ITT: Yea Forums in 1945
ITT: Yea Forums in 1945
Boy I sure do hate Jews
Any kino about male friendship?
I'm gonna miss them lads
Bros we did it, we defeated Htiler and the Nazis! I wonder what the future generations will say about our heroic victory...
anyone else getting tired of all these Universal monster movies? Hope they give up on this "shared universe" gimmick. What will the next big trend be, fellas?
Remakes and then remakes on those remakes
I heard they're trying to make a comic book movie. HA get a load of that trash, jimmy.
Oh my god. Another Flash Gordon serial next week followed by the Green Goddess. HOW DO THEY KEEP MAKING IT MORE AND MORE EPIC EACH TIME?
The new generation is shit and everything was better in my day
Japanese media is the worst shit on the planet. They should just bomb the fucking place and start over.
That would be perfect to watch with my wife and her asiatic rape-child.
I hope this means our grand children get to live in a prosperous world of vast opportunity where men are strong, intelligent, and brave, women are kind and loving, science and art work together to bring us to our full potential, and everyone can get ahead as long as they work hard!
I was in Normandy last year for operation overlord. This year? Wars over, I get to go home and find a job. Life's gonna seem pretty lame in comparison to the war...
you didn't even have cinema in your day, you villain
>moving pictures on the nickelodeon were most kino
I'd go fisticuffs with you had we met in person
good thing we'll always have segregation
I'm going to miss raping german qts desu
fuck niggers
Your generation are a bunch of godless degenerates, gadding about with your clean water and food. World's going to hell in a handbasket.
bad news, fuck boy.
elvis presley is dead!
They're already calling us the 'Greatest Generation'. Probably because we cleaned up the mess that those Lost Generation cucks left behind.
Can't wait for my children to inherit the world we built and continue to secure peace and prosperity desu
Casablanca is kino