What’s your favorite Max Landis film?

What’s your favorite Max Landis film?

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I liked Bright.
Also that weird tv show he had was neato.
Those are the only things he's done that I know of.
Also the wrestling documentary was kino as hell.

Max, did I ever tell you about the time your father organised a dangerous film shoot despite several warnings from experts, which resulted in the deaths of actor Vic Morrow and two children, and that because he was wrongfully acquitted, he had the opportunity to raise you, and that only nepotism allows you to continue your career as a mediocre screenwriter?

He was a good friend.

Attached: Goyim, Please.png (574x600, 65K)

Max hasn’t written a single thing actually worth watching. He can write a decent time waster like Bright but even then he does it by following a generic formula and using an idea that’s been done much better countless times.

American Ultra or Chronicle

Chronicle. The concept brought nothing new to the table but I loved it

pls stop that.

unless you know him personally you really should refer to him as mr. landis

>twitter roasties still mad at him
His movies are mediocre but I like the guy just for pissing bimbos off
Years later and they are still upset he called Rey a Mary Sue

Actually I would prefer it if you called me Sir.

I'm convinced he could be less effeminate if he only tried to, why won't he try?

Now they're calling him an abuser and rapist.
Personally I'm waiting for the goddamn dick pics. How does every other person have dick pics leaked but this guy's inevitable four-point-eight inch dick does not?

Bright, it was a great movie.
Plebs try to force allegory into it though, but it really isn't needed.

>Bright, it was a great movie.
So much of that movie was so right.


Can he possibly recover from this?

my faborite moobie is cronkle.
iz gud moobie.


cronkle a best

Is that the kinda superhero movie?

The one where his dad killed people and got away with it

But the only reason chronicle worked was because of Josh 'The Tank' Trank.

Landis (both of them actually) are utter shit. Max has interesting concepts but the actual executions (the scripts, not movies) are bad. His dialogue is trash.
At least his Dad gave us three good movies. Too and he's a horrid human being that Hollywood still accepts but would rather not talk about Casey Affleck. Fucked up

>The Birdemic chick?

Kek. At least she's self aware and on BD

I like the one where he RAPED A WOMAN

they should make a movie based on that "Green valley" comic he wrote. the only piece of media i've ever thought needed to be put on the big screen

the famed son of John Landis-helicopter-on-top-of-Vic-morrow-and-those-two-kids who only has a career because of his dad.

fuck no
especially not after she shares exactly what he did to her

Hes an incredibly unlikable and pretentious prick, but he has really awesome movie pitches. If you ever see him on Movie Fights or watch his Death of Superman reboot idea its kino as fuck. Too bad every time he doea make a movie or fucking blows. Chronicle was decent but Bright was fucking garbage. In fact, Bright might be the perfect example of a Max Landis movie: awesome concept, bit with an execution that is complete ass.

He's got a nice chin, but Jay says I should hate him so I do :(

The one where he thinks saxophones are synth bagpipes.


It's because all his ideas moderately shallow wish fulfillment for postnerdcultre psuedo nerds, diluted by marketing.

>it's a "he did horrible things but we won't tell you what it was just take our word for it" episode

Local Boston show where they go around to different towns in New England

For the most part, this.
I want some goddamn receipts. Makeup YouTubers are far more catty than #MeToo girls and even they know to provide receipts, goddammit.

Fuck off Max

Anime actually.

I love Max and I miss his mini-videos about writing and pitches and stuff.

My two favourite Max Landis videos-



The one where the main character gets away with killing a man and two illegally employed children with helicopter blades in a unnecessarily dangerous and irresponsible stunt. The ending is great when he never apologises for it and his career continues unscathed, and his name alone allows his talentless son to break into the film industry,

Max, those children had names. Myca and Renee weren't even supposed to be on set; your dad hadn't even filed for the proper permits and was in violation of California child labor laws. Not that a folder full of paperwork would have saved them. But boy, John and I had to laugh about that.

We go way back.

His dad made blues brothers so it’s ok.

That CRJ essay, absolutely kino