Why was this so weak if they had nearly 4 years and the original writer?
Why was this so weak if they had nearly 4 years and the original writer?
I rather enjoyed it
It wasn't weak. It was better than pretty much anything else released in years. If you compare it to season 1 yeah it was maybe weak but then again nothing compares to season 1
what's it like? i dropped after the first 5 minutes
because pizza is a hack
I'm trying to watch season two but can't make it through the first 30 mins, does it get better?
I thought it was really good.
They built up all this shit then the nig just forgot about the case and regressed to Nam at the end.
Fizzled out over the season like a low energy fart.
Didn't like it.
First season was a fluke.
It wasn't weak, just nothing ground-breaking. I honestly wouldn't mind if they stuck to the formula for new seasons. I don't really give a shit about originality, not when it comes to detective shows
so did the first season
doesn't matter if it gets better, if you can't commit to even 30 minutes then you don't deserve to find out, do you? drop it and never fucking mention it again
They need to just give the fans what they want- unfettered Rust traveling around executing pedophiles with Marty. Marty wastes time starting relationships with bar floozies while Rust gets drunk and researches and tortures informants. Occasionally Rust mows one Marty's gf's lawns. Pure kino.
>dis keeds
I wish they would've made it more clear what timeline it was instead of jumping all over the place. It felt too jumbled
>so did the first season
I'll kill you
it was weak because it followed the """"""""subverted expectations"""""""" meme shit. why the fuck would i want to invest time into 8 episodes of a show if literally nothing happens at the end and nothing gets a satisfying payoff
>hint at a possible connection to season 1
>lol jk it was a rich lonely crazy lady all along
Because the original was a fluke. The fact that people believed the second season was bad becase it was 'rushed' is just hilarious.
Probably because nothing really mattered in the end. Almost everything they set up as some big "thing" turned out not to be.
The original writer got caught plagiarizing so it makes sense he can't write anything original
season 2 was great, I wish I hadn't remembered so much due to all the threads the past 4 years since it aired I can't even rewatch it due to how much I remember