Had at least 2-3 action figures. Also every kid was into it so that definitely helped, no one was telling us it was supposed to be bad or anything like that, it was just pure enjoyment/entertainment

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still better than those shitty fights in TLJ

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I remember thinking it was okay just felt like it dragged too long in certain parts other than that it was a perfectly fine movie.

>be me
>at uni
>working part time in wage cage
>get in line for Ep1 first showing tickets on thursday morning @6am
>get tickets @10am
>go to class
>go to work
>get in line for midnight showing @ 9:30
>get seated
>whole room is electric and hype
>movie is a total shitshow
>crowd leaving could be marching into the gas chamber as they contemplate living the rest of their lives with what they've just seen
>quit job
>drop out of uni
>NEET life uber alles

Ep1 was the ultimate black pill.

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Sure, but who gives a shit, this thread isn't about that shitty flick.

considering it was reimagined because of the prequels, it felt right.

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hey b*tch
I'm only 30

It will be a hard night
at the movie theater
Do what you think you cannot do
Watch my movie
It will be
A hard night

>tfw 36

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Oh yeah ore-9/11 and no real reason to be cynical. Rap rock had poisoned the airwaves but things looked golden

>the toys for the sequels legit suck and the sales show it too.
Yep yep yep. That's what happens when you suck the adventure and excitement and idealism out of something.

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The podracing game was great

>tfw falling off top ramp on abyss

what is this boomer shit?

3/10 LARP, keep trying

I remember looking through the junk mail to see the toy store catalogs full of nothing but star wars toys.

>I’m an 18 year old faggot with literally no life experience, no job, and no family who thinks I know everything about everything.

How the fuck long did that take in 1999?

I was 15.
The hype was huge, you couldn’t go anywhere, watch anything or listen to anything without it being mentioned.
It was on tv, on radio, on busses, on Pepsi cans, on magazines. Anywhere you turned it was phantom menace.

I remember, was 13 at the time. It was fuckin everywhere. Morning shows talked about the movie and its fans more than the movie's runtime man. Themed notebooks. Toys everywhere. It made me hate it. Only watched it by 2008 on cable, just because. Turns out I liked it, and only then I got into star wars. I did watch the OT on the tele when I was a kid but never cared much for it until I was an adult.

this is a cringe to boast about on Yea Forums of all places. sickens me that there are men with families who come here

i waited in line for presale tickets all day and then watched it 4 (four) times opening day.

i don't think i've seen it the whole way through since then.

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I remember reading an interview with a guy who worked in the industry and was lucky enough to have seen a 99% complete version of the film about three weeks before it was released, with just some sound and dubbing work to be completed.

Against the tsunami of hype that the movie was generating, he must have seemed like a madman on a street corner shouting to the crowds unnoticed. He was basically trying to tell the world that it really, really sucked, but nobody would listen to him. Nobody was prepared for what that meant.

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>teenager who thinks they invented image board edgy humor

get off Yea Forums child

damn, Jay really improved himself

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I did like that it tried to cover the movie and bring in the original actors to do their lines but along the line they said fuck it and you can just slaughter everyone in a level

not him, but I had a T1 connection in 1999 because my dad ran a software company out of the house

literally the only one

Guy I knew bought a bootleg VHS tape on release for $200. Worst deal he ever made.

I was 11 years old

Fuck yeah I remember. It was my coming age realization that things fall apart. I was so goddamn jazzed about it. I had gone to see all the special ed rereleases of the PT and had watched the PT dozens of times on VHS and shit.

Even read the TPM novelization when it was released a month ahead of the movie. I remember just being generally confused by how stupid and boring the book was, and figured it was just a shitty novelization or something. So when I went to the theater on opening night, I was so fucked up about how the novelization was essentially just a scene-by-scene adaptation of the actual movie.

And then for like the weeks after it was released and all the initial event hype died it was like suddenly everyone stopped taking crazy pills and everyone was talking about how fucking "different" it was. I remember like Foxtrot comics, which had spent like a year shilling for TPM, had a comic strip like 2 weeks after it came out where the nerd character started to come to terms with how fucking shockingly not good it was, and it really kind of captured the "zeitgeist" at the time. It became a meme on all the comedy shows and stuff about how fucking bad the movie was.

By the time Attack of the Clones came out nobody at school gave a wet fuck about it. Everyone had already shifted over to circlejerking about LotR and Star Wars was as good as dead.

And it's important to remember that it was projected to be the highest grossing movie ever before it came out. Had the movie not been shit it likely would have been. But once WOM started spreading it ended up generally underperforming. Like this idea that "everyone liked Star Wars until Red Letter Media" is such a fucking joke. Patton Oswalt had done a great bit in like 2007 about them, and after Clones nobody on imdb was even really interested in trying to defend them all that much. They were really bad and it was the biggest cultural "pull the rug out" in movie history.

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deal w it fag

Shut up gramps, go slave away for your company

kino poster

1997-2001 was the greatest period in American history

2007-2011 was the worst

prove me wrong

the only good thing that came from the prequel trilogy was the world building that gave way to games like KOTOR and the comic books

even then, I wouldn't say the trade off was worth it
funny how history kind of repeated itself, though - TPM had a lot of people saying it was good and that other people were just haters. then clones came out and people started really waking up. RoTS happened, and yeah people still saw it, but largely recognized the PT as a failed series.
TFA came out, and everyone (even RLM) raved about how good it was - that it was "back to basics," and I felt totally alone telling people "yeah, it wasn't good. the characters weren't interesting and the story was contrived" now we're finally getting people admitting it was shit when it came out

>the American Civil War
>the Great Depression
>World War II
these were all better than the late 90s

>You will never come home from school, put on TPM video game on your Playstation and grab one of these out of the freezer

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Yes I do and that poster was kino

You would be wrong, the media was utterly saturated with it. It was involved in almost every product, every brand, in everyone's face before social media even existed.

I actually really like this movie. Although nostalgia has a lot to do with it.

This is especially sad when put together with the fact that staying on Degobah was what actually killed him. And Yoda knew it.

I remember a bunch of my friends buying tickets for completely unrelated films just to watch the trailer again.

lol someone took the picture instead of helping him

This board is for adults