Mass extinction event
/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General
I wish he would mine under my core.
Anyone got the cute blush kawai Legasov pic?
fuck ur gay shit
I love Legasov and would like to hold his hand and maybe kiss him on the lips
Need this
I just noticed that it looks like a bird.
Couldn't they have made a very long stick to push off the graphite from the roof?
Why didn't he tell the truth in the Vienna lads?
Whole thing was fake, the incident wasn’t that bad. The land around Chernobyl has been settled by Jews before the reactor was built, they sabotaged it to clear the area out and now they’re waiting for the “radiation levels” to “shockingly” read as “much lower than expected!” after which the region will be resettled entirely by jews and their enablers. Screencap this.
didn't want to get his head blown off....
k hon
>call themselves scientists and didn't even think of this
Я тeбя eбaл
biorobots are cheaper then long sticks, tovarish
Now get on the roof
Heт ты пидop, eптa
Didn't they have a crane with a big rug or something? I saw a picture several threads back
yup rug would work great user.
>wasn't a rug is was essentially a big chain link fence with glue on it.
Yeah, a sticky rug made out of metal
What did Legasov mean by this?
he wanted to plant his massive donger in all the higher ups that were responsible.
Why didn't they use cats? They love pushing stuff down and we're mostly already radiated anyway
>roof workers got 800 rubles while the divers got paid only 400
Was it unfair?
Can I get a tl;dr on it? How many episodes are there, is it good, is the serie done?
Divers got a yearly stipend of 400 rubles, roof workers got a one-time bonus if I'm not mistaken.
The divers all lived and 2 of them are still alive right now. God only knows how many of those poorly outfitted roof workers wound up dying horribly in a few years or months or even weeks or days.
He's delusional, take him to the nurse.
god I wish I were a higher up that was responsible then haha
I'm sure you do user, I'm sure you do....
How did the divers even survive?
>send men to get irradiated
>shake hands with them afterwards
Chance, it doesn’t affect everyone the same. Homeboy who held the door open that led right to the reactor lived to be 40, and he was literally at ground 0 and took shit from the core itself.
Bruhkhanov communist.
He didn't. He saw charred concrete.
Did they really use Lunochods irl?
I know there is some back and forth talk going on about how accurate the show is or isn't, and I don't doubt that some information is unnacurate, however, considering the technical aspects of the incident, was there really a risk of the newly formed melting matter(they called it lava in the show I think) melting through the whole structure and going underground, potentially poisoning all underground water and soil in the area? and whether miners actually dug a room underneath it to cool it down with nitrogen or whatever?
Would nuking the reactor have helped?
listen to the podcasts
There was a risk, but it wasn’t certain (which they admitted in that KGB holding cell). It ended up not happening, and what those miners did wasn’t necessary. But they couldn’t take the risk.
Sure, why not. Nukes make everything better.
Sand and boron more liek sneed and moron lmoa
It was a
>We are in this together
kind of deal
Everytime I search for Chernobyl HBO on YT and I got pic related instead.
Seriously, seeing a Hood Nigga with a Thanos Glove reacting to a Chernobyl trailer is hilarious for some reason.
Well, not that one
We would've got the closest thing to S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Dood, the pollution end up in Dniepr.
Soviets had other rovers? I thought that the majority of probes send to moon were just stationary.
you are casually walking outside and suddenly you taste metal, wat do?
Take the dick out of my mouth.
Watching the show actually made me want to try STALKER again. I tried to get into it a few years ago but I don't remember enjoying it too much and I eventually dropped it. Do you get to visit some interesting historical landmarks in the game or is it all some random places in the exclusion zone?
I heard that they drove one into a crater and than had problems getting it out
Could he have survived going over that roof to inspect?
Play with the mod that adds all cut content, it's much more fun
Come on...Lunokhod was a big thing, like biochod but better
Absolutely based Legasov
but jokes on him I'm aroused by old hags like Khomyuk
In Shadow of Chernobyl you get to visit Pripyat and the power plant, but it's quite limited considering exploration. The rest is mostly just fragments of real locations. There are some good mods that let you explore more like Call of Chernobyl.
No, the explosion had just happened and Legasov said with full protection you had 2 minutes for half your lifespan to cut off and 3 to die. He had no protection, a minute was probably enough to kill him.
What would her reaction be if someone recovered vasilys firefighter uniform and gave it back to lymilla with a big chunk of graphite and a dozen red roses.
>broke my game by entering those places before getting rid of the radiation
>never played again
Without protection I can't see how. All the people who have actually seen the exposed core have died AFAIK. The one that came closest is that guy we see holding the door for the two others who managed to survive for a few decades after that (with terrible health complications) but he was incredibly lucky and was never directly exposed to the raw core anyway.
Okay, I'll keep that in mind, thanks. I'll try to play the full russian version for extra пoгpyжeния.
She'd radiate joy.
>only now I realized this is cornelius 'bumboy' hickey
am I retarded?
Of course I know not that one.
This show makes me sad that I quit STEM. I want to be a comfy scientist like Legasov.
What was the point of the nurse mansplaining the doctor?
he was smol in The Terror, I can see why you didn't recognize him
You gonna get lashed for such ignorance
Why is he so cute and pure in this show and so nasty in The Terror?
You want to marginalize jews?
because it's his fucking job as an actor, to be able to play very different characters.
Yes please!
>30 years later you still get the same PJs in hospital
They were both doctors
tfw you don't get jack shit at the hospital I work in and all the patients walk around in gowns with their ass and balls exposed
Still better than those US hospital gowns. Are they a meme or are they real?
Those people are choosing not to wear underwear.
>people pay for this
People pay little or nothing in the one where I work at least.
Honestly speaking, what an all-around enjoyable series. Shame it's probably going to be a one of its kind (read: ACTUALLY good watchable shows) in a LONG time.
Still, what a great ride, definitely a show not to be surpassed any soon.
This, water protects from radiation
Why didn't they put the biorobots in watertanks?
Don't be. Being a scientist is a massive meme since what you can and cannot do is completely restricted by funding, which is governed by a panel of retards who believe whatever the media is telling them.
t. actual scientist
What if the water herself is radioactive?
Why didn't they just throw a bucket of water over it?
Is it worse to have to answer to a government grant board or a board of directors at a corporation? I imagine that both are annoying in their own ways, and that's a big reason I didn't become a scientist. The other reason is laziness.
its not
>water herself
>be scientist
>discover cure that will remove cash cow for corporation
>suicide by bullet to the back of the head
small steam explosion user
Most languages have gendered words user, you did know that, r-right?
Water is not female in English, use the English grammar for the English language.
The geiger went full retard when they pointed it at the leaking hole.
What this user said t. native to a language where water has femine gender
I've worked with both, let me tell you right now government is worse, by far.
Company directors tend to be fairly competent and if you tried to bullshit your way out you will get called out. Government run boards are complete wankfests and everyone in the panel has a different agenda.
Now that Chernobyl is the most popular thing amongst normies,
Will Hollywood approve a Godzilla in the style of Chernobyl ala Shin Godzilla?
Seriously, the showrunners of Chernobyl need to make a Godzilla film. Imagine a Godzilla film with Hildur Guðnadóttir's composition.
Right now as a doctorfag I'm restricted by pretty much the same thing. Dunno what it'll be like when I finally get out of this shithole country whose government until recently believed that vegetables cure AIDS.
Just finished it.
Why were people bitching about the ending montage saying it had a liberal taint?
Francis followed Hickey to the next dimension after they died in Canada
There will be an OA crossover, screencap this
Černobyl isn't hollywood. And Shin is very very far from your average normalfag's idea of a godzilla movie.
Yeah, I do, and you're not typing in one of them. I don't go on a Spanish imageboard and call you la maricon, do I?
I get the feeling that's true for mundane research that only advances things incrementally, but anything groundbreaking that threatens the status quo (and the bottom line) isn't going to be as easy within the private sector.
Aй кeн тaйп ин вoтeвep лeнгидж aй вaнт
But by far my favorite Godzilla movie despite me having watched a great many of them.
Also I don't like the idea of someone else owning your work because they funded it.
>Click here to join us
What did he mean by this?
>At least the radiation level was only 3.6 roentgen-
Someone make a Chernobyl-themed "No!" copypasta complete with an image of god tier and shit tier shows.
No you can't
Also Russian is a LGBT language because it officially acknowledge trannies as a separate gender.
I mean so is every gendered language then
>officially acknowledge trannies as a separate gender.
Why did the Soviet Union regard solving issues as showing weakness?
because they’re schizophrenic and paranoid about their ideology being criticized no matter how arbitrarily
Does that mean German is a tranny language because it has a neuter gender instead of just masculine and feminine?
what does the inside of a reactor core look like?
Because the first step to solving a problem is admitting there is one.
German is just gay, like literally the most homoerotic leather daddy sounding language on this planet
Russian is also kind of homoerotic sounding.
where is core chan?
Under 2 sarcophagi. Dying very slowly.
Legasov left alone and then shows Mickey Mouse, or rather his curve, a Soviet parody. It is symbolic, apparently Legasov in tv series was a curve parody of real Legasov
They also had a problem admitting Andrey Chikatilo was a thing. A Chikatilo show starring Harris would be neat-0.
This is different from say german where its
No Gender
No idea why windows are trannies but well thats russian for you.
The water wasn't exactly clean though.
Besides, water wouldn't explain it because even in the deepest parts of their path they only had water up to their chests I think, so it wouldn't have protected the most vital organs, mostly only the legs.
Literally never seen that word used in this context. Can ESL posters please leave?
You misunderstand. All the radiation was absorbed by the water and diluted. It wasn't in the air.
What the fuck are you even talking about. What makes you think neutral is an in-between? What makes Russian neutral different from German neutral? Is Latin a tranny language?
It's not enough to have these threads filled with terrible armchair physicists, now we have to deal with the terrible armchair linguists too? Make it stop.
>What makes Russian neutral different from German neutral?
You mean other than the fact that german neutrals is called neutral and russian is literally called "third gender"?
The fuck are you even about? Are you delusional?
>tfw no woman will ever love me like this
She stayed with him until the very end, even when he looked like burnt bacon
Do you have a source for that? Because that sounds like a stupid theory to me.
And the perfect tense is not actually perfection. The neutral is a third gender and the third gender is neutral. It has absolutely nothing to do with sexuality or gender as a social construct. Romance languages (with the exception of Romanian) only have two genders but they attribute them randomly to every noun, it doesn't mean anything either.
5 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 4
Okay, not all the radiation, but a lot of it. That combined with the protection from their wetsuits meant they didn't receive lethal doses of radiation. If you need a source on the ability of water to absorb and dissipate radiation, then you don't have the knowledge base to take part in this conversation.
Well your fucking inbetween can only be applied to objects, tf it has to do with hons?? dumb puto
Unironically, making a mechanical crane that was operated with gears and levers would've been pretty simple and effective
>General Tarakanov liked the series and said he fell a little bit in love with the man who portrayed him (Ralph Ineson)
based old russian
>Couldn't they have made a very long stick to push off the graphite from the roof?
You know how long the arm of the crane would have to be in order for the crew to avoid that much radiation?
And building the crane over the radiation?
Along with the fact that the entire arm of the crane would be super irradiated.
but in fallout all the water is radiated
Best bros 4 lyf
>in love
I hope he's not a pederast
But couldn't they just build the sarcophagus over the roof without pushing the graphite back to the core?
No. Too much radiation. You can't build something in 90 second increments.
They only had a few days, better to just throw manpower at it.
But like cover the whole power plant block instead of just the core
you still have to build over the core
Fuck me I watched The Terror to deal with my Legasov withdrawal and didn’t register that
Its funny because Cherniy is the russian word for "Black"
Also. Chernobyl means "black stalks", referring to the vegetation that used to grow in the marshes there.
Yeah but now you don't have to shove graphite from the roof back there, you just build over it
If they could have, they would have.
Every government is like that, not just the Soviet Union.
That's not fucking true at all. Communism definitely gets some things right that capitalist societies lack, but they were the worst in the fucking world as far as transparency went.
>That's not fucking true at all.
Every Government would've done the same thing the Soviet Union did with Chernobyl. They would've lied.
You're so full of shit, dude. Look at how Three Mile Island was handled vs Chernobyl.
Before I continue this discussion, I have to ask if you're some braindead fucking tankie who apologizes for everything the Soviet Union did and thinks the Holodomor was a hoax.
What would they think of Stefan and Jared if they were alive?
Look at how the Watergate Scandal was handled. Faggot.
"chernobyl" is actually common mugwort. It has a dark stem.
false equivalency, TMI evacuated for no reason and chernobyl didn’t until it was too late
>Every government is like that, not just the Soviet Union.
Which is why the largest nuclear disaster happened everywhere else, and not only in the USSR.
Answer the question. Are you a tankie?
>comparing Watergate with Chernobyl
Every Government would Lie. Cherrypicking retard,
>tfw no nuclear power plants in my counry
It's not fair
be the change you want in the world
>Every Government would Lie.
The problem with your reasonsing is, with Chernobyl was caused BY the Communist government. No outside force caused Chernobyl to 'splode.
In other nuclear plant related cases, the issues were caused by outside means, and the government didn't try to make them worse with their lies and general incompetence. There's really no comparison. Which is why what happened with Chernobyl has only happened with Chernobyl.
Are you a tankie?
>be doctorfag
>really sad that I likely won't ever see ARS in my life
I like what the writer said on the podcast, though. It could only have happened in the USSR, but the cleanup could have only happened there, too, because of all the sacrifices people made without question.
>but the cleanup could have only happened there, too, because of all the sacrifices people made without question.
Yeah it's akin to fighting a war when you've been invaded by another country. You either risk your life and fight or millions of innocents die horribly
>Communism definitely gets some things right that capitalist societies lack,
Fuck off commie
More like fighting a war after you accidentally invaded yourself because nobody wanted to tell the general that he was invading his own country
>Chernobyl means "black stalks"
Doesn't it derive from "chernobylnik" which quite literally means "Bitter Wormwood"?
Are you american? Nobody's saying the soviet gvt's actions were right, but do you actually believe your government isn't lying to you?
There's a song about it
You're a fucking absolutist retard and the exact type of person this show paints as a villain.
I know my government lies to me. I also know that it's far more transparent than the Soviet government ever was. There are good aspects and bad aspects to every form of government, but honesty is one that the Soviets lose on to every other one.
I disagree, communism is wrong to the core. Western societies are too socialistic in mind and behavior already.
Yeah, God forbid human beings have a sense of honor and duty towards things larger than themselves. You're either a sociopath or autistic; either way you're bad for society.
At least I'm not a commie.
The show speaks out against lies like that.
It speaks out against lies and politicking, not against collectivist mentalities.
Me neither. Autocratic forms of government are a cancer.
society is irrelevant compared to my own interests. This delusion of things being larger than the self, has lead to guilt and failure, it is time for people to let it go once and for all.
I got banned once for shitting on commies, and by Allah I will do it again if you make me.
But the fact that communism gets things right is a lie.
>It speaks out against lies and politicking,
Fuck this west degeneracy propaganda shit
Get back to your niggers filming Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs
Goddamn amerisharts
Go ahead. Communism did a lot of awful shit. However, telling people that they should do things for the greater good was not one of them
So which is it? Autist or sociopath?
Just finished the last episode.
Best show I watched in a long, long time.
I have pretty much avoided any thread related to this show - does Yea Forums pull out contrarian bullshit out off their asses to criticize it?
At the higher levels of the party, absolutely. But the selfless mentality of the average communist worker is something to be admired, and which we could all learn from.
>lacking the will to decide for yourself what is truly the greater good
Wake me up when Russia makes any cinema worth shit that isn't made by Zgyagintsev. Until then enjoy your big flashy CGI blockbusters that nobody watches because they're fucking asinine in every single way.
Better that is what it is. The greater good is a lie that parasites use to make one act against their own interests, it is always self destruction. Go ahead sacrifice yourself for the lies of others.
The problem is that a (((capitalist))) society places the good of the individual above all else, when sometimes the individual must go against his own best interests for the interests of his people. Never swallow the kikepill.
I'm gonna go with autistic, but it's still up in the air.
>tfw rewatching the series for the 3rd (and most probably not the last) time already
Best feeling ever. I wish we had more great shows such as this one.
>Now that Chernobyl is the most popular thing amongst normies,
I haven't seen this myself, I think the fact it depicts communism in a negative light is making it hard for normies to digest.
>implying an individual cannot and indeed doesn't frequently choose something larger than themselves to value
Anything calling itself "collectivism" is tyranny in disguise. Only individualist societies can do collective decision making instead of just enforcing the will of a small group of party bosses.
Most normies aren't communists, dipshit. Most leftists and socialists aren't even communists, and normies are basically all apolitical or centrist.
Yes sacrifice yourself for the people. Be a good cuck and sacrifice. Never mind your own interests, the people yes they deserve your toil you need to suffer for them.
Then why is our (((individualist))) society so fucking alienated and shitty and self centered? A century and a half of pure kikery has not down our culture or our souls any favors. Y'all niggas need Jesus.
>Then why is our (((individualist))) society so fucking alienated and shitty and self centered?
Progressive collectivism.
They are however sympathetic to it. They believe it is good in principle while it just doesn't work in practice.
Did you even watch the show? The sacrifice of individuals was necessary for the cleanup.
>enforcing the will of a small group of party bosses
So like any contemporary country that isn't an absolutist monarchy.
The sheer amount of powerful fucking scenes with great cinematography in this show sure is quite astounding.
>is Yea Forums contrarian
Don't ever call me your tovarish again, you don't even know me. I am your Comrade though, and I'll be up on the roof in 5 minutes.
Obviously we need the great sacrificial lamb. Remember the most virtuous person was the one who killed himself for the wicked. Come on good cuck sacrifice yourself for the world and for the wicked
Which is the exact sentiment the series has. It's dedicated to the selfless sacrifices of people working to fix a mistake caused by incompetent party dipshits who ruined a noble idea and brokered in lies and misinformation in order to hold onto their power.
You are thinking about social democracy. Not communism.
Okay, you are 100% a fucking kike. Don't ever reply to me again, Shlomo. This conversation is over; I don't associate with you subhuman cretins.
The fuck is this, that's not Isildur
I serve the /RBMK/.
Nah he's right. There's a reason you can openly identify as a communist on a college campus or work place and just be seen as kind of dumb or eccentric whereas if you identify as a fascist you're run out on a rail. There's a double standard due to sympathy for the idea.
Did you not watch the show. All those lives were needlessly sacrificed, because they thought it was ok to sacrifice lives and safety for the state. They wouldn't do robots, they wouldn't make safe rods and they employed commie quotas, no they needed sacrifices.
Did YOU watch it? They didn't make those sacrifices lightly, and if they didn't have to, they wouldn't have. Even the fucking writer said as much in the podcast.
Episode 4 is definitely my favorite. Some people think the dog hunting portion was a waste of time but I think it's really great. No only did u like the characters, but it also gave the viewer a feel for the everyday dude and what they were doing in the immediate aftermath. Some kid whose never been in a military or hunted before having to go hunting former pets because they're all irradiated. The mentor dude being tough, but finally leveling with him when they're eating, then the kid getting used to his job. It's all so good. And that is only a part of that episode.
That's sympathy for the mentally ill.
>college communism
And I was a buddhist when I was 12. So?
Yes, communism is to sacrifice your life for others while it not having to happen.
yes worship the god who is greater than yourself. Come on good goy SACRIFICE SACRIFICE SACRIFICE. Don't think about your own needs now
Yeah, of course your government now is more transparent and overall humane than a 20th century totalitarian regime when people were more easily controlled by propaganda. Doesn't mean the gvts nowadays do not attempt to cover stuff up and influence people by propaganda. So yeah, if something like Chernobyl happened in any other country, its gvt would lie, just not to such extremes as Urss did
>all these self-sacrificing idealists ITT
Why are you sitting in your comfy neethole on Yea Forums then? Go join Doctors without Borders or something.
Which is why I have been saying this entire time that the top level structure of communism is cancerous bullshit like all autocratic governments, but the sacrifice and selflessness of the average Soviet is something to be admired. Why is nuance so hard for the autistics to grasp?
Because I was raised in a kiked capitalist society and never grew the moral backbone necessary to sacrifice myself for the greater good.
Pfff they gave them a couple of rubbles and made humans do stuff that a robot could do.
>it's capitalism's fault that you're a hypocrite and a faggot
ok epic
>go help some niggers so they can keep killing eachother
Yeah, that will surely help humanity
Was his penis digital in this scene? It kinda moved jarringly as he walked towards them.
The idea of sacrifice and selflessness is the heart of the problem with communism. It is evil because it views sacrifice and selflessness as good. That is why it will continue to fail and if not fail be generally horrible
Just an example for a self-sacrificing thing one could do. I'm sure there's plenty in your own country if you just look, my noble and pure user.
People have been living in villages in the exclusion zone since like the 90s
The greatest moral good is to serve the interests of the self. The morally corrupted will always sway you from this, let these wicked starve.
t. non-Christian
I remember when Yea Forums was a Christian board. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
>communism is wrong to the core
Dumb shit
Let me explain some things about capitalism;
It's pretty simple here; it's more costly to operate a coorporation that is environment-friendly. However wealthy CEOs don't care about that, they only care about more profits, so if that means flooding the world with plastic shit and paying fines for having industrial wastes leak in the nature, so be it
War has always been about money. Just take a look at US troops in Afghanistan for example, why are they still there, are americans really threatened by a bunch of talibans with AKs and pick-up trucks? Pretty simple, the vast US military complex needs to be in operation at all times because that is how they make money. If they don't have "bad guys" to fight and troops to deploy, then they don't make money, therefore the US will always be in some random countries for bullshit reasons
*** I have to leave but I could add much more to the list ***
5 is good but the intensity of 1 and 2 is unmatchable
>american soldier throws himself on a grenade to save his comrades
>he is now a communist because he sacrificed himself
Fuck off commie.
I know Christianity was the start of this moral corruption.
You're a fascinating creature, sociopath-kun.
Remember all those eco-friendly pro-peace communist countries?
oh wait hahahaha
Yeah, it's almost like communist isn't good. Literally nobody in this thread has defended communism, just the ideals that communism is based on.
I wonder if any of you read this book
Don't forget who rules the world dipshit
I spent 3 months travelling across Cuba last winter and didn't see a single homeless person. However back in the US I see homeless people on almost every street corner downtown.
Why do you expect companies to act environmentally friendly when it is not profitable. Make it profitable is the solution, channel the demand for a good environment.
And as for war, this can only really exist with the mentality that it is good for the soldier to sacrifice for his country, they are heroes for sacrificing to the greater good. It can only subsist of altruism, to live for the sake of others(the country the people whatever) and not for the sake of oneself.
Not great, not terrible.
Selflessness and sacrifice are good things. Perverting the altruistic nature of people to serve your own self interests is one of the greatest evils there is.
Stick it out till you get into the 2nd or 3rd area of the game before you pass judgement. Game really picks up after you start to get non-shit military gear and guns that don't feel like you are shooting blanks. The opening act is really the weakest part of the game IMO. I would recommend doing at least 1 vanilla playthrough before installing mods of which there are many. The game is janky but it's really worth playing if you like the setting.
>to act environmentally friendly when it is not profitable
It's still profitable, simply less profitable. And that's only when your competitor starts to operate dirty and therefore can sell at a lower price, then you have no choice but to do it well
And what are you talking about war? All wars have been bullshit a damn long time
This is your brain on pure capitalism.
No they are the heart of evil. It is the this delusion that there are more valuable things than the self. To live for the sake of others is your self destruction, it is to turn into a slave.
There was no graphite...
What about living for your family? You've never loved anyone?
Capitalism is a spook. Marx invented the term to demonize what is right and natural in humanity. Literally all "capitalism" is is people being free to choose how to allocate their own scarce resources.
Then why didn't capitalism emerge till the late 18th century
If you love your family, then pleasing them is pleasing to the self. That's not selfless.
*Reads one page of Milton Friedman*
What you believe is literally a cartoon of real life, you'll grow out of it one day.
The problem with capitalism is what happens when some people have vast amounts of resources that they choose to hide in offshore bank accounts and horde like the greedy kikes they are.
You didn't answer my question. Have you ever loved anyone?
Of course I love myself and my family. To serve them is to serve my interests. Do I love my country?: no Do I love people in general?: no
so do I want to suffer for the sake of them.... no
Do you love your wife? You do have a wife, right user? ...right?
How old do you think I am? (Marriage is a scam anyway, if you are both independent you can get more tax reduction from houses)
It didn't.That's just when people started recognizing markets as decision making entities.
What about your girlfriend? Have you ever loved any of your girlfriends? And how are you going to love your family if you don't create one?
>*puts action in asterisk to pretend I'm not super seriously offended*
go back to something awful
Nothing wrong with that.
Of course, I plan to create a family when I am older yes.
It's wrong when there are people starving around the world and those fucking kikes are amassing fortunes they'll never spend in 10 lifetimes.
But have you ever been in a relationship with a woman? Have you ever felt the love of a person you're not blood related to? Have you ever loved them back? If you're older than 16, then it's pretty pathetic if your answers to those questions are anything but yes.
>implying if they didn't put that money in an offshore account it would somehow magically turn into bread on some Kongolese kid's plate
If these people can't create value to me, why should I give them food?
Empathy is useful if you can make mutually beneficial relationships. If the person can not create value... Why should I feel empathetic?
Empathy isn't a choice for neurotypical people, my dude.
If you don't see the problem but just know it, the reaction shouldn't really occur. There is no reason to interact with these people to induce an empathetic reaction.
welcome to communism, here's your car.
oh wait, you need to wait 30 more years until you can buy it, and only if you never spoke up against the glorious government who will only do the best for the people.
... actually I just got a phone call that your son made a joke about Honecker at school, we are sorry but your car is cancelled forever, your promotion as well and we are sorry that you daughty must not go to nursing school now, and if you try to flee over the wall, we will shoot you. thank you.
It’s cute how you people intellectualize these basic human emotions that you lack.
that's based blanky btw
Reason should overcome such primitive emotions.
I could make a similar post to yours mocking capitalism instead with some random shithole country and we both know this
Just take a look at picrelated and keep in mind it will only get worse
honestly the biggest mistake of the showrunners is thinking that i'd care about subhuman russian lives. i couldn't care less about that fireman's life, i skipped over most of it.
i'm glad that charnobyl happened in russia, humanity learned something at basically no cost at all.
They were Ukrainian.
Chernobyl thots time!
You're really trying to flex super hard there Suzy but its coming across as being a basement dweller with a pop gun.
saw that yesterday, becoming an issue now.
>i'm glad that charnobyl happened in russia, humanity learned something at basically no cost at all
Are you also glad about the modern Fukushima disaster in Japan or something like the major oil leak crisis that happened in the mexican gulf a few years ago? I don't get what you're trying to say here
same thing.
And you faggots actually believe that it was anything but 3.6 roentgen when you see pictures like this. Dyaltov is innocent and you idiots don't know shit about my fucking reactor.
>people unironically believe capitalism is good when 90% of the world is a shithole under capitalism
even in successful countries most people are living paycheck to paycheck and are suffering from mundane jobs and high depression rates
Capitalism is a failed experiment just like communism
i'm saying slav lives don't matter. the oil leak was much worse.
the difference is that successful capitalism countries exist
Even better tbqh I've heard Ukrainians are basically sub-Russians
they're as successful as communism was in Soviet Union
you're being held on a leash, given just enough to not create a revolution
To be honest in most capitalist countries the market is tightly regulated even with national currencies themselves being manipulated by national banks.
Why don't Urkainian lifes matter exactly?
The few I met IRL were friendly people
name a better alternative
Because true free market is impossible to implement theres always gonna be some greedy fucks that take hold of power and leech from everyone else
in a sense, true Capitalism was never tried just like true Communism, they're both dependent on people not being greedy for wealth and power which is impossible
no, it's just better stupid Tankie
Yes well done Sitnikov, well done, however! You didn't see graphite because it isn't there!
because i said so
you can meme all you want but people under communism in the Soviet Union lived better than people are living right now in majority of USA and without degeneracy
Young adults had guaranteed housing, a well paying job, free education and free health care
Yes no one was rich but no one was piss poor to live on streets or with 20 years of debts like your country has
How common is the name Valeriy for dudes? I'm a slav and I don't know a single male with that name.
Its very common in Ukraine and Russia
>let me travel the most irradiated part of the planet
>so I can show off my ass
do I need to have sex to understand this?
Still feels like a girly name to me because I don't know any Valeriys but a large number of Valeriyas.
Do Legasov's audio tapes not exist anymore or was that dramatized?
imagine if all the skin on her hands burned off
Pity it's text only, I would've liked to have listened to it in his voice.
Unfortunately, unless you go to places like the Red Forest or the Pripyat hospital basement(I wonder how much time is left until some idiot tries it, since nothing prevents you from entering), it's perfectly safe. The levels rarely exceed 0.5 µSv/h and a typical trip to the zone lasts between half a day and 72 hours.
t. someone who's gone there before it was cool