$300 for some fish and rice

>$300 for some fish and rice

Do people seriously pay this much for some weeb food??

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Other urls found in this thread:


Wrong board even though you're right

Because it was cut in a certain way this helps it taste nicer.

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$300 isn't a lot to some people.

As a general rule, people pay the money to go to expensive restaurants not because the food is literally ten times better than Applebees, but to not be surrounded by plebs. Same with first class air travel, luxury resorts etc.

Why do you post this over and over and over??

I guess $300 is a lot for you, so better that you eat grocery store sushi or Taco Bell or whatever better fits your budget.

I had some sushi once from a Fresh Choice buffet.. didn't much care for it.

Sushi is a waste of money! And gross!

I only eat the finest sushi, comped

How is it any different than spending >300$ on an alcoholic beverage?

yes stupid gweilo, raw fish very safe

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>"waaaaaah $300 for 20 pieces of sushi is too expensive!"

Ok virgins, lets calculate that.

>The restaurant only takes 8 customers per day á $300, that's $2400 maximum potential revenue that the restaurant can generate per working day
>Assuming the restaurant is open 6 days per week that's 24 working days per month
>The restaurant would have a maximum of 192 customers per month(8 customers per day x 24 working days per month)
>24 days x $2400(8 customers x $300) = $576000 maximum potential revenue per month
>Jiros buys the best quality blu fish tuna which costs around $220/kg
>Jiros buys the best quality short grain rice at approximately $55/bag(9.08kg bag)
>Since other items(onions sauce, ginger, sake) are required to prepare a 20 piece meal plan for each customer, we will assume they cost $100 per working day
>The restaurant employees 8 apprenticeships, each one of them probably receives minimum wage which would be $8.85/hour
>According to the film all employees work approximately 10 hours per day á 6 days per week that's total 240 working hours per month
>8 employees x 240 working hours each x $8.85 =$16992 in wages per month(you also have to add taxes and social security costs for all wages so we will round it up to $20000 per month)
>Since we don't know how big the restaurant is and how much Jiro pays for rent we will assume the average cost at $4000/month for a similar commercial place like Jiro's restaurant in Tokyo
>Utility costs of the restaurant like electricity, water, gas etc. which should be around $2000/month
>Average cost for kitchen equipment for a sushi restaurant are around $75000.

Now lets add up all monthly costs up:

>$20k(wages)+$5.3k(tuna per month)+$165(3 bags of rice)+$2400(misc costs per meal)+$4k(rent)+$2k(utility costs)+$625(kitchen equipment costs of $75k/10 years= $7.5k per year/12 months) = $34490 total costs per month/192 customers per month = $180 production costs per meal

$300-$180= $120 profit per meal (ROI=66%)

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Expensive ingredients doesn't mean anything.
Imagine being so slit-eyed you can't see the trees, let alone the forest. A kike in a cockroach's skin.

fuck why did i watch that

That doesn't look like a good cut

I didn't need autism to know that restaurants charge double their cost for food.

Double cost is nothing. Theater popcorn get's 1200% ROI from popcorn

I like how the poorfags take problem with food only because that's their only tangible subject

>paying millions of dollars for a car that you barely even drive? No problem.
>spending tens of thousands of dollars on drugs and alcohol every other week? Yeah it's probably that good stuff.

Only poorfags start these threads

>that will be 300 dorrarus gaijin
Why do stupid faggots fall for this? I can go to a local sushi restaurant and have it cost 10% for much larger portions, plus it tastes the same

>but to not be surrounded by plebs.
you talk like a little kid

well it’s flat rate per person which isn’t ludicrous for a fine dining experience. he apparently serves you a lot too and considering the attention to detail he has like serving based on your handedness, I think he’s alright. I know this is a meme though

>dude my local sushi is the same as sushi with literally the best extremely expensive bluefin tuna on the planet from the Tsukiji market lmao
yeah man it's the same, nice cope

>it's good because it costs a lot
good goy

This. Looks extremely cheap. Literally a supermarket or those Chinese food places that also serve sushi.

inmature people need status symbols and marketing teams take advantage of their insecurities

>dude there is literally no difference between quality of fish lmao
keep shoving down those canned walmart beans

This thread has been posted so many times. I’ve probably witnessed it myself now at least 8 times over the course of the last few weeks. How many times do you have to ask the same question before you get an answer? Or is this just something that you want to argue about, so you post it incessantly? Are you so bored and lonely that you have to post repeat thread after repeat thread, desperately seeking some validation or for someone to talk about the subject matter that you are currently obsessing over? Get a life and have sex, quit burdening the world!

>*pay hundreds of dollars for a single slab of steak that's barely even termally heated*
>oh yeah it's probably that good stuff
>*pay three hundred dollars for a 20 course meal with best fish selection in the world*

My local sushi is better. At least it isn't radioactive

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>it's high quality because it's expensive
good goy

its real life kino
a lonely spammer displaying his misery online in front of me its a pleasure for connoisseurs like me

Do you have any idea what Yea Forums is? It's just recycled memes.

>Expensive ingredients doesn't mean anything.

Does your mom still heat your tendies?

The good stuff is only sold at street vendors in Asia.
Prove me wrong, you can't.

>it's good because it's expensive
good goy

>Jiro Dreams Of Fingering Boys

Yeah, currently. This isn’t a meme though, this is just a forced thread that gets posted over and over again and literally has the same posts each time. This one is sad and pathetic, unlike rehashed memes which are just annoying.

Who would win in a fight: Jiro or Warwick Davis? Jiro gets his sushi blade and Warwick gets brass knuckles.

>this thread again

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Why are you samefagging you colossal homo??

300 dollars isn't that much for a lot of people. I don't know if I'd drop that for sushi but a tasting menu at a 3 star restaurant once a year or so I'd be fine with that.

I only posted two of those you retarded fucking mong. Why are you amazed that after weeks of posting the same goddamn thread daily begging for people to talk to you about this dumbass shit people are starting to call you out for the little freak that you are?

oh im sorry sweaty thats incorrect

also sage

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The Chad Jiro vs the Virgin user with No Taste

Is this the most rewatchable documentary ever made?

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Yes, usually that is the case

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So who is the fatass sperging out in this thread? Is there a name for him?

ikr japan is soooo superior
her culture is so badass
do u have a katana?


aaaaand this is how a zoomer admits defeat :-)

Yikes! Cringe!

>le fresh sushi

I regularly go to the sea and fish up fish that I grill then and there. Nothing fresher than that. Fuck off KEK japanese. NEVER speak to me again.

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good sushi isnt actually fresh you peasant

I'd accept that if Jiro's restaurant wasn't a supermarket line. They force you into eat that shit in 20 minutes and then broom you out of there so the next dumb fuck can pay another 300 dollars.
300 dollars for a couple of hours in a good restaurant with truly good food is fair. At Jiro's? Fuck that shit

Glad you admitted defeat user

jiro is a franchise now, they have restaurants all over the world, hes a meme, only redditors love him

>Glad you admitted defeat gaijin

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Sushi restaurants like this generally only serve a small amount of groups per night. Each course generally has a drink pairing. They will savour it, cleanse their palates for the next course, converse with the chef, etc. Sushi Noz in NYC only does two seatings of 8 people per day.

what a great scam, i bet millenials feel really special

money-laundering scheme

Its not for millennials its for anyone with disposable income. The market dictates the price, not the sushi chefs. They charge what people are willing to pay. It doesn't make it a scam. You can apply your stupid meme to literally anything that costs a lot of money. I bought a painting yesterday for $260. My girlfriend liked it. I bought it because I could afford it and we wanted it. Millionaires buy them for millions. It's as simple as that.

>he doesn't know about the Chile event that was worse than Chernobyl

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>My girlfriend
ignored larp

Chernobyl season 2: south american buggaloo

This post again. . . . . Dude, try something new. This is lazy and pathetic.

>lol they just want it
the thing is why do they want it
why do people need to show the apple logo in their devices? millenials were being molded by marketing teams for decades, i guess older people can be like that too.
the whole meme of talking with the chef, its a great strategy too, they are selling cheap stuff to juvenile people (of all ages) they can sell them tap water for 100 dollars too if jiro says its from okinawa. the same with art, a great way to launder money and charge whatever you want to gullible idiots.

>why do people need to show the apple logo
Dude it's not even close to the same thing, quit with your bullshit brainlet false equivalencies. You don't get a badge saying you ate at Jiro's or wherever else, you just get to go. If you liked it you tell your friends they should go, if you hate it you tell them it's shit and not to bother just like literally any other fucking restaurant on the planet. If people want to pay to go and have sushi made with the best ingredients by someone who has dedicated their life to preparing it just so and in a quiet, intimate environment then let them. It's not even an every day thing. It's basically a valentine's, anniversary, or birthday thing. $600 for a cool, intimate meal between you and your partner on a special occasion is not that much money. You can easily spend just as much at a crowded fine dining joint with a server who doesn't give two shits about you, wait an hour for your food to be under or overcooked, etc. Get the fuck over this expensive sushi crap. Quit fucking posting here.

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When it comes to food that's usually the case yea.

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>cuts piece of raw fish
>places it on ball of unseasoned rice


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the vast majority of his customers are japanese

That would be a literal insult to him though. Not everywhere is Burgerland with 25% tips on everything.

sushi is the most pleb food out there desu

>You don't get a badge saying you ate at Jiro's or wherever else,
yeah they will take pictures and talk about it in instagram, you talk like a salesman too

"$600 is nothing compared to have a good intimate time at this fine restaurant, we only use fresh ingredients, the asian atmosphere, a truly unique experience i repeat $600 is peanuts compared to this great experience anything less is mcdonalds"

yeah the restaurant is located in fucking japan

>anything less is mcdonalds
I never said that or even remotely suggested it. I said that $600 for dinner for two is not much different from what you would pay at any fine dining establishment. If you want to take your girlfriend to McDonald's for your anniversary then fine. Most people don't. They go to a nice place. Simple as that. Get the fuck over yourself idiot you're just fishing for You's. This is the last one you're getting from me.

japanese i.e. not gaijin you fucking retarded industrial cock inhaling faggot

it's also a way for nouveau rich to pretend they actually have class, are better than other people or to essentially show off

>people with money spend money to feel good
>literally describing the entire foundation of capitalism

>quality food isn't allowed to be expensive

Why does OP repost this same thing every day, and why do people respond to it with the same thing every day?

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I thought capitalism was about making money, not frivolously spending it.

Can I get the picture of him holding a gun?

because its tv

Don't knock nouveau rich until you have tried it. I have been both poor and rich in the arc of my life. The odd thing is that poor people actually look down on you and refuse to accept you as an equal just as much as rich people do. The only thing that changes is the language. Poor people will call you fag, tosser, bender. Rich people will call you nouveau-rich, last-season, passe and so on. At least if I'm rich, I'm also not likely to be hungry or cold.

84 replies and counting baby!


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it's actually a pretty good scam. I don't actually mind paying for something if it's actually good or worth the quality but a vast majority of this shit is either forced scarcity or hipster shit that's more "experience" than actual food

anytime someone makes money it means someone else spent it, retard

>Don't knock nouveau rich until you have tried it
I've been poor as well and while I wouldn't call my self rich I'm solidly upper mid class now. bordering on being 1% by the time I retire. I can appreciate and understand why some people get 1st class plane tickets and try out 5 star hotels but it boggles my mind how some people would actually find some of that hipster shit is worth it

a lot of the old rich people laugh at new rich people because of their behavior not so much because they just recently got rich think rappers blowing wads of cash on cars and retarded amounts of jewelry or those new rich chinks in china blowing retarded amounts of cash on art to make themselves seem more sophisticated

Okay, and?


This is the problem with zoomers

>I thought capitalism was about making money, not frivolously spending it
Its not about either or, it's about both.

Zoomer redditors will unironically complain about jiro while wearing Supreme brand clothing


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cringe af

Clown world